true, 'edit' => true, ); protected static $template; public function __construct() { $this->template = new Etemplate(); } public function index($content = array()) { $async = new Api\Asyncservice(); if(is_array($content['scheduled'])) { foreach($content['scheduled'] as $row) { if($row['delete']) { $key = urldecode(key($row['delete'])); $async->cancel_timer($key); } } } $async_list = $async->read('importexport%'); $data = array(); if(is_array($async_list)) { foreach($async_list as $id => $async) { foreach(array('errors', 'warnings', 'result') as $messages) { if(is_array($async['data'][$messages])) { $list = array(); foreach($async['data'][$messages] as $target => $message) { $list[] = array( 'target' => (is_numeric($target) ? '' : $target), 'message' => implode("\n", (array)$message) ); } $async['data'][$messages] = $list; } } if(is_numeric($async['data']['record_count'])) { $async['data']['record_count'] = lang('%1 records processed', $async['data']['record_count']); } $data['scheduled'][] = array_merge($async['data'], array( 'id' => urlencode($id), 'next' => Api\DateTime::server2user($async['next']), 'times' => str_replace("\n", '', print_r($async['times'], true)), 'last_run' => $async['data']['last_run'] ? Api\DateTime::server2user($async['data']['last_run']) : '' )); } array_unshift($data['scheduled'], false); } $sel_options = self::get_select_options($data); $this->template->read('importexport.schedule_index'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Schedule import / export'); $this->template->exec('importexport.importexport_schedule_ui.index', $data, $sel_options); } public function edit($content = array()) { $id = $_GET['id'] ? urldecode($_GET['id']) : $content['id']; $definition_id = $_GET['definition']; $async = new Api\Asyncservice(); unset($content['id']); $data = $content; // Deal with incoming if($content['save'] && self::check_target($content) === true) { unset($content['save']); $async->cancel_timer($id); $id = self::generate_id($content); $schedule = $content['schedule']; // Async sometimes changes minutes to an array - keep what user typed $content['min'] = $schedule['min']; unset($content['schedule']); // Remove any left blank foreach($schedule as $key => &$value) { if($value == '') unset($schedule[$key]); } $result = $async->set_timer( $schedule, $id, 'importexport.importexport_schedule_ui.exec', $content ); if($result) { Framework::refresh_opener('', 'admin',$id,'update','admin'); Framework::window_close(); } else { $data['message'] = lang('Unable to schedule'); unset($id); } } if($id) { $preserve['id'] = $id; $async = $async->read($id); if(is_array($async[$id]['data'])) { $data += $async[$id]['data']; $data['schedule'] = $async[$id]['times']; unset($data['times']); // Async sometimes changes minutes to an array - show user what they typed if(is_array($data['schedule']['min'])) { $data['schedule']['min'] = $data['min']; } } else { $data['message'] = lang('Schedule not found'); } } else { $data['type'] = $content['type'] ? $content['type'] : 'import'; if((int)$definition_id) { $bo = new importexport_definitions_bo(); $definition = $bo->read($definition_id); if($definition['definition_id']) { $data['type'] = $definition['type']; $data['appname'] = $definition['application']; $data['plugin'] = $definition['plugin']; $data['definition'] = $definition['name']; } } } if($data['target'] && $data['type']) { $file_check = self::check_target($data); if($file_check !== true) { $data['message'] .= ($data['message'] ? "\n" . $file_check : $file_check); } } $data['no_delete_files'] = $data['type'] != 'import'; // Current server time for nice message $data['current_time'] = time(); $sel_options = self::get_select_options($data); Framework::includeJS('.','importexport','importexport'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('Schedule import / export'); $this->template->read('importexport.schedule_edit'); $this->template->exec('importexport.importexport_schedule_ui.edit', $data, $sel_options, array(), $preserve, 2); } /** * Get options for select boxes */ public static function get_select_options(Array $data) { $options = array( 'type' => array( 'import' => lang('import'), 'export' => lang('export') ) ); (array)$apps = importexport_helper_functions::get_apps($data['type'] ? $data['type'] : 'all'); if(count($apps)) { $options['appname'] = array('' => lang('Select one')) + array_combine($apps,$apps); } $plugins = importexport_helper_functions::get_plugins($data['appname'] ? $data['appname'] : 'all', $data['type']); if(is_array($plugins)) { foreach($plugins as $types) { if(!is_array($types[$data['type']])) { continue; } foreach($types[$data['type']] as $key => $title) { $options['plugin'][$key] = $title; } } } $options['definition'] = array(); // If the query isn't started with something, bodefinitions won't load the definitions $query = array(); $query['type'] = $data['type']; $query['application'] = $data['application']; $query['plugin'] = $data['plugin']; $definitions = new importexport_definitions_bo($query); foreach ((array)$definitions->get_definitions() as $identifier) { try { $definition = new importexport_definition($identifier); } catch (Exception $e) { unset($e); // permission error continue; } if (($title = $definition->get_title())) { $options['definition'][] = array( 'value' => $definition->get_identifier(), 'label' => $title ); } unset($definition); } unset($definitions); return $options; } /** * Generate a async key */ public static function generate_id($data) { $query = array( 'name' => $data['definition'] ); $definitions = new importexport_definitions_bo($query); $definition_list = ((array)$definitions->get_definitions()); $id = 'importexport.'