%1 %2 in %3 calendar hr %1 %2 u %3 %1 hours calendar hr %1 sati %1 records imported calendar hr Podataka %1 uneseno %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar hr %1 podataka pročitano (još nije uneseno, možete se vratiti i deselektirati testno unošenje) accept calendar hr Prihvati accepted calendar hr Prihvaćeno action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar hr Akcija čija je posljedica poruka: Dodano, Prekinuto, Primljeno, Odbijeno, ... actions calendar hr Akcije add alarm calendar hr Dodaj alarm added calendar hr Dodano alarm calendar hr Alarm alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar hr Alarm za %1 pri %2 u %3 alarm management calendar hr Upravljanje alarmom alarms calendar hr Alarmi all day calendar hr Cijeli dan are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovu zemlju? are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj praznik? before the event calendar hr prije obveze birthday calendar hr Datum Rođenja birthdays admin hr Rođendani calendar event calendar hr Kalendarska obveza calendar holiday management admin hr Upravljanje kalendarskim praznicima calendar preferences calendar hr Postavke kalendara calendar settings admin hr Postavke kalendara calendar-fieldname calendar hr Kalendar - Ime polja canceled calendar hr Otkazano charset of file calendar hr Kodna straioca datoteke countries calendar hr Zemlje country calendar hr Zemlja create new links calendar hr Create new links created calendar hr Napravljeno csv-fieldname calendar hr CSV-Ime polja csv-filename calendar hr CSV-Ime datoteke custom calendar hr Proizvoljno custom fields common hr Proizvoljna polja daily calendar hr Dnevno day calendar hr Dan days calendar hr dana days repeated calendar hr dana ponavljano dayview calendar hr Dnevni pregled default appointment length (in minutes) calendar hr Početno vrijeme obveze (u minutama) default calendar filter calendar hr Početna vrijednost kalendarskog filtra default calendar view calendar hr Početni izgled kalendara default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar hr Početno postavljeno trajanje novostvorenih obveza. Trajanje je u minutama, tj. 60 za 1 sat delete series calendar hr Obriši serije deleted calendar hr Obrisano display status of events calendar hr Prikaži status obveza do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you are not notified about changes you made yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all notifications listed above. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get participant responses like acceptions or rejections too. calendar hr Da li želite biti obaviješteni o novim ili promijenjenim obvezama? Biti će te obaviješteni o promijenama kada ih sami napravite.
Obavijesti možete ograničiti na samo o određene promjene. Svaka obavijest uključuje događaje nabrojene gore. Sve promjene uključuju promjene naslova, opisa, sudionika, ali ne i odgovor sudionika. Ukoliko je vlasnik obveze zahtijevao neku obavijest, uvijek će dobiti sudionikov odgovor poput prihvata ali i odbijanja. do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar hr Da li želite biti obaviješteni o novim ili promijenjenim obvezama? Biti će te obaviješteni o promijenama kada ih sami napravite.
Obavijesti možete ograničiti na samo o određene promjene. Svaka obavijest uključuje događaje nabrojene gore. Sve promjene uključuju promjene naslova, opisa, sudionika, ali ne i odgovor sudionika. Ukoliko je vlasnik obveze zahtijevao neku obavijest, uvijek će dobiti sudionikov odgovor poput prihvata ali i odbijanja. do you want to receive a regularly summary of your appointments via email?
the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.
it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar hr Da li želite primati redoviti sažetak vaših obveza na vaš e-mail?
Sažetak će biti poslan na vašu e-mail adresu ujutro toga dana ili u ponedjeljak za tjedne sažetke.
Sažetak će biti poslan samo ako imate obvezu taj dan ili tjedan. do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin hr Da li želite dinamičko automatizirano punjenje datoteka za praznike? download calendar hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja duration calendar hr Trajanje edit series calendar hr Uredi serije empty for all calendar hr isprazni za sve end date/time calendar hr Datum/Vrijeme kraja enddate calendar hr Datum kraja ends calendar hr Završava event details follow calendar hr Slijede detalji obveze exceptions calendar hr Iznimke existing links calendar hr Existing links extended calendar hr Produži extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar hr Prošireni updates uvijek uključuju potpune detalje o obvezama. iCal-ove datoteke mogu uvezesti i određene kalendarske aplikacije. fieldseparator calendar hr Razmaknica polja filemanager calendar hr Filemanager firstname of person to notify calendar hr Ime osobe za obavijestiti format of event updates calendar hr Ažuriranje formata ili događaja freebusy: unknown user '%1', wrong password or not available to not logged in users !!! calendar hr Obveze: Nepoznat korisnik '%1', pogrešna zaporka ili nije dostupno neprijavljenim korisnicima !!! fri calendar hr Pet full description calendar hr Puni opis fullname of person to notify calendar hr Puno ime osobe za obavijestiti global categories calendar hr Globalne kategorije global public and group public calendar hr Global Public and group public global public only calendar hr Samo javno globalno group planner calendar hr Grupni planer group public only calendar hr Samo javna grupa here is your requested alarm. calendar hr Ovo je vaš zahtijevani alarm high priority calendar hr Visoki prioritet history calendar hr povijest holiday calendar hr Praznik holiday management calendar hr Upravljanje praznicima holidays calendar hr Praznici hours calendar hr sati ical / rfc2445 calendar hr iCal / rfc2445 if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar hr ukoliko izabrani, praznici koji padaju na subotu ili nedjelju, primjenjuju se na slijedeći ponedjeljak. ignore conflict calendar hr Zanemari sukob import calendar hr Uvezi import csv-file common hr Uvezi CSV-File interval calendar hr Interval last calendar hr poslijednji last changed calendar hr Zadnja promjena lastname of person to notify calendar hr Prezime osobe za obavijestiti link to view the event calendar hr Link to view the event links calendar hr Links location calendar hr Lokacija location to autoload from admin hr Lokacija za automatsko unošenje forme minutes calendar hr minuta modified calendar hr Promijenjeno mon calendar hr Pon month calendar hr Mjesec monthly calendar hr Mjesečno monthly (by date) calendar hr Mjesečno (po datumima) monthly (by day) calendar hr Mjesečno (po danima) monthview calendar hr Mjesečni pregled new calendar hr New no filter calendar hr Nema filtera no matches found calendar hr Nemogu naći podudarnosti no response