/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - JS Widget base class * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel * @copyright Stylite 2011 */ /** * IE Fix for array.indexOf */ if (typeof Array.prototype.indexOf == "undefined") { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (_elem) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === _elem) return i; } return -1; }; } /** * Array with all types supported by the et2_checkType function. */ var et2_validTypes = ["boolean", "string", "rawstring", "html", "float", "integer", "any", "js", "dimension"]; /** * Object whith default values for the above types. Do not specify array or * objects inside the et2_typeDefaults object, as this instance will be shared * between all users of it. */ var et2_typeDefaults = { "boolean": false, "string": "", "rawstring": "", "html": "", "js": null, "float": 0.0, "integer": 0, "any": null, "dimension": "auto" }; function et2_evalBool(_val) { if (typeof _val == "string") { if (_val == "false" || _val == "0") { return false; } } return _val ? true : false; } /** * Concat et2 name together, eg. et2_concat("namespace","test[something]") == "namespace[test][something]" * @param variable number of arguments to contact * @returns string */ function et2_form_name(_cname, _name) { var parts = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var name = arguments[i]; if (typeof name == 'string' && name.length > 0) // et2_namespace("","test") === "test" === et2_namespace(null,"test") { parts = parts.concat(name.replace(/]/g, '').split('[')); } } var name = parts.shift(); return parts.length ? name + '[' + parts.join('][') + ']' : name; } /** * Checks whether the given value is of the given type. Strings are converted * into the corresponding type. The (converted) value is returned. All supported * types are listed in the et2_validTypes array. * * @param mixed _val value * @param string _type a valid type eg. "string" or "js" * @param string _attr attribute name * @param object _widget */ function et2_checkType(_val, _type, _attr, _widget) { if (typeof _attr == "undefined") { _attr = null; } function _err() { var res = et2_typeDefaults[_type]; if (typeof _val != "undefined" && _val) { egw.debug("warn", "Widget %o: '" + _val + "' was not of specified _type '" + _type + (_attr != null ? "' for attribute '" + _attr + "' " : "") + "and is now '" + res + "'", _widget); } return res; } // If the type is "any" simply return the value again if (_type == "any") { return _val; } // we dont check default-value any further, that also fixes type="js" does NOT accept null, // which happens on expanded values if (_val === et2_typeDefaults[_type]) { return _val; } // If the type is boolean, check whether the given value is exactly true or // false. Otherwise check whether the value is the string "true" or "false". if (_type == "boolean") { if (_val === true || _val === false) { return _val; } if (typeof _val == "string") { var lcv = _val.toLowerCase(); if (lcv === "true" || lcv === "false" || lcv === "") { return _val === "true"; } if (lcv === "0" || lcv === "1") { return _val === "1"; } } else if (typeof _val == "number") { return _val != 0; } return _err(); } // Check whether the given value is of the type "string" if (_type == "string" || _type == "html" || _type == "rawstring") { if (typeof _val == "number") // as php is a bit vague here, silently convert to a string { return _val.toString(); } if (typeof _val == "string") { return _type == "string" ? html_entity_decode(_val) : _val; } // Handle some less common possibilities // Maybe a split on an empty string if (typeof _val == "object" && jQuery.isEmptyObject(_val)) return ""; return _err(); } // Check whether the value is already a number, otherwise try to convert it // to one. if (_type == "float") { if (typeof _val == "number") { return _val; } if (!isNaN(_val)) { return parseFloat(_val); } return _err(); } // Check whether the value is an integer by comparing the result of // parseInt(_val) to the value itself. if (_type == "integer") { if (parseInt(_val) == _val) { return parseInt(_val); } return _err(); } // Parse the given dimension value if (_type == "dimension") { // Case 1: The value is "auto" if (_val == "auto") { return _val; } // Case 2: The value is simply a number, attach "px" if (!isNaN(_val)) { return parseFloat(_val) + "px"; } // Case 3: The value is already a valid css pixel value or a percentage if (typeof _val == "string" && ((_val.indexOf("px") == _val.length - 2 && !isNaN(_val.split("px")[0])) || (_val.indexOf("%") == _val.length - 1 && !isNaN(_val.split("%")[0])))) { return _val; } return _err(); } // Javascript if (_type == "js") { if (typeof _val == "function" || typeof _val == "undefined") { return _val; } if (_val) _val = _val.replace(/window\.close\(\)/g, 'egw(window).close()'); // Check to see if it's a string in app.appname.function format, and wrap it in // a closure to make sure context is preserved if (typeof _val == "string" && _val.substr(0, 4) == "app." && app) { var parts = _val.split('.'); var func = parts.pop(); var parent = window; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length && typeof parent[parts[i]] != 'undefined'; ++i) { parent = parent[parts[i]]; } if (typeof parent[func] == 'function') { try { return jQuery.proxy(parent[func], parent); } catch (e) { egw.debug('error', 'Function', _val); return _err(); } } } if (!_val || typeof _val == "string") { return _val; // get compiled later in widgets own initAttributes, as widget is not yet initialised } } // We should never come here throw ("Invalid type identifier '" + _attr + "': '" + _type + "'"); } /** * If et2_no_init is set as default value, the initAttributes function will not * try to initialize the attribute with the default value. */ var et2_no_init = new Object(); /** * Validates the given attribute with the given id. The validation checks for * the existance of a human name, a description, a type and a default value. * If the human name defaults to the given id, the description defaults to an * empty string, the type defaults to any and the default to the corresponding * type default. */ function et2_validateAttrib(_id, _attrib) { // Default ignore to false. if (typeof _attrib["ignore"] == "undefined") { _attrib["ignore"] = false; } // Break if "ignore" is set to true. if (_attrib.ignore) { return; } if (typeof _attrib["name"] == "undefined") { _attrib["name"] = _id; egw.debug("log", "Human name ('name'-Field) for attribute '" + _id + "' has not been supplied, set to '" + _id + "'"); } if (typeof _attrib["description"] == "undefined") { _attrib["description"] = ""; egw.debug("log", "Description for attribute '" + _id + "' has not been supplied"); } if (typeof _attrib["type"] == "undefined") { _attrib["type"] = "any"; } else { if (et2_validTypes.indexOf(_attrib["type"]) < 0) { egw.debug("error", "Invalid type '" + _attrib["type"] + "' for attribute '" + _id + "' supplied. Valid types are ", et2_validTypes); } } // Set the defaults if (typeof _attrib["default"] == "undefined") { _attrib["default"] = et2_typeDefaults[_attrib["type"]]; } } /** * Equivalent to the PHP array_values function */ function et2_arrayValues(_arr) { var result = []; for (var key in _arr) { // @ts-ignore we check key is an integer if (parseInt(key) == key) { result.push(_arr[key]); } } return result; } /** * Equivalent to the PHP array_keys function */ function et2_arrayKeys(_arr) { var result = []; for (var key in _arr) { result.push(key); } return result; } function et2_arrayIntKeys(_arr) { var result = []; for (var key in _arr) { result.push(parseInt(key)); } return result; } /** * Equivalent to the PHP substr function, partly take from phpjs, licensed under * the GPL. */ function et2_substr(str, start, len) { var end = str.length; if (start < 0) { start += end; } end = typeof len === 'undefined' ? end : (len < 0 ? len + end : len + start); return start >= str.length || start < 0 || start > end ? "" : str.slice(start, end); } /** * Split a $delimiter-separated options string, which can contain parts with * delimiters enclosed in $enclosure. Ported from class.boetemplate.inc.php * * Examples: * - et2_csvSplit('"1,2,3",2,3') === array('1,2,3','2','3') * - et2_csvSplit('1,2,3',2) === array('1','2,3') * - et2_csvSplit('"1,2,3",2,3',2) === array('1,2,3','2,3') * - et2_csvSplit('"a""b,c",d') === array('a"b,c','d') // to escape enclosures double them! * * @param string _str * @param int _num=null in how many parts to split maximal, parts over this * number end up (unseparated) in the last part * @param string _delimiter=',' * @param string _enclosure='"' * @return array */ function et2_csvSplit(_str, _num, _delimiter, _enclosure) { // Default the parameters if (typeof _str == "undefined" || _str == null) { _str = ""; } if (typeof _num == "undefined") { _num = null; } if (typeof _delimiter == "undefined") { _delimiter = ","; } if (typeof _enclosure == "undefined") { _enclosure = '"'; } // If the _enclosure string does not occur in the string, simply use the // split function if (_str.indexOf(_enclosure) == -1) { return _num === null ? _str.split(_delimiter) : _str.split(_delimiter, _num); } // Split the string at the delimiter and join it again, when a enclosure is // found at the beginning/end of a part var parts = _str.split(_delimiter); for (var n = 0; typeof parts[n] != "undefined"; n++) { var part = parts[n]; if (part.charAt(0) === _enclosure) { var m = n; while (typeof parts[m + 1] != "undefined" && parts[n].substr(-1) !== _enclosure) { parts[n] += _delimiter + parts[++m]; delete (parts[m]); } parts[n] = et2_substr(parts[n].replace(new RegExp(_enclosure + _enclosure, 'g'), _enclosure), 1, -1); n = m; } } // Rebuild the array index parts = et2_arrayValues(parts); // Limit the parts to the given number if (_num !== null && _num > 0 && _num < parts.length && parts.length > 0) { parts[_num - 1] = parts.slice(_num - 1, parts.length).join(_delimiter); parts = parts.slice(0, _num); } return parts; } /** * Parses the given string and returns an array marking parts which are URLs */ function et2_activateLinks(_content) { var _match = false; var arr = []; function _splitPush(_matches, _proc) { if (_matches) { // We had a match _match = true; // Replace "undefined" with "" for (var i = 1; i < _matches.length; i++) { if (typeof _matches[i] == "undefined") { _matches[i] = ""; } } // Split the content string at the given position(s) // but we only handle the first occurence var splitted = _content.split(_matches[0]); // Push the not-matched part var left = splitted.shift(); if (left) { // activate the links of the left string arr = arr.concat(et2_activateLinks(left)); } // Call the callback function which converts the matches into an object // and appends it to the string _proc(_matches); // Set the new working string to the right part _content = splitted.join(_matches[0]); } } var mail_regExp = /(mailto:)?([a-z0-9._-]+)@([a-z0-9_-]+)\.([a-z0-9._-]+)/i; // First match things beginning with http:// (or other protocols) var protocol = '(http:\\/\\/|(ftp:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/))'; // only http:// gets removed, other protocolls are shown var domain = '([\\w-]+\\.[\\w-.]+)'; var subdir = '([\\w\\-\\.,@?^=%&;:\\/~\\+#]*[\\w\\-\\@?^=%&\\/~\\+#])?'; var http_regExp = new RegExp(protocol + domain + subdir, 'i'); // Now match things beginning with www. var domain = 'www(\\.[\\w-.]+)'; var subdir = '([\\w\\-\\.,@?^=%&:\\/~\\+#]*[\\w\\-\\@?^=%&\\/~\\+#])?'; var www_regExp = new RegExp(domain + subdir, 'i'); do { _match = false; // Abort if the remaining length of _content is smaller than 20 for // performance reasons if (!_content) { break; } // No need make emailaddress spam-save, as it gets dynamically created _splitPush(_content.match(mail_regExp), function (_matches) { arr.push({ "href": (_matches[1] ? '' : 'mailto:') + _matches[0], "text": _matches[2] + "@" + _matches[3] + "." + _matches[4] }); }); // Create hrefs for links starting with "http://" _splitPush(_content.match(http_regExp), function (_matches) { arr.push({ "href": _matches[0], "text": _matches[2] + _matches[3] + _matches[4] }); }); // Create hrefs for links starting with "www." _splitPush(_content.match(www_regExp), function (_matches) { arr.push({ "href": "http://" + _matches[0], "text": _matches[0] }); }); } while (_match); arr.push(_content); return arr; } /** * Inserts the structure generated by et2_activateLinks into the given DOM-Node */ function et2_insertLinkText(_text, _node, _target) { var _a; if (!