/* * Egroupware Calendar timegrid * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @version $Id$ */ "use strict"; /*egw:uses /etemplate/js/et2_core_valueWidget; /calendar/js/et2_widget_daycol.js; /calendar/js/et2_widget_event.js; */ /** * Class which implements the "calendar-timegrid" XET-Tag for displaying a span of days * * This widget is responsible for the times on the side * * @augments et2_DOMWidget */ var et2_calendar_timegrid = et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM, et2_IResizeable], { createNamespace: true, attributes: { start_date: { name: "Start date", type: "any" }, end_date: { name: "End date", type: "any" }, value: { type: "any", description: "An array of events, indexed by date (Ymd format)." }, day_start: { name: "Day start time", type: "string", default: parseInt(egw.preference('workdaystarts','calendar')) || 9, description: "Work day start time. If unset, this will default to the current user's preference" }, day_end: { name: "Day end time", type: "string", default: parseInt(egw.preference('workdayends','calendar')) || 17, description: "Work day end time. If unset, this will default to the current user's preference" }, show_weekend: { name: "Weekends", type: "boolean", default: egw.preference('days_in_weekview','calendar') != 5, description: "Display weekends. The date range should still include them for proper scrolling, but they just won't be shown." }, granularity: { name: "Granularity", type: "integer", default: parseInt(egw.preference('interval','calendar')) || 30, description: "How many minutes per row" }, owner: { name: "Owner", type: "any", // Integer, or array of integers default: 0, description: "Account ID number of the calendar owner, if not the current user" }, "onchange": { "name": "onchange", "type": "js", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "JS code which is executed when the date range changes." }, "onevent_change": { "name": "onevent_change", "type": "js", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "JS code which is executed when an event changes." }, height: { "default": '100%' } }, /** * Constructor * * @memberOf et2_calendar_timegrid */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Main container this.div = $j(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("calendar_calTimeGrid") .addClass("calendar_TimeGridNoLabel"); // Headers this.gridHeader = $j(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("calendar_calGridHeader") .appendTo(this.div); this.dayHeader = $j(document.createElement("div")) .appendTo(this.gridHeader); // Contains times / rows this.scrolling = $j(document.createElement('div')) .addClass("calendar_calTimeGridScroll") .appendTo(this.div); // Contains days / columns this.days = $j(document.createElement("div")) .addClass("calendar_calDayCols") .appendTo(this.scrolling); // Used for its date calculations this.date_helper = et2_createWidget('date',{},null); this.date_helper.loadingFinished(); // Used for owners this.owner = et2_createWidget('select-account_ro',{},this); this._labelContainer = $j(document.createElement("label")) .addClass("et2_label") .appendTo(this.gridHeader); // List of dates in Ymd // The first one should be start_date, last should be end_date this.day_list = []; this.day_widgets = []; // Update timer, to avoid redrawing twice when changing start & end date this.update_timer = null; this.setDOMNode(this.div[0]); }, destroy: function() { // Stop the invalidate timer if(this.update_timer) { window.clearTimeout(this.update_timer); } this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Delete all old objects this._actionObject.clear(); this._actionObject.unregisterActions(); this._actionObject.remove(); this._actionObject = null; this.div.off(); this.div = null; this.gridHeader = null; this.dayHeader = null; this.days = null; this.scrolling = null; this._labelContainer = null; // date_helper has no parent, so we must explicitly remove it this.date_helper.destroy(); this.date_helper = null; // Stop the invalidate timer if(this.update_timer) { window.clearTimeout(this.update_timer); } }, doLoadingFinished: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Need to get the correct internal sizing this.resize(); this._drawGrid(); // Actions may be set on a parent, so we need to explicitly get in here // and get ours this._link_actions(this.options.actions || this._parent.options.actions || []); // Automatically bind drag and resize for every event using jQuery directly // - no action system - var timegrid = this; /** * If user puts the mouse over an event, then we'll set up resizing so * they can adjust the length. Should be a little better on resources * than binding it for every calendar event, and we won't need exceptions * for planner view to resize horizontally. */ this.div.on('mouseover', '.calendar_calEvent:not(.ui-resizable):not(.rowNoEdit)', function() { // Load the event timegrid._get_event_info(this); var that = this; //Resizable event handler $j(this).resizable ({ distance: 10, // Grid matching preference grid: [10000,timegrid.rowHeight], autoHide: false, handles: 's,se', containment:'parent', /** * Triggered when the resizable is created. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ create:function(event, ui) { var resizeHelper = event.target.getAttribute('data-resize'); if (resizeHelper == 'WD' || resizeHelper == 'WDS') { jQuery(this).resizable('destroy'); } }, /** * Triggered at the end of resizing the calEvent. * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ stop:function(event, ui) { var e = new jQuery.Event('change'); e.originalEvent = event; e.data = {duration: 0}; var event_data = timegrid._get_event_info(this); var event_widget = timegrid.getWidgetById('event_'+event_data.id); var sT = event_widget.options.value.start_m; if (typeof this.dropEnd != 'undefined' && this.dropEnd.length == 1) { var eT = parseInt(this.dropEnd.attr('data-hour') * 60) + parseInt(this.dropEnd.attr('data-minute')); e.data.duration = ((eT - sT)/60) * 3600; if(event_widget) { event_widget.options.value.end_m = eT; event_widget.options.value.duration = e.data.duration; } $j(this).trigger(e); // That cleared the resize handles, so remove for re-creation... if($j(this).resizable('instance')) { $j(this).resizable('destroy'); } } // Clear the helper, re-draw if(event_widget && event_widget._parent) { event_widget._parent.position_event(event_widget); } timegrid.div.children('.drop-hover').removeClass('.drop-hover'); }, /** * Triggered during the resize, on the drag of the resize handler * * @param {event} event * @param {Object} ui */ resize:function(event, ui) { // Add 5px to make sure it doesn't land right on the edge of a div var drop = timegrid._drag_helper(this,ui.element[0],ui.helper.outerHeight()+5); if(drop && !drop.is(':visible')) { drop.get(0).scrollIntoView(false); } } }); }); // Customize and override some draggable settings this.div .on('dragcreate','.calendar_calEvent', function(event, ui) { $j(this).draggable('option','cancel','.rowNoEdit'); // Act like you clicked the header, makes it easier to position $j(this).draggable('option','cursorAt', {top: 5, left: 5}); }) .on('dragstart', '.calendar_calEvent', function(event,ui) { $j('.calendar_calEvent',ui.helper).width($j(this).width()) .height($j(this).outerHeight()) .css('top', '').css('left','') .appendTo(ui.helper); ui.helper.width($j(this).width()); }); return true; }, /** * Show the current time while dragging * Used for resizing as well as drag & drop */ _drag_helper: function(element, helper,height) { if(!element) return; element.dropEnd = this._get_time_from_position(helper.getBoundingClientRect().left, helper.getBoundingClientRect().top+parseInt(height)); if(element.dropEnd.length) { this._drop_data = element.dropEnd[0].dataset || {}; } if (typeof element.dropEnd != 'undefined' && element.dropEnd.length) { element.dropEnd.addClass("drop-hover"); // Make sure the target is visible in the scrollable day var scrollto = element.dropEnd.next() ? element.dropEnd.next() : element.dropEnd; if(scrollto.length && this.scrolling.height() + this.scrolling.scrollTop() < scrollto.position().top+scrollto.height() ) { scrollto.get(0).scrollIntoView(false); } else if(element.dropEnd.position().top < this.scrolling[0].scrollTop) { this.scrolling.scrollTop(element.dropEnd.position().top); } var time = ''; if(this._drop_data.whole_day) { time = this.egw().lang('Whole day'); } else { time = jQuery.datepicker.formatTime( egw.preference("timeformat") == 12 ? "h:mmtt" : "HH:mm", { hour: element.dropEnd.attr('data-hour'), minute: element.dropEnd.attr('data-minute'), seconds: 0, timezone: 0 }, {"ampm": (egw.preference("timeformat") == "12")} ); } element.innerHTML = '
'; } else { element.innerHTML = '
'; } $j(element).width($j(helper).width()); return element.dropEnd; }, /** * Handler for dropping an event on the timegrid */ _event_drop: function(timegrid, event,ui, dropEnd) { var e = new jQuery.Event('change'); e.originalEvent = event; e.data = {start: 0}; if(typeof dropEnd != 'undefined' && dropEnd) { var drop_date = dropEnd.date||false; var event_data = timegrid._get_event_info(ui.draggable); var event_widget = timegrid.getWidgetById('event_'+event_data.id); if(!event_widget) { // Widget was moved across weeks / owners event_widget = timegrid.getParent().getWidgetById('event_'+event_data.id); } if(event_widget) { event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_year(drop_date.substring(0,4)); event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_month(drop_date.substring(4,6)); event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_date(drop_date.substring(6,8)); // Make sure whole day events stay as whole day events by ignoring drop time if(event_data.app == 'calendar' && event_widget.options.value.whole_day) { event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_hours(0); event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_minutes(0) } else { // Non-whole day events, and integrated apps, can change event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_hours(dropEnd.whole_day ? 0 : dropEnd.hour||0); event_widget._parent.date_helper.set_minutes(dropEnd.whole_day ? 0 : dropEnd.minute||0); } event_widget.options.value.start = new Date(event_widget._parent.date_helper.getValue()); // Leave the helper there until the update is done var loading = ui.helper.clone(true).appendTo($j('body')); // and add a loading icon so user knows something is happening if($j('.calendar_timeDemo',loading).length == 0) { $j('.calendar_calEventHeader',loading).addClass('loading'); } else { $j('.calendar_timeDemo',loading).after('
