* * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Tobias Ratschiller * * -------------------------------------------- * * This file written by Michael Dean * * and Miles Lott * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ class schema_proc_pgsql { var $m_sStatementTerminator; /* Following added to convert sql to array */ var $sCol = array(); var $pk = array(); var $fk = array(); var $ix = array(); var $uc = array(); function schema_proc_pgsql() { $this->m_sStatementTerminator = ';'; } /* Return a type suitable for DDL */ function TranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0) { switch($sType) { case 'auto': $sTranslated = 'int4'; break; case 'blob': $sTranslated = 'text'; break; case 'char': if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256) { $sTranslated = sprintf("char(%d)", $iPrecision); } if ($iPrecision > 255) { $sTranslated = 'text'; } break; case 'date': $sTranslated = 'date'; break; case 'decimal': $sTranslated = sprintf("decimal(%d,%d)", $iPrecision, $iScale); break; case 'float': if ($iPrecision == 4 || $iPrecision == 8) { $sTranslated = sprintf("float%d", $iPrecision); } break; case 'int': if ($iPrecision == 2 || $iPrecision == 4 || $iPrecision == 8) { $sTranslated = sprintf("int%d", $iPrecision); } break; case 'longtext': $sTranslated = 'text'; break; case 'text': $sTranslated = 'text'; break; case 'timestamp': $sTranslated = 'timestamp'; break; case 'varchar': if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256) { $sTranslated = sprintf("varchar(%d)", $iPrecision); } if ($iPrecision > 255) { $sTranslated = 'text'; } break; } return $sTranslated; } function TranslateDefault($sDefault) { switch ($sDefault) { case 'current_date': case 'current_timestamp': return 'now'; } return $sDefault; } /* Inverse of above, convert sql column types to array info */ function rTranslateType($sType, $iPrecision = 0, $iScale = 0) { $sTranslated = ''; switch($sType) { case 'serial': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'auto'"; break; case 'int2': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 2"; break; case 'int4': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 4"; break; case 'int8': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'int', 'precision' => 8"; break; case 'bpchar': case 'char': if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256) { $sTranslated = "'type' => 'char', 'precision' => $iPrecision"; } if ($iPrecision > 255) { $sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'"; } break; case 'numeric': /* Borrowed from phpPgAdmin */ $iPrecision = ($iScale >> 16) & 0xffff; $iScale = ($iScale - 4) & 0xffff; $sTranslated = "'type' => 'decimal', 'precision' => $iPrecision, 'scale' => $iScale"; break; case 'float': case 'float4': case 'float8': case 'double': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'float', 'precision' => $iPrecision"; break; case 'datetime': case 'timestamp': $sTranslated = "'type' => 'timestamp'"; break; case 'varchar': if ($iPrecision > 0 && $iPrecision < 256) { $sTranslated = "'type' => 'varchar', 'precision' => $iPrecision"; } if ($iPrecision > 255) { $sTranslated = "'type' => 'text'"; } break; case 'text': case 'blob': case 'date': $sTranslated = "'type' => '$sType'"; break; } return $sTranslated; } function GetPKSQL($sFields) { return "PRIMARY KEY($sFields)"; } function GetUCSQL($sFields) { return "UNIQUE($sFields)"; } function _GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName, &$sColumns, $sDropColumn = '', $sAlteredColumn = '', $sAlteredColumnType = '') { $sdb = $oProc->m_odb; $sdc = $oProc->m_odb; $sColumns = ''; $this->pk = array(); $this->fk = array(); $this->ix = array(); $this->uc = array(); $query = "SELECT a.attname,a.attnum FROM pg_attribute a,pg_class b WHERE "; $query .= "b.oid=a.attrelid AND a.attnum>0 and b.relname='$sTableName'"; if ($sDropColumn != '') { $query .= " AND a.attname != '$sDropColumn'"; } $query .