/** * EGroupware eTemplate2 - Readonly select WebComponent * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @link https://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray */ import {css, html, LitElement, TemplateResult} from "lit"; import {repeat} from "lit/directives/repeat.js"; import {et2_IDetachedDOM} from "../../et2_core_interfaces"; import {Et2Widget} from "../../Et2Widget/Et2Widget"; import {Et2StaticSelectMixin, StaticOptions, StaticOptions as so} from "../StaticOptions"; import {cleanSelectOptions, find_select_options, SelectOption} from "../FindSelectOptions"; import {SelectAccountMixin} from "../SelectAccountMixin"; /** * This is a stripped-down read-only widget used in nextmatch * (and other read-only usages) */ export class Et2SelectReadonly extends Et2Widget(LitElement) implements et2_IDetachedDOM { static get styles() { return [ ...super.styles, css` ul { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; } li { text-decoration: none; list-style-image: none; list-style-type: none; } ` ]; } static get properties() { return { ...super.properties, value: String, select_options: {type: Array}, searchUrl: String // Used for options from file } } private __select_options : SelectOption[]; private __value : string[]; private __fetchComplete : Promise<void> = null; constructor() { super(); this.type = ""; this.__select_options = <SelectOption[]>[]; this.__value = []; } public async getUpdateComplete() { if(this.__fetchComplete) { const response = await super.getUpdateComplete(); await this.__fetchComplete; return response; } else { return super.getUpdateComplete(); } } protected find_select_options(_attrs) { let sel_options = find_select_options(this, _attrs['select_options']); if(sel_options.length > 0) { this.select_options = sel_options; } // Cache options from file if(this.searchUrl && this.searchUrl.includes(".json") && this.__fetchComplete == null) { this.__fetchComplete = StaticOptions.cached_from_file(this, this.searchUrl) .then(options => { this.select_options = options; this.requestUpdate(); }); } } transformAttributes(_attrs) { /* TODO: Check with more / different nextmatch data to see if this becomes faster. Currently it's faster for the nextmatch to re-do transformAttributes() and find_select_options() on every row than it is to use widget.clone() // If there's no parent, there's a good chance we're in a nextmatch row so skip the transform if(!this.getParent()) { return; } */ super.transformAttributes(_attrs); this.find_select_options(_attrs) } /** * @deprecated assign to value * @param value */ set_value(value) { this.value = value; } /** * @deprecated use value * @param value */ get_value(value) { return this.value; } /** * @deprecated use value * @param value */ getValue(value) { return this.value; } getValueAsArray() { return (Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value : [this.value]); } set value(new_value : string | string[]) { // Split anything that is still a CSV if(typeof new_value == "string" && new_value.indexOf(",") > 0) { new_value = new_value.split(","); } // Wrap any single value into an array for consistent rendering if(typeof new_value == "string" || typeof new_value == "number") { new_value = ["" + new_value]; } let oldValue = this.__value; this.__value = new_value; this.requestUpdate("value", oldValue); } get value() { return this.__value; } /** * Set the select options * * @param {SelectOption[]} new_options */ set select_options(new_options : SelectOption[] | { [key : string] : string }) { if(!Array.isArray(new_options)) { let fixed_options : SelectOption[] = []; for(let key in new_options) { fixed_options.push(<SelectOption>{value: key, label: new_options[key]}); } console.warn(this.id + " passed a key => value map instead of array"); this.select_options = fixed_options; return; } this.__select_options = new_options; } /** * Set the select options * * @deprecated assign to select_options * @param new_options */ set_select_options(new_options : SelectOption[] | { [key : string] : string }) { this.select_options = new_options; } get select_options() : SelectOption[] | { [key : string] : string } { return this.__select_options; } render() { const value = this.getValueAsArray(); return html` <ul> ${repeat( this.getValueAsArray(), (val : string) => val, (val) => { let option = (<SelectOption[]>this.select_options).find(option => option.value == val); if(!option) { return ""; } return this._readonlyRender(option); })} </ul> `; } _readonlyRender(option : SelectOption) : TemplateResult { return html` <li>${this.noLang ? option.label : this.egw().lang(option.label + "")}</li> `; } getDetachedAttributes(attrs) { attrs.push("id", "value", "class", "statustext"); } getDetachedNodes() : HTMLElement[] { return [<HTMLElement><unknown>this]; } setDetachedAttributes(_nodes : HTMLElement[], _values : object, _data? : any) : void { for(let attr in _values) { this[attr] = _values[attr]; } } loadFromXML() { // nope } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select_ro", Et2SelectReadonly); export class Et2SelectAccountReadonly