%1 added	addressbook	en	%1 added
%1 contact(s) %2	addressbook	en	%1 contact(s) %2
%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficent rights !!!	addressbook	en	%1 contact(s) %2, %3 failed because of insufficient rights!
%1 contacts updated (%2 errors).	addressbook	en	%1 contacts updated (%2 errors).
%1 fields in %2 other organisation member(s) changed	addressbook	en	%1 fields in %2 other organization member(s) changed.
%1 not implemented for %2!	addressbook	en	%1 not implemented for %2!
%1 records imported	addressbook	en	%1 records imported.
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import)	addressbook	en	%1 records read. Not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and un-check Test import.
%1 starts with '%2'	addressbook	en	%1 starts with '%2'
%s please calculate the result	addressbook	en	%s please calculate the result
(e.g. 1969)	addressbook	en	(e.g. 1969)
(empty = use global limit, no = no export at all)	admin	en	Empty = use global limit, no = no export at all
<b>no conversion type &lt;none&gt; could be located.</b>  please choose a conversion type from the list	addressbook	en	<b>No conversion type <none> could be located.</b>  Choose a conversion type from the list
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!!	addressbook	en	@-eval() is only available to admins!
account id	addressbook	en	Account ID
account repository	admin	en	Account repository
accounts	addressbook	en	Accounts
actions	addressbook	en	Actions
add %1	addressbook	en	Add %1
add a contact to this organisation	addressbook	en	Add a contact to this organisation
add a customfield to link title	addressbook	en	Add a customfield to link title
add a new contact	addressbook	en	Add a new contact
add a new infolog	addressbook	en	Add a new InfoLog
add a new list	addressbook	en	Add a new list
add a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	en	Add a single entry by passing the fields
add appointment	addressbook	en	Add appointment
add business email of whole distribution list?	addressbook	en	Add business email of whole distribution list?
add custom field	addressbook	en	Add custom field
add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. the default value is none customfield.	addressbook	en	Add customfield to links of addressbook, which displays in other applications. The default value is none customfield.
add emails of whole distribution list?	addressbook	en	Add emails of whole distribution list?
add or delete categories	addressbook	en	Add or delete categories
add to distribution list	addressbook	en	Add to distribution list
add to distribution list:	addressbook	en	Add to distribution list:
added	addressbook	en	Added
added by synchronisation	addressbook	en	Added by synchronisation
added to distribution list	addressbook	en	Added to distribution list
additional information about using ldap as contact repository	admin	en	Additional information about using LDAP as contact repository
address book	common	en	Address Book
address book - vcard in	addressbook	en	Address book - vCard in
address book - view	addressbook	en	Address book - view
address line 2	addressbook	en	Address line 2
address line 2 (private)	addressbook	en	Address line 2 (private)
address type	addressbook	en	Address type
addressbook	common	en	Address Book
addressbook csv export	addressbook	en	Address Book CSV export
addressbook csv import	addressbook	en	Address Book CSV import
addressbook field	addressbook	en	Address book field
addressbook menu	addressbook	en	Address Book menu
addressbook of	addressbook	en	Address book of
addressbook preferences	addressbook	en	Address Book preferences
addressbook the contact should be saved to	addressbook	en	Address book the contact should be saved to
addressbook the contact should be shown	addressbook	en	Address book the contact should be shown
addressbook vcard export	addressbook	en	Addressbook vCard export
addressbook vcard import	addressbook	en	Addressbook vCard import
addressbook-fieldname	addressbook	en	Address book field name
addvcard	addressbook	en	Add vCard
advanced search	addressbook	en	Advanced search
all contacts	addressbook	en	All contacts
all in one field	addressbook	en	All in one field
allow users to maintain their own account-data	admin	en	Allow users to maintain their own account data
alt. csv import	addressbook	en	Alt. CSV Import
always	addressbook	en	Always
apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content	addressbook	en	Apply changes to all members, whose fields have the same previous content.
apply the action on the whole query, not only the shown contacts!!!	addressbook	en	Apply the action on the whole query, NOT only the shown contacts!
are you shure you want to delete this contact?	addressbook	en	Are you sure you want to delete this contact?
are you sure you want to delete this field?	addressbook	en	Are you sure you want to delete this field?
