//v.2.6 build 100722 /* Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com */ /*_TOPICS_ @0:Initialization @1:Selection control @2:Add/delete @3:Private @4:Node/level control @5:Checkboxes/user data manipulation @6:Appearence control @7: Handlers */ function xmlPointer(data){ this.d=data; } xmlPointer.prototype={ text:function(){ if (!_isFF) return this.d.xml; var x = new XMLSerializer(); return x.serializeToString(this.d); }, get:function(name){return this.d.getAttribute(name); }, exists:function(){return !!this.d }, content:function(){return this.d.firstChild?this.d.firstChild.data:""; }, // <4k in FF each:function(name,f,t,i){ var a=this.d.childNodes; var c=new xmlPointer(); if (a.length) for (i=i||0; i0) { beforeNode=new Object; beforeNode.tr=parentObject.childNodes[0].tr.previousSibling; } parentObject._has_top=true; for (ik=Count; ik>0; ik--) Nodes[ik]=Nodes[ik-1]; Count=0; break; } }; }; var n; if (!(n=this._idpull[itemId]) || n.span!=-1){ n=Nodes[Count]=new dhtmlXTreeItemObject(itemId,itemText,parentObject,this,itemActionHandler,1); itemId = Nodes[Count].id; parentObject.childsCount++; } if(!n.htmlNode) { n.label=itemText; n.htmlNode=this._createItem((this.checkBoxOff?1:0),n); n.htmlNode.objBelong=n; } if(image1) n.images[0]=image1; if(image2) n.images[1]=image2; if(image3) n.images[2]=image3; var tr=this._drawNewTr(n.htmlNode); if ((this.XMLloadingWarning)||(this._hAdI)) n.htmlNode.parentNode.parentNode.style.display="none"; if ((beforeNode)&&(beforeNode.tr.nextSibling)) parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].insertBefore(tr,beforeNode.tr.nextSibling); else if (this.parsingOn==parentObject.id){ this.parsedArray[this.parsedArray.length]=tr; } else parentObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].appendChild(tr); if ((beforeNode)&&(!beforeNode.span)) beforeNode=null; if (this.XMLsource) if ((childs)&&(childs!=0)) n.XMLload=0; else n.XMLload=1; n.tr=tr; tr.nodem=n; if (parentObject.itemId==0) tr.childNodes[0].className="hiddenRow"; if ((parentObject._r_logic)||(this._frbtr)) this._setSrc(n.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0],this.imPath+this.radioArray[0]); if (optionStr) { var tempStr=optionStr.split(","); for (var i=0; i=2) { this._correctPlus(Nodes[parentObject.childsCount-2]); this._correctLine(Nodes[parentObject.childsCount-2]); } if (parentObject.childsCount!=2) this._correctPlus(Nodes[0]); if (this.tscheck) this._correctCheckStates(parentObject); if (this._onradh){ if (this.xmlstate==1){ var old=this.onXLE; this.onXLE=function(id){ this._onradh(itemId); if (old) old(id); } } else this._onradh(itemId); } } return n; }; /** * @desc: create new node as a child to specified with parentId * @type: deprecated * @param: parentId - parent node id * @param: itemId - new node id * @param: itemText - new node text * @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event (optional) * @param: image1 - image for node without children; (optional) * @param: image2 - image for closed node; (optional) * @param: image3 - image for opened node (optional) * @param: optionStr - options string (optional) * @param: children - node children flag (for dynamical trees) (optional) * @topic: 2 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.insertNewItem=function(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children){ var parentObject=this._globalIdStorageFind(parentId); if (!parentObject) return (-1); var nodez=this._attachChildNode(parentObject,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children); return nodez; }; /** * @desc: create new node as a child to specified with parentId * @type: public * @param: parentId - parent node id * @param: itemId - new node id * @param: itemText - new node label * @param: itemActionHandler - function fired on node select event (optional) * @param: image1 - image for node without children; (optional) * @param: image2 - image for closed node; (optional) * @param: image3 - image for opened node (optional) * @param: optionStr - options string (optional) * @param: children - node children flag (for dynamical trees) (optional) * @topic: 2 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.insertNewChild=function(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children){ return this.insertNewItem(parentId,itemId,itemText,itemActionHandler,image1,image2,image3,optionStr,children); } /** * @desc: parse xml * @type: private * @param: dhtmlObject - jsTree object * @param: node - top XML node * @param: parentId - parent node id * @param: level - level of tree * @topic: 2 