* * Provides methods for manipulating an RFC 2518 DAV repository * * Copyright (C) 2002 Zeald Ltd * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * This library is part of the eGroupWare API * * http://www.egroupware.org/api * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, * * or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /*At the moment much of this is simply a wrapper around the NET_HTTP_Client class, with some other methods for parsing the returned XML etc Ideally this will eventually use groupware's inbuilt HTTP class */ define ('DEBUG_DAV_CLIENT', 0); define ('DEBUG_DAV_XML', 0); define ('DEBUG_CACHE', 0); ############################################################## # 'Private' classes - these are only used internally and should # not be used by external code ############################################################## /* PHP STILL doesnt have any sort of stable DOM parser. So lets make our own XML parser, that parses XML into a tree of arrays (I know, it could do something resembling DOM, but it doesnt!) */ class xml_tree_parser { var $namespaces; var $current_element; var $num = 1; var $tree = NULL; /* This is the only end-user function in the class. Call parse with an XML string, and you will get back the tree of 'element' arrays */ function parse($xml_string) { $this->xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($this->xml_parser,array(&$this,"start_element"),array(&$this,"end_element")); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xml_parser,array(&$this,"parse_data")); $this->parser_result=array(); $this->xml = $xml_string; xml_parse($this->xml_parser,$xml_string); xml_parser_free($this->xml_parser); if (DEBUG_DAV_XML) { echo '
'; echo 'parsed to:' ; $this->print_tree(); } return $this->tree; } //a useful function for debug output - will print the tree after parsing function print_tree($element=NULL, $prefix='|', $processed=array()) { if ($processed[$element['id']]) { echo '***RECURSION!!***
'; die(); } else { $processed[$element['id']] = true; } if ($element == NULL) { $element = $this->tree; } echo $prefix.$element['namespace'].':'.$element['name'].' '.$element['start'].'->'.$element['end'].'
'; $prefix .= '-->'; if ($element['data']) { echo $prefix.$element['data'].'
'; } foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->print_tree($child, $prefix, &$processed); } } //called by the xml parser at the start of an element, it creates that elements node in the tree function start_element($parser,$name,$attr) { if (preg_match('/(.*):(.*)/', $name, $matches)) { $ns = $this->namespaces[$matches[1]]; $element = $matches[2]; } else { $element = $name; } if ($this->tree == NULL) { $this->tree = array( 'namespace'=>$ns, 'name' => $element, 'attributes' => $attr, 'data' => '', 'children' => array(), 'parent' => NULL, 'type' => 'xml_element', 'id' => $this->num ); $this->current_element = &$this->tree; } else { $parent = &$this->current_element; $parent['children'][$this->num]=array( 'namespace'=>$ns, 'name' => $element, 'attributes' => $attr, 'data' => '', 'children' => array(), 'parent' => &$parent, 'type' => 'xml_element', 'id' => $this->num ); $this->current_element = &$parent['children'][$this->num]; } $this->num++; $this->current_element['start'] = xml_get_current_byte_index($parser); foreach ($attr as $name => $value) { if (ereg('^XMLNS:(.*)', $name, $matches) ) { $this->namespaces[$matches[1]] = $value; } } } //at the end of an element, stores the start and end positions in the xml stream, and moves up the tree function end_element($parser,$name) { $curr = xml_get_current_byte_index($parser); $this->current_element['end'] =strpos($this->xml, '>', $curr); $this->current_element = &$this->current_element['parent']; } //if there is a CDATA element, puts it into the parent elements node function parse_data($parser,$data) { $this->current_element['data']=$data; } } /*This class uses a bunch of recursive functions to process the DAV XML tree digging out the relevent information and putting it into an array */ class dav_processor { function dav_processor($xml_string) { $this->xml = $xml_string; $this->dav_parser = new xml_tree_parser(); $this->tree = $this->dav_parser->parse($xml_string); } function process_tree(&$element, &$result_array) { //This lets us mark a node as 'done' and provides protection against infinite loops if ($this->processed[$element['id']]) { return $result_array; } else { $this->processed[$element['id']] = true; } if ( $element['namespace'] == 'DAV:') { if ($element['name'] == 'RESPONSE') { $result = array( 'size' => 0, 'getcontenttype' => 'application/octet-stream', 'is_dir' => 0 ); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result); } $result_array[$result['full_name']] = $result; } } // ->recursion foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_tree($child, $result_array); } return $result_array; } function process_properties($element, &$result_array) { if ($this->processed[$element['id']]) { return $result_array; } else { $this->processed[$element['id']] = true; } if ( $element['namespace'] == 'DAV:') { switch ($element['name']) { case 'HREF': $string = $element['data']; $idx=strrpos($string,SEP); if($idx && $idx==strlen($string)-1) { $this->current_ref=substr($string,0,$idx); } else { $this->current_ref=$string; } $result_array['name']=basename($string); $result_array['directory']=dirname($string); $result_array['full_name'] = $this->current_ref; break; case 'SUPPORTEDLOCK': if (count($element['children'])) //There are active locks { $result_array['supported_locks'] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result_array['supported_locks']); } } break; case 'LOCKDISCOVERY': if (count($element['children'])) //There are active locks { $result_array['locks'] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result_array['locks']); } } break; case 'LOCKENTRY': if (count($element['children'])) { $result_array[$element['id']] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result_array[$element['id']] ); } } break; case 'ACTIVELOCK': if (count($element['children'])) { $result_array[$element['id']] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result_array[$element['id']] ); } } break; case 'OWNER': $result_array['owner'] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $child) { $this->process_verbatim($child, &$result_array['owner'][]); } //print_r($element);die(); //die(); $result_array['owner_xml'] = substr($this->xml, $element['start'], $element['end']-$element['start']+1); return $result_array; //No need to process this branch further break; case 'LOCKTOKEN': if (count($element['children'])) { foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $tmp_result , $processed); $result_array['lock_tokens'][$tmp_result['full_name']] = $tmp_result; } } break; case 'LOCKTYPE': $child = end($element['children']); if ($child) { $this->processed[$child['id']] = true; $result_array['locktype'] = $child['name']; } break; case 'LOCKSCOPE': $child = end($element['children']); if ($child) { $this->processed[$child['id']] = true; $result_array['lockscope'] = $child['name']; } break; default: if (trim($element['data'])) { $result_array[strtolower($element['name'])] = $element['data']; } } } else { if (trim($element['data'])) { $result_array[strtolower($element['name'])] = $element['data']; } } foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { $this->process_properties($child, $result_array); } return $result_array; } function process_verbatim($element, &$result_array) { if ($this->processed[$element['id']]) { return $result_array; } else { $this->processed[$element['id']] = true; } foreach ( $element as $key => $value) { //The parent link is death to naive programmers (eg me) :) if (!( $key == 'children' || $key == 'parent') ) { $result_array[$key] = $value; } } $result_array['children'] = array(); foreach ($element['children'] as $id=>$child) { echo 'processing child:'; $this->process_verbatim($child, $result_array['children']); } return $result_array; } } ##################################################### #This is the actual public interface of this class ##################################################### class http_dav_client { var $attributes=array(); var $vfs_property_map = array(); var $cached_props = array(); function http_dav_client() { $this->http_client = CreateObject('phpgwapi.net_http_client'); $this->set_debug(0); } //TODO: Get rid of this //A quick, temporary debug output function function debug($info) { if (DEBUG_DAV_CLIENT) { echo ' http_dav_client debug: '; if (is_array($info)) { print_r($info); } else { echo $info; } echo '
'; } } /*! @function glue_url @abstract glues a parsed url (ie parsed using PHP's parse_url) back together @param $url The parsed url (its an array) */ function glue_url ($url){ if (!is_array($url)) { return false; } // scheme $uri = (!empty($url['scheme'])) ? $url['scheme'].'://' : ''; // user & pass if (!empty($url['user'])) { $uri .= $url['user']; if (!empty($url['pass'])) { $uri .=':'.$url['pass']; } $uri .='@'; } // host $uri .= $url['host']; // port $port = (!empty($url['port'])) ? ':'.$url['port'] : ''; $uri .= $port; // path $uri .= $url['path']; // fragment or query if (isset($url['fragment'])) { $uri .= '#'.$url['fragment']; } elseif (isset($url['query'])) { $uri .= '?'.$url['query']; } return $uri; } /*! @function encodeurl @abstract encodes a url from its "display name" to something the dav server will accept @param uri The unencoded uri @discussion Deals with "url"s which may contain spaces and other unsavoury characters, by using appropriate %20s */ function encodeurl($uri) { $parsed_uri = parse_url($uri); if (empty($parsed_uri['scheme'])) { $path = $uri; } else { $path = $parsed_uri['path']; } $fixed_array = array(); foreach (explode('/', $path) as $name) { $fixed_array[] = rawurlencode($name); } $fixed_path = implode('/', $fixed_array); if (!empty($parsed_uri['scheme'])) { $parsed_uri['path'] = $fixed_path; $newuri = $this->glue_url($parsed_uri); } else { $newuri = $fixed_path; } return $newuri; } /*! @function decodeurl @abstract decodes a url to its "display name" @param uri The encoded uri @discussion Deals with "url"s which may contain spaces and other unsavoury characters, by using appropriate %20s */ function decodeurl($uri) { $parsed_uri = parse_url($uri); if (empty($parsed_uri['scheme'])) { $path = $uri; } else { $path = $parsed_uri['path']; } $fixed_array = array(); foreach (explode('/', $path) as $name) { $fixed_array[] = rawurldecode($name); } $fixed_path = implode('/', $fixed_array); if (!empty($parsed_uri['scheme'])) { $parsed_uri['path'] = $fixed_path; $newuri = $this->glue_url($parsed_uri); } else { $newuri = $fixed_path; } return $newuri; } /*! @function set_attributes @abstract Sets the "attribute map" @param attributes Attributes to extract "as-is" from the DAV properties @param dav_map A mapping of dav_property_name => attribute_name for attributes with different names in DAV and the desired name space. @discussion This is mainly for use by VFS, where the VFS attributes (eg size) differ from the corresponding DAV ones ("getcontentlength") */ function set_attributes($attributes, $dav_map) { $this->vfs_property_map = $dav_map; $this->attributes = $attributes; } /*! @function set_credentials @abstract Sets authentication credentials for HTTP AUTH @param username The username to connect with @param password The password to connect with @discussion The only supported authentication type is "basic" */ function set_credentials( $username, $password ) { $this->http_client->setCredentials($username, $password ); } /*! @function connect @abstract connects to the server @param dav_host The host to connect to @param dav_port The port to connect to @discussion If the server requires authentication you will need to set credentials with set_credentials first */ function connect($dav_host,$dav_port) { $this->dav_host = $dav_host; $this->dav_port = $dav_port; $this->http_client->addHeader('Host',$this->dav_host); $this->http_client->addHeader('Connection','close'); //$this->http_client->addHeader('transfer-encoding','identity'); // $this->http_client->addHeader('Connection','keep-alive'); // $this->http_client->addHeader('Keep-Alive','timeout=20, state="Accept,Accept-Language"'); $this->http_client->addHeader('Accept-Encoding','chunked'); $this->http_client->setProtocolVersion( '1.1' ); $this->http_client->addHeader( 'user-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; PHPGroupware dav_client/1; Linux)'); return $this->http_client->Connect($dav_host,$dav_port); } function set_debug($debug) { $this->http_client->setDebug($debug); } /*! @function disconnect @abstract disconnect from the server @discussion When doing HTTP 1.1 we frequently close/reopen the connection anyway, so this function needs to be called after any other DAV calls (since if they find the connection closed, they just reopen it) */ function disconnect() { $this->http_client->Disconnect(); } /*! @function get_properties @abstract a high-level method of getting DAV properties @param url The URL to get properties for @param scope the 'depth' to recuse subdirectories (default 1) @param sorted whether we should sort the rsulting array (default True) @result array of file->property arra @discussion This function performs all the necessary XML parsing etc to convert DAV properties (ie XML nodes) into associative arrays of properties - including doing mappings from DAV property names to any desired property name format (eg the VFS one) This is controlled by the attribute arrays set in the set_attributes function. */ function get_properties($url,$scope=1){ $request_id = $url.'//'.$scope.'//'.$sorted; //A unique id for this request (for caching) if ($this->cached_props[$request_id]) { if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo'Cache hit : cache id:'.$request_id; return $this->cached_props[$request_id]; } else if (! $sorted && $this->cached_props[$url.'//'.$scope.'//1']) { if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo ' Cache hit : cache id: '.$request_id; return $this->cached_props[$url.'//'.$scope.'//1']; } if (DEBUG_CACHE) { echo ' Cache miss : cache id: '.$request_id; /* echo " cache:
	echo '
';*/ } if($this->propfind($url,$scope) != 207) { if($this->propfind($url.'/',$scope) != 207) { return array(); } } $xml_result=$this->http_client->getBody(); $result_array = array(); $dav_processor = new dav_processor($xml_result); $tmp_list = $dav_processor->process_tree($dav_processor->tree, $result_array); foreach($tmp_list as $name=>$item) { $fixed_name = $this->decodeurl($name); $newitem = $item; $newitem['is_dir']= ($item['getcontenttype'] =='httpd/unix-directory' ? 1 : 0); $item['directory'] = $this->decodeurl($item['directory']); //Since above we sawed off the protocol and host portions of the url, lets readd them. if (strlen($item['directory'])) { $path = $item['directory']; $host = $this->dav_host; $newitem['directory'] = $host.$path; } //Get any extra properties that may share the vfs name foreach ($this->attributes as $num=>$vfs_name) { if ($item[$vfs_name]) { $newitem[$vfs_name] = $item[$vfs_name]; } } //Map some DAV properties onto VFS ones. foreach ($this->vfs_property_map as $dav_name=>$vfs_name) { if ($item[$dav_name]) { $newitem[$vfs_name] = $item[$dav_name]; } } if ($newitem['is_dir'] == 1) { $newitem['mime_type']='Directory'; } $this->debug('