'); } event_widget.recur_prompt(function(button_id) { if(button_id === 'cancel' || !button_id) { // Need to refresh the event with original info to clean up var app_id = event_widget.options.value.app_id ? event_widget.options.value.app_id : event_widget.options.value.id + (event_widget.options.value.recur_type ? ':'+event_widget.options.value.recur_date : ''); egw().dataStoreUID(app_id,event_dataGetUIDdata(app_id)); return; } //Get infologID if in case if it's an integrated infolog event if (event_data.app === 'infolog') { // Duration - infologs are always non-blocking var duration = dropEnd.whole_day ? 86400-1 : ( event_widget.options.value.whole_day ? (egw().preference('defaultlength','calendar')*60) : false); // If it is an integrated infolog event we need to edit infolog entry egw().json('stylite_infolog_calendar_integration::ajax_moveInfologEvent', [event_data.id, event_widget.options.value.start||false,duration], function() {loading.remove();} ).sendRequest(true); } else { //Edit calendar event // Duration - check for whole day dropped on a time, change it to full day var duration = event_widget.options.value.whole_day && dropEnd.hour ? 86400-1 : false; // Event (whole day or not) dropped on whole day section, change to whole day non blocking if(dropEnd.whole_day) duration = 'whole_day'; egw().json('calendar.calendar_uiforms.ajax_moveEvent', [ button_id==='series' ? event_data.id : event_data.app_id,event_data.owner, event_widget.options.value.start, timegrid.options.owner||egw.user('account_id'), duration ], function() { loading.remove();} ).sendRequest(true); } }); } } }, /** * Something changed, and the days need to be re-drawn. We wait a bit to * avoid re-drawing twice if start and end date both changed, then recreate * the days. * The whole grid is not regenerated because times aren't expected to change, * just the days. * * @param {boolean} trigger=false Trigger an event once things are done. * Waiting until invalidate completes prevents 2 updates when changing the date range. * @returns {undefined} */ invalidate: function(trigger) { // Reset the list of days this.day_list = []; // Wait a bit to see if anything else changes, then re-draw the days if(this.update_timer === null) { this.update_timer = window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() { this.widget.update_timer = null; // Update actions if(this.widget._actionManager) { this.widget._link_actions(this.widget._actionManager.children); } this.widget._drawDays(); this.widget._resizeTimes(); if(this.trigger) { this.widget.change(); } },{widget:this,"trigger":trigger}),ET2_GRID_INVALIDATE_TIMEOUT); } }, detachFromDOM: function() { // Remove the binding to the change handler $j(this.div).off(".et2_calendar_timegrid"); this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, attachToDOM: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); // Add the binding for the event change handler $j(this.div).on("change.et2_calendar_timegrid", '.calendar_calEvent', this, function(e) { // Make sure function gets a reference to the widget var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.push(this); return e.data.event_change.apply(e.data, args); }); // Add the binding for the change handler $j(this.div).on("change.et2_calendar_timegrid", '*:not(.calendar_calEvent)', this, function(e) { return e.data.change.call(e.data, e, this); }); }, getDOMNode: function(_sender) { if(_sender === this || !_sender) { return this.div ? this.div[0] : null; } else if (_sender.instanceOf(et2_calendar_daycol)) { return this.days ? this.days[0] : null; } else if (_sender) { return this.gridHeader ? this.gridHeader[0] : null; } }, /** * Clear everything, and redraw the whole grid */ _drawGrid: function() { this.div.css('height', this.options.height) .empty(); // Draw in the horizontal - the times this._drawTimes(); // Draw in the vertical - the days this.invalidate(); }, /** * Creates the DOM nodes for the times in the left column, and the horizontal * lines (mostly via CSS) that span the whole time span. */ _drawTimes: function() { $j('.calendar_calTimeRow',this.div).remove(); var wd_start = 60*this.options.day_start; var wd_end = 60*this.options.day_end; var granularity = this.options.granularity; var totalDisplayMinutes = wd_end - wd_start; var rowsToDisplay = Math.ceil((totalDisplayMinutes+60)/granularity); this.gridHeader .empty() .attr('data-date', this.options.start_date) .attr('data-owner', this.options.owner) .append(this._labelContainer) .append(this.owner.getDOMNode()) .append(this.dayHeader) .appendTo(this.div); // Max with 45 avoids problems when it's not shown var header_height = Math.max(this.gridHeader.outerHeight(true), 45); this.scrolling .css('height', (this.div.innerHeight() - header_height)+'px') .appendTo(this.div) .empty() .off().on('scroll', jQuery.proxy(this._scroll, this)); // Percent var rowHeight = (100/rowsToDisplay).toFixed(1); // Pixels this.rowHeight = this.scrolling.height() / rowsToDisplay; // the hour rows var show = { 5 : [0,15,30,45], 10 : [0,30], 15 : [0,30], 45 : [0,15,30,45] }; var html = ''; this._top_time = 0 for(var t = 0,i = 0; t < 1440; t += granularity,++i) { html += '
