* EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS widget for HTML editing
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @package etemplate
* @subpackage api
* @link http://www.egroupware.org
* @author Nathan Gray
* @copyright Nathan Gray 2012
* @version $Id$
jsapi.jsapi; // Needed for egw_seperateJavaScript
* @augments et2_inputWidget
var et2_htmlarea = (function(){ "use strict"; return et2_inputWidget.extend([et2_IResizeable],
modes: ['ascii','simple','extended','advanced'],
attributes: {
'mode': {
'name': 'Mode',
'description': 'One of {ascii|simple|extended|advanced}',
'default': 'simple',
'type': 'string'
'height': {
'name': 'Height',
'default': et2_no_init,
'type': 'string'
'width': {
'name': 'Width',
'default': et2_no_init,
'type': 'string'
'expand_toolbar': {
'name': 'Expand Toolbar',
'default': true,
'description': 'Have the toolbar expanded (visible)'
'base_href': { // seems not to be used anymore
'name': 'Image base path',
'default': et2_no_init,
'type': 'string',
'description': 'activates the browser for images at the path (relative to the docroot)'
'config': {
// internal default configuration
'name': 'Internal configuration',
'default': et2_no_init,
'description': 'Internal configuration - managed by preferences & framework, passed in here',
'translate': 'no_lang'
value: {
name: "Value",
description: "The value of the widget",
type: "html", // "string" would remove html tags by running html_entity_decode
default: et2_no_init
imageUpload: {
name: "imageUpload",
description: "Url to upload images dragged in or id of link_to widget to it's vfs upload. Can also be just a name for which content array contains a path to upload the picture.",
type: "string",
default: null
legacyOptions: ['mode','height','width','expand_toolbar','base_href'],
* Constructor
* @param _parent
* @param _attrs
* @memberOf et2_htmlarea
init: function(_parent, _attrs) {
// _super.apply is responsible for the actual setting of the params (some magic)
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// CK instance
this.ckeditor = null;
// Allow no child widgets
this.supportedWidgetClasses = [];
this.htmlNode = jQuery(document.createElement("textarea"))
.css('height', this.options.height)
transformAttributes: function(_attrs) {
// Check mode, some apps jammed everything in there
if(_attrs['mode'] && jQuery.inArray(_attrs['mode'], this.modes) < 0)
this.egw().debug("warn", "'%s' is an invalid mode for htmlarea '%s'. Valid options:", _attrs['mode'],_attrs['id'], this.modes);
var list = _attrs['mode'].split(',');
for(var i = 0; i < list.length && i < this.legacyOptions.length; i++)
_attrs[this.legacyOptions[i]] = list[i];
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
doLoadingFinished: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if(this.mode == 'ascii' || this.ckeditor != null) return;
var self = this;
if (!this.options.imageUpload)
delete self.options.config.imageUploadUrl;
else if (this.options.imageUpload[0] !== '/' && this.options.imageUpload.substr(0, 4) != 'http')
self.options.config.imageUploadUrl = egw.ajaxUrl("EGroupware\\Api\\Etemplate\\Widget\\Vfs::ajax_htmlarea_upload")+
self.options.config.imageUploadUrl = self.options.config.imageUploadUrl.substr(egw.webserverUrl.length+1);
self.options.config.imageUploadUrl = this.options.imageUpload.substr(egw.webserverUrl.length+1);
this.ckeditor = CKEDITOR.replace(this.dom_id,jQuery.extend({},this.options.config,this.options));
delete self.value;
catch (e)
this.ckeditor = CKEDITOR.replace(this.dom_id,this.options.config);
delete self.value;
if(this.ckeditor && this.options.config.preference_style)
var editor = this.ckeditor;
this.ckeditor.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
// Add in user font preferences
if (self.options.config.preference_style && !e.editor.getData())
delete self.options.config.preference_style;
// Drag & drop of images inline won't work, because of database
// field sizes. For some reason FF ignored just changing the cursor
// when dragging, so we replace dropped images with error icon.
var replaceImgText = function(html) {
var ret = html.replace( /
]*src="(data:.*;base64,.*?)"[^>]*>/gi, function( img, src ){
return '';
return ret;
var chkImg = function(e) {
// don't execute code if the editor is readOnly
if (editor.readOnly)
// allow data-URL, returning false to stop regular upload
if (!self.options.imageUpload)
// Remove the image from the text
setTimeout( function() {
editor.document.$.body.innerHTML = replaceImgText(editor.document.$.body.innerHTML);
// Supported file types for dropping on CKEditor imageUpload plugin
var supportedTypesByCKEditor = /image\/(jpeg|png|gif)/;
// Try to pass the image into the first et2_file that will accept it
if(e.data.$.dataTransfer && !CKEDITOR.fileTools.isTypeSupported(e.data.$.dataTransfer.files[0],supportedTypesByCKEditor))
self.getRoot().iterateOver(function(widget) {
editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
// For Firefox
editor.document.on('drop', chkImg);
// For IE
editor.document.getBody().on('drop', chkImg);
destroy: function() {
if (this.ckeditor) this.ckeditor.destroy(true);
this.ckeditor = null;
catch (e)
this.egw().debug("warn","Removing CKEDITOR: " + e.message, this,e);
// Finish it
delete CKEDITOR.instances[this.dom_id];
this.htmlNode = null;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
set_value: function(_value) {
this._oldValue = _value;
try {
var ckeditor = CKEDITOR.instances[this.dom_id];
if (ckeditor)
this.value = _value;
} catch (e) {
// CK editor not ready - callback will do it
this.value = _value;
getValue: function() {
//return this.htmlNode.ckeditorGet().getData();
var ckeditor = CKEDITOR.instances[this.dom_id];
return ckeditor ? ckeditor.getData() : this.htmlNode.val();
catch (e)
// CK Error
return null;
* Resize htmlNode tag according to window size
* @param {type} _height excess height which comes from window resize
resize: function (_height)
if (_height && this.options.resize_ratio !== '0')
// apply the ratio
_height = (this.options.resize_ratio != '')? _height * this.options.resize_ratio: _height;
if (_height != 0)
if (this.ckeditor) // CKEDITOR HTML
var h = 0;
if (typeof this.ckeditor.container !='undefined' && this.ckeditor.container.$.clientHeight > 0)
h = (this.ckeditor.container.$.clientHeight + _height) > 0 ?
this.ckeditor.container.$.clientHeight + _height: this.ckeditor.config.height;
else if (this.ckeditor.ui.space('contents'))
h = parseInt(this.ckeditor.ui.space('contents').getStyle('height')) + _height;
else // fallback height size
h = this.ckeditor.config.height + _height;
else // No CKEDITOR
this.htmlNode.height(this.htmlNode.height() + _height);
et2_register_widget(et2_htmlarea, ["htmlarea"]);