 * Mail - admin, preferences and sidebox-menus and other hooks
 * @link http://www.egroupware.org
 * @package mail
 * @author Stylite AG [info@stylite.de]
 * @copyright (c) 2013 by Stylite AG <info-AT-stylite.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
 * @version $Id$

 * Class containing admin, preferences and sidebox-menus and other hooks
class mail_hooks
 * Several hooks calling an instanciated mail_bo, which need to use the mail_bo::getInstance() singelton
 * @param string|array $hookData
	static public function accountHooks($hookData)
		if (($default_profile_id = emailadmin_bo::getDefaultAccID()))
			$mail_bo = mail_bo::forceEAProfileLoad($default_profile_id);

			switch(is_array($hookData) ? $hookData['location'] : $hookData)
				case 'addaccount':
				case 'deleteaccount':
				case 'editaccount':

	 * Menu for Admin >> Edit accounts
	static public function adminMenu()
		if (($default_profile_id = emailadmin_bo::getDefaultAccID()))
			$mail_bo = mail_bo::forceEAProfileLoad($default_profile_id);

			$ogServer = $mail_bo->mailPreferences->getOutgoingServer($default_profile_id);
			//error_log(__METHOD__."() default_profile_id = $default_profile_id, get_class(ogServer)=".get_class($ogServer));

			if (!in_array(get_class($ogServer), array('defaultsmtp', 'emailadmin_smtp')))
				global $menuData;

				$menuData[] = Array
					'description'   => 'email settings',
					'url'           => '/index.php',
					'extradata'     => 'menuaction=emailadmin.uiuserdata.editUserData'

     * Hook called by link-class to include mail in the appregistry of the linkage
     * @param array/string $location location and other parameters (not used)
     * @return array with method-names
    static function search_link($location)
        return array(
			'view'  => array(
				'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.displayMessage',
			'view_id'    => 'id',
			'view_popup' => '870xegw_getWindowOuterHeight()',
			'view_list'	=>	'mail.mail_ui.index',
			'add'        => array(
				'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_compose.compose',
			'add_popup'  => '870xegw_getWindowOuterHeight()',
			'edit'        => array(
				'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_compose.compose',
			'edit_id'    => 'id',
			'edit_popup'  => '870xegw_getWindowOuterHeight()',
			// register fmail as handler for .eml files
			'mime' => array(
				'message/rfc822' => array(
					'menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.importMessageFromVFS2DraftAndDisplay',
					//'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.importMessageFromVFS2DraftAndDisplay',
					'mime_popup' => '870xegw_getWindowOuterHeight()',
					'mime_url'   => 'formData[file]',

	 * Settings hook
	 * @param array|string $hook_data
	static function settings($hook_data)
		if (!$hook_data['setup'])	// does not work on setup time
			$folderList = array();

			$profileID = 0;
			if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']))
				$profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'];

			$mail_bo = mail_bo::getInstance(true,$profileID);
			$profileID = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'] = $mail_bo->profileID;
			if($profileID && $mail_bo->openConnection($profileID)) {
				$folderObjects = $mail_bo->getFolderObjects(true, false);
				foreach($folderObjects as $folderName => $folderInfo) {
					$folderList[$folderName] = $folderInfo->displayName;
				if ($GLOBALS['type'] === 'user')
					$trashFolder    = $mail_bo->getTrashFolder();
					$draftFolder	= $mail_bo->getDraftFolder();
					$templateFolder = $mail_bo->getTemplateFolder();
					$sentFolder		= $mail_bo->getSentFolder();
					// use displaynames, if available
					if (isset($folderList[$trashFolder])) $trashFolder = $folderList[$trashFolder];
					if (isset($folderList[$draftFolder])) $draftFolder = $folderList[$draftFolder];
					if (isset($folderList[$templateFolder])) $templateFolder = $folderList[$templateFolder];
					if (isset($folderList[$sentFolder])) $sentFolder = $folderList[$sentFolder];

			$availableAutoFolders['none'] = lang('none, create all');
			foreach(mail_bo::$autoFolders as $aname) {
				$availableAutoFolders[$aname] = lang($aname);

			$mailConfig = config::read('mail');
		$refreshTime = array(
			'0' => lang('disabled'),
			'1' => '1',
			'2' => '2',
			'3' => '3',
			'4' => '4',
			'5' => '5',
			'6' => '6',
			'7' => '7',
			'8' => '8',
			'9' => '9',
			'10' => '10',
			'15' => '15',
			'20' => '20',
			'30' => '30'