'; // show time for full hours, always for 45min interval and at least on every 3 row var time = jQuery.datepicker.formatTime( egw.preference("timeformat") == 12 ? "h:mmtt" : "HH:mm", { hour: t / 60, minute: t % 60, seconds: 0, timezone: 0 }, {"ampm": (egw.preference("timeformat") == "12")} ); if(t <= wd_start && t + granularity > wd_start) { this._top_time = this.rowHeight * (i+1+(wd_start - (t+granularity))/granularity) } var time_label = (typeof show[granularity] === 'undefined' ? t % 60 === 0 : show[granularity].indexOf(t % 60) !== -1) ? time : ''; html += '
\n"; } // Set heights in pixels for scrolling this.scrolling .append('
' + html + '
'); this.days.css('height', (this.rowHeight*i)+'px'); // Scroll to start of day this.scrolling.scrollTop(this._top_time); }, _resizeTimes: function() { var wd_start = 60*this.options.day_start; var wd_end = 60*this.options.day_end; var totalDisplayMinutes = wd_end - wd_start; var rowsToDisplay = Math.ceil((totalDisplayMinutes+60)/this.options.granularity); this.scrolling .css('height', (this.options.height - this.gridHeader.outerHeight(true))+'px'); var new_height = this.scrolling.height() / rowsToDisplay; if(new_height != this.rowHeight) { this.rowHeight = new_height; var rows = $j('.calendar_calTimeRow',this.scrolling).height(this.rowHeight); this.days.css('height', (this.rowHeight*rows.length)+'px'); // Scroll to start of day this._top_time = (wd_start * this.rowHeight) / this.options.granularity; this.scrolling.scrollTop(this._top_time); } }, /** * Set up the needed day widgets to correctly display the selected date * range. First we calculate the needed dates, then we create any needed * widgets. Existing widgets are recycled rather than discarded. */ _drawDays: function() { this.scrolling.append(this.days); // If day list is still empty, recalculate it from start & end date if(this.day_list.length === 0) { this.day_list = this._calculate_day_list(this.options.start_date, this.options.end_date, this.options.show_weekend); } var day_width = ( this.days.width()/this.day_list.length); if(!day_width || !this.day_list) { // Hidden on another tab, or no days for some reason var dim = egw.getHiddenDimensions(this.days, false); day_width = ( dim.w /Math.max(this.day_list.length,1)); } // Create any needed widgets - otherwise, we'll just recycle // Add any needed day widgets (now showing more days) var add_index = 0; var before = true; while(this.day_list.length > this.day_widgets.length) { var existing_index = this.day_widgets[add_index] ? this.day_list.indexOf(this.day_widgets[add_index].options.date) : -1; before = existing_index > add_index; var day = et2_createWidget('calendar-daycol',{ owner: this.options.owner, width: (before ? 0 : day_width) + "px" },this); if(this.isInTree()) { day.doLoadingFinished(); } if(existing_index != -1 && parseInt(this.day_list[add_index]) < parseInt(this.day_list[existing_index])) { this.day_widgets.unshift(day); $j(this.getDOMNode(day)).prepend(day.getDOMNode(day)); } else { this.day_widgets.push(day); } add_index++; } // Remove any extra day widgets (now showing less) var delete_index = this.day_widgets.length - 1; before = false; while(this.day_widgets.length > this.day_list.length) { // If we're going down to an existing one, just keep it for cool CSS animation while(this.day_list.indexOf(this.day_widgets[delete_index].options.date) > -1) { delete_index--; before = true; } // Wait until any animations or other timeouts are done window.setTimeout(jQuery.proxy(function() { this.free(); },this.day_widgets[delete_index]),1000); // Widgets that are before our date shrink, after just get pushed out if(before) { this.day_widgets[delete_index].set_width('0px'); } this.day_widgets.splice(delete_index--,1); } // Create / update day widgets with dates and data for(var i = 0; i < this.day_list.length; i++) { day = this.day_widgets[i]; // Position day.set_left((day_width * i) + 'px'); day.set_date(this.day_list[i], this.value[this.day_list[i]] || false); day.set_owner(this.options.owner); day.set_id(this.day_list[i]); day.set_width(day_width + 'px'); } // Don't hold on to value any longer, use the data cache for best info this.value = {}; // Adjust and scroll to start of day this._resizeTimes(); // Handle not fully visible elements this._scroll(); // TODO: Figure out how to do this with detached nodes /* var nodes = this.day_col.getDetachedNodes(); var supportedAttrs = []; this.day_col.getDetachedAttributes(supportedAttrs); supportedAttrs.push("id"); for(var i = 0; i < day_count; i++) { this.day_col.setDetachedAttributes(nodes.clone(),) } */ }, /** * Update UI while scrolling within the selected time * * Toggles out of view indicators and adjusts not visible headers * @param {Event} event