'); $this->debug($newitem); $newitem['name'] = $this->decodeurl($newitem['name']); $result[$fixed_name]=$newitem; if ($newitem['is_dir']==1) { $this->cached_props[$name.'//0//1'] = array($fixed_name=>$newitem); } else { $this->cached_props[$name.'//1//1'] = array($fixed_name=>$newitem); } } if ($sorted) { ksort($result); } $this->cached_props[$request_id] = $result; return $result; } function get($uri) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); return $this->http_client->Get($uri); } /*! @function get_body @abstract return the response body @result string body content @discussion invoke it after a Get() call for instance, to retrieve the response */ function get_body() { return $this->http_client->getBody(); } /*! @function get_headers @abstract return the response headers @result array headers received from server in the form headername => value @discussion to be called after a Get() or Head() call */ function get_headers() { return $this->http_client->getHeaders(); } /*! @function copy @abstract PUT is the method to sending a file on the server. @param uri the location of the file on the server. dont forget the heading "/" @param data the content of the file. binary content accepted @result string response status code 201 (Created) if ok */ function put($uri, $data, $token='') { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); $result = $this->http_client->Put($uri, $data); $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); return $result; } /*! @function copy @abstract Copy a file -allready on the server- into a new location @param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/" @param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL @param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destination - overwrite by default @result Returns the HTTP status code @discussion returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok */ function copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0, $token='') { $srcUri = $this->encodeurl($srcUri); $destUri = $this->encodeurl($destUri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); $result = $this->http_client->Copy( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite, $scope); $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); return $result; } /*! @function move @abstract Moves a WEBDAV resource on the server @param srcUri the current file location on the server. dont forget the heading "/" @param destUri the destination location on the server. this is *not* a full URL @param overwrite boolean - true to overwrite an existing destination (default is yes) @result Returns the HTTP status code @discussion returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok */ function move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite=true, $scope=0, $token='' ) { $srcUri = $this->encodeurl($srcUri); $destUri = $this->encodeurl($destUri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); $result = $this->http_client->Move( $srcUri, $destUri, $overwrite, $scope); $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); return $result; } /*! @function delete @abstract Deletes a WEBDAV resource @param uri The URI we are deleting @result Returns the HTTP status code @discussion returns response status code 204 (Unchanged) if ok */ function delete( $uri, $scope=0, $token='') { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); $result = $this->http_client->Delete( $uri, $scope); $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); return $result; } /*! @function mkcol @abstract Creates a WEBDAV collection (AKA a directory) @param uri The URI to create @result Returns the HTTP status code */ function mkcol( $uri, $token='' ) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); return $this->http_client->MkCol( $uri ); $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); } /*! @function propfind @abstract Queries WEBDAV properties @param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing @param scope Specifies how "deep" to search (0=just this file/dir 1=subfiles/dirs etc) @result Returns the HTTP status code @discussion to get the result XML call get_body() */ function propfind( $uri, $scope=0 ) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); return $this->http_client->PropFind( $uri, $scope); } /*! @function proppatch @abstract Sets DAV properties @param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing @param attributes An array of attributes and values. @param namespaces Extra namespace definitions that apply to the properties @result Returns the HTTP status code @discussion To make DAV properties useful it helps to use a well established XML dialect such as the "Dublin Core" */ function proppatch($uri, $attributes, $namespaces='', $token='') { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; if (strlen($token)) { $this->http_client->addHeader('If', '<'.$uri.'>'.' (<'.$token.'>)'); } $this->cached_props = array(); //Begin evil nastiness $davxml = ' $value) { $davxml .= ' <'.$name.'>'.utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($value)).' '; } $davxml .= ' '; if (DEBUG_DAV_XML) { echo 'send
'; } $this->http_client->requestBody = $davxml; if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'PROPPATCH '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) ) { $this->http_client->processReply(); } if (DEBUG_DAV_XML) { echo 'Recieve