		$connectionTimeout = array(
			'0' => lang('use default timeout (20 seconds)'),
			'10' => '10', // timeout used in SIEVE
			'20' => '20',
			'30' => '30',
			'40' => '40',
			'50' => '50',
			'60' => '60',
			'70' => '70',
			'80' => '80',
			'90' => '90',

		$no_yes = array(
			'0' => lang('no'),
			'1' => lang('yes')
		$no_yes_copy = array_merge($no_yes,array('2'=>lang('yes, offer copy option')));

 		$prefAllowManageFolders = $no_yes;

		$test_connection = array(
			'full' => lang('yes, show all debug information available for the user'),
			'nocredentials' => lang('yes, but mask all usernames and passwords'),
			'nopasswords' => lang('yes, but mask all passwords'),
			'basic' => lang('yes, show basic info only'),
			'reset' => lang('yes, only trigger connection reset'),
			'none' => lang('no'),

		$forwardOptions = array(
			'asmail' => lang('forward as attachment'),
			'inline' => lang('forward inline'),
		$sortOrder = array(
			'0' => lang('date(newest first)'),
			'1' => lang('date(oldest first)'),
			'3' => lang('from(A->Z)'),
			'2' => lang('from(Z->A)'),
			'5' => lang('subject(A->Z)'),
			'4' => lang('subject(Z->A)'),
			'7' => lang('size(0->...)'),
			'6' => lang('size(...->0)')

		$trustServersUnseenOptions = array_merge(
			array('2' => lang('yes') . ' - ' . lang('but check shared folders'))

		$selectOptions = array_merge(
			array('2' => lang('yes') . ' - ' . lang('small view'))
		$newWindowOptions = array(
			'1' => lang('only one window'),
			'2' => lang('allways a new window'),

		$deleteOptions = array(
			'move_to_trash'		=> lang('move to trash'),
			'mark_as_deleted'	=> lang('mark as deleted'),
			'remove_immediately'	=> lang('remove immediately')

		$sendOptions = array(
			'move_to_sent'		=> lang('send message and move to send folder (if configured)'),
			'send_only'	=> lang('only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder')

		$composeOptions = array(
			'html'     => lang('html'),
			'text'   => lang('text/plain'),
		$replyOptions = array(
			'none'	=> lang('use source as displayed, if applicable'),
			'html'  => lang('force html'),
			'text'  => lang('force plain text'),

		$saveAsOptions = array(
			'text'   	=> lang('convert Mail to item and attach its attachments to this item (standard)'),
			'add_raw'   => lang('convert Mail to item, attach its attachments and add raw message (message/rfc822 (.eml)) as attachment'),

		$htmlOptions = array(
			'never_display'		=> lang('never display html emails'),
			'only_if_no_text'	=> lang('display only when no plain text is available'),
			'always_display'	=> lang('always show html emails'),
		$toggle = false;
		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['select_mode'] == 'EGW_SELECTMODE_TOGGLE') $toggle=true;
		$rowOrderStyle = array(
			'mail'	=> lang('mail'),
			'outlook'	=> 'Outlook',
			'mail_wCB' => lang('mail').' '.($toggle?lang('(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox)'):lang('(with checkbox enforced)')),
			'outlook_wCB'	=> 'Outlook'.' '.($toggle?lang('(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox)'):lang('(with checkbox enforced)')),

		// otherwise we get warnings during setup
		if (!is_array($folderList)) $folderList = array();

		$trashOptions = array_merge(
				'none' => lang("Don't use Trash")

		$sentOptions = array_merge(
				'none' => lang("Don't use Sent")

		$draftOptions = array_merge(
				'none' => lang("Don't use draft folder")

		$templateOptions = array_merge(
		        'none' => lang("Don't use template folder")

		// modify folderlist, add a none entry, to be able to force the regarding settings, if no folders apply
		$folderList['none'] = lang('no folders');

