* @copyright (c) 2008-12 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * EGroupware: GroupDAV access: groupdav/caldav/carddav principals handlers * * First-level properties used in this class should have the property name as their key, * to allow to check if required properties are set! * groupdav_principals::add_principal() converts simple associative props (name => value pairs) * to name => HTTP_WebDAV_Server(name, value) pairs. * * Permanent error_log() calls should use $this->groupdav->log($str) instead, to be send to PHP error_log() * and our request-log (prefixed with "### " after request and response, like exceptions). */ class groupdav_principals extends groupdav_handler { /** * Instance of resources_bo * * @var resources_bo */ private static $resources; /** * Constructor * * @param string $app 'calendar', 'addressbook' or 'infolog' * @param groupdav $groupdav calling class */ function __construct($app, groupdav $groupdav) { parent::__construct($app, $groupdav); if (!isset(self::$resources)) self::$resources = new resources_bo(); } /** * Supported reports and methods implementing them or what to return eg. "501 Not Implemented" * * @var array */ public $supported_reports = array( 'acl-principal-prop-set' => array( 'method' => 'acl_principal_prop_set_report', ), /*'principal-match' => array( // an other report calendarserver announces ),*/ 'principal-property-search' => array( 'method' => 'principal_property_search_report', ), 'principal-search-property-set' => array( 'method' => 'principal_search_property_set_report', ), 'expand-property' => array( 'method' => 'expand_property_report', ), /* seems only be used 'til OS X 10.6, no longer in 10.7 'addressbook-findshared' => array( 'ns' => groupdav::ADDRESSBOOKSERVER, 'method' => 'addressbook_findshared_report', ),*/ ); /** * Generate supported-report-set property * * Currently we return all reports independed of path * * @param string $path eg. '/principals/' * @param array $reports=null * @return array HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('supported-report-set', ...) */ protected function supported_report_set($path, array $reports=null) { if (is_null($reports)) $reports = $this->supported_reports; $supported = array(); foreach($reports as $name => $data) { $supported[$name] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('supported-report',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('report',array( !$data['ns'] ? HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop($name, '') : HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop($data['ns'], $name, ''))))); } return $supported; } /** * Handle propfind request for an application folder * * @param string $path * @param array &$options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function propfind($path,&$options,&$files,$user) { if (($report = isset($_GET['report']) ? $_GET['report'] : $options['root']['name']) && $report != 'propfind') { $report_data = $this->supported_reports[$report]; if (isset($report_data) && ($method = $report_data['method']) && method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method($path, $options, $files, $user); } $this->groupdav->log(__METHOD__."('$path', ".array2string($options).",, $user) not implemented report, returning 501 Not Implemented"); return '501 Not Implemented'; } list(,$principals,$type,$name,$rest) = explode('/',$path,5); // /principals/users/$name/ // /users/$name/calendar-proxy-read/ // /users/$name/calendar-proxy-write/ // /groups/$name/ // /resources/$resource/ // /locations/$resource/ // /__uids__/$uid/.../ switch($type) { case 'users': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_users($name,$rest,$options); break; case 'groups': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_groups($name,$rest,$options); break; case 'resources': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_resources($name,$rest,$options,false); break; case 'locations': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_resources($name,$rest,$options,true); break; /*case '__uids__': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_uids($name,$rest,$options); break;*/ case '': $files['files'] = $this->propfind_principals($options); break; default: return '404 Not Found'; } if (!is_array($files['files'])) { return $files['files']; } return true; } /** * Handle addressbook-findshared Addressbookserver report * * Required for Apple Addressbook on Mac (addressbook-findshared REPORT) * * @param string $path * @param array $options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ /* Seens only to work 'til OS X 10.6, no longer in 10.7 AND response seems NOT correct for 10.6 function addressbook_findshared_report($path,$options,&$files,$user) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', ".array2string($options).",, $user)"); $files['files'] = array(); $files['files'][] = $this->add_collection($path); // will be removed for reports foreach($this->get_shared_addressbooks() as $path) { $files['files'][] = $f = $this->add_collection($path.'addressbook/', array( 'resourcetype' => array(HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'addressbook','')), )); error_log(__METHOD__."() ".array2string($f)); } return true; }*/ /** * Handle expand-property reports (all from http://calendarserver.org/ns/ namespace) seen from newer iCal on OS X * - expanded-group-member-set * - expanded-group-membership * - calendar-proxy-read-for * - calendar-proxy-write-for * * Example requests: * * REPORT /egw/groupdav.php/principals/groups/groupname/ HTTP/1.1 * User-Agent: CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.1); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.3); Mac OS X/10.7.4 (11E53) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * REPORT /egw/groupdav.php/principals/users/username/ HTTP/1.1 * User-Agent: CalendarStore/5.0.3 (1204.1); iCal/5.0.3 (1605.3); Mac OS X/10.7.4 (11E53) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * REPORT /egroupware/groupdav.php/principals/users/username/ HTTP/1.1 * User-Agent: DAVKit/4.0.3 (732.2); CalendarStore/4.0.4 (997.7); iCal/4.0.4 (1395.7); Mac OS X/10.6.8 (10K549) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @param string $path * @param array &$options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function expand_property_report($path,&$options,&$files,$user) { //error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', ".array2string($options).",, $user)"); $requested_props = $options['other']; while(($requested_prop = array_shift($requested_props))) { if ($requested_prop['name'] != 'property' || $requested_prop['depth'] != 1) continue; $prop_ns = $requested_prop['attrs']['namespace']; $prop_name = $requested_prop['attrs']['name']; $prop_path = $path; // calendarserver has some special property-names for expansion switch($prop_name) { case 'calendar-proxy-read-for': case 'calendar-proxy-write-for': $prop_path = $path . substr($prop_name, 0, -4).'