Scroll event */ _scroll: function(event) { // Loop through days, let them deal with it for(var day = 0; day < this.day_widgets.length; day++) { this.day_widgets[day]._out_of_view(); } }, /** * Calculate a list of days between start and end date, skipping weekends if * desired. * * @param {Date|string} start_date Date that et2_date widget can understand * @param {Date|string} end_date Date that et2_date widget can understand * @param {boolean} show_weekend If not showing weekend, Saturday and Sunday * will not be in the returned list. * * @returns {string[]} List of days in Ymd format */ _calculate_day_list: function(start_date, end_date, show_weekend) { var day_list = []; this.date_helper.set_value(end_date); var end = this.date_helper.date.getTime(); var i = 1; this.date_helper.set_value(start_date); do { if(show_weekend || !show_weekend && [0,6].indexOf(this.date_helper.date.getUTCDay()) === -1 || end_date == start_date) { day_list.push(''+this.date_helper.get_year() + sprintf('%02d',this.date_helper.get_month()) + sprintf('%02d',this.date_helper.get_date())); } this.date_helper.set_date(this.date_helper.get_date()+1); } // Limit it to 14 days to avoid infinite loops in case something is mis-set, // though the limit is more based on how wide the screen is while(end >= this.date_helper.date.getTime() && i <= 14) return day_list; }, /** * Link the actions to the DOM nodes / widget bits. * * @param {object} actions {ID: {attributes..}+} map of egw action information */ _link_actions: function(actions) { // Get the parent? Might be a grid row, might not. Either way, it is // just a container with no valid actions var objectManager = egw_getObjectManager(this.getInstanceManager().app,true,1); objectManager = objectManager.getObjectById(this.getInstanceManager().uniqueId,2) || objectManager; var parent = objectManager.getObjectById(this.id,3) || objectManager.getObjectById(this._parent.id,3) || objectManager; if(!parent) { debugger; egw.debug('error','No parent objectManager found') return; } for(var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) { var parent_finder = jQuery(this.div, parent.children[i].iface.doGetDOMNode()); if(parent_finder.length > 0) { parent = parent.children[i]; break; } } // This binds into the egw action system. Most user interactions (drag to move, resize) // are handled internally using jQuery directly. var widget_object = this._actionObject || parent.getObjectById(this.id); var aoi = new et2_action_object_impl(this,this.getDOMNode()); aoi.doTriggerEvent = function(_event, _data) { // Determine target node var event = _data.event || false; if(!event) return; if(_data.ui.draggable.hasClass('rowNoEdit')) return; /* We have to handle the drop in the normal event stream instead of waiting for the egwAction system so we can get the helper, and destination */ if(event.type === 'drop') { var dropEnd = false; var helper = $j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',_data.ui.helper)[0]; if(helper && helper.dropEnd && helper.dropEnd.length >= 1) if (typeof this.dropEnd != 'undefined' && this.dropEnd.length >= 1) { dropEnd = helper.dropEnd[0].dataset || false; } this.getWidget()._event_drop.call($j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',_data.ui.helper)[0],this.getWidget(),event, _data.ui, dropEnd); } var drag_listener = function(event, ui) { aoi.getWidget()._drag_helper($j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',ui.helper)[0],ui.helper[0],0); }; var time = $j('.calendar_d-n-d_timeCounter',_data.ui.helper); switch(_event) { // Triggered once, when something is dragged into the timegrid's div case EGW_AI_DRAG_OVER: // Listen to the drag and update the helper with the time // This part lets us drag between different timegrids _data.ui.draggable.on('drag.et2_timegrid'+widget_object.id, drag_listener); _data.ui.draggable.on('dragend.et2_timegrid'+widget_object.id, function() { _data.ui.draggable.off('drag.et2_timegrid' + widget_object.id); }); if(time.length) { // The out will trigger after the over, so we count time.data('count',time.data('count')+1); } else { _data.ui.helper.prepend('
'); } break; // Triggered once, when something is dragged out of the timegrid case EGW_AI_DRAG_OUT: // Stop listening _data.ui.draggable.off('drag.et2_timegrid'+widget_object.id); // Remove any highlighted time squares $j('[data-date]',this.doGetDOMNode()).removeClass("ui-state-active"); // Out triggers after the over, count to not accidentally remove time.data('count',time.data('count')-1); if(time.length && time.data('count') <= 0) { time.remove(); } break; } }; if (widget_object == null) { // Add a new container to the object manager which will hold the widget // objects widget_object = parent.insertObject(false, new egwActionObject( this.id, parent, aoi, this._actionManager|| parent.manager.getActionById(this.id) || parent.manager )); } else { widget_object.setAOI(aoi); } this._actionObject = widget_object; // Delete all old objects widget_object.clear(); widget_object.unregisterActions(); // Go over the widget & add links - this is where we decide which actions are // 'allowed' for this