		/* Settings array for this app */
		$settingsArray = array(
				'type'  => 'section',
				'title' => lang('Mail settings'),
				'no_lang'=> true,
				'xmlrpc' => False,
				'admin'  => False
			'message_forwarding' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'how to forward messages',
				'help'   => 'Which method to use when forwarding a message',
				'name'   => 'message_forwarding',
				'values' => $forwardOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'asmail',
			'composeOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'New message type',
				'help'   => 'start new messages with mime type plain/text or html?',
				'name'   => 'composeOptions',
				'values' => $composeOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'html',
			'replyOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Reply message type',
				'help'  => 'start reply messages with mime type plain/text or html or try to use the displayed format (default)?',
				'name'   => 'replyOptions',
				'values' => $replyOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'none',
			'disableRulerForSignatureSeparation' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'disable Ruler for separation of mailbody and signature',
				'help'   => 'Turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not according to RFC).<br>If you use templates, this option is only applied to the text part of the message.',
				'name'   => 'disableRulerForSignatureSeparation',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'default'=> 0,
				'admin'  => False,
			'insertSignatureAtTopOfMessage' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'signature at top',
				'help'   => 'insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures)',
				'name'   => 'insertSignatureAtTopOfMessage',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'default'=> 0,
				'admin'  => False,
			'attachVCardAtCompose' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Attach vCard',
				'help'   => 'attach users VCard at compose to every new mail',
				'name'   => 'attachVCardAtCompose',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'default'=> 0,
				'admin'  => False,
				'type'  => 'section',
				'title' => lang('General settings'),
				'no_lang'=> true,
				'xmlrpc' => False,
				'admin'  => False
			'refreshTime' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Refresh time in minutes',
				'help'   => 'How often to check with the server for new mail',
				'name'   => 'refreshTime',
				'values' => $refreshTime,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced'=> 5,
			'htmlOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'display of html emails',
				'help'   => 'What do do with html email',
				'name'   => 'htmlOptions',
				'values' => $htmlOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => 'always_display',
			'message_newwindow' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'display messages in multiple windows',
				'help'   => 'When displaying messages in a popup, re-use the same popup for all or open a new popup for each message',
				'name'   => 'message_newwindow',
				'values' => $newWindowOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '1',
			'allowExternalIMGs' => array(
				'type'   => 'check',
				'label'  => 'Allow external images',
				'help'   => 'allow images from external sources in html emails',
				'name'   => 'allowExternalIMGs',
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => True,
				'forced' => true,
			'sortOrder' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Sort order',
				'help'   => 'Default sorting order',
				'name'   => 'sortOrder',
				'values' => $sortOrder,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> '0',	// newest first
			'rowOrderStyle' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'row order style',
				'help'   => 'What order the list columns are in',
				'name'   => 'rowOrderStyle',
				'values' => $rowOrderStyle,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'mail',
			'enablePreViewArea' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Message preview area',
				'help'   => 'If you want to see a preview of a mail by single clicking onto the subject, enable this.',
				'name'   => 'enablePreViewArea',
				'values' => $no_yes_copy,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '300',
			'prefaskformove' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Confirm move to folder',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder?',
				'name'   => 'prefaskformove',
				'values' => $no_yes_copy,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '1',
			'prefaskformultipleforward' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Confirm attach message',
				'help'  => 'Do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail?',
				'name'   => 'prefaskformultipleforward',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '1',
			'mainscreen_showmail' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'show new messages on home page',
				'help'   => 'Should new messages show up on the Home page',
				'name'   => 'mainscreen_showmail',
				'values' => $selectOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'mainscreen_showfolders' => array(
				'type'   => 'multiselect',
				'label'  => 'home page folders',
				'help'   => 'if shown, which folders should appear on the Home page',
				'name'   => 'mainscreen_showfolders',
				'values' => $folderList,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'notify_folders' => array(
				'type'   => 'multiselect',
				'label'  => 'New mail notification',
				'help'   => 'notify when new mails arrive in these folders',
				'name'   => 'notify_folders',
				'values' => $folderList,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'type'  => 'section',
				'title' => lang('Folder settings'),
				'no_lang'=> true,
				'xmlrpc' => False,
				'admin'  => False
			'trashFolder' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => lang('trash folder'),
				'help'   => (isset($trashFolder) && !empty($trashFolder)?lang('The folder <b>%1</b> will be used, if there is nothing set here, and no valid predefine given.',$trashFolder):''),
				'name'   => 'trashFolder',
