True, "nonavbar" => True); $phpgw_flags["currentapp"] = "admin"; include("../"); if ($submit) { if (! $n_loginid) $error = "
" . lang_admin("You must enter a loginid"); if (! $n_passwd) $error .= "
" . lang_admin("You must enter a password"); if ($n_passwd == $n_loginid) $error = "
" . lang_admin("The login and password can not be the same"); if ($n_passwd != $n_passwd_2) $error .= "
" . lang_admin("The two passwords are not the same"); $phpgw->db->query("select loginid from accounts where loginid='$n_loginid'"); $phpgw->db->next_record(); if ($phpgw->db->f("loginid")) $error .= "
" . lang_admin("That loginid has already been taken"); if (! $error) { $phpgw->db->lock(array("accounts","preferences")); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"maxmatchs","15"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"theme","default"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"tz_offset","0"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"dateformat","m/d/Y"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"timeformat","12"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"lang","en"); // Even if they don't have access to the calendar, we will add these. // Its better then the calendar being all messed up, they will be deleted // the next time the update there preferences. $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"weekstarts","Monday"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"workdaystarts","9"); $phpgw->preferences->add_with_value($n_loginid,"workdayends","17"); while ($permission = each($new_permissions)) { if ($phpgw_info["apps"][$permission[0]]["enabled"]) { $phpgw->permissions->add($permission[0]); } } //$phpgw->permissions->add("hr"); if ($n_anonymous && ! $n_admin) $phpgwpermissions->add("anonymous"); $sql = "insert into accounts (loginid,passwd,firstname,lastname," . "permissions,groups,status) values ('$n_loginid'" . ",'" . md5($n_passwd) . "','" . addslashes($n_firstname) . "','" . addslashes($n_lastname) . "','" . $phpgw->permissions->add_rebuild() . "','" . $phpgw->groups->array_to_string("none",$n_groups) . "','A')"; $phpgw->db->query($sql); $phpgw->db->unlock(); $sep = $phpgw->common->filesystem_sepeartor(); $basedir = $phpgw_info["server"]["server_root"] . $sep . "filemanager" . $sep . "users" . $sep; if (!mkdir($basedir . $n_loginid, 0707)) { $cd = 36; } else { $cd = 28; } Header("Location: " . $phpgw->link("accounts.php","cd=$cd")); exit; } } $phpgw->common->header(); $phpgw->common->navbar(); ?>
session->hidden_var(); ?> " . lang_common("Error") . ":$error"; } ?>
' . '"; $i++; if (! $perm_display[$i][1]) break; echo '' . '"; $i++; } // Just until we can get thing the $phpgw_info["apps"] then figured out echo ""; echo ""; ?>
' . lang_common($perm_display[$i][1]) . '' . lang_common($perm_display[$i][1]) . '
" . lang_admin("Anonymous user") . " " . lang_admin("Manager") . "