* eGroupWare - Adressbook - General storage object                         *
* http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
* Written and (c) 2005 by Cornelius_weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>        *
* --------------------------------------------                             *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
*  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
*  option) any later version.                                              *

/* $Id$ */

 * General storage object of the adressbook
 * @package addressbook
 * @author Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
 * @copyright (c) 2005 by Cornelius Weiss <egw@von-und-zu-weiss.de>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License

class socontacts
	 * @var string $links_table table name 'egw_links'
	var $links_table = 'egw_links';
	 * @var string $extra_table name of customefields table
	var $extra_table = 'egw_addressbook_extra';
	* @var string $extra_id
	var $extra_id = 'contact_id';
	* @var string $extra_owner
	var $extra_owner = 'contact_owner';

	* @var string $extra_key
	var $extra_key = 'contact_name';
	* @var string $extra_value
	var $extra_value = 'contact_value';
	function socontacts($contact_app='addressbook')
		if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['contact_repository'] == 'sql' || !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['contact_repository']))
			$this->somain =& CreateObject('etemplate.so_sql','phpgwapi','egw_addressbook');
			$this->somain =& CreateObject('addressbook.so_'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['contact_repository']);
		$this->somain->contacts_id = 'id';
		$this->soextra =& CreateObject('etemplate.so_sql');
		$custom =& CreateObject('admin.customfields',$contact_app);
		$this->customfields = $custom->get_customfields();
		if ($this->customfields && !is_array($this->customfields)) $this->customfields = unserialize($this->customfields);
		if (!$this->customfields) $this->customfields = array();
		$this->content_types = $custom->get_content_types();
		if ($this->content_types && !is_array($this->content_types)) $this->content_types = unserialize($this->content_types);
	 * changes the data from the db-format to your work-format
	 * it gets called everytime when data is read from the db
	 * This function needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
	 * @param array $data 
	function db2data($data)
		// do the necessare changes here

		return $data;

	 * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format
	 * It gets called everytime when data gets writen into db or on keys for db-searches
	 * this needs to be reimplemented in the derived class
	 * @param array $data
	function data2db($data)
		// do the necessary changes here

		return $data;

	* deletes contact entry including custom fields
	* @param array &$contact contact data from etemplate::exec
	* @return bool false if all went right
	function delete($contact)
		// delete mainfields
		if ($this->somain->delete(array('id' => $contact['id'])))
			// delete customfields, can return 0 if there are no customfields
			$this->soextra->delete(array($this->extra_id => $contact['id']));

			return false;
		return true;
	* saves contact data including custiom felds
	* @param array &$contact contact data from etemplate::exec
	* @return bool false if all went wrong, errornumber on failure
	function save(&$contact)
		// save mainfields
		$this->somain->data = $this->data2db($contact);
		$error_nr = $this->somain->save();
		$contact['id'] = $this->somain->data['id'];
		if($error_nr) return $error_nr;
		// save customfields
		foreach ((array)$this->customfields + array('ophone' => '', 'address2' => '' , 'address3' => '') as $field => $options)
			if(!array_key_exists('#'.$field,$contact)) continue;
			$value = $contact['#'.$field];
			$data = array(
				$this->extra_id => $contact['id'],
				$this->extra_owner => $contact['owner'],
				$this->extra_key => $field,
				$this->extra_value => $value,
			$this->soextra->data = $data;
			$error_nr = $this->soextra->save();
			if($error_nr) return $error_nr;
	 * reads contact data including custom fields
	 * @param interger $contact_id contact_id
	 * @return array/boolean data if row could be retrived else False
	function read($contact_id)
		// read main data
		if (!($contact = $this->somain->read($contact_id)))
			return $contact;
		// read customfilds
		$keys = array(
			$this->extra_id => $contact['id'],
			$this->extra_owner => $contact['owner'],
		$customfields = $this->soextra->search($keys,false);
		foreach ((array)$customfields as $field)
			$contact['#'.$field[$this->extra_key]] = $field[$this->extra_value];
		return $this->db2data($contact);
	 * searches db for rows matching searchcriteria
	 * '*' and '?' are replaced with sql-wildcards '%' and '_'
	 * @param array/string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR a SQL query (content for WHERE), fully quoted (!)
	 * @param boolean/string $only_keys=true True returns only keys, False returns all cols. comma seperated list of keys to return
	 * @param string $order_by='' fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',', can also contain a GROUP BY (if it contains ORDER BY)
	 * @param string/array $extra_cols='' string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num"
	 * @param string $wildcard='' appended befor and after each criteria
	 * @param boolean $empty=false False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row
	 * @param string $op='AND' defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together
	 * @param mixed $start=false if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start, or array($start,$num)
	 * @param array $filter=null if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards
	 * @param string $join='' sql to do a join, added as is after the table-name, eg. ", table2 WHERE x=y" or 
	 *	"LEFT JOIN table2 ON (x=y)", Note: there's no quoting done on $join!
	 * @param boolean $need_full_no_count=false If true an unlimited query is run to determine the total number of rows, default false
	 * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False
	function search($criteria,$only_keys=True,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False,$op='AND',$start=false,$filter=null,$join='',$need_full_no_count=false)
 		//echo 'socontacts::search->criteria:'; _debug_array($criteria);
 		// we can only deal with one category atm.
 		$criteria['cat_id'] = $criteria['cat_id'][0];
 		if (empty($criteria['cat_id'])) unset($criteria['cat_id']);
		// We just want to deal with generalized vars, to simpyfie porting of this code to so_sql later...
		$this->main_id = $this->somain->contacts_id;

