/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - File selection WebComponent * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {Et2InputWidget} from "../Et2InputWidget/Et2InputWidget"; import {html, LitElement, nothing, PropertyValues, TemplateResult} from "lit"; import shoelace from "../Styles/shoelace"; import styles from "./Et2VfsSelect.styles"; import {property} from "lit/decorators/property.js"; import {state} from "lit/decorators/state.js"; import {ifDefined} from "lit/directives/if-defined.js"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import {until} from "lit/directives/until.js"; import {SearchMixinInterface} from "../Et2Select/SearchMixin"; import {SelectOption} from "../Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; import {DialogButton, Et2Dialog} from "../Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog"; import {HasSlotController} from "../Et2Widget/slot"; import {IegwAppLocal} from "../../jsapi/egw_global"; import {Et2Select} from "../Et2Select/Et2Select"; import {Et2VfsSelectRow} from "./Et2VfsSelectRow"; /** * @summary Select files (including directories) from the VFS * @since 23.1 * * @dependency et2-dialog * @dependency et2-select * @dependency et2-vfs-select-row * * @slot title - Optional additions to title. Works best with `et2-button-icon`. * @slot toolbar - Toolbar containing controls for search & navigation * @slot prefix - Before the toolbar * @slot suffix - Like prefix, but after * @slot help-text - Text that describes how to use the input. Alternatively, you can use the `help-text` attribute. * @slot footer - Customise the dialog footer * * @event change - Emitted when the control's value changes. * * @csspart form-control-input - The textbox's wrapper. * @csspart form-control-help-text - The help text's wrapper. * @csspart prefix - The container that wraps the prefix slot. * @csspart suffix - The container that wraps the suffix slot. * */ export class Et2VfsSelect extends Et2InputWidget(LitElement) implements SearchMixinInterface { static get styles() { return [ shoelace, ...super.styles, styles ]; } /** Currently selected files */ @property() value : string[] = []; /** * The dialog’s label as displayed in the header. * You should always include a relevant label, as it is required for proper accessibility. */ @property() title : string = "Select"; /** * Dialog mode * Quickly sets button label, multiple, selection and for "select-dir", mime-type **/ @property({type: String}) mode : "open" | "open-multiple" | "saveas" | "select-dir"; /** Button label */ @property({type: String}) buttonLabel : string = "Select"; /** Provide a suggested filename for saving */ @property() filename : string = ""; /** Allow selecting multiple files */ @property({type: Boolean}) multiple = false; /** Start path in VFS. Leave unset to use the last used path. */ @property() path : string = ""; /** Limit display to the given mime-type */ @property() mime : string | string[] | RegExp = ""; /** List of mimetypes to allow user to filter. */ @property() mimeList : SelectOption[] = []; /** The select's help text. If you need to display HTML, use the `help-text` slot instead. */ @property({attribute: 'help-text'}) helpText = ''; @state() searching = false; @state() open : boolean = false; @state() currentFile : Et2VfsSelectRow; @state() selectedFiles : Et2VfsSelectRow[] = []; // SearchMixinInterface // @property() searchUrl : string = "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_vfsSelectFiles"; /** Additional options passed to server search */ @property({type: Object}) searchOptions : object = {}; search : boolean = true; allowFreeEntries : boolean = false; // End SearchMixinInterface // protected _searchTimeout : number; protected _searchPromise : Promise = Promise.resolve([]); private static SEARCH_TIMEOUT : number = 500; // Still need some server-side info protected _serverContent : Promise = Promise.resolve({}); private static SERVER_URL = "EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_vfsSelectContent"; protected readonly hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, 'help-text', 'toolbar', 'footer'); protected _fileList : FileInfo[] = []; // @ts-ignore different types protected _appList : SelectOption[] = this.egw().link_app_list("query") ?? []; // Internal accessors get _dialog() : Et2Dialog { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("et2-dialog");} get _filenameNode() : HTMLInputElement { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#filename");} get _fileNodes() : Et2VfsSelectRow[] { return Array.from(this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("et2-vfs-select-row"));} get _searchNode() : HTMLInputElement { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#search");} get _pathNode() : HTMLElement { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#path");} get _listNode() : HTMLElement { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#listbox");} get _mimeNode() : Et2Select { return this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#mimeFilter");} /* * List of properties that get translated * Done separately to not interfere with properties - if we re-define label