.$definition_list[0].'.'.$data['target']; return $id; } /** * Check that the target is valid for the type (readable or writable) * and that they're not trying to write directly to the filesystem * * $data should contain target & type */ public static function check_target(Array $data) { $scheme = parse_url($data['target'], PHP_URL_SCHEME); if($scheme == '' || $scheme == 'file') { return 'Direct file access not allowed'; } if($scheme == Vfs::SCHEME && !in_array(Vfs::SCHEME, stream_get_wrappers())) { stream_wrapper_register(Vfs::SCHEME, 'vfs_stream_wrapper', STREAM_IS_URL); } if ($data['type'] == 'import' && ($scheme == Vfs::SCHEME && !Vfs::is_readable($data['target']))) { return lang('%1 is not readable',$data['target']); } elseif ($data['type'] == 'import' && in_array($scheme, array('http','https'))) { // Not supported by is_readable, try headers... stream_context_set_default(array('http'=>array( 'method' => 'HEAD', 'ignore_errors' => 1 ))); $headers = get_headers($data['target'],1); // Reset... stream_context_set_default(array('http'=>array( 'method' => 'GET', 'ignore_errors' => 0 ))); // Response code has an integer key, but redirects may add more responses for($i = 0; $i < count($headers); $i++) { if(!$headers[$i]) break; if(strpos($headers[$i],'200') !== false) return true; } return lang('%1 is not readable',$data['target']); } elseif ($data['type'] == 'export' && !self::is__writable($data['target'])) { return lang('%1 is not writable',$data['target']); } return true; } /** * Writable that checks the folder too, in case the file does not exist yet * * * @param path Path to check */ private static function is__writable($path) { if ($path{strlen($path)-1}=='/') { // recursively return a temporary file path return self::is__writable($path.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp'); } else if (is_dir($path)) { return self::is__writable($path.'/'.uniqid(mt_rand()).'.tmp'); } // check tmp file for read/write capabilities $rm = file_exists($path); $f = @fopen($path, 'a'); if ($f===false) { return false; } fclose($f); if (!$rm) { @unlink($path); } return true; } /** * Execute a scheduled import or export */ public static function exec($data) { ob_start(); $data['record_count'] = 0; unset($data['errors']); unset($data['warnings']); unset($data['result']); if($data['lock']) { // Lock expires if($data['lock'] < time()) { unset($data['lock']); $data['warnings'][][] = lang('Lock expired on previous run'); } else { // Still running ob_end_flush(); return; } } $data['last_run'] = time(); // Lock job for an hour to prevent multiples overlapping $data['lock'] = time() + 3600; self::update_job($data, true); // check file $file_check = self::check_target($data); if($file_check !== true) { $data['errors'] = array($file_check=>''); // Update job with results self::update_job($data); error_log('importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": $file_check \n"); error_log(ob_get_flush()); return; } $definition = new importexport_definition($data['definition']); if( $definition->get_identifier() < 1 ) { $data['errors'] = array('Definition not found!'); // Update job with results self::update_job($data); error_log('importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": Definition not found! \n"); return; } $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = $definition->application; $po = new $definition->plugin; $type = $data['type']; if(is_dir($data['target'])) { if($data['type'] == 'import') { $targets = array(); foreach(scandir($data['target']) as $target) { if ($target == '.' || $target == '..') { continue; } $target = $data['target'].(substr($data['target'],-1) == '/' ? '' : '/').$target; // Check modification time, make sure it's not currently being written // Skip files modified in the last 10 seconds $mod_time = filemtime($target); if($mod_time >= time() - 10) { $data['result'][$target] = lang('Skipped'); continue; } $targets[$mod_time.$target] = $target; } if($targets) { ksort($targets); } } else { // Create a unique file for export $targets = array($data['target'].uniqid($definition->name).'.'.