Klaus Leithoff
calendar/addressbook/API: introduce hook to fetch the export_limit to be applied for an app; introduce method to test if a specific hook exists for an application; fetch the export_limit via hook where appropriate
2011-09-15 14:46:56 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager/WebDAV: understand Windows7 modification time attribute and setting and returning is as vfs modification time
2011-09-15 12:14:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
if nothing left in queue, stop interval-timer to give browser a rest
2011-09-14 14:22:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed fatal error, if there are no parameters
2011-09-14 14:22:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
local caching and queueing of egw.link_title() requests
2011-09-13 19:55:06 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Basic egw.link_title(_app,_id,_callback,_context) method.
Plan is to run a clientside cache and own queue for link_titles, as server can query titles for N id's for a given app more effiently then N separeate queries.
2011-09-13 18:23:43 +00:00
Ralf Becker
ability to queue ajax requests on the client and send them as a single ajax request every N ms to the server
a) instead of a single request like: new egw_json_request(menuaction, params).sendRequest(true, callback, context);
b) you call: egw.jsonq(menuaction,params,callback,context)
The server callback is identical for both kinds of requests. All egw_json_response methods can be used and the callback is optional.
2011-09-13 17:27:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed serveral issues around cached config:
- changing config in setup did not update or unset the cache --> instance was NOT using it
- new installs failed, because cache was not configured
- cache command to not configured cache gave fatal error, now they throw a (catchable) exception
2011-09-13 09:25:25 +00:00
Ralf Becker
egw.link(_url, _vars) method and using it for JS event handler
2011-09-09 19:41:09 +00:00
Ralf Becker
no need for db schema on the client
2011-09-09 14:56:34 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Changed loading order of dhtmlxcommon
2011-09-09 14:50:50 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Included dhtmlx js files in egw_menu_dhtmlx.js, fixed problem with removing action objects, improved egw_include_mgr a bit
2011-09-09 14:03:18 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed problems with include manager. Includes like 'phpgwapi.jquery.jquery.ui' do now work.
2011-09-09 11:41:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
implemented link attributes for image-widget and added them to xulio, some docu for describtion
2011-09-08 20:44:53 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add a place for egroupware to tap into file request before it's sent
2011-09-08 20:32:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- implemented new egw.link_app_list(_must_support) and egw.link_get_registry(_app, _name) methodes
- using egw.link_app_list('query') in link widget (no need to transfer it additonally)
- added some more docu to egw object
2011-09-08 12:24:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed typo causing search for group-members to fail for accounts in sql
2011-09-08 09:57:32 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add some jquery resources - CSS and icons.
2011-09-07 23:32:03 +00:00
Ralf Becker
respect restrictive account-selection "groupmembers" and "none" when linking with accounts and sort search for accounts alphabetically
2011-09-07 16:44:00 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* API/Calendar: allow to link to accounts and allow to select accounts as participants by searching them like contacts
2011-09-07 14:47:51 +00:00
Ralf Becker
% should be encoded, but easily leads to double encoding, therefore better NOT encodig it in egw_vfs::encodePathComponent()
2011-09-07 08:40:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
deal with parsing of query parameters appending an "=" to "?download", accepting "?download=" too
2011-09-06 07:23:02 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager/WebDAV: #?+ and chinese characters working now in filenames
2011-09-05 10:25:28 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Async file uploads
2011-09-01 22:07:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
make basic data of current user available via egw.user(_field)
2011-08-31 12:17:34 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- fixed image map was empty created when not loged in (now directories are used and not $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'])
- fixed not working vfs-image-dir
- deleteing image-maps when:
+ apps get installed, updated or removed
+ admin >> register hooks
+ admin >> site configuration: vfs-image-dir get changed
- fixed not displayed validation errors (thought there were no validation) in admin >> site config
--> you need to register hooks, in order to get the admin >> site configuration validation hook ;-)
2011-08-31 10:16:12 +00:00
Ralf Becker
forgot to switch of error_log for not found images, as that happens regulary in some parts of EGroupware
2011-08-31 08:01:18 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed not working jerryr template set, needs image_on and previously not working template image dir
2011-08-31 07:52:19 +00:00
Ralf Becker
using php5 constructors
2011-08-31 07:50:28 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- if image not found, check if it might contain extension and try without (better is not to use extension at all!)
