/** * eGroupWare API: JSON - Contains the client side javascript implementation of class.egw_json.inc.php * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @subpackage ajax * @author Andreas Stoeckel * @version $Id$ */ /* The egw_json_request is the javaScript side implementation of class.egw_json.inc.php.*/ function _egw_json_escape_string(input) { var len = input.length; var res = ""; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (input.charAt(i)) { case '"': res += '\\"'; break; case '\n': res += '\\n'; break; case '\r': res += '\\r'; break; case '\\': res += '\\\\'; break; case '\/': res += '\\/'; break; case '\b': res += '\\b'; break; case '\f': res += '\\f'; break; case '\t': res += '\\t'; break; default: res += input.charAt(i); } } return res; } function _egw_json_encode_simple(input) { switch (input.constructor) { case String: return '"' + _egw_json_escape_string(input) + '"'; case Number: return input.toString(); case Boolean: return input ? 'true' : 'false'; default: return null; } } function egw_json_encode(input) { if (!input) return 'null'; var simple_res = _egw_json_encode_simple(input); if (simple_res == null) { switch (input.constructor) { case Array: var buf = []; for (var k in input) { //Filter the remove function, which is added to arrays in egw_fw_classes if (k != 'remove') buf.push(egw_json_encode(input[k])); } return '[' + buf.join(',') + ']'; case Object: var buf = []; for (var k in input) { buf.push(_egw_json_encode_simple(k) + ':' + egw_json_encode(input[k])); } return '{' + buf.join(',') + '}'; default: return 'null'; } } else { return simple_res; } } /** * Some variables needed to store which JS and CSS files have already be included */ var egw_json_files = {}; /** The constructor of the egw_json_request class. * @param string _menuaction the menuaction function which should be called and which handles the actual request * @param array _parameters which should be passed to the menuaction function. */ function egw_json_request(_menuaction, _parameters, _context) { //Copy the supplied parameters this.menuaction = _menuaction; this.context = window.document; if (typeof _context != 'undefined') this.context = _context; if (typeof _parameters != 'undefined') { this.parameters = _parameters; } else { this.parameters = new Array; } var url = window.egw_webserverUrl; // Search up to parent if the current window is in a frame if(typeof url == "undefined") { url = top.egw_webserverUrl; } this.url = url + '/json.php'; this.sender = null; this.callback = null; this.alertHandler = this.alertFunc; if (window.egw_alertHandler) { this.alertHandler = window.egw_alertHandler; } } /* Sends the AJAX JSON request. * @param boolean _async specifies whether the request should be handeled asynchronously (true, the sendRequest function immediately returns to the caller) or asynchronously (false, the sendRequest function waits until the request is received) * @param _callback is an additional callback function which should be called upon a "data" response is received * @param _sender is the reference object the callback function should get */ egw_json_request.prototype.sendRequest = function(_async, _callback, _sender) { //Store the sender and callback parameter inside this class this.sender = _sender; if (typeof _callback != "undefined") this.callback = _callback; //Copy the async parameter which defaults to "true" var is_async = true; if (typeof _async != "undefined") is_async = _async; //Assemble the actual request object containing the json data string var request_obj = { "json_data": egw_json_encode( { "request": { "parameters": this.parameters } }) } //Send the request via the jquery AJAX interface to the server $.ajax({url: this.url + '?menuaction=' + this.menuaction, async: is_async, context: this, data: request_obj, dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', success: this.handleResponse, error: function(_xmlhttp,_err) { alert('Ajax request to '+this.url+'?menuaction='+this.menuaction+' failed: '+_err); } }); } egw_json_request.prototype.alertFunc = function(_message, _details) { alert(_message); } function _egw_json_debug_log(_msg, _e) { if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.log != "undefined") { console.log(_msg, _e); } } /* Displays an json error message */ egw_json_request.prototype.jsonError = function(_msg, _e) { var msg = 'EGW JSON Error: '._msg; //Log and show the error message _egw_json_bebug_log(msg, _e); this.alertHandler(msg); } /* Internal function which handles the response from the server */ egw_json_request.prototype.handleResponse = function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if (data && data.response) { var hasResponse = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.response.length; i++) { try { var res = data.response[i]; switch (data.response[i].type) { case 'alert': //Check whether all needed parameters have been passed and call the alertHandler function if ((typeof res.data.message != 'undefined') && (typeof res.data.details != 'undefined')) { this.alertHandler( res.data.message, res.data.details) hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'assign': //Check whether all needed parameters have been passed and call the alertHandler function if ((typeof res.data.id != 'undefined') && (typeof res.data.key != 'undefined') && (typeof res.data.value != 'undefined')) { var obj = document.getElementById(res.data.id); if (obj) { obj[res.data.key] = res.data.value; hasResponse = true; } } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'data': //Callback the caller in order to allow him to handle the data if (this.callback) { this.callback.call(this.sender, res.data); hasResponse = true; } break; case 'script': if (typeof res.data == 'string') { try { var func = function() {eval(res.data);}; func.call(window); } catch (e) { e.code = res.data; _egw_json_debug_log(e); } hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'jquery': if (typeof res.data.select == 'string' && typeof res.data.func == 'string') { try { var jQueryObject = $(res.data.select, this.context); jQueryObject[res.data.func].apply(jQueryObject, res.data.parms); } catch (e) { _egw_json_debug_log(e); } hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'redirect': if (typeof res.data.url == 'string' && typeof res.data.global == 'boolean') { //Special handling for framework reload if (res.data.url.indexOf("?cd=10") > 0) res.data.global = true; if (res.data.global) { egw_topWindow().location.href = res.data.url; } else { window.location.href = res.data.url; } hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'css': if (typeof res.data == 'string') { //Check whether the requested file had already be included if (!egw_json_files[res.data]) { egw_json_files[res.data] = true; //Get the head node and append a new link node with the stylesheet url to it var headID = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var cssnode = document.createElement('link'); cssnode.type = "text/css"; cssnode.rel = "stylesheet"; cssnode.href = res.data; headID.appendChild(cssnode); } hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'js': if (typeof res.data == 'string') { //Check whether the requested file had already be included if (!egw_json_files[res.data]) { egw_json_files[res.data] = true; //Get the head node and append a new script node with the js file to it var headID = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var scriptnode = document.createElement('script'); scriptnode.type = "text/javascript"; scriptnode.src = res.data; headID.appendChild(scriptnode); } hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; case 'error': if (typeof res.data == 'string') { this.jsonError(res.data); hasResponse = true; } else throw 'Invalid parameters'; break; } } catch(e) { this.jsonError('Internal JSON handler error', e); } } /* If no explicit response has been specified, call the callback (if one was set) */ if (!hasResponse && this.callback) { this.callback.call(this.sender, data.response[i].data); } } } function egw_json_getFormValues(_form, _filterClass) { var elem = null; if (typeof _form == 'object') { elem = _form; } else { elem = document.getElementsByName(_form)[0]; } var serialized = new Object; if (typeof elem != "undefined" && elem && elem.childNodes) { if (typeof _filterClass == 'undefined') _filterClass = null; _egw_json_getFormValues(serialized, elem.childNodes, _filterClass) } return serialized; } /** * Deprecated legacy xajax wrapper functions for the new egw_json interface */ _xajax_doXMLHTTP = function(_async, _menuaction, _arguments) { /* Assemble the parameter array */ var paramarray = new Array(); for (var i = 1; i < _arguments.length; i++) { paramarray[paramarray.length] = _arguments[i]; } /* Create a new request, passing the menuaction and the parameter array */ var request = new egw_json_request(_menuaction, paramarray); /* Send the request */ request.sendRequest(_async); return request; } xajax_doXMLHTTP = function(_menuaction) { return _xajax_doXMLHTTP(true, _menuaction, arguments); } xajax_doXMLHTTPsync = function(_menuaction) { return _xajax_doXMLHTTP(false, _menuaction, arguments); }; window.xajax = { "getFormValues": function(_form) { return egw_json_getFormValues(_form); } }; /* The following code is adapted from the xajax project which is licensed under the following license @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson @license http://www.xajaxproject.org/bsd_license.txt BSD License */ /** * used internally by the legacy "egw_json_response.getFormValues" to recursively * run over all form elements * @param serialized is the object which will contain the form data * @param children is the children node of the form we're runing over * @param string _filterClass if given only return */ function _egw_json_getFormValues(serialized, children, _filterClass) { //alert('_egw_json_getFormValues(,,'+_filterClass+')'); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { var child = children[i]; if (typeof child.childNodes != "undefined") _egw_json_getFormValues(serialized, child.childNodes, _filterClass); if ((!_filterClass || $(child).hasClass(_filterClass)) && typeof child.name != "undefined") { //alert('_egw_json_getFormValues(,,'+_filterClass+') calling _egw_json_getFormValue for name='+child.name+', class='+child.class+', value='+child.value); _egw_json_getFormValue(serialized, child); } } } function _egw_json_getObjectLength(_obj) { var res = 0; for (key in _obj) { if (_obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) res++; } return res; } /** * used internally to serialize */ function _egw_json_getFormValue(serialized, child) { //Return if the child doesn't have a name, is disabled, or is a radio-/checkbox and not checked if ((typeof child.name == "undefined") || (child.disabled && child.disabled == true) || (child.type && (child.type == 'radio' || child.type == 'checkbox') && (!child.checked))) { return; } var name = child.name; var values = null; if ('select-multiple' == child.type) { values = new Array; for (var j = 0; j < child.length; ++j) { var option = child.options[j]; if (option.selected == true) values.push(option.value); } } else { values = child.value; } //Special treatment if the name of the child contains a [] - then all theese //values are added to an array. var keyBegin = name.indexOf('['); if (0 <= keyBegin) { var n = name; var k = n.substr(0, n.indexOf('[')); var a = n.substr(n.indexOf('[')); if (typeof serialized[k] == 'undefined') serialized[k] = new Object; var p = serialized; // pointer reset while (a.length != 0) { var sa = a.substr(0, a.indexOf(']')+1); var lk = k; //save last key var lp = p; //save last pointer a = a.substr(a.indexOf(']')+1); p = p[k]; k = sa.substr(1, sa.length-2); if (k == '') { if ('select-multiple' == child.type) { k = lk; //restore last key p = lp; } else { k = _egw_json_getObjectLength(p); } } if (typeof p[k] == 'undefined') { p[k] = new Object; } } p[k] = values; } else { //Add the value to the result object with the given name if (typeof values != "undefined") { serialized[name] = values; } } }