/*! * ZeroClipboard * The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. * Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Jon Rohan, James M. Greene * Licensed MIT * http://zeroclipboard.org/ * v2.2.0-beta.3 */ (function(window, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * Store references to critically important global functions that may be * overridden on certain web pages. */ var _window = window, _document = _window.document, _navigator = _window.navigator, _setTimeout = _window.setTimeout, _clearTimeout = _window.clearTimeout, _setInterval = _window.setInterval, _clearInterval = _window.clearInterval, _getComputedStyle = _window.getComputedStyle, _encodeURIComponent = _window.encodeURIComponent, _ActiveXObject = _window.ActiveXObject, _Error = _window.Error, _parseInt = _window.Number.parseInt || _window.parseInt, _parseFloat = _window.Number.parseFloat || _window.parseFloat, _isNaN = _window.Number.isNaN || _window.isNaN, _now = _window.Date.now, _keys = _window.Object.keys, _defineProperty = _window.Object.defineProperty, _hasOwn = _window.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, _slice = _window.Array.prototype.slice, _unwrap = function() { var unwrapper = function(el) { return el; }; if (typeof _window.wrap === "function" && typeof _window.unwrap === "function") { try { var div = _document.createElement("div"); var unwrappedDiv = _window.unwrap(div); if (div.nodeType === 1 && unwrappedDiv && unwrappedDiv.nodeType === 1) { unwrapper = _window.unwrap; } } catch (e) {} } return unwrapper; }(); /** * Convert an `arguments` object into an Array. * * @returns The arguments as an Array * @private */ var _args = function(argumentsObj) { return _slice.call(argumentsObj, 0); }; /** * Shallow-copy the owned, enumerable properties of one object over to another, similar to jQuery's `$.extend`. * * @returns The target object, augmented * @private */ var _extend = function() { var i, len, arg, prop, src, copy, args = _args(arguments), target = args[0] || {}; for (i = 1, len = args.length; i < len; i++) { if ((arg = args[i]) != null) { for (prop in arg) { if (_hasOwn.call(arg, prop)) { src = target[prop]; copy = arg[prop]; if (target !== copy && copy !== undefined) { target[prop] = copy; } } } } } return target; }; /** * Return a deep copy of the source object or array. * * @returns Object or Array * @private */ var _deepCopy = function(source) { var copy, i, len, prop; if (typeof source !== "object" || source == null || typeof source.nodeType === "number") { copy = source; } else if (typeof source.length === "number") { copy = []; for (i = 0, len = source.length; i < len; i++) { if (_hasOwn.call(source, i)) { copy[i] = _deepCopy(source[i]); } } } else { copy = {}; for (prop in source) { if (_hasOwn.call(source, prop)) { copy[prop] = _deepCopy(source[prop]); } } } return copy; }; /** * Makes a shallow copy of `obj` (like `_extend`) but filters its properties based on a list of `keys` to keep. * The inverse of `_omit`, mostly. The big difference is that these properties do NOT need to be enumerable to * be kept. * * @returns A new filtered object. * @private */ var _pick = function(obj, keys) { var newObj = {}; for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { if (keys[i] in obj) { newObj[keys[i]] = obj[keys[i]]; } } return newObj; }; /** * Makes a shallow copy of `obj` (like `_extend`) but filters its properties based on a list of `keys` to omit. * The inverse of `_pick`. * * @returns A new filtered object. * @private */ var _omit = function(obj, keys) { var newObj = {}; for (var prop in obj) { if (keys.indexOf(prop) === -1) { newObj[prop] = obj[prop]; } } return newObj; }; /** * Remove all owned, enumerable properties from an object. * * @returns The original object without its owned, enumerable properties. * @private */ var _deleteOwnProperties = function(obj) { if (obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (_hasOwn.call(obj, prop)) { delete obj[prop]; } } } return obj; }; /** * Determine if an element is contained within another element. * * @returns Boolean * @private */ var _containedBy = function(el, ancestorEl) { if (el && el.nodeType === 1 && el.ownerDocument && ancestorEl && (ancestorEl.nodeType === 1 && ancestorEl.ownerDocument && ancestorEl.ownerDocument === el.ownerDocument || ancestorEl.nodeType === 9 && !ancestorEl.ownerDocument && ancestorEl === el.ownerDocument)) { do { if (el === ancestorEl) { return true; } el = el.parentNode; } while (el); } return false; }; /** * Get the URL path's parent directory. * * @returns String or `undefined` * @private */ var _getDirPathOfUrl = function(url) { var dir; if (typeof url === "string" && url) { dir = url.split("#")[0].split("?")[0]; dir = url.slice(0, url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } return dir; }; /** * Get the current script's URL by throwing an `Error` and analyzing it. * * @returns String or `undefined` * @private */ var _getCurrentScriptUrlFromErrorStack = function(stack) { var url, matches; if (typeof stack === "string" && stack) { matches = stack.match(/^(?:|[^:@]*@|.+\)@(?=http[s]?|file)|.+?\s+(?: at |@)(?:[^:\(]+ )*[\(]?)((?:http[s]?|file):\/\/[\/]?.+?\/[^:\)]*?)(?::\d+)(?::\d+)?/); if (matches && matches[1]) { url = matches[1]; } else { matches = stack.match(/\)@((?:http[s]?|file):\/\/[\/]?.+?\/[^:\)]*?)(?::\d+)(?::\d+)?/); if (matches && matches[1]) { url = matches[1]; } } } return url; }; /** * Get the current script's URL by throwing an `Error` and analyzing it. * * @returns String or `undefined` * @private */ var _getCurrentScriptUrlFromError = function() { var url, err; try { throw new _Error(); } catch (e) { err = e; } if (err) { url = err.sourceURL || err.fileName || _getCurrentScriptUrlFromErrorStack(err.stack); } return url; }; /** * Get the current script's URL. * * @returns String or `undefined` * @private */ var _getCurrentScriptUrl = function() { var jsPath, scripts, i; if (_document.currentScript && (jsPath = _document.currentScript.src)) { return jsPath; } scripts = _document.getElementsByTagName("script"); if (scripts.length === 1) { return scripts[0].src || undefined; } if ("readyState" in scripts[0]) { for (i = scripts.length; i--; ) { if (scripts[i].readyState === "interactive" && (jsPath = scripts[i].src)) { return jsPath; } } } if (_document.readyState === "loading" && (jsPath = scripts[scripts.length - 1].src)) { return jsPath; } if (jsPath = _getCurrentScriptUrlFromError()) { return jsPath; } return undefined; }; /** * Get the unanimous parent directory of ALL script tags. * If any script tags are either (a) inline or (b) from differing parent * directories, this method must return `undefined`. * * @returns String or `undefined` * @private */ var _getUnanimousScriptParentDir = function() { var i, jsDir, jsPath, scripts = _document.getElementsByTagName("script"); for (i = scripts.length; i--; ) { if (!(jsPath = scripts[i].src)) { jsDir = null; break; } jsPath = _getDirPathOfUrl(jsPath); if (jsDir == null) { jsDir = jsPath; } else if (jsDir !== jsPath) { jsDir = null; break; } } return jsDir || undefined; }; /** * Get the presumed location of the "ZeroClipboard.swf" file, based on the location * of the executing JavaScript file (e.g. "ZeroClipboard.js", etc.). * * @returns String * @private */ var _getDefaultSwfPath = function() { var jsDir = _getDirPathOfUrl(_getCurrentScriptUrl()) || _getUnanimousScriptParentDir() || ""; return jsDir + "ZeroClipboard.swf"; }; /** * Keep track of the state of the Flash object. * @private */ var _flashState = { bridge: null, version: "0.0.0", pluginType: "unknown", disabled: null, outdated: null, unavailable: null, degraded: null, deactivated: null, overdue: null, ready: null }; /** * The minimum Flash Player version required to use ZeroClipboard completely. * @readonly * @private */ var _minimumFlashVersion = "11.0.0"; /** * The ZeroClipboard library version number, as reported by Flash, at the time the SWF was compiled. */ var _zcSwfVersion; /** * Keep track of all event listener registrations. * @private */ var _handlers = {}; /** * Keep track of the currently activated element. * @private */ var _currentElement; /** * Keep track of the element that was activated when a `copy` process started. * @private */ var _copyTarget; /** * Keep track of data for the pending clipboard transaction. * @private */ var _clipData = {}; /** * Keep track of data formats for the pending clipboard transaction. * @private */ var _clipDataFormatMap = null; /** * Keep track of the Flash availability check timeout. * @private */ var _flashCheckTimeout = 0; /** * Keep track of SWF network errors interval polling. * @private */ var _swfFallbackCheckInterval = 0; /** * The `message` store for events * @private */ var _eventMessages = { ready: "Flash communication is established", error: { "flash-disabled": "Flash is disabled or not installed", "flash-outdated": "Flash is too outdated to support ZeroClipboard", "flash-unavailable": "Flash is unable to communicate bidirectionally with JavaScript", "flash-degraded": "Flash is unable to preserve data fidelity when communicating with JavaScript", "flash-deactivated": "Flash is too outdated for your browser and/or is configured as click-to-activate.