/** * EGroupware - Addressbook - Javascript UI * * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @package addressbook * @author Hadi Nategh * @copyright (c) 2008-13 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * UI for Addressbook * * @augments AppJS */ app.classes.addressbook = AppJS.extend( { appname: 'addressbook', /** * et2 widget container */ et2: null, /** * path widget */ /** * Constructor * * @memberOf app.addressbook */ init: function() { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Destructor */ destroy: function() { //delete this.et2; // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * This function is called when the etemplate2 object is loaded * and ready. If you must store a reference to the et2 object, * make sure to clean it up in destroy(). * * @param _et2 etemplate2 Newly ready object */ et2_ready: function(et2) { // call parent this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (typeof et2.templates['addressbook.edit'] != 'undefined') { this.show_custom_country($j('select[id*="adr_one_countrycode"]').get(0)); this.show_custom_country($j('select[id*="adr_two_countrycode"]').get(0)); // Instanciate infolog JS too - wrong app, so it won't be done automatically if(typeof window.app.infolog != 'object' && typeof window.app.classes['infolog'] == 'function') { window.app.infolog = new window.app.classes.infolog(); } } jQuery('select[id*="adr_one_countrycode"]').each(function() { app.addressbook.show_custom_country(this); }); jQuery('select[id*="adr_two_countrycode"]').each(function() { app.addressbook.show_custom_country(this); }); }, /** * Add appointment or show calendar for selected contacts, call default nm_action after some checks * * @param _action * @param _senders */ add_cal: function(_action, _senders) { if (!_senders[0].id.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) { // send org-view requests to server _action.data.nm_action = "submit"; } else { // call nm_action's popup, but already replace id's in url, because they need to be prefix with a "c" if (_action.data.popup) _action.data.nm_action = "popup"; var ids = ""; for (var i = 0; i < _senders.length; i++) { ids += "c" + _senders[i].id + ((i < _senders.length - 1) ? "," : ""); } // we cant just replace $id, as under jdots this can get called multiple times (with already replaced url)! _action.data.url = _action.data.url.replace(/(owner|participants)=(0%2C)?[^&]+/,"$1=$2"+ids); } nm_action(_action, _senders); }, /** * Add task for selected contacts, call default nm_action after some checks * * @param _action * @param _senders */ add_task: function(_action, _senders) { if (!_senders[0].id.match(/^(addressbook::)?[0-9]+$/)) { // send org-view requests to server _action.data.nm_action = "submit"; } else { // call nm_action's popup _action.data.nm_action = "popup"; } nm_action(_action, _senders); }, showphones: function(form) { if (form) { copyvalues(form,"tel_home","tel_home2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_work","tel_work2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_cell","tel_cell2"); copyvalues(form,"tel_fax","tel_fax2"); } }, hidephones: function(form) { if (form) { copyvalues(form,"tel_home2","tel_home"); copyvalues(form,"tel_work2","tel_work"); copyvalues(form,"tel_cell2","tel_cell"); copyvalues(form,"tel_fax2","tel_fax"); } }, copyvalues: function(form,src,dst) { var srcelement = getElement(form,src); //ById("exec["+src+"]"); var dstelement = getElement(form,dst); //ById("exec["+dst+"]"); if (srcelement && dstelement) { dstelement.value = srcelement.value; } }, getElement: function(form,pattern) { for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++){ if(form.elements[i].name){ var found = form.elements[i].name.search("\\["+pattern+"\\]"); if (found != -1){ return form.elements[i]; } } } }, check_value: function(input, own_id) { var values = egw_json_getFormValues(input.form).exec; // todo use eT2 method, if running under et2 if(typeof values == 'undefined' && typeof etemplate2 != 'undefined') { var template = etemplate2.getByApplication('addressbook')[0]; values = template.getValues(template.widgetContainer); } if (input.name.match(/n_/)) { var value = ''; if (values.n_prefix) value += values.n_prefix+" "; if (values.n_given) value += values.n_given+" "; if (values.n_middle) value += values.n_middle+" "; if (values.n_family) value += values.n_family+" "; if (values.n_suffix) value += values.n_suffix; var name = document.getElementById("exec[n_fn]"); if(name == null && template) { name = template.