widget at this time var action_links = this._get_action_links(actions); this._init_links_dnd(widget_object.manager, action_links); widget_object.updateActionLinks(action_links); }, /** * Automatically add dnd support for linking */ _init_links_dnd: function(mgr,actionLinks) { var self = this; var drop_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_link_drop'); var drag_action = mgr.getActionById('egw_link_drag'); // Check if this app supports linking if(!egw.link_get_registry(this.dataStorePrefix || 'calendar', 'query') || egw.link_get_registry(this.dataStorePrefix || 'calendar', 'title')) { if(drop_action) { drop_action.remove(); if(actionLinks.indexOf(drop_action.id) >= 0) { actionLinks.splice(actionLinks.indexOf(drop_action.id),1); } } if(drag_action) { drag_action.remove(); if(actionLinks.indexOf(drag_action.id) >= 0) { actionLinks.splice(actionLinks.indexOf(drag_action.id),1); } } return; } // Don't re-add if(drop_action == null) { // Create the drop action that links entries drop_action = mgr.addAction('drop', 'egw_link_drop', egw.lang('Create link'), egw.image('link'), function(action, source, target) { // Extract link IDs var links = []; var id = ''; for(var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { // Check for no ID (invalid) or same manager (dragging an event) if(!source[i].id) continue; if(source[i].manager === target.manager) { // Find the timegrid, could have dropped on an event var timegrid = target.iface.getWidget(); while(target.parent && timegrid.instanceOf && !timegrid.instanceOf(et2_calendar_timegrid)) { target = target.parent; timegrid = target.iface.getWidget(); } if (timegrid && timegrid._drop_data) { timegrid._event_drop.call(source[i].iface.getDOMNode(),timegrid,null, action.ui,timegrid._drop_data); } timegrid._drop_data = false; // Ok, stop. return false; } id = source[i].id.split('::'); links.push({app: id[0] == 'filemanager' ? 'link' : id[0], id: id[1]}); } if(links.length && target && target.iface.getWidget() && target.iface.getWidget().instanceOf(et2_calendar_event)) { // Link the entries egw.json(self.egw().getAppName()+".etemplate_widget_link.ajax_link.etemplate", target.id.split('::').concat([links]), function(result) { if(result) { this.egw().message('Linked'); } }, self, true, self ).sendRequest(); } else if (links.length) { // Get date and time var params = jQuery.extend({},$j('.drop-hover[data-date]',target.iface.getDOMNode())[0].dataset || {}); // Add link IDs var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('calendar'); params[app_registry.add_app] = []; params[app_registry.add_id] = []; for(var n in links) { params[app_registry.add_app].push( links[n].app); params[app_registry.add_id].push( links[n].id); } egw.open('','calendar','add',params); } },true); } if(actionLinks.indexOf(drop_action.id) < 0) { actionLinks.push(drop_action.id); } // Accept other links, and files dragged from the filemanager // This does not handle files dragged from the desktop. They are // handled by et2_nextmatch, since it needs DOM stuff if(drop_action.acceptedTypes.indexOf('link') == -1) { drop_action.acceptedTypes.push('link'); } // Don't re-add if(drag_action == null) { // Create drag action that allows linking drag_action = mgr.addAction('drag', 'egw_link_drag', egw.lang('link'), 'link', function(action, selected) { // Drag helper - list titles. // As we wanted to have a general defaul helper interface, we return null here and not using customize helper for links // TODO: Need to decide if we need to create a customized helper interface for links anyway //return helper; return null; },true); } // The timegrid itself is not draggable, so don't add a link. // The action is there for the children (events) to use if(false && actionLinks.indexOf(drag_action.id) < 0) { actionLinks.push(drag_action.id); } drag_action.set_dragType('link'); }, /** * Get all action-links / id's of 1.-level actions from a given action object * * Here we are only interested in drop events. * * @param actions * @returns {Array} */ _get_action_links: function(actions) { var action_links = []; // TODO: determine which actions are allowed without an action (empty actions) for(var i in actions) { var action = actions[i]; if(action.type == 'drop') { action_links.push(typeof action.id != 'undefined' ? action.id : i); } } return action_links; }, /** * Provide specific data to be displayed. * This is a way to set start and end dates, owner and event data in once call. * * @param {Object[]} events Array of events, indexed by date in Ymd format: * { * 20150501: [...], * 20150502: [...] * } * Days should be in order. * */ set_value: function(events) { if(typeof events !