\nThis may also mean that the ZeroClipboard SWF object could not be loaded, so please check your `swfPath` configuration and/or network connectivity.", "flash-overdue": "Flash communication was established but NOT within the acceptable time limit", "version-mismatch": "ZeroClipboard JS version number does not match ZeroClipboard SWF version number", "clipboard-error": "At least one error was thrown while ZeroClipboard was attempting to inject your data into the clipboard", "config-mismatch": "ZeroClipboard configuration does not match Flash's reality", "swf-not-found": "The ZeroClipboard SWF object could not be loaded, so please check your `swfPath` configuration and/or network connectivity" } }; /** * ZeroClipboard configuration defaults for the Core module. * @private */ var _globalConfig = { swfPath: _getDefaultSwfPath(), trustedDomains: window.location.host ? [ window.location.host ] : [], cacheBust: true, forceEnhancedClipboard: false, flashLoadTimeout: 3e4, autoActivate: true, bubbleEvents: true, containerId: "global-zeroclipboard-html-bridge", containerClass: "global-zeroclipboard-container", swfObjectId: "global-zeroclipboard-flash-bridge", hoverClass: "zeroclipboard-is-hover", activeClass: "zeroclipboard-is-active", forceHandCursor: false, title: null, zIndex: 999999999 }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.config`. * @private */ var _config = function(options) { if (typeof options === "object" && options !== null) { for (var prop in options) { if (_hasOwn.call(options, prop)) { if (/^(?:forceHandCursor|title|zIndex|bubbleEvents)$/.test(prop)) { _globalConfig[prop] = options[prop]; } else if (_flashState.bridge == null) { if (prop === "containerId" || prop === "swfObjectId") { if (_isValidHtml4Id(options[prop])) { _globalConfig[prop] = options[prop]; } else { throw new Error("The specified `" + prop + "` value is not valid as an HTML4 Element ID"); } } else { _globalConfig[prop] = options[prop]; } } } } } if (typeof options === "string" && options) { if (_hasOwn.call(_globalConfig, options)) { return _globalConfig[options]; } return; } return _deepCopy(_globalConfig); }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.state`. * @private */ var _state = function() { return { browser: _pick(_navigator, [ "userAgent", "platform", "appName" ]), flash: _omit(_flashState, [ "bridge" ]), zeroclipboard: { version: ZeroClipboard.version, config: ZeroClipboard.config() } }; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.isFlashUnusable`. * @private */ var _isFlashUnusable = function() { return !!(_flashState.disabled || _flashState.outdated || _flashState.unavailable || _flashState.degraded || _flashState.deactivated); }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.on`. * @private */ var _on = function(eventType, listener) { var i, len, events, added = {}; if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { events = eventType.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); } else if (typeof eventType === "object" && eventType && typeof listener === "undefined") { for (i in eventType) { if (_hasOwn.call(eventType, i) && typeof i === "string" && i && typeof eventType[i] === "function") { ZeroClipboard.on(i, eventType[i]); } } } if (events && events.length) { for (i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++) { eventType = events[i].replace(/^on/, ""); added[eventType] = true; if (!_handlers[eventType]) { _handlers[eventType] = []; } _handlers[eventType].push(listener); } if (added.ready && _flashState.ready) { ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "ready" }); } if (added.error) { var flashErrorTypes = [ "disabled", "outdated", "unavailable", "degraded", "deactivated", "overdue" ]; for (i = 0, len = flashErrorTypes.length; i < len; i++) { if (_flashState[flashErrorTypes[i]] === true) { ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-" + flashErrorTypes[i] }); break; } } if (_zcSwfVersion !== undefined && ZeroClipboard.version !== _zcSwfVersion) { ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "error", name: "version-mismatch", jsVersion: ZeroClipboard.version, swfVersion: _zcSwfVersion }); } } } return ZeroClipboard; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.off`. * @private */ var _off = function(eventType, listener) { var i, len, foundIndex, events, perEventHandlers; if (arguments.length === 0) { events = _keys(_handlers); } else if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { events = eventType.split(/\s+/); } else if (typeof eventType === "object" && eventType && typeof listener === "undefined") { for (i in eventType) { if (_hasOwn.call(eventType, i) && typeof i === "string" && i && typeof eventType[i] === "function") { ZeroClipboard.off(i, eventType[i]); } } } if (events && events.length) { for (i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++) { eventType = events[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""); perEventHandlers = _handlers[eventType]; if (perEventHandlers && perEventHandlers.length) { if (listener) { foundIndex = perEventHandlers.indexOf(listener); while (foundIndex !== -1) { perEventHandlers.splice(foundIndex, 1); foundIndex = perEventHandlers.indexOf(listener, foundIndex); } } else { perEventHandlers.length = 0; } } } } return ZeroClipboard; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.handlers`. * @private */ var _listeners = function(eventType) { var copy; if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { copy = _deepCopy(_handlers[eventType]) || null; } else { copy = _deepCopy(_handlers); } return copy; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.emit`. * @private */ var _emit = function(event) { var eventCopy, returnVal, tmp; event = _createEvent(event); if (!event) { return; } if (_preprocessEvent(event)) { return; } if (event.type === "ready" && _flashState.overdue === true) { return ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-overdue" }); } eventCopy = _extend({}, event); _dispatchCallbacks.call(this, eventCopy); if (event.type === "copy") { tmp = _mapClipDataToFlash(_clipData); returnVal = tmp.data; _clipDataFormatMap = tmp.formatMap; } return returnVal; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.create`. * @private */ var _create = function() { if (typeof _flashState.ready !== "boolean") { _flashState.ready = false; } if (!ZeroClipboard.isFlashUnusable() && _flashState.bridge === null) { var maxWait = _globalConfig.flashLoadTimeout; if (typeof maxWait === "number" && maxWait >= 0) { _flashCheckTimeout = _setTimeout(function() { if (typeof _flashState.deactivated !== "boolean") { _flashState.deactivated = true; } if (_flashState.deactivated === true) { ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-deactivated" }); } }, maxWait); } _flashState.overdue = false; _embedSwf(); } }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.destroy`. * @private */ var _destroy = function() { ZeroClipboard.clearData(); ZeroClipboard.blur(); ZeroClipboard.emit("destroy"); _unembedSwf(); ZeroClipboard.off(); }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.setData`. * @private */ var _setData = function(format, data) { var dataObj; if (typeof format === "object" && format && typeof data === "undefined") { dataObj = format; ZeroClipboard.clearData(); } else if (typeof format === "string" && format) { dataObj = {}; dataObj[format] = data; } else { return; } for (var dataFormat in dataObj) { if (typeof dataFormat === "string" && dataFormat && _hasOwn.call(dataObj, dataFormat) && typeof dataObj[dataFormat] === "string" && dataObj[dataFormat]) { _clipData[dataFormat] = dataObj[dataFormat]; } } }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.clearData`. * @private */ var _clearData = function(format) { if (typeof format === "undefined") { _deleteOwnProperties(_clipData); _clipDataFormatMap = null; } else if (typeof format === "string" && _hasOwn.call(_clipData, format)) { delete _clipData[format]; } }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.getData`. * @private */ var _getData = function(format) { if (typeof format === "undefined") { return _deepCopy(_clipData); } else if (typeof format === "string" && _hasOwn.call(_clipData, format)) { return _clipData[format]; } }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.focus`/`ZeroClipboard.activate`. * @private */ var _focus = function(element) { if (!