* @author Lukas Weiss * @version $Id$ */ /** * General business object for resources * * @package resources */ class bo_resources { var $vfs_basedir = '/resources/'; var $pictures_dir = '/resources/pictures/'; var $thumbs_dir = '/resources/pictures/thumbs/'; var $resource_icons = '/resources/templates/default/images/resource_icons/'; var $debug = 0; function bo_resources() { $this->so =& CreateObject('resources.so_resources'); $this->acl =& CreateObject('resources.bo_acl'); $this->cats = $this->acl->egw_cats; $this->vfs =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.vfs'); $this->link =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.bolink'); $this->conf =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.config'); $this->conf->read_repository(); $this->cal_right_transform = array( EGW_ACL_CALREAD => EGW_ACL_READ, EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING => EGW_ACL_READ | EGW_ACL_ADD | EGW_ACL_EDIT | EGW_ACL_DELETE, EGW_ACL_CAT_ADMIN => EGW_ACL_READ | EGW_ACL_ADD | EGW_ACL_EDIT | EGW_ACL_DELETE, ); } /** * get rows for resources list * * Cornelius Weiss */ function get_rows($query,&$rows,&$readonlys) { if ($this->debug) _debug_array($query); $query['search'] = $query['search'] ? $query['search'] : '*'; $criteria = array('name' => $query['search'], 'short_description' => $query['search'], 'inventory_number' => $query['search']); $read_onlys = 'res_id,name,short_description,quantity,useable,bookable,buyable,cat_id,location,storage_info'; $accessory_of = $query['view_accs_of'] ? $query['view_accs_of'] : -1; $filter = array('accessory_of' => $accessory_of); if ($query['filter']) { $filter = $filter + array('cat_id' => $query['filter']); } else { $readcats = array_flip((array)$this->acl->get_cats(EGW_ACL_READ)); if($readcats) $filter = $filter + array('cat_id' => $readcats); } if($query['show_bookable']) $filter = $filter + array('bookable' => true); $order_by = $query['order'] ? $query['order'].' '. $query['sort'] : ''; $start = (int)$query['start']; $rows = $this->so->search($criteria,$read_onlys,$order_by,'','',$empty=False,$op='OR',$start,$filter,$join='',$need_full_no_count=false); $nr = $this->so->total; // we are called to serve bookable resources (e.g. calendar-dialog) if($query['show_bookable']) { // This is somehow ugly, i know... foreach((array)$rows as $num => $resource) { $rows[$num]['default_qty'] = 1; } // we don't need all the following testing return $nr; } foreach((array)$rows as $num => $resource) { if (!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_EDIT)) { $readonlys["edit[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; } if (!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_DELETE)) { $readonlys["delete[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; } if ((!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_ADD)) || $accessory_of != -1) { $readonlys["new_acc[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; } if (!$resource['bookable'] /* && calender-acl viewable */) { $readonlys["bookable[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; $readonlys["calendar[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; } if (!$resource['buyable']) { $readonlys["buyable[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; } $readonlys["view_acc[$resource[res_id]]"] = true; $links = $this->link->get_links('resources',$resource['res_id']); if(count($links) != 0 && $accessory_of == -1) { foreach ($links as $link_num => $link) { if($link['app'] == 'resources') { if($this->so->get_value('accessory_of',$link['res_id']) != -1) { $readonlys["view_acc[$resource[res_id]]"] = false; } } } } $rows[$num]['picture_thumb'] = $this->get_picture($resource['res_id']); $rows[$num]['admin'] = $this->acl->get_cat_admin($resource['cat_id']); } return $nr; } /** * reads a resource exept binary datas * * Cornelius Weiss * @param int $res_id resource id * @return array with key => value or false if not found or allowed */ function read($res_id) { if(!$this->acl->is_permitted($this->so->get_value('cat_id',$res_id),EGW_ACL_READ)) { echo lang('You are not permitted to get information about this resource!') . '
'; echo lang('Notify your administrator to correct this situation') . '
'; return false; } return $this->so->read(array('res_id' => $res_id)); } /** * saves a resource. pictures are saved in vfs * * Cornelius Weiss * @param array $resource array with key => value of all needed datas * @return string msg if somthing went wrong; nothing if all right */ function save($resource) { if(!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_EDIT)) { return lang('You are not permitted to edit this reource!'); } // we need an id to save pictures and make links... if(!$resource['res_id']) { $resource['res_id'] = $this->so->save($resource); } switch ($resource['picture_src']) { case 'own_src': $vfs_data = array('string' => $this->pictures_dir.$resource['res_id'].'