
"; $a= Lens_ParseArgs($str); print "
print "
"; } //Lens_ParseTest(); /** Parse arguments, treat "text" (text) and 'text' as quotation marks. To escape, use "" or '' or )) @param endstmtchar Character that indicates end of statement @param tokenchars Include the following characters in tokens apart from A-Z and 0-9 @returns 2 dimensional array containing parsed tokens. */ function Lens_ParseArgs($args,$endstmtchar=',',$tokenchars='_.-') { $pos = 0; $intoken = false; $stmtno = 0; $endquote = false; $tokens = array(); $tokens[$stmtno] = array(); $max = strlen($args); $quoted = false; while ($pos < $max) { $ch = substr($args,$pos,1); switch($ch) { case ' ': case "\t": case "\n": case "\r": if (!$quoted) { if ($intoken) { $intoken = false; $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr); } break; } $tokarr[] = $ch; break; case '(': case ')': case '"': case "'": if ($intoken) { if (empty($endquote)) { $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr); if ($ch == '(') $endquote = ')'; else $endquote = $ch; $quoted = true; $intoken = true; $tokarr = array(); } else if ($endquote == $ch) { $ch2 = substr($args,$pos+1,1); if ($ch2 == $endquote) { $pos += 1; $tokarr[] = $ch2; } else { $quoted = false; $intoken = false; $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr); $endquote = ''; } } else $tokarr[] = $ch; }else { if ($ch == '(') $endquote = ')'; else $endquote = $ch; $quoted = true; $intoken = true; $tokarr = array(); } break; default: if (!$intoken) { if ($ch == $endstmtchar) { $stmtno += 1; $tokens[$stmtno] = array(); break; } $intoken = true; $quoted = false; $endquote = false; $tokarr = array(); } if ($quoted) $tokarr[] = $ch; else if (ctype_alnum($ch) || strpos($tokenchars,$ch) !== false) $tokarr[] = $ch; else { if ($ch == $endstmtchar) { $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr); $stmtno += 1; $tokens[$stmtno] = array(); $intoken = false; $tokarr = array(); break; } $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr); $tokens[$stmtno][] = $ch; $intoken = false; } } $pos += 1; } return $tokens; } class ADODB_DataDict { var $connection; var $debug = false; var $dropTable = "DROP TABLE %s"; var $addCol = ' ADD'; var $alterCol = ' ALTER COLUMN'; var $dropCol = ' DROP COLUMN'; var $schema = false; var $serverInfo = array(); var $autoIncrement = false; var $dataProvider; var $blobSize = 100; /// any varchar/char field this size or greater is treated as a blob /// in other words, we use a text area for editting. function GetCommentSQL($table,$col) { return false; } function SetCommentSQL($table,$col,$cmt) { return false; } function &MetaTables() { return $this->connection->MetaTables(); } function &MetaColumns($tab) { return $this->connection->MetaColumns($tab); } function &MetaPrimaryKeys($tab,$owner=false,$intkey=false) { return $this->connection->MetaPrimaryKeys($tab.$owner,$intkey); } function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false) { return ADORecordSet::MetaType($t,$len,$fieldobj); } // Executes the sql array returned by GetTableSQL and GetIndexSQL function ExecuteSQLArray($sql, $continueOnError = true) { $rez = 2; $conn = &$this->connection; $saved = $conn->debug; foreach($sql as $line) { if ($this->debug) $conn->debug = true; $ok = $conn->Execute($line); $conn->debug = $saved; if (!$ok) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp($conn->ErrorMsg()); if (!$continueOnError) return 0; $rez = 1; } } return 2; } /* Returns the actual type given a character code. C: varchar X: CLOB (character large object) or largest varchar size if CLOB is not supported C2: Multibyte varchar X2: Multibyte CLOB B: BLOB (binary large object) D: Date T: Date-time L: Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1) I: Integer F: Floating point number N: Numeric or decimal number */ function ActualType($meta) { return $meta; } function CreateDatabase($dbname,$options=false) { $options = $this->_Options($options); $s = 'CREATE DATABASE '.$dbname; if (isset($options[$this->upperName])) $s .= ' '.