Module xmlrpc

Provides an XML-RPC imlementation. It is similar to python's xmlrpclib module.

public members:


Exception thrown if a server did not respond with response status 200 (OK).


Exception thrown if an XML-RPC response is not well formed.


Exception thrown if the RPC response is a Fault.
  • Fault::faultCode The fault code returned by the rpc call.
  • Fault::faultString The fault string returned by the rpc call.


Marshalls an object to XML-RPC.(Converts an object into XML-RPC conforming xml.)
It just calls the toXmlRpc function of the objcect.
So, to customize serialization of objects one just needs to specify/override the toXmlRpc method which should return an xml string conforming with XML-RPC spec.
obj The object to marshall
returns An xml representation of the object.


Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object. (Converts xml to JavaScript object.)
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.
xml The xml document source to unmarshall.
returns The JavaScript object created from the XML.


Unmarshalls an XML document to a JavaScript object like unmarshall but expects a DOM document as parameter.
It parses the xml source and creates a JavaScript object.
doc The xml document(DOM compatible) to unmarshall.
returns The JavaScript object created from the XML.


Class for creating proxy objects which resemble the remote service.
Method calls to this proxy will result in calls to the remote service.

The arguments are interpreted as shown in the examples:

ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...])
ServerProxy("url", ["methodName1",...], "user", "pass")
ServerProxy("url", "user", "pass")
  • url The url of the service.
  • methodNames =[] Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.
    If no methods are given then introspection is used to get the methodnames from the server.
  • user =null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.
  • pass =null The password to use for HTTP authentication.
The ServiceProxy objects expose all the methods of the remote service as XMLRPCMethod objects. In addition the object also has the following methods and properties.
  • ServiceProxy::_addMethodNames(methodNames)
    Adds new XMLRPCMethods to the proxy server which can then be invoked.
    methodNames Array of names of methods that can be called on the server.
  • ServiceProxy::_setAuthentication(user,pass)
    Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication for all methods of this service.
    user The user name.
    pass The password.
  • ServiceProxy::_introspect()
    Initiate XML-RPC introspection to retrieve methodnames from the server
    and add them to the server proxy.
  • ServiceProxy::_url
    The url of the service to resemble.
  • ServiceProxy::_user
    The user used for HTTP authentication.
  • ServiceProxy::_password
    The password used for HTTP authentication.
  • ServiceProxy::_methods
    All XMLRPCMethod objects the proxy can call.

XMLRPCMethod(url, name, user, pass)

Class for creating XML-RPC methods.
Calling the created method will result in an XML-RPC call to the service.
The return value of this call will be the return value of the RPC call.
RPC-Faults will be raised as Exceptions.

  • url The URL of the service providing the method.
  • name The name of the method to invoke.
  • user =null The user name to use for HTTP authentication.
  • pass =null The password to use for HTTP authentication.
Asynchronous operation:
If the last parameter passed to the method is an XMLRPCAsyncCallback object,
then the remote method will be called asynchronously.
The results and errors are passed to the callback.

  • XMLRPCMethod::toMulticall()
    Returns the method representation for system.multicall.
    All params will be passed to the remote method.
    returns An object containing a member methodName and a member params(As required by system.multicall).
  • XMLRPCMethod::setAuthentication(user,pass)
    Sets username and password for HTTP Authentication.
    user The user name.
    pass The password.
  • XMLRPCMethod::methodName
    The name of the remote method.
  • XMLRPCMethod::url
    The url of the remote service containing the method.
  • XMLRPCMethod::user
    The user name used for HTTP authorization.
  • XMLRPCMethod::password
    The password used for HTTP authorization.

XMLRPCAsyncCallback(result, err)

The interface of a callback for asynchronous XML-RPC.
  • result The result of the call (null if error)
  • err The Fault if there was one returned otherwise null



is required for making the HTTP request to the remote service.


is required for parsing the responses from the service.