(element && element.nodeType === 1)) { return; } if (_currentElement) { _removeClass(_currentElement, _globalConfig.activeClass); if (_currentElement !== element) { _removeClass(_currentElement, _globalConfig.hoverClass); } } _currentElement = element; _addClass(element, _globalConfig.hoverClass); var newTitle = element.getAttribute("title") || _globalConfig.title; if (typeof newTitle === "string" && newTitle) { var htmlBridge = _getHtmlBridge(_flashState.bridge); if (htmlBridge) { htmlBridge.setAttribute("title", newTitle); } } var useHandCursor = _globalConfig.forceHandCursor === true || _getStyle(element, "cursor") === "pointer"; _setHandCursor(useHandCursor); _reposition(); }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.blur`/`ZeroClipboard.deactivate`. * @private */ var _blur = function() { var htmlBridge = _getHtmlBridge(_flashState.bridge); if (htmlBridge) { htmlBridge.removeAttribute("title"); htmlBridge.style.left = "0px"; htmlBridge.style.top = "-9999px"; htmlBridge.style.width = "1px"; htmlBridge.style.top = "1px"; } if (_currentElement) { _removeClass(_currentElement, _globalConfig.hoverClass); _removeClass(_currentElement, _globalConfig.activeClass); _currentElement = null; } }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.activeElement`. * @private */ var _activeElement = function() { return _currentElement || null; }; /** * Check if a value is a valid HTML4 `ID` or `Name` token. * @private */ var _isValidHtml4Id = function(id) { return typeof id === "string" && id && /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:\-\.]*$/.test(id); }; /** * Create or update an `event` object, based on the `eventType`. * @private */ var _createEvent = function(event) { var eventType; if (typeof event === "string" && event) { eventType = event; event = {}; } else if (typeof event === "object" && event && typeof event.type === "string" && event.type) { eventType = event.type; } if (!eventType) { return; } eventType = eventType.toLowerCase(); if (!event.target && (/^(copy|aftercopy|_click)$/.test(eventType) || eventType === "error" && event.name === "clipboard-error")) { event.target = _copyTarget; } _extend(event, { type: eventType, target: event.target || _currentElement || null, relatedTarget: event.relatedTarget || null, currentTarget: _flashState && _flashState.bridge || null, timeStamp: event.timeStamp || _now() || null }); var msg = _eventMessages[event.type]; if (event.type === "error" && event.name && msg) { msg = msg[event.name]; } if (msg) { event.message = msg; } if (event.type === "ready") { _extend(event, { target: null, version: _flashState.version }); } if (event.type === "error") { if (/^flash-(disabled|outdated|unavailable|degraded|deactivated|overdue)$/.test(event.name)) { _extend(event, { target: null, minimumVersion: _minimumFlashVersion }); } if (/^flash-(outdated|unavailable|degraded|deactivated|overdue)$/.test(event.name)) { _extend(event, { version: _flashState.version }); } } if (event.type === "copy") { event.clipboardData = { setData: ZeroClipboard.setData, clearData: ZeroClipboard.clearData }; } if (event.type === "aftercopy") { event = _mapClipResultsFromFlash(event, _clipDataFormatMap); } if (event.target && !event.relatedTarget) { event.relatedTarget = _getRelatedTarget(event.target); } return _addMouseData(event); }; /** * Get a relatedTarget from the target's `data-clipboard-target` attribute * @private */ var _getRelatedTarget = function(targetEl) { var relatedTargetId = targetEl && targetEl.getAttribute && targetEl.getAttribute("data-clipboard-target"); return relatedTargetId ? _document.getElementById(relatedTargetId) : null; }; /** * Add element and position data to `MouseEvent` instances * @private */ var _addMouseData = function(event) { if (event && /^_(?:click|mouse(?:over|out|down|up|move))$/.test(event.type)) { var srcElement = event.target; var fromElement = event.type === "_mouseover" && event.relatedTarget ? event.relatedTarget : undefined; var toElement = event.type === "_mouseout" && event.relatedTarget ? event.relatedTarget : undefined; var pos = _getElementPosition(srcElement); var screenLeft = _window.screenLeft || _window.screenX || 0; var screenTop = _window.screenTop || _window.screenY || 0; var scrollLeft = _document.body.scrollLeft + _document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollTop = _document.body.scrollTop + _document.documentElement.scrollTop; var pageX = pos.left + (typeof event._stageX === "number" ? event._stageX : 0); var pageY = pos.top + (typeof event._stageY === "number" ? event._stageY : 0); var clientX = pageX - scrollLeft; var clientY = pageY - scrollTop; var screenX = screenLeft + clientX; var screenY = screenTop + clientY; var moveX = typeof event.movementX === "number" ? event.movementX : 0; var moveY = typeof event.movementY === "number" ? event.movementY : 0; delete event._stageX; delete event._stageY; _extend(event, { srcElement: srcElement, fromElement: fromElement, toElement: toElement, screenX: screenX, screenY: screenY, pageX: pageX, pageY: pageY, clientX: clientX, clientY: clientY, x: clientX, y: clientY, movementX: moveX, movementY: moveY, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, layerX: 0, layerY: 0 }); } return event; }; /** * Determine if an event's registered handlers should be execute synchronously or asynchronously. * * @returns {boolean} * @private */ var _shouldPerformAsync = function(event) { var eventType = event && typeof event.type === "string" && event.type || ""; return !/^(?:(?:before)?copy|destroy)$/.test(eventType); }; /** * Control if a callback should be executed asynchronously or not. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _dispatchCallback = function(func, context, args, async) { if (async) { _setTimeout(function() { func.apply(context, args); }, 0); } else { func.apply(context, args); } }; /** * Handle the actual dispatching of events to client instances. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _dispatchCallbacks = function(event) { if (!(typeof event === "object" && event && event.type)) { return; } var async = _shouldPerformAsync(event); var wildcardTypeHandlers = _handlers["*"] || []; var specificTypeHandlers = _handlers[event.type] || []; var handlers = wildcardTypeHandlers.concat(specificTypeHandlers); if (handlers && handlers.length) { var i, len, func, context, eventCopy, originalContext = this; for (i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len; i++) { func = handlers[i]; context = originalContext; if (typeof func === "string" && typeof _window[func] === "function") { func = _window[func]; } if (typeof func === "object" && func && typeof func.handleEvent === "function") { context = func; func = func.handleEvent; } if (typeof func === "function") { eventCopy = _extend({}, event); _dispatchCallback(func, context, [ eventCopy ], async); } } } return this; }; /** * Preprocess any special behaviors, reactions, or state changes after receiving this event. * Executes only once per event emitted, NOT once per client. * @private */ var _preprocessEvent = function(event) { var element = event.target || _currentElement || null; var sourceIsSwf = event._source === "swf"; delete event._source; var flashErrorNames = [ "flash-disabled", "flash-outdated", "flash-unavailable", "flash-degraded", "flash-deactivated", "flash-overdue" ]; switch (event.type) { case "error": if (flashErrorNames.indexOf(event.name) !== -1) { _extend(_flashState, { disabled: event.name === "flash-disabled", outdated: event.name === "flash-outdated", unavailable: event.name === "flash-unavailable", degraded: event.name === "flash-degraded", deactivated: event.name === "flash-deactivated", overdue: event.name === "flash-overdue", ready: false }); } else if (event.name === "version-mismatch") { _zcSwfVersion = event.swfVersion; _extend(_flashState, { disabled: false, outdated: false, unavailable: false, degraded: false, deactivated: false, overdue: false, ready: false }); } _clearTimeoutsAndPolling(); break; case "ready": _zcSwfVersion = event.swfVersion; var wasDeactivated = _flashState.deactivated === true; _extend(_flashState, { disabled: false, outdated: false, unavailable: false, degraded: false, deactivated: false, overdue: wasDeactivated, ready: !wasDeactivated }); _clearTimeoutsAndPolling(); break; case "beforecopy": _copyTarget = element; break; case "copy": var textContent, htmlContent, targetEl = event.relatedTarget; if (!(_clipData["text/html"] || _clipData["text/plain"]) && targetEl && (htmlContent = targetEl.value || targetEl.outerHTML || targetEl.innerHTML) && (textContent = targetEl.value || targetEl.textContent || targetEl.innerText)) { event.clipboardData.clearData(); event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", textContent); if (htmlContent !