/** * EGroupware clientside API: link-registry, link-titles, generation links * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Andreas Stöckel (as AT stylite.de) * @author Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /*egw:uses egw_core; */ /** * @augments Class */ egw.extend('links', egw.MODULE_GLOBAL, function() { "use strict"; /** * Link registry * * @access: private, use egw.open() or egw.set_link_registry() */ var link_registry = undefined; /** * Local cache for link-titles * * @access private, use egw.link_title(_app, _id[, _callback, _context]) */ var title_cache = {}; /** * Queue for link_title requests * * @access private, use egw.link_title(_app, _id[, _callback, _context]) * @var object _app._id.[{callback: _callback, context: _context}[, ...]] */ var title_queue = {}; /** * Uid of active jsonq request, to not start an other one, as we get notified * before it's actually send to the server via our link_title_before_send callback. * @access private */ var title_uid = null; return { /** * Check if $app is in the registry and has an entry for $name * * @param {string} _app app-name * @param {string} _name name / key in the registry, eg. 'view' * @return {boolean|string} false if $app is not registered, otherwise string with the value for $name * @memberOf egw */ link_get_registry: function(_app, _name) { if (typeof link_registry != 'object') { alert('egw.open() link registry is NOT defined!'); return false; } if (typeof link_registry[_app] == 'undefined') { return false; } var reg = link_registry[_app]; // some defaults (we set them directly in the registry, to do this only once) if (typeof reg[_name] == 'undefined') { switch(_name) { case 'name': reg.name = _app; break; case 'icon': var app_data = this.app(_app); if (typeof app_data != 'undefined' && typeof app_data.icon != 'undefined' && app_data.icon != null) { reg.icon = (typeof app_data.icon_app != 'undefined' ? app_data.icon_app : _app)+'/'+app_data.icon; } else { reg.icon = _app+'/navbar'; } break; } } if (reg && typeof _name == 'undefined') { // No key requested, return the whole thing return reg; } return typeof reg[_name] == 'undefined' ? false : reg[_name]; }, /** * Get mime-type information from app-registry * * We prefer a full match over a wildcard like 'text/*' (written as regualr expr. "/^text\\//" * * @param {string} _type * @return {object} with values for keys 'menuaction', 'mime_id' (path) or 'mime_url' and options 'mime_popup' and other values to pass one */ get_mime_info: function(_type) { var wildcard_mime; for(var app in link_registry) { var reg = link_registry[app]; if (typeof reg.mime != 'undefined') { for(var mime in reg.mime) { if (mime == _type) return reg.mime[_type]; if (mime[0] == '/' && _type.match(new RegExp(mime.substring(1, mime.length-1), 'i'))) { wildcard_mime = reg.mime[mime]; } } } } return wildcard_mime ? wildcard_mime : null; }, /** * Get handler (link-data) for given path and mime-type * * @param {string|object} _path vfs path, egw_link::set_data() id or * object with attr path, optinal download_url or id, app2 and id2 (path=/apps/app2/id2/id) * @param {string} _type mime-type, if not given in _path object * @return {string|object} string with EGw relative link, array with get-parameters for '/index.php' or null (directory and not filemanager access) */ mime_open: function(_path, _type) { var path; if (typeof _path == 'object') { if (typeof _path.path == 'undefined') { path = '/apps/'+_path.app2+'/'+_path.id2+'/'+_path.id; } else { path = _path.path; } if (typeof _path.type == 'string') { _type = _path.type; } } else if(_path[0] != '/') { } else { path = _path; } var mime_info = this.get_mime_info(_type); if (mime_info) { var data = {}; for(var attr in mime_info) { switch(attr) { case 'mime_url': data[mime_info.mime_url] = 'vfs://default' + path; break; case 'mime_data': break; case 'mime_type': data[mime_info.mime_type] = _type; break; default: data[attr] = mime_info[attr]; } } // if mime_info did NOT define mime_url attribute, we use a WebDAV url drived from path if (typeof mime_info.mime_url == 'undefined') { data.url = typeof _path == 'object' && _path.download_url ? _path.download_url : '/webdav.php' + path; } } else { var data = typeof _path == 'object' && _path.download_url ? _path.download_url : '/webdav.php' + path; } return data; }, /** * Get list of link-aware apps the user has rights to use * * @param {string} _must_support capability the apps need to support, eg. 