	* eGroupWare - administration                                              *
	* http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
	* --------------------------------------------                             *
	*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
	*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
	*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
	*  option) any later version.                                              *

	/* $Id$ */

	class soapplications
		var $db;
		var $applications_table = 'egw_applications';
		var $hooks_table = 'egw_hooks';

		function soapplications()
			$this->db = clone($GLOBALS['egw']->db);

		function read($app_name)
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM $this->applications_table WHERE app_name='$app_name'";

			$app_info = array(
			return $app_info;

		function get_list()
			$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM $this->applications_table WHERE app_enabled != 3",__LINE__,__FILE__);
				while ($this->db->next_record())
					$app = $this->db->f('app_name');
					$title = @$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$app]['title'];
					if (empty($title))
						$title = lang($app) == $app.'*' ? $app : lang($app);
					$apps[$app] = array(
						'title'  => $title,
						'name'   => $app,
						'status' => $this->db->f('app_enabled')
			return $apps;

		function add($data)
			/* Yes, the sequence should work, but after a mass import in setup (new install)
				it does not work on pg
			$sql = "SELECT MAX(app_id) from $this->applications_table";
			$app_id = $this->db->f(0) + 1;
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $this->applications_table (app_id,app_name,app_enabled,app_order) VALUES("
				. $app_id . ",'" . addslashes($data['n_app_name']) . "','"
				. $data['n_app_status'] . "','" . $data['app_order'] . "')";

			return True;

		function save($data)
			$sql = "UPDATE $this->applications_table SET "
				. "app_enabled='" . $data['n_app_status'] . "',app_order='" . $data['app_order'] 
				. "' WHERE app_name='" . $data['app_name'] . "'";

			return True;

		function exists($app_name)
			$this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(app_name) FROM $this->applications_table WHERE app_name='" . addslashes($app_name) . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);

			if ($this->db->f(0) != 0)
				return True;
			return False;

		function app_order()
			$this->db->query("SELECT MAX(app_order)+1 FROM $this->applications_table",__LINE__,__FILE__);
			return $this->db->f(0);

		function delete($app_name)
			$this->db->query("DELETE FROM $this->applications_table WHERE app_name='$app_name'",__LINE__,__FILE__);

		function register_hook($app)
			$this->db->query("INSERT INTO $this->hooks_table (hook_appname,hook_location,hook_filename) "
				. "VALUES ('".$app['app_name']."','".$app['hook']."','hook_".$app['hook'].".inc.php')",__LINE__,__FILE__