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parseXMLTree=function(a,b,c,d,xml){ var p=new xmlPointer(xml.getXMLTopNode("tree")); a._parse(p); a._p=p; } dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parseItem=function(c,temp,preNode,befNode){ var id; if (this._srnd && (!this._idpull[id=c.get("id")] || !this._idpull[id].span)) { this._addItemSRND(temp.id,id,c); return; } var a=c.get_all(); if ((typeof(this.waitUpdateXML)=="object")&&(!this.waitUpdateXML[a.id])){ this._parse(c,a.id,1); return; } var zST=[]; if (a.select) zST.push("SELECT"); if (a.top) zST.push("TOP"); if (a.call) this.nodeAskingCall=a.id; if (a.checked==-1) zST.push("HCHECKED"); else if (a.checked) zST.push("CHECKED"); if (a.open) zST.push("OPEN"); if (this.waitUpdateXML){ if (this._globalIdStorageFind(a.id)) var newNode=this.updateItem(a.id,a.text,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,a.checked); else{ if (this.npl==0) zST.push("TOP"); else preNode=temp.childNodes[this.npl]; var newNode=this._attachChildNode(temp,a.id,a.text,0,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,zST.join(","),a.child,0,preNode); preNode=null; } } else var newNode=this._attachChildNode(temp,a.id,a.text,0,a.im0,a.im1,a.im2,zST.join(","),a.child,(befNode||0),preNode); if (a.tooltip) newNode.span.parentNode.parentNode.title=a.tooltip; if (a.style) if (newNode.span.style.cssText) newNode.span.style.cssText+=(";"+a.style); else newNode.span.setAttribute("style",newNode.span.getAttribute("style")+"; "+a.style); if (a.radio) newNode._r_logic=true; if (a.nocheckbox){ var check_node=newNode.span.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling; check_node.childNodes[0].style.display='none'; if (window._KHTMLrv) check_node.style.display="none"; newNode.nocheckbox=true; } if (a.disabled){ if (a.checked!=null) this._setCheck(newNode,a.checked); this.disableCheckbox(newNode,1); } newNode._acc=a.child||0; if (this.parserExtension) this.parserExtension._parseExtension.call(this,c,a,(temp?temp.id:0)); this.setItemColor(newNode,a.aCol,a.sCol); if (a.locked=="1") this.lockItem(newNode.id,true,true); if ((a.imwidth)||(a.imheight)) this.setIconSize(a.imwidth,a.imheight,newNode); if ((a.closeable=="0")||(a.closeable=="1")) this.setItemCloseable(newNode,a.closeable); var zcall=""; if (a.topoffset) this.setItemTopOffset(newNode,a.topoffset); if ((!this.slowParse)||(typeof(this.waitUpdateXML)=="object")){ if (c.sub_exists("item")) zcall=this._parse(c,a.id,1); } if (zcall!="") this.nodeAskingCall=zcall; c.each("userdata",function(u){ this.setUserData(c.get("id"),u.get("name"),u.content()); },this) } dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._parse=function(p,parentId,level,start){ if (this._srnd && !this.parentObject.offsetHeight) { var self=this; return window.setTimeout(function(){ self._parse(p,parentId,level,start); },100); } if (!p.exists()) return; this.skipLock=true; //disable item locking //loading flags if (!parentId) { //top level parentId=p.get("id"); if (p.get("radio")) this.htmlNode._r_logic=true; this.parsingOn=parentId; this.parsedArray=new Array(); this.setCheckList=""; this.nodeAskingCall=""; } var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(parentId); if (!temp) return dhtmlxError.throwError("DataStructure","XML refers to not existing parent"); this.parsCount=this.parsCount?(this.parsCount+1):1; this.XMLloadingWarning=1; if ((temp.childsCount)&&(!start)&&(!this._edsbps)&&(!temp._has_top)) var preNode=0;//temp.childNodes[temp.childsCount-1]; else var preNode=0; this.npl=0; p.each("item",function(c,i){ temp.XMLload=1; if ((this._epgps)&&(this._epgpsC==this.npl)){ this._setNextPageSign(temp,this.npl+1*(start||0),level,node); return -1; } this._parseItem(c,temp,0,preNode); this.npl++; },this,start); if (!level) { p.each("userdata",function(u){ this.setUserData(p.get("id"),u.get("name"),u.content()); },this); temp.XMLload=1; if (this.waitUpdateXML){ this.waitUpdateXML=false; for (var i=temp.childsCount-1; i>=0; i--) if (temp.childNodes[i]._dmark) this.deleteItem(temp.childNodes[i].id); } var parsedNodeTop=this._globalIdStorageFind(this.parsingOn); for (var i=0; i1){ if ( ( (Nodes[1].style.display!="none") || (mode==1) ) && (mode!