'add', default ''=list all apps * @return {object} with app => title pairs */ link_app_list: function(_must_support) { var apps = []; for (var type in link_registry) { var reg = link_registry[type]; if (typeof _must_support != 'undefined' && _must_support && typeof reg[_must_support] == 'undefined') continue; var app_sub = type.split('-'); if (this.app(app_sub[0])) { apps.push({"type": type, "label": this.lang(this.link_get_registry(type,'name'))}); } } // sort labels (caseinsensitive) alphabetic apps = apps.sort(function(_a,_b) { var al = _a.label.toUpperCase(); var bl = _b.label.toUpperCase(); return al == bl ? 0 : (al > bl ? 1 : -1); }); // create sorted associative array / object var sorted = {}; for(var i = 0; i < apps.length; ++i) { sorted[apps[i].type] = apps[i].label; } return sorted; }, /** * Set link registry * * @param {object} _registry whole registry or entries for just one app * @param {string} _app * @param {boolean} _need_clone _images need to be cloned, as it is from different window context * and therefore will be inaccessible in IE, after that window is closed */ set_link_registry: function (_registry, _app, _need_clone) { if (typeof _app == 'undefined') { link_registry = _need_clone ? jQuery.extend(true, {}, _registry) : _registry; } else { link_registry[_app] = _need_clone ? jQuery.extend(true, {}, _registry) : _registry; } }, /** * Generate a url which supports url or cookies based sessions * * Please note, the values of the query get url encoded! * * @param {string} _url a url relative to the egroupware install root, it can contain a query too or * full url containing a schema and "://" * @param {object|string} _extravars query string arguements as string or array (prefered) * if string is used ambersands in vars have to be already urlencoded as '%26', function ensures they get NOT double encoded * @return {string} generated url */ link: function(_url, _extravars) { if (_url.substr(0,4) == 'http' && _url.indexOf('://') < 5) { // already a full url (eg. download_url of vfs), nothing to do } else { if (_url[0] != '/') { alert("egw.link('"+_url+"') called with url starting NOT with a slash!"); var app = window.egw_appName; if (app != 'login' && app != 'logout') _url = app+'/'+_url; } // append the url to the webserver url, if not already contained or empty if (this.webserverUrl && this.webserverUrl != '/' && _url.indexOf(this.webserverUrl+'/') != 0) { _url = this.webserverUrl + _url; } } var vars = {}; // check if the url already contains a query and ensure that vars is an array and all strings are in extravars var url_othervars = _url.split('?',2); _url = url_othervars[0]; var othervars = url_othervars[1]; if (_extravars && typeof _extravars == 'object') { $j.extend(vars, _extravars); _extravars = othervars; } else { if (!_extravars) _extravars = ''; if (othervars) _extravars += (_extravars?'&':'')+othervars; } // parse extravars string into the vars array if (_extravars) { _extravars = _extravars.split('&'); for(var i=0; i < _extravars.length; ++i) { var name_val = _extravars[i].split('=',2); var name = name_val[0]; var val = name_val[1] || ''; if (val.indexOf('%26') != -1) val = val.replace(/%26/g,'&'); // make sure to not double encode & if (name.lastIndexOf('[]') == name.length-2) { name = name.substr(0,name.length-2); if (typeof vars[name] == 'undefined') vars[name] = []; vars[name].push(val); } else { vars[name] = val; } } } // if there are vars, we add them urlencoded to the url var query = []; // If ajax flag is there, it must be the last one var ajax = vars.ajax || false; delete vars.ajax; for(var name in vars) { var val = vars[name] || ''; // fix error for eg. null, which is an object! if (typeof val == 'object') { for(var i=0; i < val.length; ++i) { query.push(name+'[]='+encodeURIComponent(val[i])); } } else { query.push(name+'='+encodeURIComponent(val)); } } // Add ajax flag at the end if(ajax) { query.push('ajax='+encodeURIComponent(ajax)); } return query.length ? _url+'?'