.jpg','relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT)); if($resource['own_file']['size'] > 0) { $msg = $this->save_picture($resource['own_file'],$resource['res_id']); break; } elseif($this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data)) { break; } $resource['picture_src'] = 'cat_src'; case 'cat_src': break; case 'gen_src': $resource['picture_src'] = $resource['gen_src_list']; break; default: if($resource['own_file']['size'] > 0) { $resource['picture_src'] = 'own_src'; $msg = $this->save_picture($resource['own_file'],$resource['res_id']); } else { $resource['picture_src'] = 'cat_src'; } } // somthing went wrong on saving own picture if($msg) { return $msg; } // delete old pictures if($resource['picture_src'] != 'own_src') { $this->remove_picture($resource['res_id']); } // save links if(is_array($resource['link_to']['to_id'])) { $this->link->link('resources',$resource['res_id'],$resource['link_to']['to_id']); } if($resource['accessory_of'] != -1) { $this->link->link('resources',$resource['res_id'],'resources',$resource['accessory_of']); } if(!empty($resource['res_id']) && $this->so->get_value("cat_id",$resource['res_id']) != $resource['cat_id'] && $resource['accessory_of'] == -1) { $accessories = $this->get_acc_list($resource['res_id']); foreach($accessories as $accessory => $name) { $acc = $this->so->read($accessory); $acc['cat_id'] = $resource['cat_id']; $this->so->data = $acc; $this->so->save(); } } return $this->so->save($resource) ? false : lang('Something went wrong by saving resource'); } /** * deletes resource including pictures and links * * @author Lukas Weiss * @param int $res_id id of resource */ function delete($res_id) { if(!$this->acl->is_permitted($this->so->get_value('cat_id',$res_id),EGW_ACL_DELETE)) { return lang('You are not permitted to delete this reource!'); } if ($this->so->delete(array('res_id'=>$res_id))) { $this->remove_picture($res_id); $this->link->unlink(0,'resources',$res_id); // delete the resource from the calendar ExecMethod('calendar.socal.change_delete_user','r'.$res_id); return false; } return lang('Something went wrong by deleting resource'); } /** * gets list of accessories for resource * * Cornelius Weiss * @param int $res_id id of resource * @return array */ function get_acc_list($res_id) { if($res_id < 1){return;} $data = $this->so->search('','res_id,name','','','','','',$start,array('accessory_of' => $res_id),'',$need_full_no_count=true); foreach($data as $num => $resource) { $acc_list[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name']; } return $acc_list; } /** * returns info about resource for calender * @author Cornelius Weiss * @param int/array $res_id single id or array $num => $res_id * @return array */ function get_calendar_info($res_id) { //echo "


\n"; if(!is_array($res_id) && $res_id < 1) return; $data = $this->so->search(array('res_id' => $res_id),'res_id,cat_id,name,useable'); foreach($data as $num => $resource) { $data[$num]['rights'] = false; foreach($this->cal_right_transform as $res_right => $cal_right) { if($this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],$res_right)) { $data[$num]['rights'] = $cal_right; } } $data[$num]['responsible'] = $this->acl->get_cat_admin($resource['cat_id']); } return $data; } /** * returns status for a new calendar entry depending on resources ACL * @author Cornelius Weiss * @param int $res_id single id * @return array */ function get_calendar_new_status($res_id) { $data = $this->so->search(array('res_id' => $res_id),'res_id,cat_id,bookable'); if($data[0]['bookable'] == 0) return 'x'; return $this->acl->is_permitted($data[0]['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_DIRECT_BOOKING) ? A : U; } /** * @author Cornelius Weiss * query infolog for entries matching $pattern * */ function link_query( $pattern ) { $criteria = array('name' => $pattern, 'short_description' => $pattern); $only_keys = 'res_id,name,short_description'; $filter = array( 'cat_id' => array_flip((array)$this->acl->get_cats(EGW_ACL_READ)), //'accessory_of' => '-1' ); $data = $this->so->search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='%',$empty,$op='OR','',$filter); foreach($data as $num => $resource) { if($num != 0) { $list[$resource['res_id']] = $resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':''); } } return $list; } /** * @author Cornelius Weiss * get title for an infolog entry identified by $res_id * * @return string/boolean string with title, null if resource does not exist or false if no perms to view it */ function link_title( $resource ) { if (!is_array($resource)) { if (!($resource = $this->so->read(array('res_id' => $resource)))) return null; } if(!$this->acl->is_permitted($resource['cat_id'],EGW_ACL_READ)) return false; return $resource['name']. ($resource['short_description'] ? ', ['.$resource['short_description'].']':''); } /** * resizes and saves an pictures in vfs * * Cornelius Weiss * @param array $file array with key => value * @param int $resource_id * @return mixed string with msg if somthing went wrong; nothing if all right * TODO make thumb an picture sizes choosable by preferences */ function save_picture($file,$resouce_id) { // test upload dir $vfs_data = array('string'=>$this->vfs_basedir,'relatives'=>array(RELATIVE_ROOT)); if (!