/'; $prop_name = 'group-member-set'; $prop_ns = groupdav::DAV; break; case 'expanded-group-member-set': case 'expanded-group-membership': // remove 'expanded-' prefix $prop_name = substr($prop_name, 9); $prop_ns = groupdav::DAV; break; } // run regular propfind for requested property $options['depth'] = '0'; $options['root']['name'] = 'propfind'; $options['props'] = array(array( 'name' => $prop_name, 'xmlns' => $prop_ns, )); $prop_files = array(); $this->groupdav->options = $options; // also modify global variable if (empty($prop_name) || $this->propfind($prop_path, $options, $prop_files, $user) !== true) { $this->groupdav->log('### NO expand-property report for '.$requested_prop['attrs']['name']); continue; } // find prop to expand foreach($prop_files['files'][0]['props'] as $name => $expand_prop) { if ($expand_prop['name'] === $prop_name) break; } if ($expand_prop['name'] !== $prop_name || !is_array($expand_prop['val']) || $expand_prop['val'] && $expand_prop['val'][0]['name'] !== 'href') { $this->groupdav->log('### NO expand-property report for '.$requested_prop['attrs']['name'].' ('.$prop_name.')'); continue; } // requested properties of each href are in depth=2 properties // set them as regular propfind properties to $options['props'] $options2 = array('props' => 'all'); while(($prop = array_shift($requested_props)) && $prop['depth'] >= 2) { if ($prop['name'] == 'property' && $prop['depth'] == 2) { if (!is_array($options2['props'])) // is "all" initially { $options2['props'] = array(); } $options2['props'][] = array( 'name' => $prop['attrs']['name'], 'xmlns' => isset($prop['attrs']['namespace']) ? $prop['attrs']['namespace'] : $prop['xmlns'], ); } } // put back evtl. read top-level property if ($prop && $prop['depth'] == 1) array_unshift($requested_props, $prop); $this->groupdav->options = $options2; // also modify global variable // run regular profind to get requested 2.-level properties for each href foreach($expand_prop['val'] as $key => &$prop_val) { list(,$expand_path) = explode($this->groupdav->base_uri, $prop_val['val']); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', ..., $user) calling propfind('$expand_path', ".array2string($options2).', '.array2string($prop_val).", $user)"); if ($this->propfind($expand_path, $options2, $prop_val, $user) !== true || !isset($prop_val['files'][0])) { // do NOT return that path, eg. perms give rights but account_selection="groupmembers" forbids access unset($expand_prop['val'][$key]); continue; } $prop_val = $prop_val['files'][0]; } // setting top-level name and namespace $expand_prop['ns'] = $requested_prop['attrs']['namespace']; $expand_prop['name'] = $requested_prop['attrs']['name']; // setting 2.-level props, so HTTP_WebDAV_Server can filter unwanted ones out or mark missing ones $expand_prop['props'] = $options2['props']; // add top-level path and property $files['files'][0]['path'] = $path; $files['files'][0]['props'][] = $expand_prop; } // we can use 'all' here, as we return only requested properties $options['props'] = 'all'; return true; } /** * Handle principal-property-search report * * Current implementation runs a full infinity propfind and filters out not matching resources. * * Eg. from Lightning on the principal collection /principals/: * * * * * * /egroupware/groupdav.php * * * * * * * * * * Hack for Lightning: it requests calendar-home-set matching our root (/egroupware/groupdav.php), * but interprets returning all principals (all have a matching calendar-home-set) as NOT supporting CalDAV scheduling * --> search only current user's principal, when Lightning searches for calendar-home-set * * Example from iOS iCal autocompleting invitees using calendarserver-principal-property-search WebDAV extension * * * * * * beck * * * * * * beck * * * * * * beck * * * * * * beck * * * * * * * * * * * * * @param string $path * @param array $options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function principal_property_search_report($path,&$options,&$files,$user) { //error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', ".array2string($options).",, $user)"); // cant find the test attribute to root principal-property-search element in WebDAV rfc, but iPhones use it ... $anyof = !empty($options['root']['attrs']['test']) && $options['root']['attrs']['test'] == 'anyof'; // "allof" (default) or "anyof" // parse property-search prop(s) contained in $options['other'] foreach($options['other'] as $n => $prop) { switch($prop['name']) { case 'apply-to-principal-collection-set': // optinal prop to apply search on principal-collection-set == '/principals/' $path = '/principals/'; break; case 'property-search': $property_search = $n; // should be 1 break; case 'prop': if (isset($property_search)) { $search_props[$property_search] = array(); } break; case 'match': if (isset($property_search) && is_array($search_props[$property_search])) { $search_props[$property_search]['match'] = $prop['data']; // optional match-type: "contains" (default), "starts-with", "ends-with", "equals" $search_props[$property_search]['match-type'] = $prop['attrs']['match-type']; } break; default: if (isset($property_search) && $search_props[$property_search] === array()) { $search_props[$property_search] = $prop; } break; } } if (!isset($property_search) || !$search_props || !isset($search_props[$property_search]['match'])) { $this->groupdav->log(__METHOD__."('$path',...) Could not parse options[other]=".array2string($options['other'])); return '400 Bad Request'; } // make sure search property is included in toplevel props (can be missing and defaults to property-search/prop's) foreach($search_props as $prop) { if (!$this->groupdav->prop_requested($prop['name'], $prop['xmlns'])) { $options['props'][] = array( 'name' => $prop['name'], 'xmlns' => $prop['xmlns'], ); } // Hack for Lightning prior 1.1.1 (TB 9): it requests calendar-home-set matching our root (/egroupware/groupdav.php), // but interprets returning all principals (all have a matching calendar-home-set) as NOT supporting CalDAV scheduling // --> search only current user's principal if ($prop['name'] == 'calendar-home-set' && stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Lightning') !== false && substr($search_props[0]['match'],-13) == '/groupdav.php') { $path = '/principals/users/'.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'].'