assistent	addressbook	en	Assistent
assistent phone	addressbook	en	Assistent phone
birthday	common	en	Birthday
birthdays	common	en	Birthdays
blank	addressbook	en	Blank
business	common	en	Business
business address	addressbook	en	Business address
business address line 2	addressbook	en	Business address line 2
business city	addressbook	en	Business city
business country	addressbook	en	Business country
business country code	addressbook	en	Business country code
business email	addressbook	en	Business email
business fax	addressbook	en	Business fax
business phone	addressbook	en	Business phone
business state	addressbook	en	Business state
business street	addressbook	en	Business street
business zip code	addressbook	en	Business postal code
calendar fields:	addressbook	en	Calendar fields:
calendar uri	addressbook	en	Calendar URI
can be changed via setup >> configuration	admin	en	Can be changed via Setup >> Configuration
can't create dn %1	addressbook	en	Can't create dn %1
car phone	addressbook	en	Car phone
categorie	addressbook	en	Category
categorie added	addressbook	en	Category added.
categorie delete	addressbook	en	Category deleted.
categories, notes, ...	addressbook	en	Categories, Notes, ...
category path	addressbook	en	Category path
category tree	admin	en	Category tree
cell phone	addressbook	en	Mobile phone
change all organisation members	addressbook	en	Change all organisation members
charset for the csv export	addressbook	en	Charset for the CSV export
charset for the vcard export	addressbook	en	Charset for the vCard export
charset for the vcard import and export	addressbook	en	Charset for the vCard import and export
charset of file	addressbook	en	Charset of file
check all	addressbook	en	Check all
choose an icon for this contact type	admin	en	Choose an icon for this contact type
choose charset	addressbook	en	Choose charset
choose export options	addressbook	en	Choose export options
choose owner of imported data	addressbook	en	Choose owner of imported data
chosse an etemplate for this contact type	admin	en	Chose an eTemplate for this contact type
city	common	en	City
city (private)	addressbook	en	City (private)
cleanup addressbook fields (apply if synchronization creates duplicates)	addressbook	en	Cleanup address book fields, apply if synchronization creates duplicates.
company	common	en	Company
company name	addressbook	en	Company name
configuration	common	en	Configuration
contact	common	en	Contact
contact application	admin	en	Contact application
contact copied	addressbook	en	Contact copied.
contact deleted	addressbook	en	Contact deleted.
contact fields to show	addressbook	en	Contact fields to show
contact fields:	addressbook	en	Contact fields:
contact id	addressbook	en	Contact ID
contact id cannot be changed by import	addressbook	en	Contact ID cannot be changed by import.
contact maintenance	admin	en	Contact maintenance
contact modified by %1 at %2	addressbook	en	Contact modified by %1 at %2 .
contact not found!	addressbook	en	Contact not found!
contact repository	admin	en	Contact repository
contact saved	addressbook	en	Contact saved
contact settings	admin	en	Contact settings
contactform	addressbook	en	Contact form
contacts and account contact-data to ldap	admin	en	Contacts and account contact data to LDAP
contacts and account contact-data to sql	admin	en	Contacts and account contact data to SQL
contacts to ldap	admin	en	Contacts to LDAP
contacts to ldap, account contact-data to sql	admin	en	Contacts to LDAP, account contact data to SQL
contains	addressbook	en	Contains
copied by %1, from record #%2.	addressbook	en	Copied by %1, from record #%2.
copy a contact and edit the copy	addressbook	en	Copy a contact and edit the copy
copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.	addressbook	en	Copy your changes to the clipboard, %1reload the entry%2 and merge them.
country	common	en	Country
country (private)	addressbook	en	Country (private)
country code	addressbook	en	Country code
country code (private)	addressbook	en	Country code (private)
create new links	addressbook	en	Create new links
created	addressbook	en	Created
credit	addressbook	en	Credit
csv-fieldname	addressbook	en	CSV field name
csv-filename	addressbook	en	CSV file name
custom	addressbook	en	Custom
custom etemplate for the contactform	addressbook	en	Custom eTemplate for the contact form
custom fields	addressbook	en	Custom fields
debug output in browser	addressbook	en	Debug output in browser
default	addressbook	en	Default
default address format	addressbook	en	Default address format
default addressbook for adding contacts	addressbook	en	Default address book
default document to insert contacts	addressbook	en	Default document to insert contacts
default file as format	addressbook	en	Default file as format
default filter	addressbook	en	Default filter
default format for fileas, eg. for new entries.	addressbook	en	Default format for fileas, eg. for new entries.