($this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data))) { $this->vfs->override_acl = 1; $this->vfs->mkdir($vfs_data); $vfs_data['string'] = $this->pictures_dir; $this->vfs->mkdir($vfs_data); $vfs_data['string'] = $this->thumbs_dir; $this->vfs->mkdir($vfs_data); $this->vfs->override_acl = 0; } switch($file['type']) { case 'image/gif': $src_img = imagecreatefromgif($file['tmp_name']); break; case 'image/jpeg': case 'image/pjpeg': $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file['tmp_name']); break; case 'image/png': case 'image/x-png': $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($file['tmp_name']); break; default: return lang('Picture type is not supported, sorry!'); } $src_img_size = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $dst_img_size = array( 0 => 320, 1 => 240); $thumb_size = array( 0 => 64, 1 => 48); $tmp_dir = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['temp_dir'].'/'; if($src_img_size[0] > 64 || $src_img_size[1] > 48) { $f = $thumb_size[0] / $src_img_size[0]; $f = $thumb_size[1] / $src_img_size[1] < $f ? $thumb_size[1] / $src_img_size[1] : $f; $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($src_img_size[0] * $f, $src_img_size[1] * $f); imagecopyresized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$src_img_size[0] * $f,$src_img_size[1] * $f,$src_img_size[0],$src_img_size[1]); imagejpeg($dst_img,$tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.thumb.jpg'); if($src_img_size[0] > $dst_img_size[0] || $src_img_size[1] > $dst_img_size[1]) { $f = $dst_img_size[0] / $src_img_size[0]; $f = $dst_img_size[1] / $src_img_size[1] < $f ? $dst_img_size[1] / $src_img_size[1] : $f; $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($src_img_size[0] * $f, $src_img_size[1] * $f); imagecopyresized($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$src_img_size[0] * $f,$src_img_size[1] * $f,$src_img_size[0],$src_img_size[1]); imagejpeg($dst_img,$tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg'); } else { imagejpeg($src_img,$tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg'); } imagedestroy($dst_img); } else { imagejpeg($src_img,$tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg'); imagejpeg($src_img,$tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.thumb.jpg'); } imagedestroy($src_img); $this->vfs->override_acl = 1; $this->vfs->cp(array( 'from' => $tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg', 'to' => $this->pictures_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL,RELATIVE_ROOT) )); $this->vfs->set_attributes(array( 'string' => $this->pictures_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg', 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_ROOT), 'attributes' => array ( 'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'comment' => 'picture of resource no.'.$resouce_id, 'app' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] ))); $this->vfs->cp(array( 'from' => $tmp_dir.$resouce_id.'.thumb.jpg', 'to' => $this->thumbs_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg', 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL,RELATIVE_ROOT) )); $this->vfs->set_attributes(array( 'string' => $this->thumbs_dir.$resouce_id.'.jpg', 'relatives' => array (RELATIVE_ROOT), 'attributes' => array ( 'mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'comment' => 'thumbnail of resource no.'.$resouce_id, 'app' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] ))); $this->vfs->override_acl = 0; return; } /** * get resource picture either from vfs or from symlink * Cornelius Weiss * @param int $res_id id of resource * @param bool $size false = thumb, true = full pic * @return string url of picture */ function get_picture($res_id=0,$size=false) { if ($res_id > 0) { $src = $this->so->get_value('picture_src',$res_id); } switch($src) { case 'own_src': $picture = $this->conf->config_data['dont_use_vfs'] ? $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] : 'vfs:'; $picture .= $size ? $this->pictures_dir.$res_id.'.jpg' : $this->thumbs_dir.$res_id.'.jpg'; break; case 'cat_src': list($picture) = $this->cats->return_single($this->so->get_value('cat_id',$res_id)); $picture = unserialize($picture['data']); if($picture['icon']) { $picture = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/phpgwapi/images/'.$picture['icon']; break; } case 'gen_src': default : $picture = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].$this->resource_icons; $picture .= strstr($src,'.') ? $src : 'generic.png'; } return $picture; } /** * remove_picture * removes picture from vfs * * Cornelius Weiss * @param int $res_id id of resource * @return bool succsess or not */ function remove_picture($res_id) { $vfs_data = array('string' => $this->pictures_dir.$res_id.'.jpg','relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ROOT)); $this->vfs->override_acl = 1; if($this->vfs->file_exists($vfs_data)) { $this->vfs->rm($vfs_data); $vfs_data['string'] = $this->thumbs_dir.$res_id.'.jpg'; $this->vfs->rm($vfs_data); } $this->vfs->override_acl = 0; } /** * get_genpicturelist * gets all pictures from 'generic picutres dir' in selectbox style for eTemplate * * Cornelius Weiss * @return array directory contens in eTemplates selectbox style */ function get_genpicturelist() { $icons['generic.png'] = lang('gernal resource'); $dir = dir(EGW_SERVER_ROOT.$this->resource_icons); while($file = $dir->read()) { if (preg_match('/\\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i',$file) && $file != 'generic.png') { $icons[$file] = substr($file,0,strpos($file,'.')); } } $dir->close(); return $icons; } }