* @copyright 2001 by Joseph Engo * @author Ralf Becker new DB-methods and search * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package api * @subpackage db * @access public * @version $Id$ */ /** * Record history logging service * * This class need to be instanciated for EACH app, which wishes to use it! */ class historylog { /** * Reference to the global db object * * @var egw_db */ var $db; const TABLE = 'egw_history_log'; /** * App.name this class is instanciated for / working on * * @var string */ var $appname; /** * offset in secconds between user and server-time, * it need to be add to a server-time to get the user-time or substracted from a user-time to get the server-time * * @var int */ var $tz_offset_s; var $user; var $template; var $nextmatchs; var $types = array( 'C' => 'Created', 'D' => 'Deleted', 'E' => 'Edited' ); var $alternate_handlers = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param string $appname app name this instance operates on * @return historylog */ function historylog($appname='',$user=null) { $this->appname = $appname ? $appname : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']; $this->user = !is_null($user) ? $user : $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_id']; if (is_object($GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db)) { $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw_setup']->db; } else { $this->db = $GLOBALS['egw']->db; } $this->tz_offset_s = $GLOBALS['egw']->datetime->tz_offset; } /** * Delete the history-log of one or multiple records of $this->appname * * @param int/array $record_id one or more id's of $this->appname, or null to delete ALL records of $this->appname * @return int number of deleted records/rows (0 is not necessaryly an error, it can just mean there's no record!) */ function delete($record_id) { $where = array('history_appname' => $this->appname); if (is_array($record_id) || is_numeric($record_id)) { $where['history_record_id'] = $record_id; } $this->db->delete(self::TABLE,$where,__LINE__,__FILE__); return $this->db->affected_rows(); } /** * Add a history record, if $new_value != $old_value * * @param string $status 2 letter code: eg. $this->types: C=Created, D=Deleted, E=Edited * @param int $record_id it of the record in $this->appname (set by the constructor) * @param string $new_value new value * @param string $old_value old value */ function add($status,$record_id,$new_value,$old_value) { if ($new_value != $old_value) { $this->db->insert(self::TABLE,array( 'history_record_id' => $record_id, 'history_appname' => $this->appname, 'history_owner' => $this->user, 'history_status' => $status, 'history_new_value' => $new_value, 'history_old_value' => $old_value, 'history_timestamp' => time(), 'sessionid' => $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid_access_log, ),false,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } /** * Static function to add a history record */ public static function static_add($appname, $id, $user, $field_code, $new_value, $old_value = '') { if ($new_value != $old_value) { $GLOBALS['egw']->db->insert(self::TABLE,array( 'history_record_id' => $id, 'history_appname' => $appname, 'history_owner' => (int)$user, 'history_status' => $field_code, 'history_new_value' => $new_value, 'history_old_value' => $old_value, 'history_timestamp' => time(), 'sessionid' => $GLOBALS['egw']->session->sessionid_access_log, ),false,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } /** * Search history-log * * @param array/int $filter array with filters, or int record_id * @param string $order='history_id' sorting after history_id is identical to history_timestamp * @param string $sort='DESC' * @param int $limit=null only return this many entries * @return array of arrays with keys id, record_id, appname, owner (account_id), status, new_value, old_value, * timestamp (Y-m-d H:i:s in servertime), user_ts (timestamp in user-time) */ function search($filter,$order='history_id',$sort='DESC',$limit=null) { if (!is_array($filter)) $filter = is_numeric($filter) ? array('history_record_id' => $filter) : array(); if (!$order || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i',$order) || !preg_match('/^(asc|desc)?$/i',$sort)) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY history_id DESC'; } else { $orderby = "ORDER BY $order $sort"; } foreach($filter as $col => $value) { if (!is_numeric($col) && substr($col,0,8) != 'history_') { $filter['history_'.$col] = $value; unset($filter[$col]); } } if (!isset($filter['history_appname'])) $filter['history_appname'] = $this->appname; // do not try to read all history entries of an app if (!$filter['history_record_id']) return array(); $rows = array(); foreach($this->db->select(self::TABLE, '*', $filter, __LINE__, __FILE__, isset($limit) ? 0 : false, $orderby, 'phpgwapi', $limit) as $row) { $row['user_ts'] = $this->db->from_timestamp($row['history_timestamp']) + 3600 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']; $rows[] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'history_'); } return $rows; } /** * Get a slice of history records * * Similar to search(), except this one can take a start and a number of records */ public static function get_rows(&$query, &$rows) { $filter = array(); $rows = array(); $filter['history_appname'] = $query['appname']; $filter['history_record_id'] = $query['record_id']; if(is_array($query['colfilter'])) { foreach($query['colfilter'] as $column => $value) { $filter[$column] = $value; } } if ($GLOBALS['egw']->db->Type == 'mysql' && $GLOBALS['egw']->db->ServerInfo['version'] >= 4.0) { $mysql_calc_rows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '; } else { $total = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->select(self::TABLE,'COUNT(*)',$filter,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,'','phpgwapi',0)->fetchColumn(); } $_query = array(array( 'table' => self::TABLE, 'cols' => array('history_id', 'history_record_id','history_appname','history_owner','history_status','history_new_value', 'history_timestamp','history_old_value'), 'where' => $filter, )); // Add in files, if possible