default is to open email addresses in egroupware email application, if user has access to it.	addressbook	en	Default is to open EMail addresses in EGroupware EMail application, if user has access to it.
defines which email address (business or home) to use as the preferred one for distribution lists in mail.	addressbook	en	Which email address is used as preferred one for distribution lists.
delete a single entry by passing the id.	addressbook	en	Delete a single entry by passing the ID.
delete selected distribution list!	addressbook	en	Delete selected distribution list!
delete this contact	addressbook	en	Delete this contact
delete this organisation including all its contacts	addressbook	en	Delete this organization including ALL its contacts
deleted	addressbook	en	Deleted
deletes the photo	addressbook	en	Deletes the photo
department	common	en	Department
departments	addressbook	en	Departments
directory with documents to insert contacts	addressbook	en	Directory with documents to insert contacts
display contact	addressbook	en	Display contact
displays a remider for birthdays on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon).	addressbook	en	Display birthdays on the Home page.
distribution list deleted	addressbook	en	Distribution list deleted
distribution lists	addressbook	en	Distribution lists
distribution lists, ...	addressbook	en	Distribution lists, ...
do you want a private addressbook, which can not be viewed by users, you grant access to your personal addressbook?	addressbook	en	Do you want another private address book, which can not be viewed by other users, if you grant access to your personal address book?
do your really want to delete this contact?	addressbook	en	Do you really want to delete this contact?
doesn't matter	addressbook	en	Doesn't matter
domestic	addressbook	en	Domestic
don't hide empty columns	addressbook	en	Hide empty columns
download	addressbook	en	Download
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser)	addressbook	en	Download export file. Un-check to debug output in browser.
download this contact as vcard file	addressbook	en	Download this contact as vCard file
duration	addressbook	en	Duration
each category in its own field	addressbook	en	Each category in its own field
each option in its own field	addressbook	en	Each option in its own field
edit custom field	addressbook	en	Edit custom field
edit custom fields	admin	en	Edit custom fields
edit extra account-data in the addressbook	admin	en	Edit extra account data in the address book
edit phonenumbers -	addressbook	en	Edit phone numbers -
either the configured email addesses are wrong or the mail configuration.	addressbook	en	Either the configured email addresses are wrong or the mail configuration.
email & internet	addressbook	en	Email & Internet
email addresses (comma separated) to send the contact data	addressbook	en	Email addresses, comma separated, to send the contact data.
empty	admin	en	Empty
empty for all	addressbook	en	Empty for all
enable an extra private addressbook	addressbook	en	Extra private address book
enclosure	addressbook	en	Enclosure
end	addressbook	en	End
enter the path to the exported file here	addressbook	en	Enter the path to the exported file
error deleting the contact !!!	addressbook	en	Error deleting the contact!
error saving the contact !!!	addressbook	en	Error saving the contact!
error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!	addressbook	en	Error: the entry has been updated since you opened it for editing!
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms.	addressbook	en	Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller	preferences	en	Example {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller
example {{nelf role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role	addressbook	en	Example {{NELF role}} - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role
example {{nelfnv role}} - if field role is not empty, set a lf without any value of the field	addressbook	en	Example {{NELFNV role}} - if field role is not empty, set a LF without any value of the field
existing links	addressbook	en	Existing links
exists	addressbook	en	Exists
export as csv	addressbook	en	Export as CSV
export as vcard	addressbook	en	Export as vCard
export contacts	addressbook	en	Export contacts
export definition to use for nextmatch export	addressbook	en	Export definition to use for nextmatch export
export definitition to use for nextmatch export	addressbook	en	Export definition to use for nextmatch export
export file name	addressbook	en	Export file name
export from addressbook	addressbook	en	Export from address book
export selection	addressbook	en	Export selection
exported	addressbook	en	exported
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file.	addressbook	en	Exports contacts from address book into a CSV file.
exports contacts from your addressbook into a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators.	addressbook	en	Exports contacts from address book into a CSV file. CSV means 'Comma Separated Values'. In the options tab you can also choose other separators.
extra	addressbook	en	Extra
extra private	addressbook	en	Extra private
failed to change %1 organisation member(s) (insufficent rights) !!!	addressbook	en	Failed to change %1 organization member(s), insufficient rights!