= ' ORDER BY a.attnum'; $oProc->m_odb->query($query); while ($oProc->m_odb->next_record()) { if ($sColumns != '') { $sColumns .= ','; } $sFieldName = $oProc->m_odb->f(0); $sColumns .= $sFieldName; if ($sAlteredColumn == $sFieldName && $sAlteredColumnType != '') { $sColumns .= '::' . $sAlteredColumnType; } } //$qdefault = "SELECT substring(d.adsrc for 128) FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c " // . "WHERE c.relname = $sTableName AND c.oid = d.adrelid AND d.adnum =" . $oProc->m_odb->f(1); $sql_get_fields = " SELECT a.attnum, a.attname AS field, t.typname AS type, a.attlen AS length, a.atttypmod AS lengthvar, a.attnotnull AS notnull FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE c.relname = '$sTableName' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid and a.atttypid = t.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"; /* attnum field type length lengthvar notnull(Yes/No) */ $sdb->query($sql_get_fields); while ($sdb->next_record()) { $colnum = $sdb->f(0); $colname = $sdb->f(1); if ($sdb->f(5) == 'Yes') { $null = "'nullable' => True"; } else { $null = "'nullable' => False"; } if ($sdb->f(2) == 'numeric') { $prec = $sdb->f(3); $scale = $sdb->f(4); } elseif ($sdb->f(3) > 0) { $prec = $sdb->f(3); $scale = 0; } elseif ($sdb->f(4) > 0) { $prec = $sdb->f(4) - 4; $scale = 0; } else { $prec = 0; $scale = 0; } $type = $this->rTranslateType($sdb->f(2), $prec, $scale); $sql_get_default = " SELECT d.adsrc AS rowdefault FROM pg_attrdef d, pg_class c WHERE c.relname = '$sTableName' AND c.oid = d.adrelid AND d.adnum = $colnum "; $sdc->query($sql_get_default); $sdc->next_record(); if ($sdc->f(0)) { if (ereg('nextval',$sdc->f(0))) { $default = ''; $nullcomma = ''; } else { $default = "'default' => '".$sdc->f(0)."'"; $nullcomma = ','; } } else { $default = ''; $nullcomma = ''; } $default = ereg_replace("''","'",$default); $this->sCol[] = "\t\t\t\t'" . $colname . "' => array(" . $type . ',' . $null . $nullcomma . $default . '),' . "\n"; } $sql_pri_keys = " SELECT ic.relname AS index_name, bc.relname AS tab_name, ta.attname AS column_name, i.indisunique AS unique_key, i.indisprimary AS primary_key FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute ta, pg_attribute ia WHERE bc.oid = i.indrelid AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid AND ia.attrelid = i.indexrelid AND ta.attrelid = bc.oid AND bc.relname = '$sTableName' AND ta.attrelid = i.indrelid AND ta.attnum = i.indkey[ia.attnum-1] ORDER BY index_name, tab_name, column_name"; $sdc->query($sql_pri_keys); while ($sdc->next_record()) { //echo '
checking: ' . $sdc->f(4); if ($sdc->f(4) == 't') { $this->pk[] = $sdc->f(2); } if ($sdc->f(3) == 't') { $this->uc[] = $sdc->f(2); } } /* ugly as heck, but is here to chop the trailing comma on the last element (for php3) */ $this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1] = substr($this->sCol[count($this->sCol) - 1],0,-2) . "\n"; return false; } function _CopyAlteredTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sSource, $sDest) { $oDB = $oProc->m_odb; $oProc->m_odb->query("select * from $sSource"); while ($oProc->m_odb->next_record()) { $sSQL = "INSERT INTO $sDest ("; $i=0; @reset($aTables[$sDest]['fd']); while (list($name,$arraydef) = each($aTables[$sDest]['fd'])) { if ($i > 0) { $sSQL .= ','; } $sSQL .= $name; $i++; } $sSQL .= ') VALUES ('; @reset($aTables[$sDest]['fd']); $i=0; while (list($name,$arraydef) = each($aTables[$sDest]['fd'])) { if ($i > 0) { $sSQL .= ','; } if ($oProc->m_odb->f($i) != null) { switch ($arraydef['type']) { case 'blob': case 'char': case 'date': case 'text': case 'timestamp': case 'varchar': $sSQL .= "'" . $oProc->m_odb->db_addslashes($oProc->m_odb->f($i)) . "'"; break; default: $sSQL .= intval($oProc->m_odb->f($i)); } } else { $sSQL .= 'null'; } $i++; } $sSQL .= ')'; $oDB->query($sSQL); } return true; } function GetSequenceForTable($oProc,$table,&$sSequenceName) { global $DEBUG; if($DEBUG) { echo '