if($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['apps']['filemanager'] && $file = sqlfs_stream_wrapper::url_stat("/apps/{$query['appname']}/{$query['record_id']}",STREAM_URL_STAT_LINK)) { $_query[] = array( 'table' => sqlfs_stream_wrapper::TABLE, 'cols' =>array('fs_id', 'fs_dir', '"filemanager"','COALESCE(fs_modifier,fs_creator)','"~file~"','fs_name','fs_modified', '""'), 'where' => array('fs_dir' => $file['ino']) ); } $new_file_id = array(); foreach($GLOBALS['egw']->db->union( $_query, __LINE__, __FILE__, ' ORDER BY ' . ($query['order'] ? $query['order'] : 'history_timestamp') . ' ' . ($query['sort'] ? $query['sort'] : 'DESC'), $query['start'], $query['num_rows'] ) as $row) { $row['user_ts'] = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->from_timestamp($row['history_timestamp']) + 3600 * $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']; // Get information needed for proper display if($row['history_appname'] == 'filemanager') { $new_version = $new_file_id[$row['history_new_value']]; $new_file_id[$row['history_new_value']] = count($rows); $path = sqlfs_stream_wrapper::id2path($row['history_id']); // Apparently we don't have to do anything with it, just ask... // without this, previous versions are not handled properly egw_vfs::getExtraInfo($path); $row['history_new_value'] = array( 'path' => $path, 'name' => basename($path) ); if($new_version !== null) { $rows[$new_version]['old_value'] = $row['history_new_value']; } } $rows[] = egw_db::strip_array_keys($row,'history_'); } if ($mysql_calc_rows) { $total = $GLOBALS['egw']->db->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()')->fetchColumn(); } return $total; } /** * return history-log for one record of $this->appname * * @deprecated use search * @param array $filter_out stati to NOT show * @param array $only_show stati to show * @param string $_orderby column name to order, default history_timestamp,history_id * @param string $sort ASC,DESC * @param int $record_id id of the record in $this->appname (set by the constructor) * @return array of arrays with keys id, record_id, owner (account_lid!), status, new_value, old_value, datetime (timestamp in servertime) */ function return_array($filter_out,$only_show,$_orderby,$sort, $record_id) { if (!is_numeric($record_id)) { return array(); } if (!$_orderby || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i',$_orderby) || !preg_match('/^(asc|desc)?$/i',$sort)) { $orderby = 'ORDER BY history_timestamp,history_id'; } else { $orderby = "ORDER BY $_orderby $sort"; } $where = array( 'history_appname' => $this->appname, 'history_record_id' => $record_id, ); if (is_array($filter_out)) { foreach($filter_out as $_filter) { $where[] = 'history_status != '.$this->db->quote($_filter); } } if (is_array($only_show) && count($only_show)) { $to_or = array(); foreach($only_show as $_filter) { $to_or[] = 'history_status = '.$this->db->quote($_filter); } $where[] = '('.implode(' OR ',$to_or).')'; } foreach($this->db->select(self::TABLE,'*',$where,__LINE__,__FILE__,false,$orderby) as $row) { $return_values[] = array( 'id' => $row['history_id'], 'record_id' => $row['history_record_id'], 'owner' => $row['history_owner'] ? $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($row['history_owner']) : lang('eGroupWare'), 'status' => str_replace(' ','',$row['history_status']), 'new_value' => $row['history_new_value'], 'old_value' => $row['history_old_value'], 'datetime' => $this->db->from_timestamp($row['history_timestamp']), ); } return $return_values; } /** * Creates html to show the history-log of one record * * @deprecated use eg. the historylog_widget of eTemplate or your own UI * @param array $filter_out see stati to NOT show * @param string $orderby column-name to order by * @param string $sort ASC, DESC * @param int $record_id id of the record in $this->appname (set by the constructor) * @return string the html */ function return_html($filter_out,$orderby,$sort, $record_id) { $this->template =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',EGW_TEMPLATE_DIR); $this->nextmatchs =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs'); $this->template->set_file('_history','history_list.tpl'); $this->template->set_block('_history','row_no_history'); $this->template->set_block('_history','list'); $this->template->set_block('_history','row'); $this->template->set_var('lang_user',lang('User')); $this->template->set_var('lang_date',lang('Date')); $this->template->set_var('lang_action',lang('Action')); $this->template->set_var('lang_new_value',lang('New Value')); $this->template->set_var('th_bg',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['theme']['th_bg']); $this->template->set_var('sort_date',lang('Date')); $this->template->set_var('sort_owner',lang('User')); $this->template->set_var('sort_status',lang('Status')); $this->template->set_var('sort_new_value',lang('New value')); $this->template->set_var('sort_old_value',lang('Old value')); $values = $this->return_array($filter_out,array(),$orderby,$sort,$record_id); if (!is_array($values)) { $this->template->set_var('tr_color',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['theme']['row_off']); $this->template->set_var('lang_no_history',lang('No history for this record')); $this->template->fp('rows','row_no_history'); return $this->template->fp('out','list'); } foreach($values as $value) { $this->nextmatchs->template_alternate_row_color($this->template); $this->template->set_var('row_date',$GLOBALS['egw']->common->show_date($value['datetime'])); $this->template->set_var('row_owner',$value['owner']); if ($this->alternate_handlers[$value['status']]) { $this->template->set_var('row_new_value', call_user_func($this->alternate_handlers[$value['status']], array($value['new_value']))); $this->template->set_var('row_old_value', call_user_func($this->alternate_handlers[$value['status']], array($value['old_value']))); } else { $this->template->set_var('row_new_value',$value['new_value']); $this->template->set_var('row_old_value',$value['old_value']); } $this->template->set_var('row_status',$this->types[$value['status']]); $this->template->fp('rows','row',True); } return $this->template->fp('out','list'); } }