		// seperate custom fields from main fields
		foreach ($criteria as $crit_key => $crit_val)
			if(!(isset($this->somain->db_data_cols [$crit_key]) || isset($this->somain->db_key_cols [$crit_key])))
				if(strpos($crit_key,'#') !== false && $crit_key{0} != '!' )
					$extra_crit_key = substr($crit_key,1);
					$criteria_extra[$extra_crit_key][$this->extra_key] = $extra_crit_key;
					$criteria_extra[$extra_crit_key][$this->extra_value] = $crit_val;

		// search in custom fields
		$resultextra = array();
		if (count($criteria_extra) >= 1)
			$firstrun = true;
			foreach ((array)$criteria_extra as $extra_crit)
				if($extra_crit[$this->extra_value]{0} == '!')
					if(!isset($all_main_ids)) $all_main_ids = $this->somain->search(array($this->main_id => '*'));
					$extra_crit[$this->extra_value] = substr($extra_crit[$this->extra_value],1);
					$not_result = $this->soextra->search($extra_crit,true,'','',$wildcard);
						$expr = '$not_result[0]';
						for($i=1; $i<count($not_result); $i++)
							$expr .= ',$not_result['.$i.']';
						@eval('$not_result = array_merge_recursive('.$expr.');');
					foreach($all_main_ids as $entry)
						if(array_search($entry[$this->main_id],(array)$not_result[$this->extra_id]) === false)
							$result[] = array(
								$this->extra_id => $entry[$this->main_id],
								$this->extra_key => $extra_crit[$this->extra_key],
					$result = $this->soextra->search($extra_crit,true,'','',$wildcard);

				if ($op == 'OR' && $result)
					$resultextra = array_merge_recursive((array)$result,(array)$resultextra);
				elseif ($op == 'AND')
					if (!$result)
						return false;
						//$resultextra = array();
					$expr = '$result[0]';
					for($i=1; $i<count($result); $i++)
						$expr .= ',$result['.$i.']';
					@eval('$merge = array_merge_recursive('.$expr.');');
						$merge[$this->extra_id] = (array)$merge[$this->extra_id];
						$resultextra = $merge[$this->extra_id];
						$firstrun = false;
						$resultextra = array_intersect((array)$resultextra,$merge[$this->extra_id]);
			if($op == 'OR' && $resultextra)
				$expr = '$resultextra[0]';
				for($i=1; $i<count($resultextra); $i++)
					$expr .= ',$resultextra['.$i.']';
				@eval('$merge = array_merge_recursive('.$expr.');');
				$resultextra = array_unique((array)$merge[$this->extra_id]);
		//echo 'socontacts::search->resultextra:'; _debug_array($resultextra);
		// search in main fields
		$result = array();
		// include results from extrafieldsearch
			$criteria[$this->main_id] = $resultextra;
		if (count($criteria) >= 1)
			// We do have to apply wildcard by hand, as the result-ids of extrasearch are included in this search
				foreach ($criteria as $field => $value)
					if ($field == $this->main_id) continue;
					$criteria[$field] = '*'.$value.'*';
			$result = $this->somain->search($criteria,true,$order_by,$extra_cols,false,$empty,$op,false,$filter);
			if(!is_array($result)) return false;
			$expr = '$result[0]';
			for($i=1; $i<count($result); $i++)
				$expr .= ',$result['.$i.']';
			@eval('$merge = array_merge_recursive('.$expr.');');
			$result = ($merge[$this->main_id]);
		//echo 'socontacts::search->result:'; _debug_array($result);

		if(count($result) == 0) return false;
		if(!is_bool($only_keys_main = $only_keys))
			$keys_wanted = explode(',',$only_keys);
			foreach ($keys_wanted as $num => $key_wanted)
				if(!(isset($this->somain->db_data_cols [$key_wanted]) || isset($this->somain->db_key_cols [$key_wanted])))
					$keys_wanted_custom[] = $key_wanted;
			$only_keys_main = implode(',',$keys_wanted);
		$result = $this->somain->search(array($this->main_id => $result),$only_keys_main,$order_by,$extra_cols,'','','OR',$start,$filter,$join,$need_full_no_count);
		// append custom fields for each row
		if($only_keys === false || is_array($keys_wanted_custom))
			foreach ($result as $num => $contact)
				$extras = $this->soextra->search(array($this->extra_id => $contact[$this->main_id]),false);
				foreach ((array)$extras as $extra)
					if ($only_keys === false || in_array($extra[$this->extra_key],$keys_wanted_custom))
						$result[$num][$extra[$this->extra_key]] = $extra[$this->extra_value];
		foreach($result as $num => $contact)
			$result[$num] = $this->db2data($contact);
		return $need_full_no_count ? count($result) : $result;
	 * gets all contact fields from database
	function get_contact_conlumns()
		$fields = $this->somain->db_data_cols;
		foreach ((array)$this->customfields as $cfield => $coptions)
			$fields['#'.$cfield] = '#'.$cfield;
		return $fields;