=2) ) { //nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "1"; this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "0"; nodestyle="none"; } else nodestyle=""; for (var i=1; i7) td2.style.width="999999px"; else if (!window._KHTMLrv) td2.style.width="100%"; // itemObject.span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(itemObject.label)); itemObject.span.innerHTML=itemObject.label; td2.appendChild(itemObject.span); td2.parentObject=itemObject; td1.parentObject=itemObject; td2.onclick=this.onRowSelect; td1.onclick=this.onRowClick; td2.ondblclick=this.onRowClick2; if (this.ettip) tr.title=itemObject.label; if (this.dragAndDropOff) { if (this._aimgs) { this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td12,this); td12.parentObject=itemObject; } this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td2,this); } itemObject.span.style.paddingLeft="5px"; itemObject.span.style.paddingRight="5px"; td2.style.verticalAlign=""; td2.style.fontSize="10pt"; td2.style.cursor=this.style_pointer; tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td11); tr.appendChild(td12); tr.appendChild(td2); tbody.appendChild(tr); table.appendChild(tbody); if (this.ehlt || this.checkEvent("onMouseIn") || this.checkEvent("onMouseOut")){//highlighting tr.onmousemove=this._itemMouseIn; tr[(_isIE)?"onmouseleave":"onmouseout"]=this._itemMouseOut; } return table; }; /** * @desc: set path to images directory * @param: newPath - path to images directory (related to the page with tree or absolute http url) * @type: public * @topic: 0 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setImagePath=function( newPath ){ this.imPath=newPath; this.iconURL=newPath; }; /** * @desc: set path to external images used as tree icons * @type: public * @param: path - url (or relative path) of images folder with closing "/" * @topic: 0,7 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setIconPath=function(path){ this.iconURL=path; } /** * @desc: set function called when tree node selected * @param: (function) func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onRightClick * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onRightClick",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event occurs after right mouse button was clicked. Assigning this handler can disable default context menu, and incompattible with dhtmlXMenu integration. * @eventparam: (string) ID of clicked item * @eventparam: (object) event object */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnRightClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onRightClick",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called when tree node clicked, also can be forced to call from API * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onClick * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onClick",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after text part of item in tree was clicked, but after default onClick functionality was processed. Richt mouse button click can be catched by onRightClick event handler. * @eventparam: ID of clicked item * @eventparam: ID of previously selected item */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onClick",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called when tree node selected or unselected, include any select change caused by any functionality * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onSelect * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onSelect",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after selection in tree was changed * @eventparam: selected item ID ( list of IDs in case of multiselection) */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnSelectStateChange=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onSelect",func); }; /** * @desc: enables dynamic loading from XML * @type: public * @param: filePath - name of script returning XML; in case of virtual loading - user defined function * @topic: 0 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setXMLAutoLoading=function(filePath){ this.XMLsource=filePath; }; /** * @desc: set function called before checkbox checked/unchecked * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onCheck * @depricated: use tree.attachEvent("onCheck",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises right before item in tree was checked/unchecked. can be canceled (return false from event handler) * @eventparam: ID of item which will be checked/unchecked * @eventparam: Current checkbox state. 