== textContent) { event.clipboardData.setData("text/html", htmlContent); } } else if (!_clipData["text/plain"] && event.target && (textContent = event.target.getAttribute("data-clipboard-text"))) { event.clipboardData.clearData(); event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", textContent); } break; case "aftercopy": _queueEmitClipboardErrors(event); ZeroClipboard.clearData(); if (element && element !== _safeActiveElement() && element.focus) { element.focus(); } break; case "_mouseover": ZeroClipboard.focus(element); if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { if (element && element !== event.relatedTarget && !_containedBy(event.relatedTarget, element)) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: "mouseenter", bubbles: false, cancelable: false })); } _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: "mouseover" })); } break; case "_mouseout": ZeroClipboard.blur(); if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { if (element && element !== event.relatedTarget && !_containedBy(event.relatedTarget, element)) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: "mouseleave", bubbles: false, cancelable: false })); } _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: "mouseout" })); } break; case "_mousedown": _addClass(element, _globalConfig.activeClass); if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: event.type.slice(1) })); } break; case "_mouseup": _removeClass(element, _globalConfig.activeClass); if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: event.type.slice(1) })); } break; case "_click": _copyTarget = null; if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: event.type.slice(1) })); } break; case "_mousemove": if (_globalConfig.bubbleEvents === true && sourceIsSwf) { _fireMouseEvent(_extend({}, event, { type: event.type.slice(1) })); } break; } if (/^_(?:click|mouse(?:over|out|down|up|move))$/.test(event.type)) { return true; } }; /** * Check an "aftercopy" event for clipboard errors and emit a corresponding "error" event. * @private */ var _queueEmitClipboardErrors = function(aftercopyEvent) { if (aftercopyEvent.errors && aftercopyEvent.errors.length > 0) { var errorEvent = _deepCopy(aftercopyEvent); _extend(errorEvent, { type: "error", name: "clipboard-error" }); delete errorEvent.success; _setTimeout(function() { ZeroClipboard.emit(errorEvent); }, 0); } }; /** * Dispatch a synthetic MouseEvent. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _fireMouseEvent = function(event) { if (!(event && typeof event.type === "string" && event)) { return; } var e, target = event.target || null, doc = target && target.ownerDocument || _document, defaults = { view: doc.defaultView || _window, canBubble: true, cancelable: true, detail: event.type === "click" ? 1 : 0, button: typeof event.which === "number" ? event.which - 1 : typeof event.button === "number" ? event.button : doc.createEvent ? 0 : 1 }, args = _extend(defaults, event); if (!target) { return; } if (doc.createEvent && target.dispatchEvent) { args = [ args.type, args.canBubble, args.cancelable, args.view, args.detail, args.screenX, args.screenY, args.clientX, args.clientY, args.ctrlKey, args.altKey, args.shiftKey, args.metaKey, args.button, args.relatedTarget ]; e = doc.createEvent("MouseEvents"); if (e.initMouseEvent) { e.initMouseEvent.apply(e, args); e._source = "js"; target.dispatchEvent(e); } } }; /** * Continuously poll the DOM until either: * (a) the fallback content becomes visible, or * (b) we receive an event from SWF (handled elsewhere) * * IMPORTANT: * This is NOT a necessary check but it can result in significantly faster * detection of bad `swfPath` configuration and/or network/server issues [in * supported browsers] than waiting for the entire `flashLoadTimeout` duration * to elapse before detecting that the SWF cannot be loaded. The detection * duration can be anywhere from 10-30 times faster [in supported browsers] by * using this approach. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _watchForSwfFallbackContent = function() { var maxWait = _globalConfig.flashLoadTimeout; if (typeof maxWait === "number" && maxWait >= 0) { var pollWait = Math.min(1e3, maxWait / 10); var fallbackContentId = _globalConfig.swfObjectId + "_fallbackContent"; _swfFallbackCheckInterval = _setInterval(function() { var el = _document.getElementById(fallbackContentId); if (_isElementVisible(el)) { _clearTimeoutsAndPolling(); _flashState.deactivated = null; ZeroClipboard.emit({ type: "error", name: "swf-not-found" }); } }, pollWait); } }; /** * Create the HTML bridge element to embed the Flash object into. * @private */ var _createHtmlBridge = function() { var container = _document.createElement("div"); container.id = _globalConfig.containerId; container.className = _globalConfig.containerClass; container.style.position = "absolute"; container.style.left = "0px"; container.style.top = "-9999px"; container.style.width = "1px"; container.style.height = "1px"; container.style.zIndex = "" + _getSafeZIndex(_globalConfig.zIndex); return container; }; /** * Get the HTML element container that wraps the Flash bridge object/element. * @private */ var _getHtmlBridge = function(flashBridge) { var htmlBridge = flashBridge && flashBridge.parentNode; while (htmlBridge && htmlBridge.nodeName === "OBJECT" && htmlBridge.parentNode) { htmlBridge = htmlBridge.parentNode; } return htmlBridge || null; }; /** * Create the SWF object. * * @returns The SWF object reference. * @private */ var _embedSwf = function() { var len, flashBridge = _flashState.bridge, container = _getHtmlBridge(flashBridge); if (!flashBridge) { var allowScriptAccess = _determineScriptAccess(_window.location.host, _globalConfig); var allowNetworking = allowScriptAccess === "never" ? "none" : "all"; var flashvars = _vars(_extend({ jsVersion: ZeroClipboard.version }, _globalConfig)); var swfUrl = _globalConfig.swfPath + _cacheBust(_globalConfig.swfPath, _globalConfig); container = _createHtmlBridge(); var divToBeReplaced = _document.createElement("div"); container.appendChild(divToBeReplaced); _document.body.appendChild(container); var tmpDiv = _document.createElement("div"); var usingActiveX = _flashState.pluginType === "activex"; tmpDiv.innerHTML = '" + (usingActiveX ? '' : "") + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + "
"; flashBridge = tmpDiv.firstChild; tmpDiv = null; _unwrap(flashBridge).ZeroClipboard = ZeroClipboard; container.replaceChild(flashBridge, divToBeReplaced); _watchForSwfFallbackContent(); } if (!flashBridge) { flashBridge = _document[_globalConfig.swfObjectId]; if (flashBridge && (len = flashBridge.length)) { flashBridge = flashBridge[len - 1]; } if (!flashBridge && container) { flashBridge = container.firstChild; } } _flashState.bridge = flashBridge || null; return flashBridge; }; /** * Destroy the SWF object. * @private */ var _unembedSwf = function() { var flashBridge = _flashState.bridge; if (flashBridge) { var htmlBridge = _getHtmlBridge(flashBridge); if (htmlBridge) { if (_flashState.pluginType === "activex" && "readyState" in flashBridge) { flashBridge.style.display = "none"; (function removeSwfFromIE() { if (flashBridge.readyState === 4) { for (var prop in flashBridge) { if (typeof flashBridge[prop] === "function") { flashBridge[prop] = null; } } if (flashBridge.parentNode) { flashBridge.parentNode.removeChild(flashBridge); } if (htmlBridge.parentNode) { htmlBridge.parentNode.removeChild(htmlBridge); } } else { _setTimeout(removeSwfFromIE, 10); } })(); } else { if (flashBridge.parentNode) { flashBridge.parentNode.removeChild(flashBridge); } if (htmlBridge.parentNode) { htmlBridge.parentNode.removeChild(htmlBridge); } } } _clearTimeoutsAndPolling(); _flashState.ready = null; _flashState.bridge = null; _flashState.deactivated = null; _zcSwfVersion = undefined; } }; /** * Map the data format names of the "clipData" to Flash-friendly names. * * @returns A new transformed object. * @private */ var _mapClipDataToFlash = function(clipData) { var newClipData = {}, formatMap = {}; if (!(typeof clipData === "object" && clipData)) { return; } for (var dataFormat in clipData) { if (dataFormat && _hasOwn.call(clipData, dataFormat) && typeof clipData[dataFormat] === "string" && clipData[dataFormat]) { switch (dataFormat.toLowerCase()) { case "text/plain": case "text": case "air:text": case "flash:text": newClipData.text = clipData[dataFormat]; formatMap.text = dataFormat; break; case "text/html": case "html": case "air:html": case "flash:html": newClipData.html = clipData[dataFormat]; formatMap.html = dataFormat; break; case "application/rtf": case "text/rtf": case "rtf": case "richtext": case "air:rtf": case "flash:rtf": newClipData.rtf = clipData[dataFormat]; formatMap.rtf = dataFormat; break; default: break; } } } return { data: newClipData, formatMap: formatMap }; }; /** * Map the data format names from Flash-friendly names back to their original "clipData" names (via a format mapping). * * @returns A new transformed object. * @private */ var _mapClipResultsFromFlash = function(clipResults, formatMap) { if (!