self::APP, 'name' => 'test_field', 'label' => 'Custom field', 'type' => 'text', 'type2' => array(), 'help' => 'Custom field created for automated testing by CustomfieldsTest', 'values' => null, 'len' => null, 'rows' => null, 'order' => null, 'needed' => null, 'private' => array() ); protected function assertPreConditions() : void { parent::assertPreConditions(); $tables = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->table_names(true); $this->assertContains('egw_test', $tables, 'Could not find DB table "egw_test", make sure test app is installed'); } /** * Check to make sure we can create a custom field */ public function testCreateField() { // Create $field = $this->simple_field; Customfields::update($field); // Check $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP); $this->assertArrayHasKey($field['name'], $fields); $saved_field = $fields[$field['name']]; foreach(array('app','label','type','type2','help','values','len','rows','needed','private') as $key) { $this->assertEquals($field[$key], $saved_field[$key], "Load of $key did not match save"); } // Clean unset($fields[$field['name']]); Customfields::save(self::APP, $fields); } /** * Test the access control on private custom fields */ public function testPrivateCannotBeReadWithoutPermission() { $field = $this->create_private_field(); // Get another user $other_account = $this->get_another_user(); // Try to read - should not be there $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,$other_account); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Switch the users $field['private'] = array($other_account); Customfields::update($field); // Try to read - should not be there $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,false); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Clean up unset($fields[$field['name']]); Customfields::save(self::APP, $fields); } /** * Test that giving access allows access */ public function testGivingAccess() { $field = $this->create_private_field(); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP); // Get another user $other_account = $this->get_another_user(); // Give access & check $field['private'][] = $other_account; Customfields::update($field); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,$other_account); $this->assertArrayHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Clean up unset($fields[$field['name']]); Customfields::save(self::APP, $fields); } /** * Test that removing access disallows access */ public function testRemovingAccess() { $field = $this->create_private_field(); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP); // Get another user $other_account = $this->get_another_user(); // Give access $field['private'][] = $other_account; Customfields::update($field); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,$other_account); $this->assertArrayHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Remove access, check its gone $field['private'] = array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']); Customfields::update($field); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,$other_account); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Clean up unset($fields[$field['name']]); Customfields::save(self::APP, $fields); } /** * Test getting all fields ignores any access restrictions */ public function testGetAllFields() { $field = $this->create_private_field(); // Get another user $other_account = $this->get_another_user(); // Change access so current user can't read it $field['private'] = array($other_account); Customfields::update($field); $fields = Customfields::get(self::APP,true); $this->assertEquals(1, count($fields)); $this->assertArrayHasKey($field['name'], $fields); // Clean up unset($fields[$field['name']]); Customfields::save(self::APP, $fields); } /** * Test getting options from a file * * @dataProvider fileOptionProvider */ public function testGetOptionsFromGoodFile($expected, $file) { // Load $options = Customfields::get_options_from_file('api/tests/fixtures/Storage/'.$file); // Check $this->assertInternalType('array', $options); $this->assertEquals($expected, $options); } /** * Provide some options (duplicated in the files) to check loading * * @return array */ public function fileOptionProvider() { // Expected options, file return array( array(array( '' => 'Select', 'Α'=> 'α Alpha', 'Β'=> 'β Beta', 'Γ'=> 'γ Gamma', 'Δ'=> 'δ Delta', 'Ε'=> 'ε Epsilon', 'Ζ'=> 'ζ Zeta', 'Η'=> 'η Eta', 'Θ'=> 'θ Theta', 'Ι'=> 'ι Iota', 'Κ'=> 'κ Kappa', 'Λ'=> 'λ Lambda', 'Μ'=> 'μ Mu', 'Ν'=> 'ν Nu', 'Ξ'=> 'ξ Xi', 'Ο'=> 'ο Omicron', 'Π'=> 'π Pi', 'Ρ'=> 'ρ Rho', 'Σ'=> 'σ Sigma', 'Τ'=> 'τ Tau', 'Υ'=> 'υ Upsilon', 'Φ'=> 'φ Phi', 'Χ'=> 'χ Chi', 'Ψ'=> 'ψ Psi', 'Ω'=> 'ω Omega' ), 'greek_options.php'), array(array( 'View Subs' => "egw_open('','infolog','list',{action:'sp',action_id:widget.getRoot().getArrayMgr('content').getEntry('info_id')},'infolog','infolog');" ), 'infolog_subs_option.php') ); } /** * A file that is not found or cannot be read should return an array * with an error message, and not error. It's impossible to deal with an * actual invalid file though, they just cause Fatal Errors. */ public function testGetOptionsFromMissingFile() { $options = Customfields::get_options_from_file('totally invalid'); $this->assertInternalType('array', $options); $this->assertCount(1, $options); } protected function create_private_field() { // Create field $field = array_merge( $this->simple_field, array( 'private' => array($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']) ) ); Customfields::update($field); return $field; } /** * Get another user that we can use to test */ protected function get_another_user() { $accounts = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->search(array( 'type' => 'accounts' )); unset($accounts[$GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']]); if(count($accounts) == 0) { $this->markTestSkipped('Need more than one user to check private'); } $other_account = key($accounts); if(!$other_account) { $this->markTestSkipped('Need more than one user to check private'); } return $other_account; } }