fax	addressbook	en	Fax
fax number	common	en	Fax number
field %1 has been added !	addressbook	en	Field %1 has been added!
field %1 has been updated !	addressbook	en	Field %1 has been updated!
field name	addressbook	en	Field name
fields for the csv export	addressbook	en	Fields for the CSV export
fields the user is allowed to edit himself	admin	en	Fields the user is allowed to edit himself
fields to copy when copying an address?	admin	en	Fields to copy when copying an address
fields to show in address list	addressbook	en	Fields to show in address list
fieldseparator	addressbook	en	Fieldseparator
for read only ldap	admin	en	For read only LDAP
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags.	addressbook	en	Use this tag for serial letter. Place the content you want to repeat between two tags.
freebusy uri	addressbook	en	FreeBusy URI
full name	addressbook	en	Full name
general	admin	en	General
general fields:	addressbook	en	General fields:
geo	addressbook	en	GEO
global categories	addressbook	en	Global categories
grant addressbook access	common	en	Grant address book access
group %1	addressbook	en	Group %1
h	addressbook	en	h
hide accounts from addressbook	addressbook	en	Hide user accounts
hides accounts completly from the adressbook.	addressbook	en	Hide user accounts completely from the address book.
history logging	admin	en	History logging
home address	addressbook	en	Home address
home address, birthday, ...	addressbook	en	Home address, Birthday, ...
home city	addressbook	en	Home city
home country	addressbook	en	Home country
home email	addressbook	en	Home email
home email if given, else work email	addressbook	en	Home email if given, else work email
home phone	addressbook	en	Home phone
home state	addressbook	en	Home state
home street	addressbook	en	Home street
home zip code	addressbook	en	Home ZIP code
how many contacts should non-admins be able to export	admin	en	How many contacts should non-admins be able to export.
icon	addressbook	en	Icon
if accounts are already in ldap	admin	en	If accounts are already in LDAP
ignore first line	addressbook	en	Ignore first line
import	addressbook	en	Import
import contacts	addressbook	en	Import contacts
import csv-file into addressbook	addressbook	en	Import CSV file into Address book
import file	addressbook	en	Import file
import from	addressbook	en	Import from
import from ldif, csv, or vcard	addressbook	en	Import from LDIF, CSV, or vCard
import from outlook	addressbook	en	Import from Outlook
import multiple vcard	addressbook	en	Import multiple vCards
import next set	addressbook	en	Import next set
import_instructions	addressbook	en	In Netscape, open the Address book and select <b>Export</b> from the <b>File</b> menu.  The file exported will be in LDIF format.<p>Or, in Outlook, select your Contacts folder, select <b>Import and Export...</b> from the <b>File</b> menu and export your contacts into a comma separated text (CSV) file.  <p>Or, in Palm Desktop 4.0 or greater, visit your address book and select <b>Export</b> from the <b>File</b> menu.  The file exported will be in vCard format.
importer's personal	addressbook	en	Importer's personal
imports contacts into your addressbook from a csv file. csv means 'comma seperated values'. however in the options tab you can also choose other seperators.	addressbook	en	Imports contacts into address book from a CSV File. CSV means 'Comma Separated Values'. In the options tab you can also choose other separators.
imports contacts into your addressbook from a vcard file.	addressbook	en	Imports contacts into your Addressbook from a vCard File.
in %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.	addressbook	en	In %1 days (%2) is %3's birthday.
income	addressbook	en	Income
infolog	addressbook	en	InfoLog
insert	addressbook	en	Insert
insufficent rights to delete this list!	addressbook	en	Insufficient rights to delete this list!
international	addressbook	en	International
internet	addressbook	en	Internet
label	addressbook	en	Label
last date	addressbook	en	Last date
last modified	addressbook	en	Last modified
last modified by	addressbook	en	Last modified by
ldap context for contacts	admin	en	LDAP context for contacts
ldap host for contacts	admin	en	LDAP host for contacts
ldap settings for contacts	admin	en	LDAP settings for contacts
ldif	addressbook	en	LDIF
line 2	addressbook	en	Line 2
link title for contacts show	addressbook	en	Link title for contacts
links	addressbook	en	Links
links and attached files	addressbook	en	Links and attached files
links to specified application.  example: {{links/infolog}}	addressbook	en	Links to specified application.  Example: {{links/infolog}}
list all categories	addressbook	en	List all categories
list all customfields	addressbook	en	List all custom fields
list already exists!	addressbook	en	List already exists!