/'; $this->groupdav->log('Enabling hack for Lightning prior 1.1.1 for searching calendar-home-set matching "/groupdav.php": limiting search to '.$path); } } // check type attribute to limit search on a certain tree if (isset($options['root']['attrs']['type'])) { switch($options['root']['attrs']['type']) { case 'INDIVIDUAL': $path = '/principals/users/'; break; case 'GROUP': $path = '/principals/groups/'; break; case 'ROOM': $path = '/principals/locations/'; break; case 'RESOURCE': $path = '/principals/resources/'; break; } } // run "regular" propfind $options['other'] = array(); $options['root']['name'] = 'propfind'; // search all principals, but not the proxys, rfc requires depth=0, but to search all principals $options['depth'] = 5 - count(explode('/', $path)); // /principals/ --> 3 if (($ret = $this->propfind($path, $options, $files, $user)) !== true) { return $ret; } // now filter out not matching "files" foreach($files['files'] as $n => $resource) { if (count(explode('/', $resource['path'])) < 5) // hack to only return principals, not the collections itself { unset($files['files'][$n]); continue; } // match with $search_props $matches = 0; foreach($search_props as $search_prop) { // search resource for $search_prop foreach($resource['props'] as $prop) if ($prop['name'] === $search_prop['name']) break; if ($prop['name'] === $search_prop['name']) // search_prop NOT found { foreach((array)$prop['val'] as $value) { if (is_array($value)) $value = $value['val']; // eg. href prop if (self::match($value, $search_prop['match'], $search_prop['match-type']) !== false) // prop does match { ++$matches; //error_log("$matches: $resource[path]: $search_prop[name]=".array2string($prop['name'] !== $search_prop['name'] ? null : $prop['val'])." does match '$search_prop[match]'"); break; } } } if ($anyof && $matches || $matches == count($search_props)) { //error_log("$resource[path]: anyof=$anyof, $matches matches --> keep"); continue 2; // enough matches --> keep } } //error_log("$resource[path]: anyof=$anyof, $matches matches --> skip"); unset($files['files'][$n]); } return $ret; } /** * Match using $match_type * * It's not defined in WebDAV ACL, but CardDAV:text-match seems similar * * @param string $value value to test * @param string $match criteria/sub-string * @param string $match_type='contains' 'starts-with', 'ends-with' or 'equals' */ private static function match($value, $match, $match_type='contains') { switch($match_type) { case 'equals': return $value === $match; case 'starts-with': return stripos($value, $match) === 0; case 'ends-with': return stripos($value, $match) === strlen($value) - strlen($match); case 'contains': default: return stripos($value, $match) !== false; } } /** * Handle principal-search-property-set report * * REPORT /principals/ HTTP/1.1 * * * * * * * * * * Display Name * * * * * * Email Addresses * * * * * * Last Name * * * * * * Calendar User Type * * * * * * First Name * * * * * * Calendar User Address Set * * * * @param string $path * @param array $options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function principal_search_property_set_report($path,&$options,&$files,$user) { static $search_props = array( // from iOS iCal 'displayname' => 'Display Name', 'email-address-set' => array('description' => 'Email Addresses', 'ns' => groupdav::CALENDARSERVER), 'last-name' => array('description' => 'Last Name', 'ns' => groupdav::CALENDARSERVER), 'calendar-user-type' => array('description' => 'Calendar User Type', 'ns' => groupdav::CALDAV), 'first-name' => array('description' => 'First Name', 'ns' => groupdav::CALENDARSERVER), 'calendar-user-address-set' => array('description' => 'Calendar User Address Set', 'ns' => groupdav::CALDAV), // Lightning 'calendar-home-set' => array('description' => 'Calendar Home Set', 'ns' => groupdav::CALENDARSERVER), // others, we generally support all properties of the principal ); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); $xml = new XMLWriter; $xml->openMemory(); $xml->setIndent(true); $xml->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $xml->startElementNs(null, 'principal-search-property-set', 'DAV:'); foreach($search_props as $name => $data) { $xml->startElement('principal-search-property'); $xml->startElement('prop'); if (is_array($data) && !empty($data['ns'])) { $xml->writeElementNs(null, $name, $data['ns']); } else { $xml->writeElement($name); } $xml->endElement(); // prop $xml->startElement('description'); $xml->writeAttribute('xml:lang', 'en'); $xml->text(is_array($data) ? $data['description'] : $data); $xml->endElement(); // description $xml->endElement(); // principal-search-property } $xml->endElement(); // principal-search-property-set $xml->endDocument(); echo $xml->outputMemory(); common::egw_exit(); } /** * Handle principal-property-search report * * Current implementation runs a full (infinity) propfind, as we have principals only once in the principal collection. * * Example from WebDAV ACL rfc 3744: * REPORT /index.html HTTP/1.1 * Host: www.example.com * Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" * Content-Length: xxxx * Depth: 0 * * * * * * * * * Response is a multistatus as for a propfind. Seems the only diverence is, that prinipals are only returned once * (even if they exists multiple times), only principals get returned (eg. not the collections they are in) AND the depth 0. * * @param string $path * @param array $options * @param array &$files * @param int $user account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function acl_principal_prop_set_report($path,&$options,&$files,$user) { //error_log(__METHOD__."('$path', ".array2string($options).",, $user)"); // run "regular" propfind $options['root']['name'] = 'propfind'; // search all principals, but not the proxys, rfc requires depth=0, but to search all principals $options['depth'] = 5 - count(explode('/', $path)); // /principals/ --> 3 // we need the resourcetype to only return principals $options['props']['resourcetype'] = array( 'name' => 'resourcetype', 'xmlns' => 'DAV:', ); if (($ret = $this->propfind($path, $options, $files, $user)) !== true) { return $ret; } // now filter out not matching "files" foreach($files['files'] as $n => $resource) { foreach($resource['props']['resourcetype']['val'] as $prop) { if ($prop['name'] == 'principal') continue 2; } unset($files['files'][$n]); // not a principal --> do not return } // we should not return it unset($options['props']['resourcetype']); return $ret; } /** * Do propfind in /pricipals/users * * @param string $name name of account or empty * @param string $rest rest of path behind account-name * @param array $options * @return array|string array with files or HTTP error code */ protected function propfind_users($name,$rest,array $options) { //error_log(__METHOD__."