* * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $phpgw_info["flags"] = array( "currentapp" => "addressbook", "enable_contacts_class" => True, "enable_nextmatchs_class" => True ); include("../header.inc.php"); $t = new Template($phpgw->common->get_tpl_dir("addressbook")); $t->set_file(array( "addressbook_header" => "header.tpl", "column" => "column.tpl", "row" => "row.tpl", "addressbook_footer" => "footer.tpl" )); $this = CreateObject("phpgwapi.contacts"); // Read in user custom fields, if any $phpgw->preferences->read_repository(); $customfields = array(); while (list($col,$descr) = @each($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"])) { if ( substr($col,0,6) == 'extra_' ) { $field = ereg_replace('extra_','',$col); $field = ereg_replace(' ','_',$field); $customfields[$field] = ucfirst($field); } } $extrafields = array( "ophone" => "ophone", "address2" => "address2", "address3" => "address3" ); $qfields = $this->stock_contact_fields + $extrafields + $customfields; // create column list and the top row of the table based on user prefs while ($column = each($this->stock_contact_fields)) { $test = strtolower($column[1]); if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$test]) && $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$test]) { $showcol = display_name($column[0]); $cols .= " \n"; $cols .= ' '; $cols .= $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort, $column[0],$order,"/addressbook/index.php",$showcol); $cols .= "\n "; $cols .= "\n"; // To be used when displaying the rows $columns_to_display[$column[0]] = True; } } $nonstd = $extrafields + $customfields; while ($column = each($nonstd)) { $test = strtolower($column[1]); if (isset($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$test]) && $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["addressbook"][$test]) { $showcol = display_name($column[0]); // This must be a custom field if (!$showcol) { $showcol = $column[1]; } $cols .= " \n"; $cols .= ' '; $cols .= $showcol; $cols .= "\n "; $cols .= "\n"; // To be used when displaying the rows $columns_to_display[$column[0]] = True; } } if (! $start) $start = 0; if($phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"] && $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"] > 0) { $offset = $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]; } else { $offset = 30; } // Set filter to display entries where tid is blank, // else they may be accounts, etc. $savefilter = $filter; if ($filter == "none") { $filter = 'tid='; } elseif($filter == "private") { $filter = 'owner='.$phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"].',tid='; } else { $filter .= ',tid='; } // Check if prefs were set, if not, create some defaults if (!$columns_to_display ) { $columns_to_display = array( "n_given" => "n_given", "n_family" => "n_family", "org_name" => "org_name" ); $columns_to_display = $columns_to_display + $customfields; // No prefs,. so cols above may have been set to "" or a bunch of $cols=""; while ($column = each($columns_to_display)) { $showcol = display_name($column[0]); if (!$showcol) { $showcol = $column[1]; } $cols .= " \n"; $cols .= ' '; $cols .= $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_sort_order($sort, $column[0],$order,"/addressbook/index.php",$showcol); $cols .= "\n "; $cols .= "\n"; } $noprefs=lang("Please set your preferences for this app"); } $qcols = $columns_to_display; // read the entry list if (!$userid) { $userid = $phpgw_info["user"]["account_id"]; } $entries = addressbook_read_entries($start,$offset,$qcols,$query,$filter,$sort,$order,$userid); // now that the query is done, reset filter, since nextmatchs grabs it globally $filter=$savefilter; $search_filter = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_tpl("/addressbook/index.php",$start, $this->total_records,"&order=$order&filter=$filter&sort=$sort&query=$query","75%", $phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]); if ($this->total_records > $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]) { if ($start + $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"] > $this->total_records) { $end = $this->total_records; } else { $end = $start + $phpgw_info["user"]["preferences"]["common"]["maxmatchs"]; } $lang_showing=lang("showing x - x of x",($start + 1),$end,$this->total_records); } else { $lang_showing=lang("showing x",$this->total_records); } // set basic vars and parse the header $t->set_var(font,$phpgw_info["theme"]["font"]); $t->set_var("lang_view",lang("View")); $t->set_var("lang_vcard",lang("VCard")); $t->set_var("lang_edit",lang("Edit")); $t->set_var("lang_owner",lang("Owner")); $t->set_var(searchreturn,$noprefs . " " . $searchreturn); $t->set_var(lang_showing,$lang_showing); $t->set_var(search_filter,$search_filter); $t->set_var("lang_addressbook",lang("Address book")); $t->set_var("th_bg",$phpgw_info["theme"]["th_bg"]); $t->set_var("th_font",$phpgw_info["theme"]["font"]); $t->set_var("th_text",$phpgw_info["theme"]["th_text"]); $t->set_var("lang_add",lang("Add")); $t->set_var("lang_addvcard",lang("AddVCard")); $t->set_var("lang_import",lang("Import Contacts")); $t->set_var("import_url",$phpgw->link("/addressbook/import.php")); $t->set_var("lang_export",lang("Export Contacts")); $t->set_var("export_url",$phpgw->link("/addressbook/export.php")); $t->set_var("start",$start); $t->set_var("sort",$sort); $t->set_var("order",$order); $t->set_var("filter",$filter); $t->set_var("qfield",$qfield); $t->set_var("query",$query); $t->set_var("actionurl",$phpgw->link("/addressbook/add.php","sort=$sort&order=$order&filter=$filter&start=$start")); $t->set_var("start",$start); $t->set_var("filter",$filter); $t->set_var("cols",$cols); $t->pparse("out","addressbook_header"); // Show the entries for ($i=0;$iset_var(columns,""); $tr_color = $phpgw->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($tr_color); $t->set_var(row_tr_color,$tr_color); $myid = $entries[$i]["id"]; $myowner = $entries[$i]["owner"]; while ($column = each($columns_to_display)) { // each entry column $ref=$data=""; $coldata = $entries[$i][$column[0]]; // Some fields require special formatting. if ($column[0] == "url") { if ( !empty($coldata) && (substr($coldata,0,7) != 'http://') ) { $coldata = 'http://' . $coldata; } $ref=''; $data=$coldata.''; } elseif ( ($column[0] == "email") || ($column[0] == "email_home") ) { if ($phpgw_info["user"]["apps"]["email"]) { $ref=''; } else { $ref=''; } $data=$coldata.""; } else { // But these do not $ref=""; $data=$coldata; } $t->set_var(col_data,$ref.$data); $t->parse("columns","column",True); } if (1) { $t->set_var(row_view_link,$phpgw->link("/addressbook/view.php","ab_id=$myid&start=$start&order=$order&filter=" . "$filter&query=$query&sort=$sort")); } else { $t->set_var(row_view_link,""); $t->set_var("lang_view",lang("Private")); } $t->set_var(row_vcard_link,$phpgw->link("/addressbook/vcardout.php","ab_id=$myid&start=$start&order=$order&filter=" . "$filter&query=$query&sort=$sort")); if ($rights & PHPGW_ACL_EDIT) { $t->set_var(row_edit_link,$phpgw->link("/addressbook/edit.php","ab_id=$myid&start=$start&sort=$sort&order=$order" . "&query=$query&sort=$sort")); } else { $t->set_var(row_edit_link,''); } $t->set_var(row_owner,$phpgw->accounts->id2name($myowner)); $t->parse("rows","row",True); $t->pparse("out","row"); reset($columns_to_display); // If we don't reset it, our inside while won't loop } $t->pparse("out","addressbook_footer"); $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>