call( string methodname [ ,array parameters] ); // bye bye client unset($soapclient); */ class soapclient { function soapclient($endpoint,$wsdl=False,$portName=False) { $this->debug_flag = False; $this->endpoint = $endpoint; $this->portName = False; // make values if($wsdl) { $this->endpointType = 'wsdl'; if($portName) { $this->portName = $portName; } } } function call($method,$params='',$namespace=false,$soapAction=false) { if($this->endpointType == 'wsdl') { // instantiate wsdl class $this->wsdl = CreateObject('phpgwapi.wsdl',$this->endpoint); // get portName if(!$this->portName) { $this->portName = $this->wsdl->getPortName($method); } // get endpoint if(!$this->endpoint = $this->wsdl->getEndpoint($this->portName)) { die("no port of name '$this->portName' in the wsdl at that location!"); } $this->debug("endpoint: $this->endpoint"); $this->debug("portName: $this->portName"); } // get soapAction if(!$soapAction) { if($this->endpointType != "wsdl") { die("method call requires soapAction if wsdl is not available!"); } if(!$soapAction = $this->wsdl->getSoapAction($this->portName,$method)) { die("no soapAction for operation: $method!"); } } $this->debug("soapAction: $soapAction"); // get namespace if(!$namespace) { if($this->endpointType != "wsdl") { die("method call requires namespace if wsdl is not available!"); } if(!$namespace = $this->wsdl->getNamespace($this->portName,$method)) { die("no soapAction for operation: $method!"); } } $this->debug("namespace: $namespace"); // make message $soapmsg = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soapmsg',$method,$params,$namespace); _debug_array($soapmsg); // instantiate client $dbg = "calling server at '$this->endpoint'..."; if($soap_client = CreateObject('phpgwapi.soap_client',$this->endpoint)) { //$soap_client->debug_flag = true; $this->debug($dbg."instantiated client successfully"); $this->debug("client data:
server: $soap_client->server
path: $soap_client->path
port: $soap_client->port"); // send $dbg = "sending msg w/ soapaction '$soapAction'..."; if($return = $soap_client->send($soapmsg,$soapAction)) { $this->request = $soap_client->outgoing_payload; $this->response = $soap_client->incoming_payload; $this->debug($dbg."sent message successfully and got a '$return' back"); // check for valid response if(get_class($return) == "soapval") { // fault? if(eregi("fault",$return->name)) { $this->debug("got fault"); $faultArray = $return->decode(); while(list($k,$v) = each($faultArray)) /* foreach($faultArray as $k => $v) */ { print "$k = $v
"; } return false; } else { $returnArray = $return->decode(); if(is_array($returnArray)) { return array_shift($returnArray); } else { $this->debug("didn't get array back from decode() for $return->name"); return false; } } } else { $this->debug("didn't get soapval object back from client"); return false; } } else { $this->debug("client send/recieve error"); return false; } } } function debug($string) { if($this->debug_flag) { print $string."
"; } } } ?>