GetSequenceForTable: ' . $table; } $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE NOT relname ~ 'pg_.*' AND relname LIKE 'seq_$table' AND relkind='S' ORDER BY relname",__LINE__,__FILE__); $oProc->m_odb->next_record(); if ($oProc->m_odb->f('relname')) { $sSequenceName = $oProc->m_odb->f('relname'); } return True; } function GetSequenceFieldForTable($oProc,$table,&$sField) { global $DEBUG; if($DEBUG) { echo '
GetSequenceFieldForTable: You rang?'; } $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT a.attname FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c, pg_attrdef d WHERE c.relname='$table' AND c.oid=d.adrelid AND d.adsrc LIKE '%seq_$table%' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND d.adnum=a.attnum"); $oProc->m_odb->next_record(); if ($oProc->m_odb->f('attname')) { $sField = $oProc->m_odb->f('attname'); } return True; } function DropSequenceForTable($oProc,$table) { global $DEBUG; if($DEBUG) { echo '
DropSequenceForTable: ' . $table; } $this->GetSequenceForTable($oProc,$table,$sSequenceName); if ($sSequenceName) { $oProc->m_odb->query("DROP SEQUENCE " . $sSequenceName,__LINE__,__FILE__); } return True; } function DropTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName) { $this->DropSequenceForTable($oProc,$sTableName); return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("DROP TABLE " . $sTableName)); } function DropColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $aNewTableDef, $sColumnName, $bCopyData = true) { if ($bCopyData) { $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT * INTO $sTableName" . "_tmp FROM $sTableName"); } $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName); $oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aNewTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL); if($sSequenceSQL) { $oProc->m_odb->query($sSequenceSQL); } $query = "CREATE TABLE $sTableName ($sTableSQL)"; if (!$bCopyData) { return !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); } $oProc->m_odb->query($query); $this->_GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName . '_tmp', $sColumns, $sColumnName); $query = "INSERT INTO $sTableName SELECT $sColumns FROM $sTableName" . '_tmp'; $bRet = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); return ($bRet && $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName . '_tmp')); } function RenameTable($oProc, &$aTables, $sOldTableName, $sNewTableName) { global $DEBUG; if ($DEBUG) { echo '
RenameTable(): Fetching old sequence for: ' . $sOldTableName; } $this->GetSequenceForTable($oProc,$sOldTableName,$sSequenceName); if ($DEBUG) { echo ' - ' . $sSequenceName; } if ($DEBUG) { echo '
RenameTable(): Fetching sequence field for: ' . $sOldTableName; } $this->GetSequenceFieldForTable($oProc,$sOldTableName,$sField); if ($DEBUG) { echo ' - ' . $sField; } if ($sSequenceName) { $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT last_value FROM seq_$sOldTableName",__LINE__,__FILE__); $oProc->m_odb->next_record(); $lastval = $oProc->m_odb->f(0); if ($DEBUG) { echo '
RenameTable(): dropping old sequence: ' . $sSequenceName . ' used on field: ' . $sField; } $this->DropSequenceForTable($oProc,$sOldTableName); if ($lastval) { $lastval = ' start ' . $lastval; } $this->GetSequenceSQL($sNewTableName,$sSequenceSQL); if ($DEBUG) { echo '
RenameTable(): Making new sequence using: ' . $sSequenceSQL . $lastval; } $oProc->m_odb->query($sSequenceSQL . $lastval,__LINE__,__FILE__); if ($DEBUG) { echo '