(typeof clipResults === "object" && clipResults && typeof formatMap === "object" && formatMap)) { return clipResults; } var newResults = {}; for (var prop in clipResults) { if (_hasOwn.call(clipResults, prop)) { if (prop === "errors") { newResults[prop] = clipResults[prop] ? clipResults[prop].slice() : []; for (var i = 0, len = newResults[prop].length; i < len; i++) { newResults[prop][i].format = formatMap[newResults[prop][i].format]; } } else if (prop !== "success" && prop !== "data") { newResults[prop] = clipResults[prop]; } else { newResults[prop] = {}; var tmpHash = clipResults[prop]; for (var dataFormat in tmpHash) { if (dataFormat && _hasOwn.call(tmpHash, dataFormat) && _hasOwn.call(formatMap, dataFormat)) { newResults[prop][formatMap[dataFormat]] = tmpHash[dataFormat]; } } } } } return newResults; }; /** * Will look at a path, and will create a "?noCache={time}" or "&noCache={time}" * query param string to return. Does NOT append that string to the original path. * This is useful because ExternalInterface often breaks when a Flash SWF is cached. * * @returns The `noCache` query param with necessary "?"/"&" prefix. * @private */ var _cacheBust = function(path, options) { var cacheBust = options == null || options && options.cacheBust === true; if (cacheBust) { return (path.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "noCache=" + _now(); } else { return ""; } }; /** * Creates a query string for the FlashVars param. * Does NOT include the cache-busting query param. * * @returns FlashVars query string * @private */ var _vars = function(options) { var i, len, domain, domains, str = "", trustedOriginsExpanded = []; if (options.trustedDomains) { if (typeof options.trustedDomains === "string") { domains = [ options.trustedDomains ]; } else if (typeof options.trustedDomains === "object" && "length" in options.trustedDomains) { domains = options.trustedDomains; } } if (domains && domains.length) { for (i = 0, len = domains.length; i < len; i++) { if (_hasOwn.call(domains, i) && domains[i] && typeof domains[i] === "string") { domain = _extractDomain(domains[i]); if (!domain) { continue; } if (domain === "*") { trustedOriginsExpanded.length = 0; trustedOriginsExpanded.push(domain); break; } trustedOriginsExpanded.push.apply(trustedOriginsExpanded, [ domain, "//" + domain, _window.location.protocol + "//" + domain ]); } } } if (trustedOriginsExpanded.length) { str += "trustedOrigins=" + _encodeURIComponent(trustedOriginsExpanded.join(",")); } if (options.forceEnhancedClipboard === true) { str += (str ? "&" : "") + "forceEnhancedClipboard=true"; } if (typeof options.swfObjectId === "string" && options.swfObjectId) { str += (str ? "&" : "") + "swfObjectId=" + _encodeURIComponent(options.swfObjectId); } if (typeof options.jsVersion === "string" && options.jsVersion) { str += (str ? "&" : "") + "jsVersion=" + _encodeURIComponent(options.jsVersion); } return str; }; /** * Extract the domain (e.g. "github.com") from an origin (e.g. "https://github.com") or * URL (e.g. "https://github.com/zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard/"). * * @returns the domain * @private */ var _extractDomain = function(originOrUrl) { if (originOrUrl == null || originOrUrl === "") { return null; } originOrUrl = originOrUrl.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (originOrUrl === "") { return null; } var protocolIndex = originOrUrl.indexOf("//"); originOrUrl = protocolIndex === -1 ? originOrUrl : originOrUrl.slice(protocolIndex + 2); var pathIndex = originOrUrl.indexOf("/"); originOrUrl = pathIndex === -1 ? originOrUrl : protocolIndex === -1 || pathIndex === 0 ? null : originOrUrl.slice(0, pathIndex); if (originOrUrl && originOrUrl.slice(-4).toLowerCase() === ".swf") { return null; } return originOrUrl || null; }; /** * Set `allowScriptAccess` based on `trustedDomains` and `window.location.host` vs. `swfPath`. * * @returns The appropriate script access level. * @private */ var _determineScriptAccess = function() { var _extractAllDomains = function(origins) { var i, len, tmp, resultsArray = []; if (typeof origins === "string") { origins = [ origins ]; } if (!(typeof origins === "object" && origins && typeof origins.length === "number")) { return resultsArray; } for (i = 0, len = origins.length; i < len; i++) { if (_hasOwn.call(origins, i) && (tmp = _extractDomain(origins[i]))) { if (tmp === "*") { resultsArray.length = 0; resultsArray.push("*"); break; } if (resultsArray.indexOf(tmp) === -1) { resultsArray.push(tmp); } } } return resultsArray; }; return function(currentDomain, configOptions) { var swfDomain = _extractDomain(configOptions.swfPath); if (swfDomain === null) { swfDomain = currentDomain; } var trustedDomains = _extractAllDomains(configOptions.trustedDomains); var len = trustedDomains.length; if (len > 0) { if (len === 1 && trustedDomains[0] === "*") { return "always"; } if (trustedDomains.indexOf(currentDomain) !== -1) { if (len === 1 && currentDomain === swfDomain) { return "sameDomain"; } return "always"; } } return "never"; }; }(); /** * Get the currently active/focused DOM element. * * @returns the currently active/focused element, or `null` * @private */ var _safeActiveElement = function() { try { return _document.activeElement; } catch (err) { return null; } }; /** * Add a class to an element, if it doesn't already have it. * * @returns The element, with its new class added. * @private */ var _addClass = function(element, value) { if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) { return element; } if (element.classList) { if (!element.classList.contains(value)) { element.classList.add(value); } return element; } if (value && typeof value === "string") { var classNames = (value || "").split(/\s+/); if (element.nodeType === 1) { if (!element.className) { element.className = value; } else { var className = " " + element.className + " ", setClass = element.className; for (var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++) { if (className.indexOf(" " + classNames[c] + " ") < 0) { setClass += " " + classNames[c]; } } element.className = setClass.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } } } return element; }; /** * Remove a class from an element, if it has it. * * @returns The element, with its class removed. * @private */ var _removeClass = function(element, value) { if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) { return element; } if (element.classList) { if (element.classList.contains(value)) { element.classList.remove(value); } return element; } if (typeof value === "string" && value) { var classNames = value.split(/\s+/); if (element.nodeType === 1 && element.className) { var className = (" " + element.className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "); for (var c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++) { className = className.replace(" " + classNames[c] + " ", " "); } element.className = className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } } return element; }; /** * Attempt to interpret the element's CSS styling. If `prop` is `"cursor"`, * then we assume that it should be a hand ("pointer") cursor if the element * is an anchor element ("a" tag). * * @returns The computed style property. * @private */ var _getStyle = function(el, prop) { var value = _getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop); if (prop === "cursor") { if (!value || value === "auto") { if (el.nodeName === "A") { return "pointer"; } } } return value; }; /** * Get the absolutely positioned coordinates of a DOM element. * * @returns Object containing the element's position, width, and height. * @private */ var _getElementPosition = function(el) { var pos = { left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var pageXOffset = _window.pageXOffset; var pageYOffset = _window.pageYOffset; var leftBorderWidth = _document.documentElement.clientLeft || 0; var topBorderWidth = _document.documentElement.clientTop || 0; var leftBodyOffset = 0; var topBodyOffset = 0; if (_getStyle(_document.body, "position") === "relative") { var bodyRect = _document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); var htmlRect = _document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); leftBodyOffset = bodyRect.left - htmlRect.left || 0; topBodyOffset = bodyRect.top - htmlRect.top || 0; } pos.left = elRect.left + pageXOffset - leftBorderWidth - leftBodyOffset; pos.top = elRect.top + pageYOffset - topBorderWidth - topBodyOffset; pos.width = "width" in elRect ? elRect.width : elRect.right - elRect.left; pos.height = "height" in elRect ? elRect.height : elRect.bottom - elRect.top; } return pos; }; /** * Determine is an element is visible somewhere within the document (page). * * @returns Boolean * @private */ var _isElementVisible = function(el) { if (!el) { return false; } var styles = _getComputedStyle(el, null); var hasCssHeight = _parseFloat(styles.height) > 0; var hasCssWidth = _parseFloat(styles.width) > 0; var hasCssTop = _parseFloat(styles.top) >= 0; var hasCssLeft = _parseFloat(styles.left) >= 0; var cssKnows = hasCssHeight && hasCssWidth && hasCssTop && hasCssLeft; var rect = cssKnows ? null : _getElementPosition(el); var isVisible = styles.display !