$po->get_filesuffix()); } } else { $targets = array($data['target']); } if($type == 'export') { // Set to export all or filter, if set $selection = array('selection' => 'all'); if($definition->filter) { $fields = importexport_helper_functions::get_filter_fields($definition->application, $po); $selection = array('selection' => 'filter'); $filters = array(); foreach($definition->filter as $field => $value) { // Handle multiple values if(!is_array($value) && strpos($value,',') !== false) { $value = explode(',',$value); } $filters[$field] = $value; // Process relative dates into the current absolute date if($filters[$field] && strpos($fields[$field]['type'],'date') === 0) { $filters[$field] = importexport_helper_functions::date_rel2abs($value); } } // Update filter to use current absolute dates $definition->filter = $filters; } if(!is_array($definition->plugin_options)) { $definition->plugin_options = array(); } $definition->plugin_options = array_merge($definition->plugin_options, $selection); } // Set some automatic admin history data, if the plugin wants it $definition->plugin_options = array_merge($definition->plugin_options, array('admin_cmd' => array( 'comment' => lang('schedule import / export') . "\n" . $definition->get_title() . "\n" . $target ))); foreach($targets as $target) { // Update lock timeout $data['lock'] = time() + 3600; self::update_job($data, true); $resource = null; try { if (($resource = @fopen( $target, $data['type'] == 'import' ? 'rb' : 'wb' ))) { $result = $po->$type( $resource, $definition ); fclose($resource); } else { error_log('importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": File $target not readable! \n"); $data['errors'][$target][] = lang('%1 is not readable',$target); } } catch (Exception $i_ex) { fclose($resource); $data['errors'][$target][] = $i_ex->getMessage(); } if(method_exists($po, 'get_warnings') && $po->get_warnings()) { $buffer = 'importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": Import warnings:\n#\tWarning\n"; foreach($po->get_warnings() as $record => $msg) { $data['warnings'][$target][] = "#$record: $msg"; $buffer += "$record\t$msg\n"; } error_log($buffer); } if(method_exists($po, 'get_errors') && $po->get_errors()) { $buffer = 'importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": Import errors:\n#\tError\n"; foreach($po->get_errors() as $record => $error) { $data['errors'][$target][] = "#$record: $error"; $buffer += "$record\t$error\n"; } error_log($buffer); } if($po instanceof importexport_iface_import_plugin) { if(is_numeric($result)) { $data['record_count'] += $result; $data['result'][$target][] = lang('%1 records processed', $result); } $data['result'][$target] = array(); foreach($po->get_results() as $action => $count) { $data['result'][$target][] = lang($action) . ": $count"; } } else { if($result instanceof importexport_iface_export_record) { $data['record_count'] += $result->get_num_of_records(); $data['result'][$target][] = lang('%1 records processed', $result->get_num_of_records()); } } } // Delete file? if($data['delete_files'] && $type == 'import' && !$data['errors']) { foreach($targets as $target) { if(unlink($target)) { $data['result'][$target][] .= "\n..." . lang('deleted'); } else { $data['errors'][$target][] .= "\n..." . lang('Unable to delete'); } } } // Run time in minutes $data['run_time'] = round((time() - $data['last_run']) / 60,1); // Clear lock $data['lock'] = 0; // Update job with results self::update_job($data); $contents = ob_get_contents(); // Log to error log if($contents) { error_log('importexport_schedule: ' . date('c') . ": \n".$contents); } ob_end_clean(); } /** * Update the async job with current status, and send a notification * to user if there were any errors. */ private static function update_job($data, $no_notification = false) { $id = self::generate_id($data); $async = new Api\Asyncservice(); $jobs = $async->read($id); $job = $jobs[$id]; if(is_array($job)) { $async->cancel_timer($id); $result = $async->set_timer( $job['times'], $id, 'importexport.importexport_schedule_ui.exec', $data ); } if($no_notification) { return $result; } // Send notification to user if($data['warnings'] || $data['errors']) { $notify = new notifications(); $notify->set_sender($data['account_id']); $notify->add_receiver($data['account_id']); $notify->set_subject(lang('Schedule import | export'). ' ' . lang('errors')); $contents = ''; if($data['warnings']) { $contents .= lang($data['type']) . ' ' . lang('Warnings') . ' ' . Api\DateTime::to() . ':'; foreach($data['warnings'] as $target => $message) { $contents .= "\n". (is_numeric($target) ? '' : $target."\n"); $contents .= is_array($message) ? implode("\n",$message) : $message; } $contents .= "\n"; } if($data['errors']) { $contents .= lang($data['type']) . ' ' . lang('Errors') . ' ' . Api\DateTime::to() . ':'; foreach($data['errors'] as $target => $errors) { $contents .= "\n". (is_numeric($target) ? '' : $target."\n"); $contents .= is_array($errors) ? implode("\n",$errors) : $errors; } $contents .= "\n"; } $notify->set_message($contents); $notify->send(); } return $result; } }