== 'object') return false; var use_days_sent = true; if(events.owner) { this.set_owner(events.owner); delete events.owner; } if(events.start_date) { this.set_start_date(events.start_date); delete events.start_date; use_days_sent = false; } if(events.end_date) { this.set_end_date(events.end_date); delete events.end_date; use_days_sent = false; } this.value = events || {}; if(use_days_sent) { var day_list = Object.keys(events); if(day_list.length) { this.set_start_date(day_list[0]); this.set_end_date(day_list[day_list.length-1]); } } // Reset and calculate instead of just use the keys so we can get the weekend preference this.day_list = []; }, /** * Change the start date * * @param {string|number|Date} new_date New starting date * @returns {undefined} */ set_start_date: function(new_date) { if(!new_date || new_date === null) { throw exception('Invalid start date. ' + new_date.toString()); } // Use date widget's existing functions to deal if(typeof new_date === "object" || typeof new_date === "string" && new_date.length > 8) { this.date_helper.set_value(new_date); } else if(typeof new_date === "string") { this.date_helper.set_year(new_date.substring(0,4)); this.date_helper.set_month(new_date.substring(4,6)); this.date_helper.set_date(new_date.substring(6,8)); } var old_date = this.options.start_date; this.options.start_date = this.date_helper.getValue(); if(old_date !== this.options.start_date && this.isAttached()) { this.invalidate(true); } }, /** * Change the end date * * @param {string|number|Date} new_date New end date * @returns {undefined} */ set_end_date: function(new_date) { if(!new_date || new_date === null) { throw exception('Invalid end date. ' + new_date.toString()); } // Use date widget's existing functions to deal if(typeof new_date === "object" || typeof new_date === "string" && new_date.length > 8) { this.date_helper.set_value(new_date); } else if(typeof new_date === "string") { this.date_helper.set_year(new_date.substring(0,4)); this.date_helper.set_month(new_date.substring(4,6)); this.date_helper.set_date(new_date.substring(6,8)); } var old_date = this.options.end_date; this.options.end_date = this.date_helper.getValue(); if(old_date !== this.options.end_date && this.isAttached()) { this.invalidate(true); } }, /** * Set which user owns this. Owner is passed along to the individual * days. * * @param {number|number[]} _owner Account ID * @returns {undefined} */ set_owner: function(_owner) { var old = this.options.owner || 0; this.owner.set_label(''); this.div.removeClass('calendar_TimeGridNoLabel'); if(typeof _owner == 'string' && isNaN(_owner)) { switch(_owner[0]) { case 'r': this.owner.options.application = 'resources'; this.owner.set_value(_owner.substr(1)); break; } // Label is empty, but give extra space for the owner name this.div.removeClass('calendar_TimeGridNoLabel'); } else if (typeof _owner == 'object' && _owner.length) { // Don't show owners if more than one, show week number this.owner.set_value(''); if(this.options.start_date) { this.set_label(egw.lang('wk') + ' ' +app.calendar.date.week_number(this.options.start_date)); } } else { this.owner.options.application = 'home-accounts' this.owner.set_value(typeof _owner == "string" || typeof _owner == "number" ? _owner : jQuery.extend([],_owner)); $j(this.getDOMNode(this.owner)).prepend(this.owner.getDOMNode()); } this.options.owner = _owner;//this.owner.getValue(); if(this.isAttached() && ( typeof old == "number" && typeof _owner == "number" && old !== this.options.owner || // Array of ids will not compare as equal ((typeof old === 'object' || typeof _owner === 'object') && old.toString() !== _owner.toString()) )) { this.invalidate(true); } }, /** * Set a label for this week * * May conflict with owner, which is displayed when there's only one owner. * * @param {string} label */ set_label: function(label) { this.options.label = label; this._labelContainer.html(label); this.gridHeader.prepend(this._labelContainer); // If it's a short label (eg week number), don't give it an extra line // but is empty, but give extra space for a single owner name this.div.removeClass('calendar_TimeGridNoLabel'); this.div.toggleClass('calendar_TimeGridNoLabel', label.trim().length < 6 && typeof this.options.owner === 'object'); }, /** * Set how big the time divisions are * * @param {number} minutes */ set_granularity: function(minutes) { if(this.options.granularity != minutes) { this.options.granularity = minutes; this._drawTimes(); } }, /** * Turn on or off the visibility of weekends * * @param {boolean} weekends */ set_show_weekend: function(weekends) { if(this.options.show_weekend !== weekends) { this.options.show_weekend = weekends ? true : false; if(this.isAttached()) { this.invalidate(); } } }, /** * Call change handler, if set */ change: function() { if (this.onchange) { if(typeof this.onchange == 'function') { // Make sure function gets a reference to the widget var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.push(this); return this.onchange.apply(this, args); } else { return (et2_compileLegacyJS(this.options.onchange, this, _node))(); } } }, /** * Call event change handler, if set */ event_change: function(event, dom_node) { if (this.onevent_change) { var event_data = this._get_event_info(dom_node); var event_widget = this.getWidgetById('event_'+event_data.id); et2_calendar_event.recur_prompt(event_data, jQuery.proxy(function(button_id, event_data) { // No need to continue if(button_id === 'cancel') return false; if(typeof this.onevent_change == 'function') { // Make sure function gets a reference to the widget