property, * labels go missing. */ static get translate() { return { ...super.translate, title: true, buttonLabel: true } } constructor(parent_egw? : string | IegwAppLocal) { super(); if(parent_egw) { this._setApiInstance(parent_egw); } // Use filemanager translations this.egw().langRequireApp(this.egw().window, "filemanager", () => {this.requestUpdate()}); this.handleButtonClick = this.handleButtonClick.bind(this); this.handleCreateDirectory = this.handleCreateDirectory.bind(this); this.handleSearchKeyDown = this.handleSearchKeyDown.bind(this); } transformAttributes(attr) { super.transformAttributes(attr); // Start request to get server-side info let content = {}; let attrs = { mode: this.mode, label: this.buttonLabel, path: this.path || null, mime: this.mime || null, name: this.title }; return this.egw().request(this.egw().link(this.egw().ajaxUrl(this.egw().decodePath(Et2VfsSelect.SERVER_URL))), [content, attrs]).then((results) => { debugger; }); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); if(this.path == "") { this.path = this.egw()?.preference("startfolder", "filemanager") || "~"; } // Get file list this.startSearch(); } async getUpdateComplete() { const result = await super.getUpdateComplete(); // Need to wait for server content await this._serverContent; return result; } protected willUpdate(changedProperties : PropertyValues) { super.willUpdate(changedProperties); if(changedProperties.has("mode")) { this.multiple = this.mode == "open-multiple"; } if(changedProperties.has("path")) { this.startSearch(); } } public setPath(path) { if(path == '..') { path = this.dirname(this.path); } const oldValue = this.path; this._pathNode.value = this.path = path; this.requestUpdate("path", oldValue); return this._searchPromise; } /** * Get directory of a path * * @param {string} _path * @returns string */ public dirname(_path) { let parts = _path.split('/'); parts.pop(); return parts.join('/') || '/'; } /** * Shows the dialog. */ public show() { this.open = true; if(this.path && this._fileList.length == 0) { this.startSearch(); } return Promise.all([ this.updateComplete, this._searchPromise, this._dialog.show() ]); } /** * Hides the dialog. */ public hide() { this.open = false; return this._dialog.hide(); } getComplete() : Promise { return this._dialog.getComplete().then(() => { return this.value; }); } startSearch() : Promise { // Stop timeout timer clearTimeout(this._searchTimeout); this.searching = true; this.requestUpdate("searching"); // Start the searches this._searchPromise = this.remoteSearch(this._searchNode?.value ?? "", this.searchOptions); return this._searchPromise.then(async() => { this.searching = false; this.requestUpdate("searching", true); }); } localSearch(search : string, options : object) : Promise { // No local search return Promise.resolve([]); } remoteSearch(search : string, options : object) : Promise { // Include a limit, even if options don't, to avoid massive lists breaking the UI let sendOptions = { path: this.path, mime: this.mime, num_rows: 100, ...options } return this.egw().request(this.egw().link(this.egw().ajaxUrl(this.egw().decodePath(this.searchUrl))), [search, sendOptions]).then((results) => { return this.processRemoteResults(results); }); } processRemoteResults(results) : FileInfo[] { this.helpText = results.message ?? ""; this._fileList = results.files ?? []; return this._fileList; } searchMatch(search : string, options : object, item : LitElement) : boolean { // No local matching return false; } /** * Inject application specific egw object with loaded translations into the dialog * * @param {string|egw} _egw_or_appname egw object with already loaded translations or application name to load translations for */ _setApiInstance(_egw_or_appname ? : string | IegwAppLocal) { if(typeof _egw_or_appname == 'undefined') { // @ts-ignore _egw_or_appname = egw_appName; } // if egw object is passed in because called from et2, just use it if(typeof _egw_or_appname != 'string') { this.__egw = _egw_or_appname; } // otherwise use given appname to create app-specific egw instance and load default translations else { this.__egw = egw(_egw_or_appname); this.egw().langRequireApp(this.egw().window, _egw_or_appname); } } /** * Sets the selected files * @param {Et2VfsSelectRow | Et2VfsSelectRow[]} file * @private */ private setSelectedFiles(file : Et2VfsSelectRow | Et2VfsSelectRow[]) { const newSelectedOptions = Array.isArray(file) ? file : [file]; // Clear existing selection this._fileNodes.forEach(el => { el.selected = false; el.requestUpdate("selected"); }); // Set the new selection if(newSelectedOptions.length) { newSelectedOptions.forEach(el => { el.selected = true; el.requestUpdate("selected"); }); } // Update selection, value, and display label this.selectionChanged(); } /** * Toggles a file's selected state */ private toggleFileSelection(file : Et2VfsSelectRow, force? : boolean) { if(force === true || force === false) { file.selected = force; } else { file.selected = !file.selected; } file.requestUpdate("selected"); this.selectionChanged(); } /** * This method must be called whenever the selection changes. It will update the selected file cache, the current * value, and the display value */ private selectionChanged() { // Update selected files cache this.selectedFiles = this._fileNodes.filter(el => el.selected); // Update the value if(this.multiple) { this.value = this.selectedFiles.map(el => el.value.path); // TODO - show how many are selected? /* if(this.value.length === 0) { // When no items are selected, keep the value empty so the placeholder shows this.displayLabel = ''; } else { this.displayLabel = this.localize.term('numOptionsSelected', this.selectedFiles.length); } */ } else { this.value = [this.selectedFiles[0]?.value.path] ?? []; } } protected handleButtonClick(event : MouseEvent) { this.open = false; this.requestUpdate("open", true); } /** * Create a new directory in the current one * @param {MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent} event * @returns {Promise} * @protected */ protected async handleCreateDirectory(event : MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) { // Get new directory name let [button, value] = await Et2Dialog.show_prompt( null, this.egw().lang('New directory'), this.egw().lang('Create directory') ).getComplete(); let dir = value.value; if(button && dir) { this.egw().request('EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_create_dir', [dir, this.path]) .then((msg) => { this.egw().message(msg); this.setPath(this.path + '/' + dir); }); } } handleFileClick(event : MouseEvent) { const target = event.target as HTMLElement; const file : Et2VfsSelectRow = target.closest('et2-vfs-select-row'); const oldValue = this.value; if(file && !file.disabled) { // Can't select a directory normally if(file.value.isDir && this.mode != "select-dir") { return; } if(this.multiple) { this.toggleFileSelection(file); } else { this.setSelectedFiles(file); } // Set focus after updating so the value is announced by screen readers //this.updateComplete.then(() => this.displayInput.focus({ preventScroll: true })); if(this.value !== oldValue) { // Emit after updating this.updateComplete.then(() => { this.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true})); }); } } } handleFileDoubleClick(event : MouseEvent) { const target = event.target as HTMLElement; const file : Et2VfsSelectRow = target.closest('et2-vfs-select-row'); if(file.value.isDir) { this.toggleFileSelection(file, false); const oldPath = this.path; this.setPath(file.value.path); } else { // Not a dir, just select it this.handleFileClick(event); // If we only want one, we've got it. Close. if(!this.multiple) { this.hide(); } } } handleSearchKeyDown(event) { clearTimeout(this._searchTimeout); // Up / Down navigates options if(['ArrowDown', 'ArrowUp'].includes(event.key) && this._fileList.length) { event.stopPropagation(); this.setCurrentFile(this._fileNodes[0]); return; } // Start search immediately else if(event.key == "Enter") { event.preventDefault(); this.startSearch(); return; } else if(event.key == "Escape") { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.value = []; this.hide(); return; } // Start the search automatically if they have enough letters // -1 because we're in keyDown handler, and value is from _before_ this key was pressed if(this._searchNode.value.length - 1 > 0) { this._searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {this.startSearch()}, Et2VfsSelect.SEARCH_TIMEOUT); } } protected toolbarTemplate() : TemplateResult { return html` this.setPath("~")} > this.setPath("..")} > this.setPath("/apps/favorites")} > this.setPath("/apps/" + e.target.value)} > `; } protected filesTemplate() { const empty = this._fileList.length == 0; const promise = this._searchPromise.then(() => { return html` ${empty ? this.noFilesTemplate() : html` ${repeat(this._fileList, (file) => file.path, (file, index) => { return html` `; } )}` }`; }); return html` ${until(promise, html`
`)}`; } protected noFilesTemplate() : TemplateResult { return html`
${this.egw().lang("no files in this directory.")}
`; } protected mimeOptionsTemplate() { return html``; } protected footerTemplate() { let image = "check"; switch(this.mode) { case "saveas": image = "save_new"; break; } const buttons = [ {id: "ok", label: this.buttonLabel, image: image}, {id: "cancel", label: "cancel", image: "cancel"} ]; return html` ${repeat(buttons, (button : DialogButton) => button.id, (button, index) => { return html` ${button.label} ` })}`; } render() { const hasHelpTextSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('help-text'); const hasFooterSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('footer'); const hasToolbarSlot = this.hasSlotController.test('toolbar'); const hasHelpText = this.helpText ? true : !!hasHelpTextSlot; const hasToolbar = !!hasToolbarSlot; const hasFilename = this.mode == "saveas"; return html` ${hasFilename ? html`` : nothing}
${hasToolbar ? nothing : this.toolbarTemplate()}
${this.egw().lang("mime filter")} ${this.mimeOptionsTemplate()}
${hasFooterSlot ? nothing : this.footerTemplate()}
`; } } customElements.define("et2-vfs-select", Et2VfsSelect); export interface FileInfo { name : string, mime : string, isDir : boolean, path? : string, // We want to show it, but not act with it. File is disabled for the UI disabled? : boolean }