RenameTable(): Altering column default for: ' . $sField; } $oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sOldTableName ALTER $sField SET DEFAULT nextval('seq_" . $sNewTableName . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } $indexnames = $oProc->m_odb->index_names(); while(list($key,$val) = @each($indexnames)) { $indexes[] = $val['index_name']; } if(!in_array($sOldTableName . '_pkey',$indexes)) { $oProc->m_odb->query("DROP INDEX " . $sOldTableName . "_pkey",__LINE__,__FILE__); } return !!($oProc->m_odb->query("ALTER TABLE $sOldTableName RENAME TO $sNewTableName")); } function RenameColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sOldColumnName, $sNewColumnName, $bCopyData = true) { /* This really needs testing - it can affect primary keys, and other table-related objects like sequences and such */ if ($bCopyData) { $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT * INTO $sTableName" . "_tmp FROM $sTableName"); } $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName); if (!$bCopyData) { return $this->CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $oProc->m_aTables[$sTableName], false); } $this->CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $aTables[$sTableName], True); $this->_GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName . "_tmp", $sColumns); $query = "INSERT INTO $sTableName SELECT $sColumns FROM $sTableName" . "_tmp"; $bRet = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); return ($bRet && $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName . "_tmp")); } function AlterColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef, $bCopyData = true) { if ($bCopyData) { $oProc->m_odb->query("SELECT * INTO $sTableName" . "_tmp FROM $sTableName"); } $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName); if (!$bCopyData) { return $this->CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $aTables[$sTableName], True); } $this->CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $aTables[$sTableName], True); $this->_GetColumns($oProc, $sTableName . "_tmp", $sColumns, '', $sColumnName, $aColumnDef['type'] == 'auto' ? 'int4' : $aColumnDef['type']); /* TODO: analyze the type of change and determine if this is used or _CopyAlteredTable this is a performance consideration only, _CopyAlteredTable should be safe $query = "INSERT INTO $sTableName SELECT $sColumns FROM $sTableName" . "_tmp"; $bRet = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); */ $bRet = $this->_CopyAlteredTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName . '_tmp', $sTableName); return ($bRet && $this->DropTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName . "_tmp")); } function AddColumn($oProc, &$aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, &$aColumnDef) { if (isset($aColumnDef['default'])) // pgsql cant add a colum with a default { $default = $aColumnDef['default']; unset($aColumnDef['default']); } if (isset($aColumnDef['nullable']) && !$aColumnDef['nullable']) // pgsql cant add a column not nullable { $notnull = !$aColumnDef['nullable']; unset($aColumnDef['nullable']); } $oProc->_GetFieldSQL($aColumnDef, $sFieldSQL); $query = "ALTER TABLE $sTableName ADD COLUMN $sColumnName $sFieldSQL"; if (($Ok = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query))) && isset($default)) { $query = "ALTER TABLE $sTableName ALTER COLUMN $sColumnName SET DEFAULT '$default';\n"; $query .= "UPDATE $sTableName SET $sColumnName='$default';\n"; $Ok = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); if ($OK && $notnull) { // unfortunally this is pgSQL >= 7.3 //$query .= "ALTER TABLE $sTableName ALTER COLUMN $sColumnName SET NOT NULL;\n"; //$Ok = !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); // so we do it the slow way AlterColumn($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $sColumnName, $aColumnDef); } } return $Ok; } function GetSequenceSQL($sTableName, &$sSequenceSQL) { $sSequenceSQL = sprintf("CREATE SEQUENCE seq_%s", $sTableName); return true; } function CreateTable($oProc, $aTables, $sTableName, $aTableDef, $bCreateSequence = true) { global $DEBUG; if ($oProc->_GetTableSQL($sTableName, $aTableDef, $sTableSQL, $sSequenceSQL)) { /* create sequence first since it will be needed for default */ if ($bCreateSequence && $sSequenceSQL != '') { if ($DEBUG) { echo '
Making sequence using: ' . $sSequenceSQL; } $oProc->m_odb->query($sSequenceSQL); } $query = "CREATE TABLE $sTableName ($sTableSQL)"; return !!($oProc->m_odb->query($query)); } return false; } } ?>