== "none" && styles.visibility !== "collapse" && (cssKnows || !!rect && (hasCssHeight || rect.height > 0) && (hasCssWidth || rect.width > 0) && (hasCssTop || rect.top >= 0) && (hasCssLeft || rect.left >= 0)); return isVisible; }; /** * Clear all existing timeouts and interval polling delegates. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _clearTimeoutsAndPolling = function() { _clearTimeout(_flashCheckTimeout); _flashCheckTimeout = 0; _clearInterval(_swfFallbackCheckInterval); _swfFallbackCheckInterval = 0; }; /** * Reposition the Flash object to cover the currently activated element. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _reposition = function() { var htmlBridge; if (_currentElement && (htmlBridge = _getHtmlBridge(_flashState.bridge))) { var pos = _getElementPosition(_currentElement); _extend(htmlBridge.style, { width: pos.width + "px", height: pos.height + "px", top: pos.top + "px", left: pos.left + "px", zIndex: "" + _getSafeZIndex(_globalConfig.zIndex) }); } }; /** * Sends a signal to the Flash object to display the hand cursor if `true`. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _setHandCursor = function(enabled) { if (_flashState.ready === true) { if (_flashState.bridge && typeof _flashState.bridge.setHandCursor === "function") { _flashState.bridge.setHandCursor(enabled); } else { _flashState.ready = false; } } }; /** * Get a safe value for `zIndex` * * @returns an integer, or "auto" * @private */ var _getSafeZIndex = function(val) { if (/^(?:auto|inherit)$/.test(val)) { return val; } var zIndex; if (typeof val === "number" && !_isNaN(val)) { zIndex = val; } else if (typeof val === "string") { zIndex = _getSafeZIndex(_parseInt(val, 10)); } return typeof zIndex === "number" ? zIndex : "auto"; }; /** * Detect the Flash Player status, version, and plugin type. * * @see {@link https://code.google.com/p/doctype-mirror/wiki/ArticleDetectFlash#The_code} * @see {@link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12866060/detecting-pepper-ppapi-flash-with-javascript} * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _detectFlashSupport = function(ActiveXObject) { var plugin, ax, mimeType, hasFlash = false, isActiveX = false, isPPAPI = false, flashVersion = ""; /** * Derived from Apple's suggested sniffer. * @param {String} desc e.g. "Shockwave Flash 7.0 r61" * @returns {String} "7.0.61" * @private */ function parseFlashVersion(desc) { var matches = desc.match(/[\d]+/g); matches.length = 3; return matches.join("."); } function isPepperFlash(flashPlayerFileName) { return !!flashPlayerFileName && (flashPlayerFileName = flashPlayerFileName.toLowerCase()) && (/^(pepflashplayer\.dll|libpepflashplayer\.so|pepperflashplayer\.plugin)$/.test(flashPlayerFileName) || flashPlayerFileName.slice(-13) === "chrome.plugin"); } function inspectPlugin(plugin) { if (plugin) { hasFlash = true; if (plugin.version) { flashVersion = parseFlashVersion(plugin.version); } if (!flashVersion && plugin.description) { flashVersion = parseFlashVersion(plugin.description); } if (plugin.filename) { isPPAPI = isPepperFlash(plugin.filename); } } } if (_navigator.plugins && _navigator.plugins.length) { plugin = _navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; inspectPlugin(plugin); if (_navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]) { hasFlash = true; flashVersion = ""; } } else if (_navigator.mimeTypes && _navigator.mimeTypes.length) { mimeType = _navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]; plugin = mimeType && mimeType.enabledPlugin; inspectPlugin(plugin); } else if (typeof ActiveXObject !== "undefined") { isActiveX = true; try { ax = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"); hasFlash = true; flashVersion = parseFlashVersion(ax.GetVariable("$version")); } catch (e1) { try { ax = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); hasFlash = true; flashVersion = "6.0.21"; } catch (e2) { try { ax = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); hasFlash = true; flashVersion = parseFlashVersion(ax.GetVariable("$version")); } catch (e3) { isActiveX = false; } } } } _flashState.disabled = hasFlash !== true; _flashState.outdated = flashVersion && _parseFloat(flashVersion) < _parseFloat(_minimumFlashVersion); _flashState.version = flashVersion || "0.0.0"; _flashState.pluginType = isPPAPI ? "pepper" : isActiveX ? "activex" : hasFlash ? "netscape" : "unknown"; }; /** * Invoke the Flash detection algorithms immediately upon inclusion so we're not waiting later. */ _detectFlashSupport(_ActiveXObject); /** * A shell constructor for `ZeroClipboard` client instances. * * @constructor */ var ZeroClipboard = function() { if (!(this instanceof ZeroClipboard)) { return new ZeroClipboard(); } if (typeof ZeroClipboard._createClient === "function") { ZeroClipboard._createClient.apply(this, _args(arguments)); } }; /** * The ZeroClipboard library's version number. * * @static * @readonly * @property {string} */ _defineProperty(ZeroClipboard, "version", { value: "2.2.0-beta.3", writable: false, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); /** * Update or get a copy of the ZeroClipboard global configuration. * Returns a copy of the current/updated configuration. * * @returns Object * @static */ ZeroClipboard.config = function() { return _config.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Diagnostic method that describes the state of the browser, Flash Player, and ZeroClipboard. * * @returns Object * @static */ ZeroClipboard.state = function() { return _state.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Check if Flash is unusable for any reason: disabled, outdated, deactivated, etc. * * @returns Boolean * @static */ ZeroClipboard.isFlashUnusable = function() { return _isFlashUnusable.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Register an event listener. * * @returns `ZeroClipboard` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.on = function() { return _on.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Unregister an event listener. * If no `listener` function/object is provided, it will unregister all listeners for the provided `eventType`. * If no `eventType` is provided, it will unregister all listeners for every event type. * * @returns `ZeroClipboard` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.off = function() { return _off.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Retrieve event listeners for an `eventType`. * If no `eventType` is provided, it will retrieve all listeners for every event type. * * @returns array of listeners for the `eventType`; if no `eventType`, then a map/hash object of listeners for all event types; or `null` */ ZeroClipboard.handlers = function() { return _listeners.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Event emission receiver from the Flash object, forwarding to any registered JavaScript event listeners. * * @returns For the "copy" event, returns the Flash-friendly "clipData" object; otherwise `undefined`. * @static */ ZeroClipboard.emit = function() { return _emit.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Create and embed the Flash object. * * @returns The Flash object * @static */ ZeroClipboard.create = function() { return _create.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Self-destruct and clean up everything, including the embedded Flash object. * * @returns `undefined` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.destroy = function() { return _destroy.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Set the pending data for clipboard injection. * * @returns `undefined` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.setData = function() { return _setData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Clear the pending data for clipboard injection. * If no `format` is provided, all pending data formats will be cleared. * * @returns `undefined` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.clearData = function() { return _clearData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Get a copy of the pending data for clipboard injection. * If no `format` is provided, a copy of ALL pending data formats will be returned. * * @returns `String` or `Object` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.getData = function() { return _getData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Sets the current HTML object that the Flash object should overlay. This will put the global * Flash object on top of the current element; depending on the setup, this may also set the * pending clipboard text data as well as the Flash object's wrapping element's title attribute * based on the underlying HTML element and ZeroClipboard configuration. * * @returns `undefined` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.focus = ZeroClipboard.activate = function() { return _focus.