list created	addressbook	en	List created.
list creation failed, no rights!	addressbook	en	List creation failed, no rights!
list of files linked to the current record	addressbook	en	List of files linked to the current record
load vcard	addressbook	en	Load vCard
location	addressbook	en	Location
locations	addressbook	en	Locations
mail vcard	addressbook	en	Mail VCard
main categories in their own field	addressbook	en	Main categories in their own field
manage mapping	addressbook	en	Manage mapping
mark records as private	addressbook	en	Mark records as private
merge contacts	addressbook	en	Merge contacts
merge into first or account, deletes all other!	addressbook	en	Merge into first or account, deletes all other!
merged	addressbook	en	Merged
message after submitting the form	addressbook	en	Message after submitting the form
message phone	addressbook	en	Message phone
middle name	addressbook	en	Middle name
migration finished	addressbook	en	Migration finished
migration to ldap	admin	en	Migration to LDAP
mobile	addressbook	en	Mobile
mobile phone	addressbook	en	Mobile phone
modem phone	addressbook	en	Modem phone
more ...	addressbook	en	More ...
move to addressbook	addressbook	en	Move to address book
moved	addressbook	en	Moved
multiple vcard	addressbook	en	Multiple vCard
name for the distribution list	addressbook	en	Name for the distribution list
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too	addressbook	en	Name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too.
name, address	addressbook	en	Name, Address
new contact submitted by %1 at %2	addressbook	en	New contact submitted by %1 at %2 .
new window opened to edit infolog for your selection	addressbook	en	New window opened to edit InfoLog.
next date	addressbook	en	Next date
no categories selected	addressbook	en	No categories selected
no fallback	addressbook	en	No fallback
no vcard	addressbook	en	No vCard
number	addressbook	en	Number
number of records to read (%1)	addressbook	en	Number of records to read (%1)
open email addresses in external mail program	addressbook	en	Open EMail addresses in external mail program
open for editing?	addressbook	en	Open for editing?
options for type	admin	en	Options for type
organisation	addressbook	en	Organisation
organisations	addressbook	en	Organisations
organisations by departments	addressbook	en	Organisations by departments
organisations by location	addressbook	en	Organisations by location
other number	addressbook	en	Other number
other phone	addressbook	en	Other phone
own sorting	addressbook	en	Own sorting
pager	common	en	Pager
parcel	addressbook	en	Parcel
participants	addressbook	en	Participants
permission denied !!!	addressbook	en	Permission denied!
phone number	common	en	Phone number
phone numbers	common	en	Phone numbers
photo	addressbook	en	Photo
please enter a name for that field !	addressbook	en	Enter a name to that field!
please select only one category	addressbook	en	Select only one category
please update the templatename in your customfields section!	addressbook	en	Update the template name in custom fields section!
postal	common	en	Postal
pref	addressbook	en	Pref
preferred email address to use in distribution lists	addressbook	en	Preferred email address
preferred phone	addressbook	en	Preferred phone
preferred type of email address to add for distribution lists	addressbook	en	Preferred type of email address for distribution lists.
prefix	addressbook	en	Prefix
prevent deleting of contacts	admin	en	Prevent deleting of contacts
private custom fields	addressbook	en	Private custom fields
public key	addressbook	en	Public key
publish into groups:	addressbook	en	Publish into groups:
read a list / search for entries.	addressbook	en	Read a list / search for entries.
read a list of entries.	addressbook	en	Read a list of entries.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.	addressbook	en	Read a single entry by passing the ID and field list.
read only	addressbook	en	Read only
record access	addressbook	en	Record access
record owner	addressbook	en	Record owner
recovered	addressbook	en	Recovered
region	addressbook	en	Region
remove from distribution list	addressbook	en	Remove from distribution list
remove selected contacts from distribution list	addressbook	en	Remove selected contacts from distribution list.
removed from distribution list	addressbook	en	Removed from distribution list.
repetition	addressbook	en	Repetition
replacements for inserting contacts into documents	addressbook	en	Replacements for inserting contacts into documents
required fields *	addressbook	en	Required fields *
role	addressbook	en	Occupation
room	addressbook	en	Room
search for '%1'	addressbook	en	Search for '%1'
select a portrait format jpeg photo. it will be resized to 60 pixel width.	addressbook	en	Select a portrait format jpeg photo. It will be re-sized to 60 pixel width.