1 - item checked, 0 - item unchecked. * @eventreturn: true - confirm changing checked state; false - deny chaning checked state; */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnCheckHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onCheck",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called before tree node opened/closed * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onOpen * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree got command to open/close , and before item was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored. Event does not occur if node was opened by dhtmlXtree API. * @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed * @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened. * @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing; */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called before tree node opened/closed * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onOpenStart * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree got command to open/close , and before item was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored. Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API. * @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed * @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened. * @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing; */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenStartHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenStart",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called after tree node opened/closed * @param: func - event handling function * @type: deprecated * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onOpenEnd * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onOpenEnd",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raises immideatly after item in tree was opened//closed. Event also raised for unclosable nodes and nodes without open/close functionality - in that case result of function will be ignored. Event not raised if node opened by dhtmlXtree API. * @eventparam: ID of node which will be opened/closed * @eventparam: Current open state of tree item. 0 - item has not children, -1 - item closed, 1 - item opened. */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnOpenEndHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onOpenEnd",func); }; /** * @desc: set function called when tree node double clicked * @param: func - event handling function * @type: public * @topic: 0,7 * @event: onDblClick * @depricated: use grid.attachEvent("onDblClick",func); instead * @eventdesc: Event raised immideatly after item in tree was doubleclicked, before default onDblClick functionality was processed. Beware using both onClick and onDblClick events, because component can generate onClick event before onDblClick event while doubleclicking item in tree. ( that behavior depend on used browser ) * @eventparam: ID of item which was doubleclicked * @eventreturn: true - confirm opening/closing; false - deny opening/closing; */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setOnDblClickHandler=function(func){ this.attachEvent("onDblClick",func); }; /** * @desc: expand target node and all sub nodes * @type: public * @param: itemId - node id * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.openAllItems=function(itemId) { var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; this._xopenAll(temp); }; /** * @desc: return open/close state * @type: public * @param: itemId - node id * @return: -1 - close, 1 - opened, 0 - node doesn't have children * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getOpenState=function(itemId){ var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return ""; return this._getOpenState(temp); }; /** * @desc: collapse target node and all sub nodes * @type: public * @param: itemId - node id * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.closeAllItems=function(itemId) { if (itemId===window.undefined) itemId=this.rootId; var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; this._xcloseAll(temp); //nb:solves standard doctype prb in IE this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "1"; this.allTree.childNodes[0].border = "0"; }; /** * @desc: set user data for target node * @type: public * @param: itemId - target node id * @param: name - key for user data * @param: value - user data value * @topic: 5 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setUserData=function(itemId,name,value){ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,true); if (!sNode) return; if(name=="hint") sNode.