import {Et2Portlet} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Portlet/Et2Portlet"; import {classMap, css, html} from "@lion/core"; import shoelace from "../../api/js/etemplate/Styles/shoelace"; import {etemplate2} from "../../api/js/etemplate/etemplate2"; import type {SelectOption} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Select/FindSelectOptions"; import {Et2Favorites} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Favorites/Et2Favorites"; import {Et2Dialog} from "../../api/js/etemplate/Et2Dialog/Et2Dialog"; export class Et2PortletFavorite extends Et2Portlet { static get styles() { return [ ...shoelace, ...(super.styles || []), css` .portlet__header et2-button { visibility: hidden; } .portlet__header:hover et2-button { visibility: visible; } ` ] } constructor() { super(); this.toggleHeader = this.toggleHeader.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.classList.add("header_hidden"); } /** * Get a list of user-configurable properties * @returns {[{name : string, type : string, select_options? : [SelectOption]}]} */ get portletProperties() : { name : string, type : string, label : string, select_options? : SelectOption[] }[] { return [ ...super.portletProperties, {name: "favorite", type: "et2-select", label: "Favorite", select_options: this.favorites} ] } public get favorites() { // Default blank filter let favorites = [ {value: 'blank', label: this.egw().lang("No filters"), favorite: {}} ]; // Load favorites if(this.settings?.appname) { let preferences : any = this.egw().preference("*", this.settings.appname); for(let pref_name in preferences) { if(pref_name.indexOf(Et2Favorites.PREFIX) == 0 && typeof preferences[pref_name] == 'object') { let name = pref_name.substr(Et2Favorites.PREFIX.length); favorites.push({ value: name, label: preferences[pref_name]['name'], favorite: preferences[pref_name] }); } } } return favorites; } /** * Overridden so we can just apply the favorite to the nm * * @param button_id * @param value */ _process_edit(button_id, value) { if(button_id == Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON && value.favorite != this.settings.favorite) { const state = this.favorites.find(f => f.value == value.favorite)?.favorite || {}; if(this.nm && typeof state == "object") { // Firefox has trouble with spaces in search if(state.state && { = unescape(; } // Apply if(state.state && state.state.sort && { this.nm.sortBy(, state.state.sort.asc, false); } else { // Not using resetSort() to avoid the extra applyFilters() call this.nm.sortBy(undefined, undefined, false); } if(state.state && state.state.selectcols) { // Make sure it's a real array, not an object, then set cols this.nm.set_columns(jQuery.extend([], state.state.selectcols)); } this.nm.applyFilters(state.state || state.filter || {}); } } super._process_edit(button_id, value); } /** * Override parent to force resize on initial load * @param settings * @returns {Promise | Promise} */ update_settings(settings) : Promise | Promise { return super.update_settings(settings) .then(result => { if(!this.nm) { // If child was added recently (not loaded in normal reload), resize them all etemplate2.getByTemplate("home.favorite").forEach(et => (et).resize(undefined)) } return result; }); } headerTemplate() { const hidden = this.classList.contains("header_hidden"); return html`${super.headerTemplate()} `; } protected get nm() { return this.getWidgetById('nm') || etemplate2.getById( && etemplate2.getById('nm') || false; } public toggleHeader() { //widget.set_class(widget.class == 'opened' ? 'closed' : 'opened'); // We operate on the DOM here, nm should be unaware of our fiddling let nm = this.nm if(!nm) { return; } // Hide header nm.div.toggleClass('header_hidden'); nm.set_hide_header(nm.div.hasClass('header_hidden')); nm.resize(); // Toggle class that changes everything this.classList.toggle("header_hidden"); this.requestUpdate(); } } if(!customElements.get("et2-portlet-favorite")) { customElements.define("et2-portlet-favorite", Et2PortletFavorite); }