select a view	addressbook	en	Select a view
select addressbook type	addressbook	en	Select address book type
select all	addressbook	en	Select all
select an action or addressbook to move to	addressbook	en	Select an action or address book to move to
select an action or addressbook to move to...	addressbook	en	Select an action or address book to move to...
select migration type	admin	en	Select migration type
select multiple contacts for a further action	addressbook	en	Select multiple contacts for a further action
select phone number as prefered way of contact	addressbook	en	Select phone number as preferred way of contact
select the type of conversion	addressbook	en	Select the type of conversion
select the type of conversion:	addressbook	en	Select the type of conversion:
select where you want to store / retrieve contacts	admin	en	Select where contacts should be stored / retrieved.
selected contacts	addressbook	en	Selected contacts
send emailcopy to receiver	addressbook	en	Send email copy to receiver
seperator	addressbook	en	Separator
set full name and file as field in contacts of all users (either all or only empty values)	admin	en	Set full name and 'fileas' field in contacts of all users. Either all or only empty values.
set only full name	addressbook	en	Set only full name
should the columns photo and home address always be displayed, even if they are empty.	addressbook	en	Are photo and home address always displayed, even if columns are empty.
show	addressbook	en	Show
show birthday reminders on main screen	addressbook	en	Birthday reminders
show infolog entries for this organisation	addressbook	en	Show InfoLog entries for this organisation
show the contacts of this organisation	addressbook	en	Show contacts of this organisation
similar contacts found:	addressbook	en	Similar contacts found:
size of popup (wxh, eg.400x300, if a popup should be used)	admin	en	Size of popup. Width x Height e.g. 400x300
stadt	addressbook	en	City
start	admin	en	Start
startrecord	addressbook	en	Start record
state	common	en	State
state (private)	addressbook	en	State (private)
street	common	en	Street
street (private)	addressbook	en	Street (private)
subject for email	addressbook	en	Subject for email
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook.	addressbook	en	Imported %1 record(s) successfully into address book.
suffix	addressbook	en	Suffix
tag to mark positions for address labels	addressbook	en	Tag to mark positions for address labels
tel home	addressbook	en	Tel home
telephony integration	admin	en	Telephone integration
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)	addressbook	en	Test import, shows importable records <u>only</u> in browser
thank you for contacting us.	addressbook	en	Thank you for contacting us.
that field name has been used already !	addressbook	en	The field name has been used already!
the anonymous user has probably no add rights for this addressbook.	addressbook	en	The anonymous user has no add rights for this address book.
the anonymous user needs add rights for it!	addressbook	en	The anonymous user needs add rights!
the anonymous user needs read it!	addressbook	en	The anonymous user needs read rights!
the zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in openoffice or msoffice documents.	addressbook	en	The zip extension is needed, to insert contact data in OpenOffice or MSOffice documents.
there was an error saving your data :-(	addressbook	en	ERROR saving data!
this module displays a contactform, that stores direct into the addressbook.	addressbook	en	This module displays a contact form, that stores directly into the address book.
this module displays block from a adddressbook group.	addressbook	en	This module displays a block from address book group.
this person's first name was not in the address book.	addressbook	en	This person's first name was not in the address book.
this person's last name was not in the address book.	addressbook	en	This person's last name was not in the address book.
timezone	addressbook	en	Time zone
title	addressbook	en	Job title
titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files	addressbook	en	Titles of any entries linked to the current record, excluding attached files
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit	addressbook	en	Too many might exceed your execution time limit.
today is %1's birthday!	common	en	Today is %1's birthday!
tomorrow is %1's birthday.	common	en	Tomorrow is %1's birthday.
translation	addressbook	en	Translation
two of: %1	addressbook	en	Two of: %1
type	addressbook	en	Type
un-delete	addressbook	en	Un-delete
unable to convert "%1" to account id.  using plugin setting (%2) for owner.	addressbook	en	Unable to convert "%1" to account ID.  Using plugin setting (%2) for owner.
unique id (uid)	addressbook	en	Unique ID (UID)
unique id<br />(to update existing records)	addressbook	en	Unique ID<br />to update existing records
update a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	en	Update a single entry by passing the fields.