'; } $this->http_client->removeHeader('If'); return $this->http_client->reply; } /*! @function unlock @abstract unlocks a locked resource on the DAV server @param uri uri of the resource we are unlocking @param a 'token' for the lock (to get the token, do a propfind) @result true if successfull @discussion Not all DAV servers support locking (its in the RFC, but many common DAV servers only implement "DAV class 1" (no locking) */ function unlock($uri, $token) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; $this->cached_props = array(); $this->http_client->addHeader('Lock-Token', '<'.$token.'>'); $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'UNLOCK '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1'); $this->http_client->removeHeader('Lock-Token'); $this->http_client->processReply(); if ( $this->http_client->reply == '204') { return true; } else { $headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders(); echo $this->http_client->getBody(); if ($headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html') { echo $this->http_client->getBody(); die(); } else { return false; } } } /*! @function lock @abstract locks a resource on the DAV server @param uri uri of the resource we are locking @param owner the 'owner' information for the lock (purely informative) @param depth the depth to which we lock collections @result true if successfull @discussion Not all DAV servers support locking (its in the RFC, but many common DAV servers only implement "DAV class 1" (no locking) */ function lock($uri, $owner, $depth=0, $timeout='infinity') { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if (DEBUG_CACHE) echo 'cache cleared'; $this->cached_props = array(); $body = " \n $owner \n"; $this->http_client->requestBody = utf8_encode( $body ); $this->http_client->addHeader('Depth', $depth); if (! (strtolower(trim($timeout)) == 'infinite')) { $timeout = 'Second-'.$timeout; } $this->http_client->addHeader('Timeout', $timeout); if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( "LOCK $uri HTTP/1.1" ) ) $this->http_client->processReply(); $this->http_client->removeHeader('timeout'); if ( $this->http_client->reply == '200') { return true; } else { $headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders(); echo $this->http_client->getBody(); return false; } } /*! @function options @abstract determines the optional HTTP features supported by a server @param uri uri of the resource we are seeking options for (or * for the whole server) @result Returns an array of option values @discussion Interesting options include "ACCESS" (whether you can read a file) and DAV (DAV features) */ function options($uri) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'OPTIONS '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) == '200' ) { $this->http_client->processReply(); $headers = $this->http_client->getHeaders(); return $headers; } else { return False; } } /*! @function dav_features @abstract determines the features of a DAV server @param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing @result Returns an array of option values @discussion Likely return codes include NULL (this isnt a dav server!), 1 (This is a dav server, supporting all standard DAV features except locking) 2, (additionally supports locking (should also return 1)) and 'version-control' (this server supports versioning extensions for this resource) */ function dav_features($uri) { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); $options = $this->options($uri); $dav_options = $options['DAV']; if ($dav_options) { $features=explode(',', $dav_options); } else { $features = NULL; } return $features; } /************************************************************** RFC 3253 DeltaV versioning extensions ************************************************************** These are 100% untested, and almost certainly dont work yet... eventually they will be made to work with subversion... */ /*! @function report @abstract Report is a kind of extended PROPFIND - it queries properties accros versions etc @param uri uri of resource whose properties we are changing @param report the type of report desired eg DAV:version-tree, DAV:expand-property etc (see http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc3253.html#METHOD_REPORT) @param namespace any extra XML namespaces needed for the specified properties @result Returns an array of option values @discussion From the relevent RFC: "A REPORT request is an extensible mechanism for obtaining information about a resource. Unlike a resource property, which has a single value, the value of a report can depend on additional information specified in the REPORT request body and in the REPORT request headers." */ function report($uri, $report, $properties, $namespaces='') { $uri = $this->encodeurl($uri); $davxml = ' \n'; } $davxml .= '\t\n'; if (DEBUG_DAV_XML) { echo 'send
'; } $this->http_client->requestBody = $davxml; if( $this->http_client->sendCommand( 'REPORT '.$uri.' HTTP/1.1' ) ) { $this->http_client->processReply(); } if (DEBUG_DAV_XML) { echo 'Recieve
'; } return $this->http_client->reply; } }