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Un-overlays the Flash object. This will put the global Flash object off-screen; depending on * the setup, this may also unset the Flash object's wrapping element's title attribute based on * the underlying HTML element and ZeroClipboard configuration. * * @returns `undefined` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.blur = ZeroClipboard.deactivate = function() { return _blur.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Returns the currently focused/"activated" HTML element that the Flash object is wrapping. * * @returns `HTMLElement` or `null` * @static */ ZeroClipboard.activeElement = function() { return _activeElement.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Keep track of the ZeroClipboard client instance counter. */ var _clientIdCounter = 0; /** * Keep track of the state of the client instances. * * Entry structure: * _clientMeta[client.id] = { * instance: client, * elements: [], * handlers: {} * }; */ var _clientMeta = {}; /** * Keep track of the ZeroClipboard clipped elements counter. */ var _elementIdCounter = 0; /** * Keep track of the state of the clipped element relationships to clients. * * Entry structure: * _elementMeta[element.zcClippingId] = [client1.id, client2.id]; */ var _elementMeta = {}; /** * Keep track of the state of the mouse event handlers for clipped elements. * * Entry structure: * _mouseHandlers[element.zcClippingId] = { * mouseover: function(event) {}, * mouseout: function(event) {}, * mouseenter: function(event) {}, * mouseleave: function(event) {}, * mousemove: function(event) {} * }; */ var _mouseHandlers = {}; /** * Extending the ZeroClipboard configuration defaults for the Client module. */ _extend(_globalConfig, { autoActivate: true }); /** * The real constructor for `ZeroClipboard` client instances. * @private */ var _clientConstructor = function(elements) { var client = this; client.id = "" + _clientIdCounter++; _clientMeta[client.id] = { instance: client, elements: [], handlers: {} }; if (elements) { client.clip(elements); } ZeroClipboard.on("*", function(event) { return client.emit(event); }); ZeroClipboard.on("destroy", function() { client.destroy(); }); ZeroClipboard.create(); }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.on`. * @private */ var _clientOn = function(eventType, listener) { var i, len, events, added = {}, meta = _clientMeta[this.id], handlers = meta && meta.handlers; if (!meta) { throw new Error("Attempted to add new listener(s) to a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { events = eventType.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/); } else if (typeof eventType === "object" && eventType && typeof listener === "undefined") { for (i in eventType) { if (_hasOwn.call(eventType, i) && typeof i === "string" && i && typeof eventType[i] === "function") { this.on(i, eventType[i]); } } } if (events && events.length) { for (i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++) { eventType = events[i].replace(/^on/, ""); added[eventType] = true; if (!handlers[eventType]) { handlers[eventType] = []; } handlers[eventType].push(listener); } if (added.ready && _flashState.ready) { this.emit({ type: "ready", client: this }); } if (added.error) { var flashErrorTypes = [ "disabled", "outdated", "unavailable", "degraded", "deactivated", "overdue" ]; for (i = 0, len = flashErrorTypes.length; i < len; i++) { if (_flashState[flashErrorTypes[i]]) { this.emit({ type: "error", name: "flash-" + flashErrorTypes[i], client: this }); break; } } if (_zcSwfVersion !== undefined && ZeroClipboard.version !== _zcSwfVersion) { this.emit({ type: "error", name: "version-mismatch", jsVersion: ZeroClipboard.version, swfVersion: _zcSwfVersion }); } } } return this; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.off`. * @private */ var _clientOff = function(eventType, listener) { var i, len, foundIndex, events, perEventHandlers, meta = _clientMeta[this.id], handlers = meta && meta.handlers; if (!handlers) { return this; } if (arguments.length === 0) { events = _keys(handlers); } else if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { events = eventType.split(/\s+/); } else if (typeof eventType === "object" && eventType && typeof listener === "undefined") { for (i in eventType) { if (_hasOwn.call(eventType, i) && typeof i === "string" && i && typeof eventType[i] === "function") { this.off(i, eventType[i]); } } } if (events && events.length) { for (i = 0, len = events.length; i < len; i++) { eventType = events[i].toLowerCase().replace(/^on/, ""); perEventHandlers = handlers[eventType]; if (perEventHandlers && perEventHandlers.length) { if (listener) { foundIndex = perEventHandlers.indexOf(listener); while (foundIndex !== -1) { perEventHandlers.splice(foundIndex, 1); foundIndex = perEventHandlers.indexOf(listener, foundIndex); } } else { perEventHandlers.length = 0; } } } } return this; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.handlers`. * @private */ var _clientListeners = function(eventType) { var copy = null, handlers = _clientMeta[this.id] && _clientMeta[this.id].handlers; if (handlers) { if (typeof eventType === "string" && eventType) { copy = handlers[eventType] ? handlers[eventType].slice(0) : []; } else { copy = _deepCopy(handlers); } } return copy; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.emit`. * @private */ var _clientEmit = function(event) { if (_clientShouldEmit.call(this, event)) { if (typeof event === "object" && event && typeof event.type === "string" && event.type) { event = _extend({}, event); } var eventCopy = _extend({}, _createEvent(event), { client: this }); _clientDispatchCallbacks.call(this, eventCopy); } return this; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.clip`. * @private */ var _clientClip = function(elements) { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to clip element(s) to a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } elements = _prepClip(elements); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (_hasOwn.call(elements, i) && elements[i] && elements[i].nodeType === 1) { if (!elements[i].zcClippingId) { elements[i].zcClippingId = "zcClippingId_" + _elementIdCounter++; _elementMeta[elements[i].zcClippingId] = [ this.id ]; if (_globalConfig.autoActivate === true) { _addMouseHandlers(elements[i]); } } else if (_elementMeta[elements[i].zcClippingId].indexOf(this.id) === -1) { _elementMeta[elements[i].zcClippingId].push(this.id); } var clippedElements = _clientMeta[this.id] && _clientMeta[this.id].elements; if (clippedElements.indexOf(elements[i]) === -1) { clippedElements.push(elements[i]); } } } return this; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.unclip`. * @private */ var _clientUnclip = function(elements) { var meta = _clientMeta[this.id]; if (!meta) { return this; } var clippedElements = meta.elements; var arrayIndex; if (typeof elements === "undefined") { elements = clippedElements.slice(0); } else { elements = _prepClip(elements); } for (var i = elements.length; i--; ) { if (_hasOwn.call(elements, i) && elements[i] && elements[i].nodeType === 1) { arrayIndex = 0; while ((arrayIndex = clippedElements.indexOf(elements[i], arrayIndex)) !== -1) { clippedElements.splice(arrayIndex, 1); } var clientIds = _elementMeta[elements[i].zcClippingId]; if (clientIds) { arrayIndex = 0; while ((arrayIndex = clientIds.indexOf(this.id, arrayIndex)) !== -1) { clientIds.splice(arrayIndex, 1); } if (clientIds.length === 0) { if (_globalConfig.autoActivate === true) { _removeMouseHandlers(elements[i]); } delete elements[i].zcClippingId; } } } } return this; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.elements`. * @private */ var _clientElements = function() { var meta = _clientMeta[this.id]; return meta && meta.elements ? meta.elements.slice(0) : []; }; /** * The underlying implementation of `ZeroClipboard.Client.prototype.destroy`. * @private */ var _clientDestroy = function() { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { return; } this.unclip(); this.off(); delete _clientMeta[this.id]; }; /** * Inspect an Event to see if the Client (`this`) should honor it for emission. * @private */ var _clientShouldEmit = function(event) { if (!