<?php /**************************************************************************\ * phpGroupWare - E-Mail * * http://www.phpgroupware.org * * This file written by Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org> * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ if ($action == 'Load Vcard') { $phpgw_info['flags'] = array( 'noheader' => True, 'nonavbar' => True, 'currentapp' => 'addressbook', 'enable_contacts_class' => True ); include('../header.inc.php'); } else { $phpgw_info['flags'] = array( 'currentapp' => 'addressbook', 'enable_contacts_class' => True ); include('../header.inc.php'); echo '<body bgcolor="' . $phpgw_info['theme']['bg_color'] . '">'; } // Some of the methods where borrowed from // Squirrelmail <Luke Ehresman> http://www.squirrelmail.org // (only the uploaddir naming anymore) $sep = SEP; $uploaddir = $phpgw_info['server']['temp_dir'] . $sep; if ($action == 'Load Vcard') { if($uploadedfile == 'none' || $uploadedfile == '') { Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/addressbook/vcardin.php','action=GetFile')); } else { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $random_number = rand(100000000,999999999); $newfilename = md5("$uploadedfile, $uploadedfile_name, " . time() . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . $random_number ); copy($uploadedfile, $uploaddir . $newfilename); $ftp = fopen($uploaddir . $newfilename . '.info','w'); fputs($ftp,"$uploadedfile_type\n$uploadedfile_name\n"); fclose($ftp); $filename = $uploaddir . $newfilename; $contacts = CreateObject('phpgwapi.contacts'); $vcard = CreateObject('phpgwapi.vcard'); $myimport = $vcard->import; $buffer = array(); $fp=fopen($filename,'r'); while ($data = fgets($fp,8000)) { list($name,$value,$extra) = split(':', $data); if (substr($value,0,5) == 'http') { $value = $value . ':'.$extra; } if ($name && $value) { reset($vcard->import); while ( list($fname,$fvalue) = each($vcard->import) ) { if ( strstr(strtolower($name), $vcard->import[$fname]) ) { $value = trim($value); $value = ereg_replace("=0D=0A","\n",$value); $buffer += array($name => $value); } } } } fclose($fp); $entry = $vcard->in($buffer); $contacts->add($phpgw_info['user']['account_id'],$entry); // Delete the temp file. unlink($filename); unlink($filename . '.info'); Header('Location: ' . $phpgw->link('/addressbook/', 'cd=14')); } } if ($action == 'GetFile') { echo '<b><center>You must select a vcard. (*.vcf)</b></center><br><br>'; } $t = new Template(PHPGW_APP_TPL); $t->set_file(array('vcardin' => 'vcardin.tpl')); $vcard_header = '<p> <b>' . lang('Address book - VCard in') . '</b><hr><p>'; $t->set_var(vcard_header,$vcard_header); $t->set_var(action_url,$phpgw->link('/addressbook/vcardin.php')); $t->set_var(lang_access,lang('Access')); $t->set_var(lang_groups,lang('Which groups')); $t->set_var(access_option,$access_option); $t->set_var(group_option,$group_option); $t->pparse('out','vcardin'); if ($action != 'Load Vcard') { $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); } ?>