- changed default to current app as in API, but it is not yet working, because egw object runs in framework for jdots :-(
2011-08-31 06:26:05 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new clientside image-name to url map: egw.image(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
eg. egw.image('favicon') returns '/egroupware/phpgwapi/templates/default/favicon.ico'
--> pondon to serverside common::image($app,$name) method
2011-08-30 22:19:38 +00:00
Ralf Becker
re-added common::find_image() and common::image_on() as deprecated
2011-08-30 22:16:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
use one instance specific image_map to translate between image-names and URLs, which can be transfered to the browser for etemplate2 (next commit)
2011-08-30 22:03:17 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* WebDAV: allow locking of not (yet) existing files to create them
- failed before as there are no write-rights for not existing files
- now we check for not existing files the write rights of the parent directory
2011-08-30 17:03:34 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Initializing configs variable with empty object, to have code running standalone
2011-08-30 09:15:00 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add base64 functions for communciationg with felamimail
2011-08-29 21:14:09 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Filemanager: "Save as" option for files to force download and not open in browser
2011-08-29 08:40:22 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix bug reported on devel-list:
egw_cache::get_provider(Instance) no provider found (error instanciating provider egw_cache_files: egw_cache_files::__construct() server/temp_dir
--> made egw_cache::get_config_value public, so egw_cache_files can use it and for regular egw sessions read install_id and temp_dir together with system_charset, before calling config::read()
2011-08-29 05:58:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['lang_ctimes'] is now an array
2011-08-28 12:48:31 +00:00
Ralf Becker
egw API update missed in r36331:
- sending EGroupware configuration (non-sensible stuff) to browser and make it available via egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
- sending link-registry in the same file
- used javascript file uses etag to ensure there's no need to load it on each request
2011-08-28 08:28:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
add backtrace to failed includes, to see where it comes from
2011-08-27 08:48:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- sending EGroupware configuration (non-sensible stuff) to browser and make it available via egw.config(_name, _app="phpgwapi")
- sending link-registry in the same file
- used javascript file uses etag to ensure there's no need to load it on each request
2011-08-26 16:27:57 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- config is now cached on instance level
- arrays in $GLOBALS[egw_info][server] are now automatically serialized and unserialized
- new static method to check if user is export-limit excepted
--> saves to query it on each request (for non-phpgwapi, which was already cached in the session)
2011-08-26 13:50:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- dynamical (synchronious) loading preferences (other then "common") from server via egw.preference(_name, _app)
- setting preferences on server via egw.set_preference(_app, _name, _value)
- enable calling of active framework / template class via using egw_framework instead of not known used framework class of user, eg. "home.egw_framework.ajax_func.template" instead of "home.idots_framework.ajax_func.template"
2011-08-26 09:34:18 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
fix problem with double encoding html special chars (introduced with rev36141)
2011-08-26 08:21:04 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix for community.egroupware.org bug #3027 : Open item in element list no longer working
2011-08-26 07:31:18 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
additional check for existance of application in lang array
2011-08-23 17:11:45 +00:00
Ralf Becker
got clientside translations working for etemplate2 apps: egw.lang("%1 timesheet(s) %2", 5, egw.lang("deleted"))
2011-08-23 16:15:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
new clientside API object currently supporting the following methods:
- egw.preferences(_name, _app='common') return preference _name of _app (only common prefs loaded currently)
- egw.open() allowing to open app-entries utilising the link registry, deprecating egw_open from jsapi.js
- egw.lang(_msg, _arg1, ..., _argN) placeholders are not yet implemented
2011-08-23 14:29:56 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* API: take care of INNODB and STRICT_TRANS_TABLES for recent mysql installations
2011-08-22 10:16:07 +00:00
Ralf Becker
merging all translations in window.egw_lang, to not have to search n-arrays
2011-08-21 20:22:09 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Loading translations like other javascript files:
setting headers to allow browser to cache the file until it's etag containing the creationdates of the used langfiles changes
--> et2 can now use egw_lang object to translate labels, options, ...
2011-08-21 20:09:14 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fix to work with path containing a query
2011-08-21 20:01:10 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* tracker: mailhandling - prevent to use rsh or ssh to establish connection
2011-08-18 14:49:16 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add in jquery.tools form tools
2011-08-17 21:35:22 +00:00
Ralf Becker
url need to run throught htmlspecialchars too (like every attribute in html markup), eg. "x®_id=" fails otherwise
2011-08-16 11:44:33 +00:00
Hans-Jürgen Tappe
- Allow sitemgr blocks to be moved between pages, categories and websitewide
(previously only moving from a page up to the cat, then up globally was
- Allow options within a select to be formatted through the standard
html::select_option() function
2011-08-15 16:25:08 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added possibility for egw_json plugins to be executed in the context of the creator of the request object
2011-08-15 14:26:37 +00:00
Ralf Becker
added update from 1.8.002
2011-08-11 19:04:40 +00:00
Ralf Becker
quietened PHP Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given on line 106
2011-08-11 07:31:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
quietened PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given on line 855
2011-08-11 07:23:29 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Add jqplot for graphing
2011-08-09 23:10:50 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Loa language translation from vimontha <kvimontha@yahoo.com>
2011-08-09 06:12:25 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* API fix PHP fatal error wakeup2 is no method ..., when comming from setup
2011-08-05 08:01:51 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* API fix webserver_url of just a domain eg. http://domain.com gives PHP Warning empty delimiter ...