(event && event.type)) { return false; } if (event.client && event.client !== this) { return false; } var meta = _clientMeta[this.id]; var clippedEls = meta && meta.elements; var hasClippedEls = !!clippedEls && clippedEls.length > 0; var goodTarget = !event.target || hasClippedEls && clippedEls.indexOf(event.target) !== -1; var goodRelTarget = event.relatedTarget && hasClippedEls && clippedEls.indexOf(event.relatedTarget) !== -1; var goodClient = event.client && event.client === this; if (!meta || !(goodTarget || goodRelTarget || goodClient)) { return false; } return true; }; /** * Handle the actual dispatching of events to a client instance. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _clientDispatchCallbacks = function(event) { var meta = _clientMeta[this.id]; if (!(typeof event === "object" && event && event.type && meta)) { return; } var async = _shouldPerformAsync(event); var wildcardTypeHandlers = meta && meta.handlers["*"] || []; var specificTypeHandlers = meta && meta.handlers[event.type] || []; var handlers = wildcardTypeHandlers.concat(specificTypeHandlers); if (handlers && handlers.length) { var i, len, func, context, eventCopy, originalContext = this; for (i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len; i++) { func = handlers[i]; context = originalContext; if (typeof func === "string" && typeof _window[func] === "function") { func = _window[func]; } if (typeof func === "object" && func && typeof func.handleEvent === "function") { context = func; func = func.handleEvent; } if (typeof func === "function") { eventCopy = _extend({}, event); _dispatchCallback(func, context, [ eventCopy ], async); } } } }; /** * Prepares the elements for clipping/unclipping. * * @returns An Array of elements. * @private */ var _prepClip = function(elements) { if (typeof elements === "string") { elements = []; } return typeof elements.length !== "number" ? [ elements ] : elements; }; /** * Add a `mouseover` handler function for a clipped element. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _addMouseHandlers = function(element) { if (!(element && element.nodeType === 1)) { return; } var _suppressMouseEvents = function(event) { if (!(event || (event = _window.event))) { return; } if (event._source !== "js") { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } delete event._source; }; var _elementMouseOver = function(event) { if (!(event || (event = _window.event))) { return; } _suppressMouseEvents(event); ZeroClipboard.focus(element); }; element.addEventListener("mouseover", _elementMouseOver, false); element.addEventListener("mouseout", _suppressMouseEvents, false); element.addEventListener("mouseenter", _suppressMouseEvents, false); element.addEventListener("mouseleave", _suppressMouseEvents, false); element.addEventListener("mousemove", _suppressMouseEvents, false); _mouseHandlers[element.zcClippingId] = { mouseover: _elementMouseOver, mouseout: _suppressMouseEvents, mouseenter: _suppressMouseEvents, mouseleave: _suppressMouseEvents, mousemove: _suppressMouseEvents }; }; /** * Remove a `mouseover` handler function for a clipped element. * * @returns `undefined` * @private */ var _removeMouseHandlers = function(element) { if (!(element && element.nodeType === 1)) { return; } var mouseHandlers = _mouseHandlers[element.zcClippingId]; if (!(typeof mouseHandlers === "object" && mouseHandlers)) { return; } var key, val, mouseEvents = [ "move", "leave", "enter", "out", "over" ]; for (var i = 0, len = mouseEvents.length; i < len; i++) { key = "mouse" + mouseEvents[i]; val = mouseHandlers[key]; if (typeof val === "function") { element.removeEventListener(key, val, false); } } delete _mouseHandlers[element.zcClippingId]; }; /** * Creates a new ZeroClipboard client instance. * Optionally, auto-`clip` an element or collection of elements. * * @constructor */ ZeroClipboard._createClient = function() { _clientConstructor.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Register an event listener to the client. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.on = function() { return _clientOn.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Unregister an event handler from the client. * If no `listener` function/object is provided, it will unregister all handlers for the provided `eventType`. * If no `eventType` is provided, it will unregister all handlers for every event type. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.off = function() { return _clientOff.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Retrieve event listeners for an `eventType` from the client. * If no `eventType` is provided, it will retrieve all listeners for every event type. * * @returns array of listeners for the `eventType`; if no `eventType`, then a map/hash object of listeners for all event types; or `null` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.handlers = function() { return _clientListeners.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Event emission receiver from the Flash object for this client's registered JavaScript event listeners. * * @returns For the "copy" event, returns the Flash-friendly "clipData" object; otherwise `undefined`. */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.emit = function() { return _clientEmit.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Register clipboard actions for new element(s) to the client. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.clip = function() { return _clientClip.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Unregister the clipboard actions of previously registered element(s) on the page. * If no elements are provided, ALL registered elements will be unregistered. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.unclip = function() { return _clientUnclip.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Get all of the elements to which this client is clipped. * * @returns array of clipped elements */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.elements = function() { return _clientElements.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Self-destruct and clean up everything for a single client. * This will NOT destroy the embedded Flash object. * * @returns `undefined` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.destroy = function() { return _clientDestroy.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; /** * Stores the pending plain text to inject into the clipboard. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.setText = function(text) { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } ZeroClipboard.setData("text/plain", text); return this; }; /** * Stores the pending HTML text to inject into the clipboard. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.setHtml = function(html) { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } ZeroClipboard.setData("text/html", html); return this; }; /** * Stores the pending rich text (RTF) to inject into the clipboard. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.setRichText = function(richText) { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } ZeroClipboard.setData("application/rtf", richText); return this; }; /** * Stores the pending data to inject into the clipboard. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.setData = function() { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to set pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } ZeroClipboard.setData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); return this; }; /** * Clears the pending data to inject into the clipboard. * If no `format` is provided, all pending data formats will be cleared. * * @returns `this` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.clearData = function() { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to clear pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } ZeroClipboard.clearData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); return this; }; /** * Gets a copy of the pending data to inject into the clipboard. * If no `format` is provided, a copy of ALL pending data formats will be returned. * * @returns `String` or `Object` */ ZeroClipboard.prototype.getData = function() { if (!_clientMeta[this.id]) { throw new Error("Attempted to get pending clipboard data from a destroyed ZeroClipboard client instance"); } return ZeroClipboard.getData.apply(this, _args(arguments)); }; if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(function() { return ZeroClipboard; }); } else if (typeof module === "object" && module && typeof module.exports === "object" && module.exports) { module.exports = ZeroClipboard; } else { window.ZeroClipboard = ZeroClipboard; } })(function() { return this || window; }());