calendar hr Nema odgovora not calendar hr ne notification messages for added events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o dodanim obvezama notification messages for canceled events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o otkazanim obvezama notification messages for modified events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o promijenjenim obvezama notification messages for your alarms calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim alarmima notification messages for your responses calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim odgovorima number of records to read (%1) calendar hr Broj zapisa za pročitati (%1) observance rule calendar hr Pravilo nadgledanja occurence calendar hr Učestalost old startdate calendar hr Stari datum početka olddate calendar hr Stari datum on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar hr On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 on all modification, but responses calendar hr Za sve promjene, ali i odgovore on any time change too calendar hr Za bilo koju promjenu vremena on invitation / cancellation only calendar hr Samo za poziv / otkaz on participant responses too calendar hr Prlikomi odgovora sudionika on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar hr Prlikomi promjeei vremena više od 4 sata one month calendar hr one month one week calendar hr one week open todo's: calendar hr Open To Do Items: overlap holiday calendar hr overlap holiday participants calendar hr Sudionici password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar hr Zaporka za neprijavljene korisnike za vaše informacije o obvezama? people holiday calendar hr državni praznik permission denied calendar hr Uskraćena dozvola planner by category calendar hr Planer po kategoriji planner by user calendar hr Planer po korisniku preselected group for entering the planner calendar hr Predizabrana grupa za unos planera previous calendar hr Prijašnja private and global public calendar hr Private and Global Public private and group public calendar hr Private and Group Public private only calendar hr Samo privatno re-edit event calendar hr Ponovo uredi obvezu receive email updates calendar hr Receive email updates receive summary of appointments calendar hr Primi sažetak obveza recurring event calendar hr ponavljajuća obveza rejected calendar hr Odbijeno repeat type calendar hr Tip ponavljanja repeating event information calendar hr Informacije o ponavljajućoj obvezi repetition calendar hr Ponavljanje repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar hr Detalji ponavljanja (ili prazno) reset calendar hr Postavi ponovo rule calendar hr Pravilo sat calendar hr Sub scheduling conflict calendar hr Sukob u rasporedu set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar hr Set a Year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. set new events to private calendar hr Postavi nove događaju u privatno should new events created as private by default ? calendar hr Trebaju li se nove obvezei postaviti kao privatne? should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brackets after each participants name ? calendar hr Da li bi se status sudionika obveze (prihvaćen, odbijen, ...) trebao prikazati nakon imena sudionika u zagradama? show list of upcoming events calendar hr Prikaži listu dolazećih obvezama single event calendar hr jedna obveza start date/time calendar hr Datum/vrijeme početka startdate calendar hr Datum početka startrecord calendar hr Početak zapisa submit to repository calendar hr Submit to Repository sun calendar hr Ned tentative calendar hr Probni test import (show importable records only in browser) calendar hr Test Import (show importable records only in browser) this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar hr Ovaj dan je prikazan kao prvi dan u tjednu u mjesečnom pregledu. this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar hr Ovdje određujete kraj vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze koje su poslije ovog vremena prikazane su ispod vašeg dnevnog pregleda. this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.
this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar hr Ovdje određujete početak vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze prije ovog vremena su prikazane iznad vašeg dnevnog pregleda.
Ovo vrijeme se također koristi kao početna vrijednost početka novih obveza. this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar hr Ova grupa je predizabrana kada uđete u planer. Možete je promijeniti u planeru kad god hoćete. this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za otkazane ili obrisane obveze. this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za promijenjene ili pomaknute obveze. this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.
you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana svim sudionicima u obvezama koje posjedujete, a koji zahtijevaju poruku o novim događajima.
Možete upotrijebiti određene varijable koje su zamijenjene sa podacima o obvezi. Prva linija je tema e-mail poruke. this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada prihvatite, probno prihvatite ili odbijete neku obvezu. this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada postavite alarm za određene obveze. Uključite sve informacije koje bi mogli zatrebati. thu calendar hr Čet title of the event calendar hr Ime obveze to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar hr to many might exceed your execution-time-limit to-firstname calendar hr Prema - Imenu to-fullname calendar hr Prema - Imenu i prezimenu to-lastname calendar hr Prema - Prezimenu translation calendar hr Prijevod tue calendar hr Uto two weeks calendar hr two weeks updated calendar hr Updated use end date calendar hr Upotrijebi krajnji datum wed calendar hr Sri week calendar hr Tjedan weekday starts on calendar hr Početak radnog tjedna weekly calendar hr Tjedno weekview calendar hr Tjedni pregled work day ends on calendar hr Radni dan završava u work day starts on calendar hr Radni dan počinje u yearly calendar hr Godišnje yearview calendar hr Godišnji pregled you can either set a year or a occurrence, not both !!! calendar hr you can either set a year or a occurrence, not both !!! you can only set a year or a occurrence !!! calendar hr You can only set a year or a occurence !!! you do not have permission to read this record! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu čitanja ovog zapisa you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar hr Imate sastanak na rasporedu za %1 you need to set either a day or a occurrence !!! calendar hr You need to set either a day or a occurence !!! your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar hr Vaš sastanak na rasporedu za %1 je otkazan your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar hr Vaš sastanak zakazan za %1 je premiješten na %2