2011-08-05 08:00:58 +00:00
Ralf Becker
merged latest changes from doc/rpm-build/apache.conf
2011-08-04 08:14:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* NTLM authentication: limit redirect, if NTLM auth could not be preformed, to same domain, EGroupware domain, or explicitly whitelisted domains
to fix issue "found" on www.autosectools.com
2011-08-04 07:58:57 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed creating of new translations / give [Write] button file not yet existing (permissions given)
2011-08-04 07:27:23 +00:00
Ralf Becker
Loa language translation from vimontha <kvimontha@yahoo.com>
2011-08-04 07:00:00 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed typo in comment
2011-08-03 14:27:45 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added dependencies to the egw_action js files
2011-08-03 14:04:30 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Added system which allows us to define dependencies inside js files.
An introduction on how this can be done is given in class.egw_include_mgr.inc.php.
This file/class may lateron be extended to minifiy, compress and cache groups of js files - currently only the 'debug-mode' is implemented, which sends all javascript files as individual files, making it easy to debug the java-script files in the browser.
The new method should work with all old code, especially including java-script files as part of an ajax-response, if something is broken, please report that!
2011-08-03 14:03:31 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
sticking to the rules of the protocoll while writing a request to port, ensures that lighttpd (>=1.4.28) understands our requests
2011-08-03 13:36:59 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed problem "found" on www.autosectools.com
2011-08-03 08:29:53 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* CalDAV: user agent detection of OS X 10.7 Lion iCal app (CoreDav instead of DavKit)
2011-08-02 12:59:23 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Allowing mutliple action-link groups to be defined for grid entries. These must be comma seperated.
2011-08-02 11:51:58 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* admin: allow to choose which kind of spellchecking you would like to employ when using the CK Editor (Options now: Yes, No, Without SpellCheckAsYouType, WebSpellChecker)
2011-08-02 11:39:59 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed problem with move_files function always returning false
2011-08-02 09:33:13 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- silently use server_timezone if wrong user timezone preference is set, as we can not (easily) report it to the user at the stage of initialising EGroupware
- if server_timezone is NOT valid, try (and permanently store!) date_default_timezone_get() frist and then "Europe/Berlin"
2011-08-01 13:04:40 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
* API: upgrade ck editor from v3.3.1 to v3.6.1 (latest release as of June 2011)
2011-08-01 11:48:47 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixing 3 failed litmus tests:
- copy_coll, move_coll: using egw_vfs::find instead of System::find which we dont require and fails anyway for some reason
- copy_shallow: by updating COPY with changes from 1.0.0RC6 (depth="0" is allowed for copy, thought HTTP_WebDAV_Server still copies the whole collection!)
2011-07-31 09:23:16 +00:00
Ralf Becker
HTTP_WebDAV_Server 1.0.0RC6 changes without Server.php changes comming later
2011-07-29 10:33:52 +00:00
Ralf Becker
allow dash ("-") in app name, eg. sitemgr-site
2011-07-26 13:49:53 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
patch to fix problem with ->not able to see mail<- egw_instant_load.html not found. provided by Vladimir Kolobkov; Thanks a lot
2011-07-25 15:52:22 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
make sure there is no whitespace leading or trailling the host string, when attempting to send
2011-07-21 12:11:17 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
if there is only a single event in the action, buffer it into/with a window.setTimeout function call, and wait for the trigger to execute and clean up as it does with multiple actions on a target
2011-07-21 10:50:33 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
add missing default translation for lang key tls
2011-07-14 08:54:30 +00:00
Ralf Becker
removed two css settings messing up existing eTemplate layouts:
- spans were different vertical aligned the prefixing text
- all nextmatch header were forced to left alignment
--> seems to have no negative effect, but fixes some ugly layout bugs
2011-07-13 12:51:33 +00:00
Ralf Becker
style for disabled buttons
2011-07-10 18:23:27 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixing the last fix, code was still needed ;-) and automatically hiding the location bar for mobile browsers
2011-07-10 12:05:20 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed division by zero, by removing not longer needed mobile code
2011-07-09 16:53:24 +00:00
Ralf Becker
- improved mobile template: calendar & email sidebox is showing now, removed most of the former css hidden stuff
- fixes jscalendar to work will in sliding sidebox
2011-07-09 16:35:18 +00:00
Jörg Lehrke
* Generate well-formed XML for Funambol and SyncEvolution clients (community bug#2975)
2011-07-08 19:46:08 +00:00
Ralf Becker
differenciate in our serverside user-agent detection between Chrome and Safari, and disable html5 form validation for float, as Chrome 12 rejects float values with comma as decimal separator
2011-07-07 11:50:06 +00:00
Nathan Gray
Allow setting owner when creating a new category
2011-07-06 15:09:08 +00:00
Ralf Becker
* Template for mobile browsers: only show application area, all apps are available via slideout menu
2011-07-06 07:19:54 +00:00
Ralf Becker
fixed not working mime parameter, if just a main type eg. "image" is given
2011-07-04 18:53:48 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
put some more documentation ito the function header doc part
2011-07-04 13:23:55 +00:00
Klaus Leithoff
make sure we set SMTPSecure to ssl or tls if the standardports for ssl or tls are configured for the given profile
2011-07-04 13:14:45 +00:00
Andreas Stöckel
Fixed keyboard navigation in treeview
2011-07-03 12:33:18 +00:00