extends SelectAccountMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-account_ro", Et2SelectAccountReadonly); export class Et2SelectAppReadonly extends Et2StaticSelectMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.fetchComplete = so.app(this, _attrs).then((options) => { this.set_static_options(cleanSelectOptions(options)); }); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-app_ro", Et2SelectAppReadonly); export class Et2SelectBitwiseReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { /* Currently handled server side, we get an array render() { let new_value = []; let int_value = parseInt(this.value); for(let index in this.select_options) { let option = this.select_options[index]; let right = parseInt(option && option.value ? option.value : index); if(!!(int_value & right)) { new_value.push(right); } } return html` <ul> ${repeat(new_value, (val : string) => val, (val) => { let option = (<SelectOption[]>this.select_options).find(option => option.value == val); if(!option) { return ""; } return this._readonlyRender(option); })} </ul>`; } */ } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-bitwise_ro", Et2SelectBitwiseReadonly); export class Et2SelectBoolReadonly extends Et2StaticSelectMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.bool(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-bool_ro", Et2SelectBoolReadonly); export class Et2SelectCategoryReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { // Need to do this in find_select_options so attrs can be used to get proper options so.cat(this).then(_options => { this.select_options = _options; // on first load we have the value before the options arrive --> need to request an update if(this.value && (!Array.isArray(this.value) || this.value.length)) { this.requestUpdate('value'); } }); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-cat_ro", Et2SelectCategoryReadonly); export class Et2SelectPercentReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.select_options = so.percent(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-percent_ro", Et2SelectPercentReadonly); export class Et2SelectCountryReadonly extends Et2StaticSelectMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.fetchComplete = (<Promise<SelectOption[]>>so.country(this, _attrs, true)) .then((options) => {this.set_static_options(cleanSelectOptions(options));}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-country_ro", Et2SelectCountryReadonly); export class Et2SelectDayReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.day(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-day_ro", Et2SelectDayReadonly); export class Et2SelectDayOfWeekReadonly extends Et2StaticSelectMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { // Wait for connected instead of constructor because attributes make a difference in // which options are offered this.fetchComplete = so.dow(this, {other: this.other || []}).then(options => { this.set_static_options(cleanSelectOptions(options)); }); } getValueAsArray() { let expanded_value = []; let int_value = parseInt(this.value); let options = this.select_options; for(let index in options) { let right = parseInt(<string>options[index].value); if((int_value & right) == right) { expanded_value.push("" + right); } } return expanded_value; } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-dow_ro", Et2SelectDayOfWeekReadonly); export class Et2SelectHourReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.hour(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-hour_ro", Et2SelectHourReadonly); export class Et2SelectMonthReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.month(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-month_ro", Et2SelectMonthReadonly); export class Et2SelectNumberReadonly extends Et2StaticSelectMixin(Et2SelectReadonly) { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this._static_options = so.number(this, _attrs); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-number_ro", Et2SelectNumberReadonly); export class Et2SelectPriorityReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.priority(this); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-priority_ro", Et2SelectPriorityReadonly); export class Et2SelectStateReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.state(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-state_ro", Et2SelectStateReadonly); export class Et2SelectTimezoneReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.timezone(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-timezone_ro", Et2SelectTimezoneReadonly); export class Et2SelectYearReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.year(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-year_ro", Et2SelectYearReadonly); export class Et2SelectLangReadonly extends Et2SelectReadonly { protected find_select_options(_attrs) { this.select_options = so.lang(this, {other: this.other || []}); } } // @ts-ignore TypeScript is not recognizing that this widget is a LitElement customElements.define("et2-select-lang_ro", Et2SelectLangReadonly);