- "etemplate" handler replaces the appname with etemplate
- uietemplate::js_pseudo_funcs() replace xajax_doXMLHTTP('etemplate.xyz_widget.method', with xajax_doXMLHTTP('currentapp.xyz_widget.method.etemplate',
--> fixes the not working new link-widgets in trunc (not working for non-admins / no etemplate run rights)
- new function js_pseudo_funcs used for onchange and onclick:
+ form::name('name'): translates name in hirashical form-name used by etemplate
+ egw::link('url','vars'): calls $egw->link()
+ confirm('message'): translates 'message'
- date-widget does no longer set extension-data if readonly (not used and can conflict with other widgets using the same name, as it was the problem in PM)
- select-widget: fix for "can not unselect the last category"
- red error-messages have now a "white-space: nowrap" for nice formatting
- confirm-message did not quote single quotes (') correct, which caused the complete confirm dialog to fail and allways execute the button
- readonly textarea's without column and row specification are rendered now as <pre></pre> to only take space needed
- improved printing:
+ disabled unnecessary UI-elements in nextmatch
+ nextmatch has now selection for the number of rows to display
+ nextmatch-filters (selectboxes) are now printed as text
Admin can now define multiple addressbooks each with an own edit / view template and an own icon.
Atm. all Addressbooks are stored in one backend, but this will change soon^tm
2) several imporvments for the link-widget
- it uses now popups, if the link-registry says so for a given app
- new widget to add an already linked entry of an other app (used in PM so far)
- new widget to display a single link to view a linked entry
2) grid and template now only temporary set $readonlys['__ALL__'] if they are readonly (before that was permanently set and made all further widgets readonly)
- fixed a double translation on the help text of the extra_link
- running the help-text through expand_name now to allow eg. row specific helptexts in nextmatch rows