($name,$rest,".array2string($options).')'); if (empty($name)) { $files = array(); // add /pricipals/users/ entry $files[] = $this->add_collection('/principals/users/', array('displayname' => lang('Users'))); if ($options['depth']) { if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'none' && !isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) { $files[] = $this->add_account($this->accounts->read($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'])); } else { // add all users (account_selection == groupmembers is handled by accounts->search()) foreach($this->accounts->search(array('type' => 'accounts','order' => 'account_lid')) as $account) { $files[] = $this->add_account($account); } } } } else { if (!($id = $this->accounts->name2id($name,'account_lid','u')) || !($account = $this->accounts->read($id)) || !$this->accounts->visible($name)) { $this->groupdav->log(__METHOD__."('$name', ...) account '$name' NOT found OR not visible to you (check account-selection preference)!"); return '404 Not Found'; } while (substr($rest,-1) == '/') $rest = substr($rest,0,-1); switch((string)$rest) { case '': $files[] = $this->add_account($account); if ($options['depth']) { $files[] = $this->add_proxys('users/'.$account['account_lid'], 'calendar-proxy-read'); $files[] = $this->add_proxys('users/'.$account['account_lid'], 'calendar-proxy-write'); } break; case 'calendar-proxy-read': case 'calendar-proxy-write': $files = array(); $files[] = $this->add_proxys('users/'.$account['account_lid'], $rest); break; default: return '404 Not Found'; } } return $files; } /** * Do propfind in /pricipals/groups * * @param string $name name of group or empty * @param string $rest rest of path behind account-name * @param array $options * @return array|string array with files or HTTP error code */ protected function propfind_groups($name,$rest,array $options) { //echo "


\n"; if (empty($name)) { $files = array(); // add /pricipals/users/ entry $files[] = $this->add_collection('/principals/groups/', array('displayname' => lang('Groups'))); if ($options['depth']) { // only show own groups, if account-selection is groupmembers or none $type = in_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'], array('groupmembers','none')) ? 'owngroups' : 'groups'; // add all groups or only membergroups foreach($this->accounts->search(array('type' => $type,'order' => 'account_lid')) as $account) { $files[] = $this->add_group($account); } } } else { if (!($id = $this->accounts->name2id($name,'account_lid','g')) || !($account = $this->accounts->read($id)) || // do NOT allow other groups, if account-selection is groupmembers or none in_array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'], array('groupmembers','none')) && !in_array($account['account_id'], $this->accounts->memberships($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'],true))) { return '404 Not Found'; } while (substr($rest,-1) == '/') $rest = substr($rest,0,-1); switch((string)$rest) { case '': $files[] = $this->add_group($account); if ($options['depth']) { $files[] = $this->add_proxys('groups/'.$account['account_lid'], 'calendar-proxy-read'); $files[] = $this->add_proxys('groups/'.$account['account_lid'], 'calendar-proxy-write'); } break; case 'calendar-proxy-read': case 'calendar-proxy-write': $files = array(); $files[] = $this->add_proxys('groups/'.$account['account_lid'], $rest); break; default: return '404 Not Found'; } } return $files; } /** * Get shared addressbooks of current user * * @return array with path relative to base URI (without addressbook postfix!) */ protected function get_shared_addressbooks() { $addressbooks = array(); $addressbook_home_set = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav']['addressbook-home-set']; if (empty($addressbook_home_set)) $addressbook_home_set = 'P'; // personal addressbook $addressbook_home_set = explode(',',$addressbook_home_set); // replace symbolic id's with real nummeric id's foreach(array( 'P' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'], 'G' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_primary_group'], 'U' => '0', ) as $sym => $id) { if (($key = array_search($sym, $addressbook_home_set)) !== false) { $addressbook_home_set[$key] = $id; } } if (in_array('O',$addressbook_home_set)) // "all in one" from groupdav.php/addressbook/ { $addressbooks[] = '/'; } foreach(ExecMethod('addressbook.addressbook_bo.get_addressbooks',EGW_ACL_READ) as $id => $label) { if ((in_array('A',$addressbook_home_set) || in_array((string)$id,$addressbook_home_set)) && is_numeric($id) && ($owner = $this->accounts->id2name($id))) { $addressbooks[] = '/'.$owner.'/'; } } return $addressbooks; } /** * Add collection of a single account to a collection * * @param array $account * @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_account(array $account) { $addressbooks = $calendars = array(); // since we "show" shared addressbooks and calendars in the user home, no need for individualiced homes $addressbooks[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'); $calendars[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'); $displayname = translation::convert($account['account_fullname'], translation::charset(),'utf-8'); return $this->add_principal('users/'.$account['account_lid'], array( 'getetag' => $this->get_etag($account), 'displayname' => $displayname, // CalDAV 'calendar-home-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-home-set',$calendars), // CalDAV scheduling 'schedule-outbox-URL' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'schedule-outbox-URL',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/outbox/'))), 'schedule-inbox-URL' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'schedule-inbox-URL',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/inbox/'))), 'calendar-user-address-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-address-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','MAILTO:'.$account['account_email']), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(true).'/principals/users/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(false).'/principals/users/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('accounts', $account['account_id'])), )), 'calendar-user-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-type','INDIVIDUAL'), // Calendarserver 'email-address-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'email-address-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'email-address',$account['account_email']))), 'last-name' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'last-name',$account['account_lastname']), 'first-name' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'first-name',$account['account_firstname']), 'record-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'record-type','users'), // WebDAV ACL and CalDAV proxy 'group-membership' => $this->principal_set('group-membership', $this->accounts->memberships($account['account_id']), array('calendar', 'resources'), $account['account_id']), // add proxy-rights 'alternate-URI-set' => array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','MAILTO:'.