				'values' => $trashOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'sentFolder' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => lang('sent folder'),
				'help'   => (isset($sentFolder) && !empty($sentFolder)?lang('The folder <b>%1</b> will be used, if there is nothing set here, and no valid predefine given.',$sentFolder):''),
				'name'   => 'sentFolder',
				'values' => $sentOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'draftFolder' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => lang('draft folder'),
				'help'   => (isset($draftFolder) && !empty($draftFolder)?lang('The folder <b>%1</b> will be used, if there is nothing set here, and no valid predefine given.',$draftFolder):''),
				'name'   => 'draftFolder',
				'values' => $draftOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'templateFolder' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => lang('template folder'),
				'help'   => (isset($templateFolder) && !empty($templateFolder)?lang('The folder <b>%1</b> will be used, if there is nothing set here, and no valid predefine given.',$templateFolder):''),
				'name'   => 'templateFolder',
				'values' => $templateOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'deleteOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'when deleting messages',
				'help'   => 'what to do when you delete a message',
				'name'   => 'deleteOptions',
				'values' => $deleteOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'move_to_trash',
			'sendOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'when sending messages',
				'help'   => 'what to do when you send a message',
				'name'   => 'sendOptions',
				'values' => $sendOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'move_to_sent',
			'trustServersUnseenInfo' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'trust servers SEEN / UNSEEN info',
				'help'   => 'Trust the server when retrieving the folder status. if you select no, we will search for the UNSEEN messages and count them ourselves',
				'name'   => 'trustServersUnseenInfo',
				'values' => $trustServersUnseenOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'default'=> 2,
				'admin'  => False,
			'showAllFoldersInFolderPane' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'show all Folders',
				'help'   => 'show all folders, (subscribed AND unsubscribed) in Main Screen Folder Pane',
				'name'   => 'showAllFoldersInFolderPane',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'default'=> 0,
				'admin'  => False,
			'messages_showassent_0' => array(
				'type'   => 'multiselect',
				'label'  => 'Extra sent folders',
				'help'   => 'which folders (additional to the Sent Folder) should be displayed using the Sent Folder View Schema',
				'name'   => 'messages_showassent_0',
				'values' => $folderList,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => 'none',
				'type'  => 'section',
				'title' => lang('Configuration settings'),
				'no_lang'=> true,
				'xmlrpc' => False,
				'admin'  => False
			'prefpreventmanagefolders' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Prevent managing folders',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights AND subscribtion)?',
				'name'   => 'prefpreventmanagefolders',
				'values' => $prefAllowManageFolders,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '0',
			'prefpreventforwarding' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Prevent managing forwards',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to prevent the editing/setup for forwarding of mails via settings (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?',
				'name'   => 'prefpreventforwarding',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '0',
			'prefpreventnotificationformailviaemail' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Prevent managing notifications',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?',
				'name'   => 'prefpreventnotificationformailviaemail',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '1',
			'prefpreventeditfilterrules' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Prevent managing filters',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?',
				'name'   => 'prefpreventeditfilterrules',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '0',
			'prefpreventabsentnotice' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Prevent managing vacation notice',
				'help'   => 'Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?',
				'name'   => 'prefpreventabsentnotice',
				'values' => $no_yes,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '0',
			'connectionTimeout' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'IMAP timeout',
				'help'   => 'Timeout on connections to your IMAP Server',
				'name'   => 'connectionTimeout',
				'values' => $connectionTimeout,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
			'sieveScriptName' => array(
				'type'   => 'input',
				'label'  => 'sieve script name',
				'help'   => 'sieve script name',
				'name'   => 'sieveScriptName',
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => 'mail',
			'prefcontroltestconnection' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Test connection',
				'help'   => 'Show Test Connection section and control the level of info displayed?',
				'name'   => 'prefcontroltestconnection',
				'values' => $test_connection,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => '0',
			'notavailableautofolders' => array(
				'type'   => 'multiselect',
				'label'  => 'do not auto create folders',
				'help'   => 'which folders - in general - should NOT be automatically created, if not existing',
				'name'   => 'notavailableautofolders',
				'values' => $availableAutoFolders,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'forced' => 'none',
			'saveAsOptions' => array(
				'type'   => 'select',
				'label'  => 'Save as',
				'help'   => 'when saving messages as item of a different app',
				'name'   => 'saveAsOptions',
				'values' => $saveAsOptions,
				'xmlrpc' => True,
				'admin'  => False,
				'default'=> 'text',
			'add_popup' => '600x425',
		if (!$GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['stylite']) unset($settingsArray['attachVCardAtCompose']);
		return $settingsArray;

