* @package api * @subpackage contacts * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ namespace EGroupware\Api\Contacts; use EGroupware\Api; // explicitly reference classes still in phpgwapi use accounts_ads; /** * Active directory backend for accounts (not yet AD contacts) * * We use ADS string representation of objectGUID as contact ID and UID. * * Unfortunatly Samba4 and active directory of win2008r2 differn on how to search for an objectGUID: * - Samba4 can only search for string representation eg. (objectGUID=2336A3FC-EDBD-42A2-9EEB-BD7A5DD2804E) * - win2008r2 can only search for hex representation eg. (objectGUID=\FC\A3\36\23\BD\ED\A2\42\9E\EB\BD\7A\5D\D2\80\4E) * We could use both filters or-ed together, for now we detect Samba4 and use string GUID for it. * * All values used to construct filters need to run through ldap::quote(), * to be save against LDAP query injection!!! */ class Ads extends Ldap { /** * LDAP searches only a limited set of attributes for performance reasons, * you NEED an index for that columns, ToDo: make it configurable * minimum: $this->columns_to_search = array('n_family','n_given','org_name','email'); */ var $search_attributes = array( 'n_family','n_middle','n_given','org_name','org_unit', 'adr_one_location','note','email','samaccountname', ); /** * Filter used for accounts addressbook * @var string */ var $accountsFilter = '(objectCategory=person)'; /** * Attribute used for DN * * @var string */ var $dn_attribute='cn'; /** * Do NOT attempt to change DN (dn-attribute can NOT be part of schemas used in addressbook!) * * Set here to true, as accounts can be stored in different containers and CN is not used as n_fn (displayName is) * * @var boolean */ var $never_change_dn = true; /** * Accounts ADS object * * @var accounts_ads */ protected $accounts_ads; /** * ADS is Samba4 (true), otherwise false * * @var boolean */ public $is_samba4 = false; /** * constructor of the class * * @param array $ldap_config =null default use from $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server'] * @param resource $ds =null ldap connection to use */ function __construct(array $ldap_config=null, $ds=null) { if (false) parent::__construct (); // quiten IDE warning, we are explicitly NOT calling parrent constructor! $this->accountName = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid']; if ($ldap_config) { $this->ldap_config = $ldap_config; } else { $this->ldap_config =& $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']; } $this->accounts_ads = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->backend; //$this->personalContactsDN = 'ou=personal,ou=contacts,'. $this->ldap_config['ldap_contact_context']; //$this->sharedContactsDN = 'ou=shared,ou=contacts,'. $this->ldap_config['ldap_contact_context']; $this->allContactsDN = $this->accountContactsDN = $this->accounts_ads->ads_context(); if ($ds) { $this->ds = $ds; } else { $this->connect(); } $this->ldapServerInfo = Api\Ldap\ServerInfo::get($this->ds, $this->ldap_config['ads_host']); $this->is_samba4 = $this->ldapServerInfo->serverType == Api\Ldap\ServerInfo::SAMBA4; // AD seems to use user, instead of inetOrgPerson unset($this->schema2egw['posixaccount']); $this->schema2egw['user'] = array_merge($this->schema2egw['inetorgperson'], array( 'account_id' => 'objectsid', 'id' => 'objectguid', 'uid' => 'objectguid', 'n_fn' => 'displayname', // leave CN used in DN untouched 'accountexpires', 'useraccountcontrol', // needed to exclude deactivated or expired accounts )); unset($this->schema2egw['user']['n_fileas']); unset($this->schema2egw['inetorgperson']); foreach($this->schema2egw as $attributes) { $this->all_attributes = array_merge($this->all_attributes,array_values($attributes)); } $this->all_attributes = array_values(array_unique($this->all_attributes)); $this->charset = Api\Translation::charset(); } /** * connect to LDAP server * * @param boolean $admin =false true (re-)connect with admin not user credentials, eg. to modify accounts */ function connect($admin=false) { unset($admin); // not used, but required by function signature $this->ds = $this->accounts_ads->ldap_connection(); } /** * Return LDAP filter for contact id * * @param string $contact_id * @return string */ protected function id_filter($contact_id) { // check that GUID eg. from URL contains only valid hex characters and dash // we cant use ldap::quote() for win2008r2 hex GUID, as it contains backslashes if (!preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f-]+/', $contact_id)) { throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed("'$contact_id' is NOT a valid GUID!"); } // samba4 can only search by string representation of objectGUID, while win2008r2 requires hex representation return '(objectguid='.($this->is_samba4 ? $contact_id : $this->accounts_ads->objectguid2hex($contact_id)).')'; } /** * reads contact data * * @param string/array $_contact_id contact_id or array with values for id or account_id * @return array/boolean data if row could be retrived else False */ function read($_contact_id) { if (is_array($_contact_id) && isset($_contact_id['account_id']) || !is_array($_contact_id) && substr($_contact_id,0,8) == 'account:') { $account_id = (int)(is_array($_contact_id) ? $_contact_id['account_id'] : substr($_contact_id,8)); $_contact_id = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($account_id, 'person_id'); } $contact_id = !is_array($_contact_id) ? $_contact_id : (isset ($_contact_id['id']) ? $_contact_id['id'] : $_contact_id['uid']); $rows = $this->_searchLDAP($this->allContactsDN, $filter=$this->id_filter($contact_id), $this->all_attributes, Ldap::ALL); //error_log(__METHOD__."('$contact_id') _searchLDAP($this->allContactsDN, '$filter',...)=".array2string($rows)); return $rows ? $rows[0] : false; } /** * Special handling for mapping data of ADA user objectclass to eGW contact * * Please note: all regular fields are already copied! * * @internal * @param array &$contact already copied fields according to the mapping * @param array $data eGW contact data */ function _user2egw(&$contact, $data) { $contact['account_id'] = $this->accounts_ads->objectsid2account_id($data['objectsid']); $contact['id'] = $contact['uid'] = $this->accounts_ads->objectguid2str($data['objectguid']); // ignore system accounts if ($contact['account_id'] < accounts_ads::MIN_ACCOUNT_ID) return false; // ignore deactivated or expired accounts if (!$this->accounts_ads->user_active($data)) return false; $this->_inetorgperson2egw($contact, $data, 'displayname'); } /** * Remove attributes we are not allowed to update * * @param array $attributes */ function sanitize_update(array &$ldapContact) { // not allowed and not need to update these in AD unset($ldapContact['objectguid']); unset($ldapContact['objectsid']); parent::sanitize_update($ldapContact); } }