$account['account_email'])), // CardDAV 'addressbook-home-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'addressbook-home-set',$addressbooks), 'principal-address' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'principal-address', $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['addressbook']['hide_accounts'] ? '' : array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/addressbook-accounts/'.$account['person_id'].'.vcf'))), // CardDAV directory 'directory-gateway' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV, 'directory-gateway',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/addressbook/'))), 'resource-id' => array(HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('accounts', $account['account_id']))), )); } /** * Convert CalDAV principal URL to a calendar uid * * @param string $url * @param string|array $only_type=null allowed types, return false for other (valid) types, eg. "users", "groups" or "resources", default all * @param string $cn=null common name to be stored in case of an "e" uid * @return int|string|boolean integer account_id, string calendar uid or false if not a supported uid */ static public function url2uid($url, $only_type=null, $cn=null) { if (!$only_type) $only_type = array('users', 'groups', 'resources', 'locations', 'mailto'); if ($url[0] == '/') { $schema = 'http'; } else { list($schema, $rest) = explode(':', $url, 2); } if (empty($rest)) return false; switch(strtolower($schema)) { case 'http': case 'https': list(,$rest) = explode('/groupdav.php/principals/', $url); list($type, $name) = explode('/', $rest); switch($type) { case 'users': case 'groups': $uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($name, 'account_lid', $type[0]); // u=users, g=groups break; case 'resources': case 'locations': $uid = 'r'.(int)$name; break; } break; case 'mailto': if (($uid = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->name2id($rest, 'account_email'))) { $type = $uid > 0 ? 'users' : 'groups'; break; } // search contacts for email if ((list($data) = $GLOBALS['egw']->contacts->search(array('email' => $rest, 'email_home' => $rest), array('id','egw_addressbook.account_id as account_id','n_fn'), 'egw_addressbook.account_id IS NOT NULL DESC, n_fn IS NOT NULL DESC', '','',false,'OR'))) { // found an addressbook entry $uid = $data['account_id'] ? (int)$data['account_id'] : 'c'.$data['id']; $type = 'users'; } else // just store email-address { $uid = $cn && $rest[0] != '<' && $cn != $rest ? 'e'.$cn.' <'.$rest.'>' : 'e'.$rest; $type = 'users'; } break; case 'urn': list($urn_type, $uid) = explode(':', $rest, 2); list($type, $id, $install_id) = explode('-', $uid); if ($type == 'accounts' && empty($id)) // groups have a negative id, eg. "urn:uuid:accounts--1-..." { list($type, $nul, $id, $install_id) = explode('-', $uid); $id = -$id; } // own urn if ($urn_type === 'uuid' && $install_id === $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['install_id']) { if ($type == 'accounts') { $type = $id > 0 ? 'users' : 'groups'; $uid = $id; } else { static $calendar_bo; if (is_null($calendar_bo)) $calendar_bo = new calendar_bo(); foreach($calendar_bo->resources as $letter => $info) { if ($info['app'] == $type || $info['app'] == 'resources' && $type == 'location') { $uid = $letter.$id; } } } } // todo: store urn's from other EGroupware / calendarservers like email addresses ("CN " or "urn", maybe with 'u' prefix) break; default: if (isset($GLOBALS['groupdav']) && is_a($GLOBALS['groupdav'],'groupdav')) { $GLOBALS['groupdav']->log(__METHOD__."('$url') unsupported principal URL '$url'!"); } return false; } //error_log(__METHOD__."('$url', ".array2string($only_type).") uid='$uid', type='$type' --> returning ".array2string($uid && in_array($type, $only_type) ? $uid : false)); return $uid && in_array($type, $only_type) ? $uid : false; } /** * Add collection of a single group to a collection * * @param array $account * @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_group(array $account) { $displayname = translation::convert(lang('Group').' '.$account['account_lid'], translation::charset(), 'utf-8'); // only return current user, if account-selection == 'none' if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['account_selection'] == 'none') { $groupmembers = array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']); } else { $groupmembers = $this->accounts->members($account['account_id']); } return $this->add_principal('groups/'.$account['account_lid'], array( 'getetag' => $this->get_etag($account), 'displayname' => $displayname, 'calendar-home-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-home-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'))), 'addressbook-home-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CARDDAV,'addressbook-home-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'))), 'calendar-user-address-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-address-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(true).'/principals/groups/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(false).'/principals/groups/'.$account['account_lid'].'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('accounts', $account['account_id'])), )), 'record-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'record-type','groups'), 'calendar-user-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-type','GROUP'), 'group-member-set' => $this->principal_set('group-member-set', $groupmembers), 'resource-id' => array(HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('accounts', $account['account_id']))), )); } /** * Add collection of a single resource to a collection * * @param array $resource * @param boolean $is_location=null * @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_principal_resource(array $resource, $is_location=null) { $name = $this->resource2name($resource, $is_location, $displayname); return $this->add_principal($name, array( 'getetag' => $this->get_resource_etag($resource), 'displayname' => $displayname, 'calendar-user-address-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-address-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(true).'/principals/'.$name.'