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].title=value; if (typeof(sNode.userData["t_"+name])=="undefined"){ if (!sNode._userdatalist) sNode._userdatalist=name; else sNode._userdatalist+=","+name; } sNode.userData["t_"+name]=value; }; /** * @desc: get user data from target node * @type: public * @param: itemId - target node id * @param: name - key for user data * @return: value of user data * @topic: 5 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getUserData=function(itemId,name){ var sNode=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId,0,true); if (!sNode) return; return sNode.userData["t_"+name]; }; /** * @desc: get node color (text color) * @param: itemId - id of node * @type: public * @return: color of node (empty string for default color); * @topic: 6 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemColor=function(itemId) { var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; var res= new Object(); if (temp.acolor) res.acolor=temp.acolor; if (temp.scolor) res.scolor=temp.scolor; return res; }; /** * @desc: set node text color * @param: itemId - id of node * @param: defaultColor - node color * @param: selectedColor - selected node color * @type: public * @topic: 6 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.setItemColor=function(itemId,defaultColor,selectedColor) { if ((itemId)&&(itemId.span)) var temp=itemId; else var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; else { if (temp.i_sel) { if (selectedColor) temp.span.style.color=selectedColor; } else { if (defaultColor) temp.span.style.color=defaultColor; } if (selectedColor) temp.scolor=selectedColor; if (defaultColor) temp.acolor=defaultColor; } }; /** * @desc: return node text * @param: itemId - id of node * @type: public * @return: text of item (with HTML formatting, if any) * @topic: 6 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getItemText=function(itemId) { var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; return(temp.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3].childNodes[0].innerHTML); }; /** * @desc: return parent item id * @param: itemId - id of node * @type: public * @return: id of parent item * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.getParentId=function(itemId) { var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if ((!temp)||(!temp.parentObject)) return ""; return temp.parentObject.id; }; /** * @desc: change item id * @type: public * @param: itemId - old node id * @param: newItemId - new node id * @topic: 4 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.changeItemId=function(itemId,newItemId) { if (itemId==newItemId) return; var temp=this._globalIdStorageFind(itemId); if (!temp) return 0; temp.id=newItemId; temp.span.contextMenuId=newItemId; this._idpull[newItemId]=this._idpull[itemId]; delete this._idpull[itemId]; }; /** * @desc: mark selected item as cut * @type: public * @topic: 2 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype.doCut=function(){ if (this.nodeCut) this.clearCut(); this.nodeCut=(new Array()).concat(this._selected); for (var i=0; i=2) { this._correctPlus(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-2]); this._correctLine(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-2]); } this._correctPlus(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-1]); //this._correctLine(Nodes[targetObject.childsCount-1]); if (this.tscheck) this._correctCheckStates(targetObject); if (oldTree.tscheck) oldTree._correctCheckStates(z); } //fix source parent if (c>1) { oldTree._correctPlus(z.childNodes[c-2]); oldTree._correctLine(z.childNodes[c-2]); } // if (z.childsCount==0) oldTree._correctPlus(z); oldTree._correctLine(z); this.callEvent("onDrop",[itemObject.id,targetObject.id,(beforeNode?beforeNode.id:null),oldTree,targetObject.treeNod]); return itemObject.id; }; /** * @desc: recursive set default styles for node * @type: private * @param: itemObject - target node object * @topic: 6 */ dhtmlXTreeObject.prototype._clearStyles=function(itemObject){ if (!itemObject.htmlNode) return; //some weird case in SRND mode var td1=itemObject.htmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1]; var td3=td1.nextSibling.nextSibling; itemObject.span.innerHTML=itemObject.label; itemObject.i_sel=false; if (itemObject._aimgs) this.dragger.removeDraggableItem(td1.nextSibling); if (this.checkBoxOff) { td1.childNodes[0].style.display=""; td1.childNodes[0].onclick=this.onCheckBoxClick; this._setSrc(td1.childNodes[0],this.imPath+this.checkArray[itemObject.checkstate]); } else td1.childNodes[0].style.display="none"; td1.childNodes[0].treeNod=this; this.dragger.removeDraggableItem(td3); if (this.dragAndDropOff) this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td3,this); if (this._aimgs) this.dragger.addDraggableItem(td1.nextSibling,this); td3.childNodes[0].className="standartTreeRow"; td3.onclick=this.onRowSelect; td3.ondblclick=this.onRowClick2; td1.previousSibling.onclick=this.onRowClick; this._correctLine(itemObject); this._correctPlus(itemObject); for (var i=0; i