/** * EGroupware idots template javascript * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package phpgwapi * @subpackage idots * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * idots javascript */ egw_LAB.wait(function() { // add quick-add select box, but only if parent is present (not for login page!) var quick_add = document.getElementById('quick_add'); if (quick_add) egw.link_quick_add(quick_add); // Handle sliding menues of extra apps and sidebox var egw_script = document.getElementById('egw_script_id'); var mouseHandler = 'click'; if (egw_script) { var data_slide_out = egw_script.getAttribute('data-slide-out'); mouseHandler = data_slide_out == 'mouseover'?'mouseover':'click'; } var extra_icons_show = jQuery('#extra_icons_show'); if (extra_icons_show.length) { var menu1Container = jQuery('#menu1Container') .width(180) .offset({top:extra_icons_show.offset().top+extra_icons_show.height()}); //Click handler for extra apps menu extra_icons_show.on(mouseHandler,function (event){ var extraIcon = event; $j('html').on(mouseHandler,function(event) { if ($j(event.target).parents('#menu1Container').length==0 && event.target !== extraIcon.target) { menu1Container.slideUp(); $j(this).unbind(event); } }); menu1Container.slideToggle(); } ); } var menu2show = jQuery('#menu2show'); var menu2Container = jQuery('#menu2Container'); // Click handler for sidebox menu menu2show.on(mouseHandler,function (event){ var m2showIcon = event; var options = { direction: "left" }; $j('html').on('click',function(event) { if (event.target !== m2showIcon.target) { menu2Container.toggle('slide',options); $j(this).unbind(event); } }); menu2Container.toggle("slide",options); } ); /** * Initialisation, when DOM is ready */ $j(function() { if (!egw(window).is_popup()) { // Installing resize handler for divAppbox and et2_container, as et2 otherwise can not correctly size nextmatch $j(window).resize(function(){ var appbox_height = $j(window).height()-$j('#topmenu').height()-$j('#divAppIconBar').height()- $j('#divStatusBar').height()-$j('#divAppboxHeader').height()-$j('#divPoweredBy').height()-20; //console.log('setting height of '+appbox_height); $j('#divAppbox').css('min-height', appbox_height+'px'); $j('.et2_container').height(appbox_height-7); }); $j(window).resize(); $j(window).load(function(){ // fixes sometimes not called resize, probably due to timing issues $j(window).resize(); }); } // allowing javascript urls in topmenu and sidebox only under CSP by binding click handlers to them var href_regexp = /^javascript:([^\(]+)\((.*)?\);?$/; jQuery('#topmenu_items,#thesideboxcolumn,#menu2Content').on('click','a[href^="javascript:"]',function(ev){ ev.stopPropagation(); // do NOT execute regular event, as it will violate CSP, when handler does NOT return false var matches = this.href.match(href_regexp); var args = []; if (matches.length > 1 && matches[2] !== undefined) { try { args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2]+']'); } catch(e) { // deal with '-encloded strings (JSON allows only ") args = JSON.parse('['+matches[2].replace(/','/g, '","').replace(/((^|,)'|'(,|$))/g, '$2"$3')+']'); } } args.unshift(matches[1]); et2_call.apply(this, args); return false; // IE11 seems to require this, ev.stopPropagation() does NOT stop link from being executed }); // make sidebox resizable with jQueryUI resizable jQuery('#thesideboxcolumn').resizable({handles: 'e', minWidth: 200, stop: function(event, ui){ egw.set_preference(egw_appName, 'idotssideboxwidth', ui.size.width); }}); jQuery('form[name^="tz_selection"]').children().on('change', function(){this.form.submit();}); }); });