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('n_fn'); name.set_value(value); } else { name.value = value; } } egw.json('addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_check_values', [values, input.name, own_id]).sendRequest(true, function(data) { if (data.msg && confirm(data.msg)) { for(var id in data.doublicates) { egw.open(id, 'addressbook'); //opener.egw_openWindowCentered2(egw_webserverUrl+'/index.php?menuaction=addressbook.addressbook_ui.edit&contact_id='+id, '_blank', 870, 480, 'yes', 'addressbook'); } } if (typeof data.fileas_options == 'object') { var selbox = document.getElementById("exec[fileas_type]"); if (selbox) { for (var i=0; i < data.fileas_options.length; i++) { selbox.options[i].text = data.fileas_options[i]; } } else if (template && (selbox = template.widgetContainer.getWidgetById('fileas_type'))) { selbox.set_select_options(data.fileas_sel_options); } } }); }, add_whole_list: function(list) { if (document.getElementById("exec[nm][email_type][email_home]").checked == true) { email_type = "email_home"; } else { email_type = "email"; } var request = new egw_json_request("addressbook.addressbook_ui.ajax_add_whole_list",list,email_type); request.sendRequest(true); }, show_custom_country: function(selectbox) { if(!selectbox) return; var custom_field_name = selectbox.id.replace("countrycode", "countryname"); var custom_field = document.getElementById(custom_field_name); if(custom_field && selectbox.value == "-custom-") { custom_field.style.display = "inline"; } else if (custom_field) { if((selectbox.value == "" || selectbox.value == null) && custom_field.value != "") { selectbox.value = "-custom-"; // Chosen needs this to update $j(selectbox).trigger("liszt:updated"); custom_field.style.display = "inline"; } else { custom_field.style.display = "none"; } } }, add_new_list: function(owner) { var name = window.prompt(this.egw.lang('Name for the distribution list')); if (name) { egw.open('','addressbook', 'list', { 'add_list': name, 'owner': owner },'_self'); } }, filter2_onchange: function() { var filter2 = this.et2.getWidgetById('filter2'); var widget = this.et2.getWidgetById('nm'); if(filter2.get_value()=='add') { this.add_new_list(typeof widget == 'undefined' ? this.et2.getWidgetById('filter').value : widget.header.filter.get_value()); this.value=''; } }, filter2_onchnage_email: function () { this.form.submit(); if (this.value && confirm('Add emails of whole distribution list?')) { this.add_whole_list(this.value); } else { this.form.submit(); } }, /** * */ nm_compare_field: function() { var field = this.et2.getWidgetById('filter2'); if (field) var val = field.get_value(); if (val) { return nm_compare_field; } else { return false; } }, /** * */ adv_search: function() { var link = opener.location.href; link = link.replace(/#/,''); opener.location.href=link.replace(/\#/,''); }, /** * */ adb_mail_vcard: function(_action, _elems) { var app_registry = egw.link_get_registry('felamimail'); var link = egw().link("/index.php","menuaction=felamimail.uicompose.compose"); for (var i = 0; i < _elems.length; i++) { link += "&preset[file][]="+encodeURIComponent("vfs://default/apps/addressbook/"+_elems[i].id+"/.entry"); } if (typeof app_registry['view'] != 'undefined' && typeof app_registry['view_popup'] != 'undefined' ) { var w_h =app_registry['view_popup'].split('x'); if (w_h[1] == 'egw_getWindowOuterHeight()') w_h[1] = (screen.availHeight>egw_getWindowOuterHeight()?screen.availHeight:egw_getWindowOuterHeight()); egw_openWindowCentered2(link, '_blank', w_h[0], w_h[1], 'yes'); } }, /** * */ adb_get_selection: function(form) { var use_all = document.getElementById("exec[use_all]"); var action = document.getElementById("exec[action]"); egw_openWindowCentered(egw().link("/index.php","menuaction=importexport.uiexport.export_dialog&appname=addressbook")+ "&selection="+( use_all.checked ? "use_all" : get_selected(form,"[rows][checked][]")),"Export",400,400); action.value=""; use_all.checked = false; return false; }, /** * */ do_action: function(selbox) { if (selbox.value != "") { if (selbox.value == "infolog_add" && (ids = get_selected(selbox.form,"[rows][checked][]")) && !document.getElementById("exec[use_all]").checked) { win = window.open(egw().link("/index.php","menuaction=infolog.infolog_ui.edit&type=task&action=addressbook&action_id="+ids),_blank,width=750,height=550,left=100,top=200); win.focus(); } else if (selbox.value == "cat_add") { win = window.open(egw().link("/etemplate/process_exec.php","menuaction=addressbook.addressbook_ui.cat_add"),_blank,width=300,height=400,left=100,top=200); win.focus(); } else if (selbox.value == "remove_from_list") { if (confirm(lang('Remove selected contacts from distribution list'))) selbox.form.submit(); } else if (selbox.value == "delete_list") { if (confirm(lang('Delete selected distribution list!'))) selbox.form.submit(); } else if (selbox.value == "delete") { if (confirm(lang('Delete'))) selbox.form.submit(); } else { selbox.form.submit(); } selbox.value = ""; } }, n_fn_search: function () { jQuery('table.editname').css('display','inline'); //var focElem = document.getElementById(form::name('n_prefix')); if (!(typeof(focElem) == 'undefined') && typeof(focElem.focus)=='function') { //document.getElementById(form::name('n_prefix')).focus(); } }, xajax_et: function() { this.et2.getInstanceManager().submit(this.et2.getWidgetById('button[search]')); return false; }, /** * Action function to add the email address (business or home) of the selected * contacts to a compose email popup window. * * Uses the egw API to handle the opening of the popup. * * @param {egwAction} action Action user selected. Should have ID of either * 'email_business' or 'email_home', from server side definition of actions. * @param {egwActionObject[]} selected Selected rows */ addEmail: function(action, selected) { // Go through selected & pull email addresses from data var emails = []; for(var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { // Pull data from global cache var data = egw.dataGetUIDdata(selected[i].id) || {data:{}}; var email = data.data[action.id == 'email_business' ? 'email' : 'email_home'] || ''; if(email) { emails.push(email); } } // Always open a compose, even if no emails, so user knows it worked egw.open_link('mailto:' + emails.join(',')); return false; }, /** * Retrieve the current state of the application for future restoration * * Overridden from parent to handle viewing a contact. In this case state * will be {contact_id: #} * * @return {object} Application specific map representing the current state */ getState: function() { // Most likely we're in the list view var state = this._super.apply(this, arguments); if(jQuery.isEmptyObject(state)) { // Not in a list view. Try to find contact ID var etemplates = etemplate2.getByApplication('addressbook'); for(var i = 0; i < etemplates.length; i++) { var content = etemplates[i].widgetContainer.getArrayMgr("content"); if(content && content.getEntry('id')) { state = {app: 'addressbook', id: content.getEntry('id'), type: 'view'}; break; } } } return state; }, /** * Set the application's state to the given state. * * Overridden from parent to stop the contact view's infolog nextmatch from * being changed. * * @param {{name: string, state: object}|string} state Object (or JSON string) for a state. * Only state is required, and its contents are application specific. * * @return {boolean} false - Returns false to stop event propagation */ setState: function(state) { var current_state = this.getState(); // State should be an object, not a string, but we'll parse if(typeof state == "string") { if(state.indexOf('{') != -1 || state =='null') { state = JSON.parse(state); } } // Redirect from view to list - parent would do this, but infolog nextmatch stops it if(current_state.app && current_state.id && (typeof state.state == 'undefined' || typeof state.state.app == 'undefined')) { // Redirect to list // 'blank' is the special name for no filters, send that instead of the nice translated name var safe_name = jQuery.isEmptyObject(state) || jQuery.isEmptyObject(state.state||state.filter) ? 'blank' : state.name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9-_]/g, '_'); egw.open('',this.appname,'list',{'favorite': safe_name},this.appname); return false; } return this._super.apply(this, arguments); } });