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri(false).'/principals/'.$name.'/'), HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('resources', $resource['res_id'])), )), 'record-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'record-type',$is_location ? 'locations' : 'resources'), 'calendar-user-type' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-user-type',$is_location ? 'ROOM' : 'RESOURCE'), 'resource-id' => array(HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href','urn:uuid:'.common::generate_uid('resources', $resource['res_id']))), // Calendarserver also reports empty email-address-set, thought iCal still does not show resources (only locations) 'email-address-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER,'email-address-set',''), 'calendar-home-set' => HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALDAV,'calendar-home-set',array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/'.$name.'/'))), )); } /** * Get path of a resource-principal (relative to principal collection) * * @param array|int $resource * @param boolean &$is_location=null * @param string &$displayname=null on return displayname of resource * @return string eg. "locations/123-some-room" or "resouces/345-some-device" */ public static function resource2name($resource, &$is_location=null, &$displayname=null) { if (!is_array($resource) && !($resource = self::read_resource($resource))) { return null; } if (is_null($is_location)) $is_location = self::resource_is_location($resource); $displayname = translation::convert($resource['name'], translation::charset(), 'utf-8'); return ($is_location ? 'locations/' : 'resources/').$resource['res_id'].'-'. preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i','-', translation::to_ascii($resource['name'])); } /** * Check if resource is a location * * @param array|int $resource * @return boolean */ public static function resource_is_location($resource) { static $location_cats; if (is_null($location_cats)) { $config = config::read('resources'); $location_cats = $config['location_cats'] ? explode(',', $config['location_cats']) : array(); } if (!is_array($resource) && !($resource = self::read_resource($resource))) { return null; } return $resource['cat_id'] && in_array($resource['cat_id'], $location_cats); } /** * Read a resource * * @param int $res_id resource-id * @return array with values for res_id, cat_id and name */ public static function read_resource($res_id) { static $cache; // some per-request caching if (isset(self::$all_resources) && isset(self::$all_resources[$res_id])) { return self::$all_resources[$res_id]; } if (!isset($cache[$res_id])) { if (!isset(self::$resources)) self::$resources = new resources_bo(); if (!($cache[$res_id] = self::$resources->read($res_id))) { return null; } } return $cache[$res_id]; } /** * Get an etag for a resource * * @param array $resource * @return string */ protected function get_resource_etag(array $resource) { return md5(serialize($resource)).'-'.(self::resource_is_location($resource) ? 'l' : 'r'); } /** * Cache for get_resources * * @var array */ private static $all_resources; /** * Get all resources (we cache the resources here, to only query them once per request) * * @param int $user=null account_if of user, or null for current user * @return array of array with values for res_id, cat_id and name (no other values1) */ public static function get_resources($user=null) { if (!isset(self::$all_resources)) { if (!isset(self::$resources)) self::$resources = new resources_bo($user); self::$all_resources = array(); $query = array( 'show_bookable' => true, // ignore non-bookable resources 'filter2' => -3, 'start' => 0, 'num_rows' => 10000, // return all aka first 10000 entries ); if (self::$resources->get_rows($query, $rows, $readonlys)) { //_debug_array($rows); foreach($rows as $resource) { self::$all_resources[$resource['res_id']] = array_intersect_key($resource, array('res_id'=>true,'cat_id'=>true,'name'=>true)); } } } return self::$all_resources; } /** * Get category based ACL rights for resouces * * Cached to not query it multiple times per request * * @return array of 'L'.$cat_id => array($account_id => $rights) pairs */ protected function get_resource_rights() { static $grants; if (is_null($grants)) { $grants = $this->acl->get_location_grants('L%', 'resources'); } return $grants; } /** * Add a collection * * @param string $path * @param array $props=array() extra properties 'resourcetype' is added anyway, name => value pairs or name => HTTP_WebDAV_Server([namespace,]name,value) * @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_collection($path, array $props = array()) { if ($this->groupdav->prop_requested('supported-report-set')) { $props['supported-report-set'] = $this->supported_report_set($path); } return $this->groupdav->add_collection($path, $props); } /** * Add a principal collection * * @param string $principal relative to principal-collection-set, eg. "users/username" * @param array $props=array() extra properties 'resourcetype' is added anyway * @param string $principal_url=null include given principal url, relative to principal-collection-set, default $principal * @return array with values for keys 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_principal($principal, array $props = array(), $principal_url=null) { $props['resourcetype'][] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('principal', ''); // required props per WebDAV ACL foreach(array('alternate-URI-set', 'group-membership') as $name) { if (!isset($props[$name])) $props[$name] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop($name,''); } if (!$principal_url) $principal_url = $principal; $props['principal-URL'] = array( HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href',$this->base_uri.'/principals/'.$principal.'/')); return $this->add_collection('/principals/'.$principal.'/', $props); } /** * Add a proxy collection for given principal and type * * A proxy is a user or group who has the right to act on behalf of the user * * @param string $principal relative to principal-collection-set, eg. "users/username" * @param string $type eg. 'calendar-proxy-read' or 'calendar-proxy-write' * @param array $proxys=array() * @param array $resource=null resource to use (to not query it multiple times from the database) * @return array with values for 'path' and 'props' */ protected function add_proxys($principal, $type, array $proxys=array(), array $resource=null) { list($app,,$what) = explode('-', $type); $proxys = array(); list($account_type,$account) = explode('/', $principal); switch($account_type) { case 'users': case 'groups': $account = $location = $this->accounts->name2id($account, 'account_lid', $account_type[0]); $right = $what == 'write' ? EGW_ACL_EDIT : EGW_ACL_READ; $mask = $what == 'write' ? EGW_ACL_EDIT : EGW_ACL_EDIT|EGW_ACL_READ; // do NOT report write+read in read break; case 'locations': case 'resources': $app = 'resources'; if (!is_array($resource) || $resource['res_id'] == (int)$account) { $resource = self::read_resource((int)$account); } $location = 'L'.