var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(args.indexOf(event_widget) == -1) args.push(event_widget); // Put button ID in event event.button_id = button_id; return this.onevent_change.apply(this, [event, event_widget, button_id]); } else { return (et2_compileLegacyJS(this.options.onevent_change, event_widget, dom_node))(); } },this)); } return false; }, get_granularity: function() { // get option, or user's preference if(typeof this.options.granularity === 'undefined') { this.options.granularity = egw.preference('interval','calendar') || 30; } return parseInt(this.options.granularity); }, /** * Click handler calling custom handler set via onclick attribute to this.onclick * * This also handles all its own actions, including navigation. If there is * an event associated with the click, it will be found and passed to the * onclick function. * * @param {Event} _ev * @returns {boolean} */ click: function(_ev) { var result = true; // Is this click in the event stuff, or in the header? if($j(_ev.target).hasClass('.calendar_calEvent') || $j(_ev.target).parents('.calendar_calEvent').length) { // Event came from inside, maybe a calendar event var event = this._get_event_info(_ev.originalEvent.target); if(typeof this.onclick == 'function') { // Make sure function gets a reference to the widget, splice it in as 2. argument if not var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(args.indexOf(this) == -1) args.splice(1, 0, this); result = this.onclick.apply(this, args); } if(event.id && result && !this.options.disabled && !this.options.readonly) { et2_calendar_event.recur_prompt(event); return false; } return result; } else if (this.gridHeader.is(_ev.target) && _ev.target.dataset) { app.calendar.update_state(jQuery.extend({view: 'week'},_ev.target.dataset)); } else if (this.dayHeader.has(_ev.target).length) { // Click on a day header - let day deal with it // First child is a selectAccount for(var i = 1; i < this._children.length; i++) { if(this._children[i].header && ( this._children[i].header.has(_ev.target).length || this._children[i].header.is(_ev.target)) ) { return this._children[i].click(_ev); } } } else if (_ev.target.dataset.date) { // Default handler to open a new event at the selected time this.egw().open(null, 'calendar', 'add', { date: _ev.target.dataset.date || this.day_list[0], hour: _ev.target.dataset.hour || this.options.day_start, minute: _ev.target.dataset.minute || 0 } , '_blank'); return false; } }, _get_event_info: function(dom_node) { // Determine as much relevant info as can be found var event_node = $j(dom_node).closest('[data-id]',this.div)[0]; var day_node = $j(event_node).closest('[data-date]',this.div)[0]; return jQuery.extend({ event_node: event_node, day_node: day_node, }, event_node ? event_node.dataset : {}, day_node ? day_node.dataset : {} ); }, /** * Get time from position * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @returns {DOMNode[]} time node(s) for the given position */ _get_time_from_position: function(x,y) { x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y); var nodes = $j('.calendar_calAddEvent[data-hour],.calendar_calDayColHeader',this.div).removeClass('drop-hover').filter(function() { var offset = $j(this).offset(); var range={x:[offset.left,offset.left+$j(this).outerWidth()],y:[offset.top,offset.top+$j(this).outerHeight()]}; var i = (x >=range.x[0] && x <= range.x[1]) && (y >= range.y[0] && y <= range.y[1]); return i; }).addClass("drop-hover"); return nodes; }, /** * Code for implementing et2_IDetachedDOM * * @param {array} _attrs array to add further attributes to */ getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) { _attrs.push('start_date','end_date'); }, getDetachedNodes: function() { return [this.getDOMNode()]; }, setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { this.div = $j(_nodes[0]); if(_values.start_date) { this.set_start_date(_values.start_date); } if(_values.end_date) { this.set_end_date(_values.end_date); } }, // Resizable interface resize: function () { if(!this.div.is(':visible')) { return; } // We expect the timegrid to be in a table with 0 or more other timegrids, // 1 per row. We want each timegrid to be as large as possible, but space // shared equally. Height can't be set to a percentage on the rows, because // that doesn't work. // Find the table var table = this.div.parentsUntil('table').parent(); // How many rows? var rowCount = table.children('tr').length; // Take the whole tab height this.options.height = Math.floor(Math.min($j(this.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).height(),$j(this.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).parent().innerHeight()) / rowCount); this.options.height = Math.floor((egw.getHiddenDimensions(this.getInstanceManager().DOMContainer).h ) / rowCount); this.options.height -= 2*((this.div.outerWidth(true) - this.div.innerWidth()) + parseInt(this.div.parent().css('padding-top'))); if(this.options.height+"px" != this.div.css('height')) { this.div.css('height', this.options.height); // Re-do time grid this._drawGrid(); } } }); et2_register_widget(et2_calendar_timegrid, ["calendar-timegrid"]);