$options[$this->upperName]; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } /* Generates the SQL to create index. Returns an array of sql strings. */ function CreateIndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions = false) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; return $this->_IndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $this->_Options($idxoptions)); } function SetSchema($schema) { $this->schema = $schema; } function AddColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; $sql = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); foreach($lines as $v) { $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->addCol $v"; } return $sql; } function AlterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; $sql = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); foreach($lines as $v) { $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->alterCol $v"; } return $sql; } function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; if (!is_array($flds)) $flds = explode(',',$flds); $sql = array(); foreach($flds as $v) { $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->dropCol $v"; } return $sql; } function DropTableSQL($tabname) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; $sql[] = sprintf($this->dropTable,$tabname); return $sql; } /* Generate the SQL to create table. Returns an array of sql strings. */ function CreateTableSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableoptions=false) { if (!$tableoptions) $tableoptions = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); $taboptions = $this->_Options($tableoptions); if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tabname; $sql = $this->_TableSQL($tabname,$lines,$pkey,$taboptions); $tsql = $this->_Triggers($tabname,$taboptions); foreach($tsql as $s) $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } function _GenFields($flds) { if (is_string($flds)) { $padding = ' '; $txt = $flds.$padding; $flds = array(); $flds0 = Lens_ParseArgs($txt,','); $hasparam = false; foreach($flds0 as $f0) { $f1 = array(); foreach($f0 as $token) { switch (strtoupper($token)) { case 'CONSTRAINT': case 'DEFAULT': $hasparam = $token; break; default: if ($hasparam) $f1[$hasparam] = $token; else $f1[] = $token; $hasparam = false; break; } } $flds[] = $f1; } } $this->autoIncrement = false; $lines = array(); $pkey = array(); foreach($flds as $fld) { $fld = _array_change_key_case($fld); $fname = false; $fdefault = false; $fautoinc = false; $ftype = false; $fsize = false; $fprec = false; $fprimary = false; $fnoquote = false; $fdefts = false; $fdefdate = false; $fconstraint = false; $fnotnull = false; $funsigned = false; //----------------- // Parse attributes foreach($fld as $attr => $v) { if ($attr == 2 && is_numeric($v)) $attr = 'SIZE'; else if (is_numeric($attr) && $attr > 1 && !is_numeric($v)) $attr = strtoupper($v); switch($attr) { case '0': case 'NAME': $fname = $v; break; case '1': case 'TYPE': $ty = $v; $ftype = $this->ActualType(strtoupper($v)); break; case 'SIZE': $dotat = strpos($v,'.'); if ($dotat === false) $fsize = $v; else { $fsize = substr($v,0,$dotat); $fprec = substr($v,$dotat+1); } break; case 'UNSIGNED': $funsigned = true; break; case 'AUTOINCREMENT': case 'AUTO': $fautoinc = true; $fnotnull = true; break; case 'KEY': case 'PRIMARY': $fprimary = $v; $fnotnull = true; break; case 'DEF': case 'DEFAULT': $fdefault = $v; break; case 'NOTNULL': $fnotnull = $v; break; case 'NOQUOTE': $fnoquote = $v; break; case 'DEFDATE': $fdefdate = $v; break; case 'DEFTIMESTAMP': $fdefts = $v; break; case 'CONSTRAINT': $fconstraint = $v; break; } //switch } // foreach $fld //-------------------- // VALIDATE FIELD INFO if (!strlen($fname)) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Undefined NAME"); return false; } if (!strlen($ftype)) { if ($this->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Undefined TYPE for field '$fname'"); return false; } else { $ftype = strtoupper($ftype); } $ftype = $this->_GetSize($ftype, $ty, $fsize, $fprec); if ($ty == 'X' || $ty == 'X2' || $ty == 'B') $fnotnull = false; // some blob types do not accept nulls if ($fprimary) $pkey[] = $fname; // some databases do not allow blobs to have defaults if ($ty == 'X') $fdefault = false; //-------------------- // CONSTRUCT FIELD SQL if ($fdefts) { if (substr($this->connection->databaseType,0,5) == 'mysql') { $ftype = 'TIMESTAMP'; } else { $fdefault = $this->connection->sysTimeStamp; } } else if ($fdefdate) { if (substr($this->connection->databaseType,0,5) == 'mysql') { $ftype = 'TIMESTAMP'; } else { $fdefault = $this->connection->sysDate; } } else if (strlen($fdefault) && !