_node) { egw.debug("warn", "et2_insertLinkText called without node", _text, _node, _target); return; } // Clear the node for (var i = _node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { _node.removeChild(_node.childNodes[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < _text.length; i++) { var s = _text[i]; if (typeof s == "string" || typeof s == "number") { // Include line breaks var lines = typeof s !== "number" && s.split ? s.split('\n') : [s + ""]; // Insert the lines for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) { _node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(lines[j])); if (j < lines.length - 1) { _node.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } } else if ((_a = s) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text) { if (!s.href) { egw.debug("warn", "et2_activateLinks gave bad data", s, _node, _target); s.href = ""; } var a = jQuery(document.createElement("a")) .attr("href", s.href) .text(s.text); if (typeof _target != "undefined" && _target && _target != "_self" && s.href.substr(0, 7) != "mailto:") { a.attr("target", _target); } // open mailto links depending on preferences in mail app if (s.href.substr(0, 7) == "mailto:" && (egw.user('apps').mail || egw.user('apps').felamimail) && egw.preference('force_mailto', 'addressbook') != '1') { a.click(function (event) { egw.open_link(this.href); return false; }); } a.appendTo(_node); } } } /** * Creates a copy of the given object (non recursive) */ function et2_cloneObject(_obj) { var result = {}; for (var key in _obj) { result[key] = _obj[key]; } return result; } /** * Returns true if the given array of nodes or their children contains the given * child node. */ function et2_hasChild(_nodes, _child) { for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++) { if (_nodes[i] == _child) { return true; } else if (_nodes[i].childNodes) { var res = et2_hasChild(_nodes[i].childNodes, _child); if (res) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Functions to work with ranges and range intersection (used in the dataview) */ /** * Common functions used in most view classes */ /** * Returns an "range" object with the given top position and height */ function et2_range(_top, _height) { return { "top": _top, "bottom": _top + _height }; } /** * Returns an "area" object with the given top- and bottom position */ function et2_bounds(_top, _bottom) { return { "top": _top, "bottom": _bottom }; } /** * Returns whether two range objects intersect each other */ function et2_rangeIntersect(_ar1, _ar2) { return !(_ar1.bottom < _ar2.top || _ar1.top > _ar2.bottom); } /** * Returns whether two ranges intersect (result = 0) or their relative position * to each other (used to do a binary search inside a list of sorted range objects). */ function et2_rangeIntersectDir(_ar1, _ar2) { if (_ar1.bottom < _ar2.top) { return -1; } if (_ar1.top > _ar2.bottom) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Returns whether two ranges are equal. */ function et2_rangeEqual(_ar1, _ar2) { return _ar1.top === _ar2.top && _ar1.bottom === _ar2.bottom; } /** * Substracts _ar2 from _ar1, returns an array of new ranges. */ function et2_rangeSubstract(_ar1, _ar2) { // Per default return the complete _ar1 range var res = [_ar1]; // Check whether there is an intersection between the given ranges if (et2_rangeIntersect(_ar1, _ar2)) { res = [et2_bounds(_ar1.top, _ar2.top), et2_bounds(_ar2.bottom, _ar1.bottom)]; } // Remove all zero-length ranges from the result for (var i = res.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (res[i].bottom - res[i].top <= 0) { res.splice(i, 1); } } return res; } /** * Decode html entities so they can be added via .text(_str), eg. html_entity_decode('&') === '&' * * @param {string} _str * @returns {string} */ function html_entity_decode(_str) { return _str && _str.indexOf('&') != -1 ? jQuery('' + _str + '').text() : _str; } //# sourceMappingURL=et2_core_common.js.map