# EGroupware | Status | Composer | | ------ | -------- | | [](https://travis-ci.org/EGroupware/egroupware) | [](https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/57527deb7757a00041b3a25e) | ### Default and prefered installation method for EGroupware is via your package manager: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=server%3AeGroupWare&package=egroupware-epl ### Installing EGroupware 16.1 from github: * cd /path/to/your/docroot * git clone -b 16.1 https://github.com/EGroupware/egroupware.git # or git@github.com:EGroupware/egroupware.git for ssh * cd egroupware * # install composer.phar from https://getcomposer.org/download/ * # install myrepos (mr) from https://myrepos.branchable.com/ or your distribution package manager * # add a line /path/to/egroupware/.mrconfig to your ~/.mrtrust, to allow running composer.phar and git clone -b 16.1 * mr up * # enable further / non-default EGroupware apps by uncommenting them in .mrconfig and run mr up * # continue installation at http://localhost/egroupware/setup/ * # to get minified JavaScript and CSS you need to install nodejs and grunt, if you have not already done so * # install nodejs from your distribution package manager * npm install -g grunt-cli # installs grunt command globally, if you have not already done so * npm install # installs required npm/grunt modules into node_modules/ dir * # run grunt manually after every update, or better uncomment grunt steps in .mrconfig ### Switching to stable 16.1 branch from 14.x or master for d in . * activesync/vendor/z-push/z-push api/src/Db/ADOdb ; do [ -d $d/.git ] && (echo $d; cd $d; git checkout 16.1); done