$fnoquote) if ($ty == 'C' or $ty == 'X' or ( substr($fdefault,0,1) != "'" && !is_numeric($fdefault))) if (strlen($fdefault) != 1 && substr($fdefault,0,1) == ' ' && substr($fdefault,strlen($fdefault)-1) == ' ') $fdefault = trim($fdefault); else if (strtolower($fdefault) != 'null') $fdefault = $this->connection->qstr($fdefault); $suffix = $this->_CreateSuffix($fname,$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint,$funsigned); $fname = str_pad($fname,16); $lines[] = "$fname $ftype$suffix"; if ($fautoinc) $this->autoIncrement = true; } // foreach $flds return array($lines,$pkey); } /* GENERATE THE SIZE PART OF THE DATATYPE $ftype is the actual type $ty is the type defined originally in the DDL */ function _GetSize($ftype, $ty, $fsize, $fprec) { if (strlen($fsize) && $ty != 'X' && $ty != 'B' && strpos($ftype,'(') === false) { $ftype .= "(".$fsize; if ($fprec) $ftype .= ",".$fprec; $ftype .= ')'; } return $ftype; } // return string must begin with space function _CreateSuffix($fname,$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint) { $suffix = ''; if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault"; if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL'; if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint; return $suffix; } function _IndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions) { if (isset($idxoptions['REPLACE'])) $sql[] = "DROP INDEX $idxname"; if (isset($idxoptions['UNIQUE'])) $unique = ' UNIQUE'; else $unique = ''; if (is_array($flds)) $flds = implode(', ',$flds); $s = "CREATE$unique INDEX $idxname ON $tabname "; if (isset($idxoptions[$this->upperName])) $s .= $idxoptions[$this->upperName]; $s .= "($flds)"; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } function _DropAutoIncrement($tabname) { return false; } function _TableSQL($tabname,$lines,$pkey,$tableoptions) { $sql = array(); if (isset($tableoptions['REPLACE'])) { $sql[] = sprintf($this->dropTable,$tabname); if ($this->autoIncrement) { $sInc = $this->_DropAutoIncrement($tabname); if ($sInc) $sql[] = $sInc; } } $s = "CREATE TABLE $tabname (\n"; $s .= implode(",\n", $lines); if (sizeof($pkey)>0) { $s .= ",\n PRIMARY KEY ("; $s .= implode(", ",$pkey).")"; } if (isset($tableoptions['CONSTRAINTS'])) $s .= "\n".$tableoptions['CONSTRAINTS']; if (isset($tableoptions[$this->upperName.'_CONSTRAINTS'])) $s .= "\n".$tableoptions[$this->upperName.'_CONSTRAINTS']; $s .= "\n)"; if (isset($tableoptions[$this->upperName])) $s .= $tableoptions[$this->upperName]; $sql[] = $s; return $sql; } /* GENERATE TRIGGERS IF NEEDED used when table has auto-incrementing field that is emulated using triggers */ function _Triggers($tabname,$taboptions) { return array(); } /* Sanitize options, so that array elements with no keys are promoted to keys */ function _Options($opts) { if (!is_array($opts)) return array(); $newopts = array(); foreach($opts as $k => $v) { if (is_numeric($k)) $newopts[strtoupper($v)] = $v; else $newopts[strtoupper($k)] = $v; } return $newopts; } /* "Florian Buzin [ easywe ]" This function changes/adds new fields to your table. You dont have to know if the col is new or not. It will check on its own. */ function ChangeTableSQL($tablename, $flds,$tableoptions=false) { if ($this->schema) $tabname = $this->schema.'.'.$tablename; else $tabname = $tablename; $conn = &$this->connection; if (!$conn) return false; $colarr = &$conn->MetaColumns($tabname); if (!$colarr) return $this->CreateTableSQL($tablename,$flds,$tableoptions); foreach($colarr as $col) $cols[strtoupper($col->name)] = " ALTER "; $sql = array(); list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds); foreach($lines as $v) { $f = explode(" ",$v); if(!empty($cols[strtoupper($f[0])])){ $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->alterCol $v"; }else{ $sql[] = "ALTER TABLE $tabname $this->addCol $v"; } } return $sql; } } // class ?>