- sqlfs can store now symlinks (implements symlink and readlink)
- vfs resolves symlinks before calling a mounted stream-wrapper
--> symlinks can be between different mount-points
- filemanger can create symlinks and follows them
- etemplate vfs_widget displays symlinks (to be improved)
Happy testing :-)
+ path with clickable components
+ human readable size, mode, ...
+ mime icon with integrated thumbnail creation
- link widget uses now vfs-mime for it's icons
- thumbnail creation is now switched on with size 32px by default, it can
be switched of by the admin or user, in doing so explicitly
- mime-icons are moved from filemanager to etemplate, as not everyone
installs filemanager
- filemanager has now 3 display modi:
+ Current directory (with subdirs always on top)
+ Subdirs sorted in
+ Files from subdirs (shows recursive all files and you
can click on the path components thanks to new vfs widget)
The select_widget allways used the cats of the current application. That's still the default, but it can be overwritten now via an option. The nextmatch_widget has now and optional parameter 'cat_app', which defaults to the app of the get_rows method.
- improved printing:
+ disabled unnecessary UI-elements in nextmatch
+ nextmatch has now selection for the number of rows to display
+ nextmatch-filters (selectboxes) are now printed as text
2) Step #1 of removing eTemplate's limitation on allowing only a grid as root element of the widget tree (which can NOT directly contain further grids, thought references to other templates/grids are ok). The storage layer allows now a real tree. Redering and editing only works on the old data variable, which is now a reference to the first grid in the tree.
More to come ...
- needed (= not to be empty) fields are enforced now
- min and max values and format of int and float fields
- validator for text-fields (perl regular expression)
The input-validation is handled completly withing eTemplate, the application dont need to implement any code, just set the right attributes in the template. Validation-errors are displayed in red behind the concerning field, try the template 'etemplate.validation-test' in the editor.
- load_via works now in boetemplate::read
- included templates are relative to the includeing tpl, if they contain no '.'
- xul_io is alway writing the comple/absolute name
- HBox gets width=100% if alignment other then left set (new!)
- added links as 2. option to label
- added header function to uietemplate