'; exit; } unset($d1);unset($d2);unset($d3); /* ######## End security check ########## */ function CreateObject($classname, $constructor_param = "") { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info, $phpgw_domain; $classpart = explode (".", $classname); $appname = $classpart[0]; $classname = $classpart[1]; if (!$phpgw_info["flags"]["included_classes"][$classname]){ $phpgw_info["flags"]["included_classes"][$classname] = True; include(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT."/".$appname."/inc/class.".$classname.".inc.php"); } if ($constructor_param == ""){ $obj = new $classname; } else { $obj = new $classname($constructor_param); } return $obj; } // This is needed is some parts of setup, until we include the API directly function filesystem_separator() { if (PHP_OS == 'Windows' || PHP_OS == 'OS/2') { return '\\'; } else { return '/'; } } define('SEP',filesystem_separator()); function get_account_id($account_id = '',$default_id = '') { global $phpgw, $phpgw_info; if (gettype($account_id) == 'integer') { return $account_id; } elseif ($account_id == '') { if ($default_id == '') { return $phpgw_info['user']['account_id']; } elseif (gettype($default_id) == 'string') { return $phpgw->accounts->name2id($default_id); } return intval($default_id); } elseif (gettype($account_id) == 'string') { if($phpgw->accounts->exists(intval($account_id)) == True) { return intval($account_id); } else { return $phpgw->accounts->name2id($account_id); } } } // Include to check user authorization against the // password in ../header.inc.php to protect all of the setup // pages from unauthorized use. if(file_exists('../version.inc.php')) { include('../version.inc.php'); // To set the current core version }else{ $phpgw_info['server']['versions']['phpgwapi'] = 'Undetected'; } $phpgw_info['server']['app_images'] = 'templates/default/images'; if(file_exists('../header.inc.php')) { include('../header.inc.php'); } include('./inc/phpgw_setup.inc.php'); include('./inc/phpgw_schema_proc.inc.php'); include('./inc/phpgw_schema_current.inc.php'); $phpgw_setup = new phpgw_setup; /*$phpgw_setup12 = new phpgw_schema_proc('mysql'); $phpgw_setup13 = new phpgw_schema_proc('pgsql'); $phpgw_setup12->GenerateScripts($phpgw_tables,true); $phpgw_setup13->GenerateScripts($phpgw_tables,true);*/ ?>