+query.join('&') : _url; }, /** * Query a title of _app/_id * * @param {string} _app * @param {string|number} _id * @param {function} _callback optinal callback, required if for responses from the server * @param {object} _context context for the callback * @param {boolean} _force_reload true load again from server, even if already cached * @return {string|boolean|null} string with title if it exist in local cache or null if not */ link_title: function(_app, _id, _callback, _context, _force_reload) { // check if we have a cached title --> return it direct if (typeof title_cache[_app] != 'undefined' && typeof title_cache[_app][_id] != 'undefined' && _force_reload !== true) { if (typeof _callback == 'function') { _callback.call(_context, title_cache[_app][_id]); } return title_cache[_app][_id]; } // no callback --> return null if (typeof _callback != 'function') { return null; // not found in local cache and cant do a synchronious request } // queue the request if (typeof title_queue[_app] == 'undefined') { title_queue[_app] = {}; } if (typeof title_queue[_app][_id] == 'undefined') { title_queue[_app][_id] = []; } title_queue[_app][_id].push({callback: _callback, context: _context}); // if there's no active jsonq request, start a new one if (title_uid == null) { title_uid = this.jsonq(_app+'.etemplate_widget_link.ajax_link_titles.etemplate',[{}], this.link_title_callback, this, this.link_title_before_send); } }, /** * Callback to add all current title requests * * @param {object} _params of parameters, only first parameter is used */ link_title_before_send: function(_params) { // add all current title-requests for(var app in title_queue) { for(var id in title_queue[app]) { if (typeof _params[0][app] == 'undefined') { _params[0][app] = []; } _params[0][app].push(id); } } title_uid = null; // allow next request to jsonq }, /** * Callback for server response * * @param {object} _response _app => _id => title */ link_title_callback: function(_response) { if (typeof _response != 'object') { throw "Wrong parameter for egw.link_title_callback!"; } for(var app in _response) { if (typeof title_cache[app] != 'object') { title_cache[app] = {}; } for (var id in _response[app]) { var title = _response[app][id]; // cache locally title_cache[app][id] = title; // call callbacks waiting for title of app/id if(typeof title_queue[app][id] != "undefined") { for(var i=0; i < title_queue[app][id].length; ++i) { var callback = title_queue[app][id][i]; callback.callback.call(callback.context, title); } } delete title_queue[app][id]; } } }, /** * Create quick add selectbox * * @param {DOMnode} _parent parent to create selectbox in */ link_quick_add: function(_parent) { // check if quick-add selectbox is alread there, only create it again if not if (document.getElementById('quick_add_selectbox')) return; var select = jQuery(document.createElement('select')).attr('id', 'quick_add_selectbox'); jQuery(typeof _parent == 'string' ? '#'+_parent : _parent).append(select); var self = this; // bind change handler select.change(function(){ if (this.value) self.open('', this.value, 'add', {}, undefined, this.value, true); this.value = ''; }); // need to load common translations for app-names this.langRequire(window, [{app: 'common', lang: this.preference('lang')}], function(){ select.append(jQuery(document.createElement('option')).attr('value', '').text(self.lang('Add')+' ...')); var apps = self.link_app_list('add'); for(var app in apps) { var option = jQuery(document.createElement('option')).attr('value', app) .text(self.lang(self.link_get_registry(app,'entry') || apps[app])); select.append(option); } }); } }; });