phpGroupWare version setup Logout '; } echo "
"; } function loginForm($err=""){ global $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain, $SetupDomain, $SetupPW, $PHP_SELF; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; if ($err != "") { echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
 Setup Login
\n"; if (count($phpgw_domain) > 1){ echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; }else{ echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; } function auth(){ global $phpgw_domain, $FormLogout, $FormDomain, $FormPW, $SetupPW, $SetupDomain, $db, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $login_msg; if (isset($FormLogout)) { setcookie("SetupPW"); // scrub the old one setcookie("SetupDomain"); // scrub the old one $login_msg = "You have sucessfully logged out"; return False; } elseif (isset($SetupPW)) { if ($SetupPW != $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["config_passwd"]) { setcookie("SetupPW"); // scrub the old one setcookie("SetupDomain"); // scrub the old one $login_msg = "Invalid session cookie (cookies must be enabled)"; return False; }else{ return True; } } elseif (isset($FormPW)) { if ($FormPW == $phpgw_domain[$FormDomain]["config_passwd"]) { setcookie("SetupPW",$FormPW); setcookie("SetupDomain",$FormDomain); $SetupDomain = $FormDomain; return True; }else{ $login_msg = "Invalid password"; return False; } } else { return False; } } function loaddb(){ global $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain, $SetupDomain, $db; /* Database setup */ $phpgw_info["server"]["api_dir"] = $phpgw_info["server"]["include_root"]."/phpgwapi"; include($phpgw_info["server"]["api_dir"] . "/phpgw_db_".$phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_type"].".inc.php"); $db = new db; $db->Host = $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_host"]; $db->Type = $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_type"]; $db->Database = $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_name"]; $db->User = $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_user"]; $db->Password = $phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_pass"]; } function show_steps($stage, $note = False) { global $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain, $SetupDomain, $oldversion, $currentver, $db, $subtitle, $submsg, $subaction; /* The stages are as follows: Stage 1.1 = header does not exists yet Stage 1.2 = header exists, but is the wrong version Stage 1.3 = header exists and is current Stage 2.1 = database does not exists yet Stage 2.2 = database exists pre-beta tables Stage 2.3 = database exists but no tables Stage 2.4 = database and tables exists but need upgrading Stage 2.5 = tables being modified in some way Stage 2.6 = database and tables exists and are current Stage 3.1 = configuration has not been done Stage 3.2 = configuration has been completed Stage 4.1 = install new language Stage 5.1 = something to do with the add-on applications Stage 5.2 = */ echo ''; echo ' '; if ($stage == 1.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 1.2) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage >= 1.3) { echo ''; } echo ' '; if ($stage < 2.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 2.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 2.2) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 2.3) { /* commented out because I cannot accuratly figure out if the DB exists */ //echo ''; echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 2.4) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 2.5) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage >= 2.6) { echo ''; } echo ' '; if ($stage < 3.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 3.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 3.2) { echo ''; } echo ' '; if ($stage < 4.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 4.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 4.2) { echo ''; } echo ' '; if ($stage < 5.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 5.1) { echo ''; }elseif ($stage == 5.2) { echo ''; } echo '
Step 1 - 
You have not created your yet.
Your is out of date. Please upgrade it.
Your is in place and current.
Step 2 - database management 
ONot ready for this stage yet.
Your database does not exist.
O'; echo ' You appear to be running a pre-beta version of phpGroupWare
We are providing an automated upgrade system, but we highly recommend backing up your tables incase the script causes damage to your data.
These automated scripts can easily destroy your data. Please backup before going any further!
Select your old version:
'; echo '
Your database exist, would you like to create your tables now?
OMake sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set.
'; if ($phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_type"] == "mysql"){ echo "
Instructions for creating the database in MySQL:
Login to mysql -
[user@server user]# mysql -u root -p
Create the empty database and grant user permissions -
mysql> create database phpgroupware;
mysql> grant all on phpgroupware.* to phpgroupware@localhost identified by 'password';
"; }elseif ($phpgw_domain[$SetupDomain]["db_type"] == "pgsql"){ echo "
Instructions for creating the database in PostgreSQL:
Start the postmaster
[user@server user]# postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]
Create the empty database -
[user@server user]# createdb phpgroupware
"; } echo '
'; echo "\n"; echo 'Once the database is setup correctly
the tables
O'; echo "You appear to be running version $oldversion of phpGroupWare.
\n"; echo "We will automaticly update your tables/records to ".$phpgw_info["server"]["version"].", but we highly recommend backing up your tables in case the script causes damage to your data.\n"; echo "These automated scripts can easily destroy your data. Please backup before going any further!\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo '
O'; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; $db->Halt_On_Error = "report"; include ("./sql/"); $db->Halt_On_Error = "no"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
 Table Change Messages
If you did not recieve any errors, your tables have been $subaction.
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo '
'; echo '
XYour tables are current.'; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
Insanity: \n"; echo '
'; echo '
Step 3 - Configuration 
ONot ready for this stage yet.
OPlease phpGroupWare for your environment.'; echo "
"; echo '
XConfiguration completed.'; echo "
"; echo '
Step 4 - language management 
ONot ready for this stage yet.
Ostage 4.1.
Ostage 4.2.
Step 5 - Add-on Application Installation 
ONot ready for this stage yet.
Ostage 5.1.
Ostage 5.2.
'; } function generate_header(){ Global $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $k, $v; $ftemplate = fopen(dirname($SCRIPT_FILENAME)."/../","r"); if($ftemplate){ $ftemplate = fopen(dirname($SCRIPT_FILENAME)."/../","r"); $template = fread($ftemplate,filesize(dirname($SCRIPT_FILENAME)."/../")); fclose($ftemplate); while(list($k,$v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { $template = ereg_replace("__".strtoupper($k)."__",$v,$template); } return $template; }else{ echo "Could not open the header template for reading!
"; exit; } } ?>