read(static::TEST_TEMPLATE, 'test'); // Send it around $result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, array('widget' => $content)); // Test it $this->validateTest($result, array('widget' => $content)); } /** * Test that the widget does not return a value if readonly */ public function testReadonly() { // Instanciate the template $etemplate = new Etemplate(); $etemplate->read(static::TEST_TEMPLATE, 'test'); // Exec $content = array( 'widget' => '', ); $result = $this->mockedRoundTrip($etemplate, $content, array(), array('widget' => true)); // Check $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); } /** * Check validation with failing strings * * @param type $content * @param type $validation_errors * * @dataProvider invalidProvider */ public function testValidation($content) { // Instanciate the template $etemplate = new Etemplate(); $etemplate->read(static::TEST_TEMPLATE, 'test'); $content = array('widget' => $content); $this->validateRoundTrip($etemplate, Array(), $content, Array(), array_flip(array_keys($content))); } /** * URL samples from */ public function validProvider() { return array( array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array('http://✪'), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), // We prepend http in this case // We use filter_var, and it can't handle these /* array('http://➡.ws/䨹'), array('http://⌘.ws'), array('http://⌘.ws/'), array(''), array(''), array('✪)_in_parens'), array(''), array('http://☺'), array(''), array(''), array(''), array(''), array('http://مثال.إختبار '), array('http://例子.测试'), array('http://उदाहरण.परीक्षा'), array("http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;"), array(''), array(''), array(''), * */ ); } /** * URL samples from */ public function invalidProvider() { return array( array('http://'), array('http://.'), array('http://..'), array('http://../'), array('http://?'), array('http://??'), array('http://??/'), array('http://#'), array('http://##'), array('http://##/'), array(' should be encoded'), array('//'), array('//a'), array('///a'), array('///'), array('http:///a'), // We don't check protocol //array('rdar://1234'), //array('h://test'), //array('ftps://'), array('http://'), array(':// should fail'), array(' quux'), array('http://-error-.invalid/'), array(''), array(''), array('http://3628126748'), array(''), array(''), array(''), ); } }