update fields by edited organisations?	admin	en	Fields to update of edited organizations
updated	addressbook	en	Updated
upload or delete the photo	addressbook	en	Upload or delete the photo
url to link telephone numbers to (use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone)	admin	en	URL to link telephone numbers to. Use %1 = number to call, %u = account name, %t = account phone.
use addressbooks "own sorting" attribute	addressbook	en	use addressbooks "own sorting" attribute
use an extra category tab?	addressbook	en	Use an extra tab for categories
use an extra tab for private custom fields?	admin	en	Use an extra tab for private custom fields
use country list	addressbook	en	Use country list
use setup for a full account-migration	admin	en	Use setup for a full account migration
use this tag for addresslabels. put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags.	addressbook	en	Use this tag for address labels. Place the content you want to repeat between two tags.
used for links and for the own sorting of the list	addressbook	en	Used for links and for the own sorting of the list
user preference	addressbook	en	User preference
vcard	common	en	vCard
vcards require a first name entry.	addressbook	en	vCards require a first name entry.
vcards require a last name entry.	addressbook	en	vCards require a last name entry.
verification	addressbook	en	Verification
view linked infolog entries	addressbook	en	View linked InfoLog entries
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage!	admin	en	WARNING!! LDAP is valid only if you are NOT using contacts for accounts storage!
warning: all contacts found will be deleted!	addressbook	en	WARNING: All contacts found will be deleted!
warning: template "%1" not found, using default template instead.	addressbook	en	WARNING: Template "%1" not found, using default template instead.
weekday	addressbook	en	Weekday
what should links to the addressbook display in other applications. empty values will be left out. you need to log in anew, if you change this setting!	addressbook	en	Address book links displayed in other applications. Empty values will be left out. You need to log in anew, if you change this setting!
where to add the email address	addressbook	en	Where to add the email address
which address format should the addressbook use for countries it does not know the address format. if the address format of a country is known, it uses it independent of this setting.	addressbook	en	Select which address format should be used for countries with unknown address format.
which addressbook should be selected when adding a contact and you have no add rights to the current addressbook.	addressbook	en	The address book to add contacts, when you have no rights to add to the current address book.
which charset should be used for the csv export. the system default is the charset of this egroupware installation.	addressbook	en	Which charset should be used for the CSV export.
which charset should be used for the vcard export.	addressbook	en	Which charset should be used for the vCard export.
which charset should be used for the vcard import and export.	addressbook	en	Which charset should be used for the vCard import and export.
which fields should be exported. all means every field stored in the addressbook incl. the custom fields. the business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address.	addressbook	en	Which fields should be exported. All means every field stored in the address book incl. the custom fields. The business or home address only contains name, company and the selected address.
whole query	addressbook	en	Whole query
work email if given, else home email	addressbook	en	Work email if given, else home email
work phone	addressbook	en	Work phone
write (update or add) a single entry by passing the fields.	addressbook	en	Update or add a single entry by passing the fields.
wrong - try again ...	addressbook	en	Wrong - try again ...
yes, for the next three days	addressbook	en	Yes, for the next three days
yes, for the next two weeks	addressbook	en	Yes, for the next two weeks
yes, for the next week	addressbook	en	Yes, for the next week
yes, for today and tomorrow	addressbook	en	Yes, for today and tomorrow
yes, only admins can purge deleted items	admin	en	Yes, only admins can purge deleted items
yes, users can purge their deleted items	admin	en	Yes, users can purge their deleted items
you are not permitted to delete contact %1	addressbook	en	You are not permitted to delete contact %1
you are not permittet to delete this contact	addressbook	en	You are not permitted to delete this contact
you are not permittet to edit this contact	addressbook	en	You are not permitted to edit this contact
you are not permittet to view this contact	addressbook	en	You are not permitted to view this contact
you can only use ldap as contact repository if the accounts are stored in ldap too!	admin	en	LDAP can be used as contact repository only if the accounts are stored in LDAP too!
you can respond by visiting:	addressbook	en	To view it visit:
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf)	addressbook	en	Select a vCard. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display	addressbook	en	Select at least 1 column to display
you need to select a distribution list	addressbook	en	Select a distribution list
you need to select some contacts first	addressbook	en	Select some contacts first
zip code	common	en	ZIP code
zip code (private)	addressbook	en	ZIP code (private)
zip_note	addressbook	en	<p><b>Note:</b> The file may be a zip file collection of .csv, .vcf, or .ldif files. Do not mix file types per import.