	 * Admin hook
	 * @param array|string $hook_data
	static function admin($hook_data)
		// Only Modify the $file and $title variables.....
		$title = $appname = 'mail';
		$profileID = 0;
		if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']))
			$profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'];

		$file = Array(
			'Site Configuration' => egw::link('/index.php',array('menuaction'=>'admin.uiconfig.index','appname'=>'mail')),

	 * Sidebox menu hook
	 * @param array|string $hook_data
	static function sidebox_menu($hook_data)
		// always show the side bar
		$appname = 'mail';
		$menu_title = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps'][$appname]['title'] . ' '. lang('Menu');
		$file = array();
		$profileID = 0;
		if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID']))
			$profileID = (int)$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'];

		$mail_bo = mail_bo::getInstance(true,$profileID);
		$profileID = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['mail']['ActiveProfileID'] = $mail_bo->profileID;
		$preferences =& $mail_bo->mailPreferences;
		$serverCounter = $sieveEnabledServerCounter = 0;
		if (count($preferences->ic_server)) {
			foreach ($preferences->ic_server as $tmpkey => $accountData)
				if ($tmpkey==0) continue;
				$icServer =& $accountData;
				if (empty($icServer->host)) continue;
				if ($icServer->enableSieve && $icServer->sievePort) $sieveEnabledServerCounter++;
		$showMainScreenStuff = false;
		if (!$showMainScreenStuff)
			// action links that are mostly static and dont need any connection and additional classes ...
			$file += array(
				'mail'		=> egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=mail.mail_ui.index&ajax=true'),

		// Destination div for folder tree
		$file[] = array(
			'no_lang' => true,
			'text'=>'<span id="mail-index_buttonmailcreate" class="button" />',
			'icon' => false
		$file[] = array(
			'no_lang' => true,
			'text'=>'<span id="mail-tree_target" class="dtree" />',
			'icon' => false
		// empty trash (if available -> move to trash )
		if($preferences['deleteOptions'] == 'move_to_trash')
			$file += array(
				'_NewLine_'	=> '', // give a newline
				'empty trash'	=> "javascript:mail_callEmptyTrash();",
		if($preferences['deleteOptions'] == 'mark_as_deleted')
			$file += array(
				'_NewLine_'		=> '', // give a newline
				'compress folder'	=> "javascript:mail_callCompressFolder();",
		// import Message link - only when the required library is available
		if ((@include_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php') !== false)
			$linkData = array(
				'menuaction' => 'mail.mail_ui.importMessage',

			$file += array(
				'import message' => "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2('".egw::link('/index.php', $linkData,false)."','importMessageDialog',870,125,'no','$appname');",


		// display them all

		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['preferences'])
			#$mailPreferences = ExecMethod('mail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
			$menu_title = lang('Preferences');	// ToDo: remove Preferences sub-menu from sidebox
			$file = array();

			// create account wizard
			$file += array(
				'create new account' => "javascript:egw_openWindowCentered2('" .
					egw::link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'mail.mail_wizard.add'), '').

			if ($preferences['prefcontroltestconnection'] <> 'none') $file['Test Connection'] = egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=mail.mail_ui.TestConnection&appname=mail');


			$menu_title = lang('Sieve');
			if (is_object($preferences)) $icServer = $preferences->getIncomingServer($profileID);
			$linkData = array
				'menuaction'	=> 'mail.mail_sieve.index',
			if(empty($preferences['prefpreventeditfilterrules']) || $preferences['prefpreventeditfilterrules'] == 0)
				$file['filter rules']	= egw::link('/index.php',$linkData);

			$linkData = array
				'menuaction'	=> 'mail.mail_sieve.editVacation',
			if(empty($preferences['prefpreventabsentnotice']) || $preferences['prefpreventabsentnotice'] == 0)
				$file['vacation notice']	= egw::link('/index.php',$linkData);
			if((empty($preferences['prefpreventnotificationformailviaemail']) ||
				$preferences['prefpreventnotificationformailviaemail'] == 0))
				$file['email notification'] = egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=mail.mail_sieve.editEmailNotification'); //Added email notifications
			if ($sieveEnabledServerCounter>=1)
				if($sieveEnabledServerCounter==1 && ($icServer instanceof defaultimap)) {
						if (count($file)) display_sidebox($appname,$menu_title,$file);
					if (count($file)) display_sidebox($appname,$menu_title,$file);


		if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])
			$file = Array(
				'Site Configuration' => egw::link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uiconfig.index&appname=' . $appname),