$resource['cat_id']; $right = $what == 'write' ? EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING : EGW_ACL_CALREAD; $mask = $what == 'write' ? EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING : EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING|EGW_ACL_CALREAD; // do NOT report write+read in read break; } static $principal2grants = array(); $grants =& $principal2grants[$principal]; if (!isset($grants)) { switch($app) { case 'resources': $grants = $this->get_resource_rights(); $grants = (array)$grants[$location]; // returns array($location => $grants) break; case 'calendar': default: $grants = $this->acl->get_all_location_rights($account, $app, $app != 'addressbook'); break; } //echo "

type=$type --> app=$app, what=$what --> right=$right, mask=$mask, account=$account, location=$location --> grants=".array2string($grants)."

\n"; } foreach($grants as $account_id => $rights) { if ($account_id !== 'run' && $account_id != $account && ($rights & $mask) == $right && ($account_lid = $this->accounts->id2name($account_id))) { // ignore "broken" grants (eg. negative account_id for a user), as they lead to further errors (no members) if (($t = $this->accounts->exists($account_id) == 1 ? 'u' : 'g') !== $this->accounts->get_type($account_id)) { error_log(__METHOD__."('$principal', '$type') broken grants from #$account_id ($account_lid) type=$t ignored!"); continue; } $proxys[$account_id] = $account_lid; // no need to add group-members, ACL grants to groups are understood by WebDAV ACL (tested with iCal) } //echo "

$account_id ($account_lid) type=$t: (rights=$rights & mask=$mask) == right=$right --> ".array2string(($rights & $mask) == $right)."

\n"; } return $this->add_principal($principal.'/'.$type, array( 'displayname' => lang('%1 proxy of %2', lang($app).' '.lang($what), basename($principal)), 'group-member-set' => $this->principal_set('group-member-set', $proxys), 'getetag' => md5(serialize($proxys)), 'resourcetype' => array(HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop(groupdav::CALENDARSERVER, $type, '')), )); } /** * Create a named property with set or principal-urls * * @param string $prop egw. 'group-member-set' or 'membership' * @param array $accounts=array() account_id => account_lid pairs * @param string|array $app_proxys=null applications for which proxys should be added * @param int $account who is the proxy * @return array with href props */ protected function principal_set($prop, array $accounts=array(), $add_proxys=null, $account=null) { $set = array(); foreach($accounts as $account_id => $account_lid) { if ($this->accounts->visible($account_lid)) // only add visible accounts, gives error in iCal otherwise { $set[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/principals/'.($account_id < 0 ? 'groups/' : 'users/').$account_lid.'/'); } } if ($add_proxys) { foreach((array)$add_proxys as $app) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps'][$app])) continue; switch($app) { case 'resources': $proxy_groups = $this->get_resource_proxy_groups($account); break; default: $proxy_groups = $this->get_calendar_proxy_groups($account, $app); break; } $set = array_merge($set, $proxy_groups); } } return $set; } /** * Get proxy-groups for given user $account: users or groups who GRANT proxy rights to $account * * @param int $account who is the proxy * @param string|array $app_proxys=null applications for which proxys should be added * @return array with href props */ protected function get_resource_proxy_groups($account) { $set = array(); if (($resources = $this->get_resources())) { // location_grants = array(location => array(account_id => rights)) $all_location_grants = $this->get_resource_rights(); // get location grants for $account (incl. his memberships) $memberships = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->memberships($account, true); $location_grants = array(); foreach($all_location_grants as $location => $grants) { foreach($grants as $account_id => $rights) { if (($rights & (EGW_ACL_CALREAD|EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING)) && // we only care for these rights ($account_id == $account || in_array($account_id, $memberships))) { if (!isset($location_grants[$location])) $location_grants[$location] = 0; $location_grants[$location] |= $rights; } } } // now add proxy-groups for all resources user has rights to foreach($resources as $resource) { $rights = $location_grants['L'.$resource['cat_id']]; if (isset($rights)) { $set[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/principals/'.$this->resource2name($resource). '/calendar-proxy-'.($rights & EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING ? 'write' : 'read').'/'); } } } //echo "get_resource_proxy_groups($account)"; _debug_array($set); return $set; } /** * Get proxy-groups for given user $account: users or groups who GRANT proxy rights to $account * * @param int $account who is the proxy * @param string|array $app_proxys=null applications for which proxys should be added * @return array with href props */ protected function get_calendar_proxy_groups($account, $app='calendar') { $set = array(); foreach($this->acl->get_grants($app, $app != 'addressbook', $account) as $account_id => $rights) { if ($account_id != $account && ($rights & EGW_ACL_READ) && ($account_lid = $this->accounts->id2name($account_id)) && $this->accounts->visible($account_lid)) // only add visible accounts, gives error in iCal otherwise { $set[] = HTTP_WebDAV_Server::mkprop('href', $this->base_uri.'/principals/'. ($account_id < 0 ? 'groups/' : 'users/'). $account_lid.'/'.$app.'-proxy-'.($rights & EGW_ACL_EDIT ? 'write' : 'read').'/'); } } return $set; } /** * Do propfind in /pricipals/(resources|locations) * * @param string $name name of group or empty * @param string $rest rest of path behind account-name * @param array $options * @param boolean $do_locations=false false: /principal/resources, true: /principals/locations * @return array|string array with files or HTTP error code */ protected function propfind_resources($name,$rest,array $options,$do_locations=false) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources'])) { return '404 Not Found'; } //echo "

".__METHOD__."('$name', '$rest', ".array2string($options).', '.array2string($do_locations).")

\n"; if (empty($name)) { $files = array(); // add /pricipals/users/ entry $files[] = $this->add_collection('/principals/'.($do_locations ? 'locations/' : 'resources/'), array('displayname' => $do_locations ? lang('Locations') : lang('Resources'))); if ($options['depth']) { $query = array( ); if (($resources = $this->get_resources())) { //_debug_array($resources); foreach($resources as $resource) { if (($is_location = self::resource_is_location($resource)) == $do_locations) { $files[] = $this->add_principal_resource($resource, $is_location); } } } } } else { if (!($resource = self::read_resource((int)$name)) || ($is_location = self::resource_is_location($resource)) != $do_locations) { return '404 Not Found'; } $path = ($is_location ? 'locations/' : 'resources/').$name; while (substr($rest,-1) == '/') $rest = substr($rest,0,-1); switch((string)$rest) { case '': $files[] = $this->add_principal_resource($resource); if ($options['depth']) { $files[] = $this->add_proxys($path, 'calendar-proxy-read', array(), $resource); $files[] = $this->add_proxys($path, 'calendar-proxy-write', array(), $resource); } break; case 'calendar-proxy-read': case 'calendar-proxy-write': $files = array(); $files[] = $this->add_proxys($path, $rest, array(), $resource); break; default: return '404 Not Found'; } } return $files; } /** * Do propfind of /principals/ * * @param string $name name of group or empty * @param string $rest name of rest of path behind group-name * @param array $options * @return array|string array with files or HTTP error code */ protected function propfind_principals(array $options) { //echo "


\n"; $files = array(); $files[] = $this->add_collection('/principals/'); if ($options['depth']) { if (is_numeric($options['depth'])) --$options['depth']; $files = array_merge($files,$this->propfind_users('','',$options)); $files = array_merge($files,$this->propfind_groups('','',$options)); if ($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['resources']) { $files = array_merge($files,$this->propfind_resources('','',$options,false)); // resources $files = array_merge($files,$this->propfind_resources('','',$options,true)); // locations } //$files = array_merge($files,$this->propfind_uids('','',$options)); } return $files; } /** * Handle get request for an applications entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user=null account_id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function get(&$options,$id,$user=null) { return false; } /** * Handle get request for an applications entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @param int $user=null account_id of owner, default null * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function put(&$options,$id,$user=null) { return false; } /** * Handle get request for an applications entry * * @param array &$options * @param int $id * @return mixed boolean true on success, false on failure or string with http status (eg. '404 Not Found') */ function delete(&$options,$id) { return false; } /** * Read an entry * * @param string/int $id * @return array/boolean array with entry, false if no read rights, null if $id does not exist */ function read($id) { return false; } /** * Check if user has the neccessary rights on an entry * * @param int $acl EGW_ACL_READ, EGW_ACL_EDIT or EGW_ACL_DELETE * @param array/int $entry entry-array or id * @return boolean null if entry does not exist, false if no access, true if access permitted */ function check_access($acl,$entry) { if ($acl != EGW_ACL_READ) { return false; } if (!is_array($entry) && !$this->accounts->name2id($entry,'account_lid','u')) { return null; } return true; } /** * Get the etag for an entry, can be reimplemented for other algorithm or field names * * @param array/int $event array with event or cal_id * @return string/boolean string with etag or false */ function get_etag($account) { if (!is_array($account)) { $account = $this->read($account); } return $account['account_id'].':'.md5(serialize($account)). // add md5 from calendar & resource grants, as they are listed as memberships ':'.md5(serialize($this->acl->get_grants('calendar', true, $account['account_id'])). serialize($this->get_resource_rights())). // as the principal of current user is influenced by GroupDAV prefs, we have to include them in the etag ($account['account_id'] == $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id'] ? ':'.md5(serialize($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['groupdav'])) : ''); } /** * Return privileges for current user, default is read and read-current-user-privilege-set * * Privileges are for the collection, not the resources / entries! * * @param string $path path of collection * @param int $user=null owner of the collection, default current user * @return array with privileges */ public function current_user_privileges($path, $user=null) { return array('read', 'read-current-user-privilege-set'); } }