<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <TITLE>AddFont</TITLE> <LINK TYPE="text/css" REL="stylesheet" HREF="../fpdf.css"> </HEAD> <BODY> <H2>AddFont</H2> <TT>AddFont(<B>string</B> family [, <B>string</B> style [, <B>string</B> file]])</TT> <H4 CLASS='st'>Version</H4> 1.5 <H4 CLASS='st'>Description</H4> Imports a TrueType or Type1 font and makes it available. It is necessary to generate a font definition file first with the makefont.php utility. <BR> The definition file (and the font file itself when embedding) must be present either in the current directory or in the one indicated by <TT>FPDF_FONTPATH</TT> if the constant is defined. If it could not be found, the error "Could not include font definition file" is generated. <H4 CLASS='st'>Parameters</H4> <TT><U>family</U></TT> <BLOCKQUOTE> Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font. </BLOCKQUOTE> <TT><U>style</U></TT> <BLOCKQUOTE> Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): <UL> <LI>empty string: regular <LI><TT>B</TT>: bold <LI><TT>I</TT>: italic <LI><TT>BI</TT> or <TT>IB</TT>: bold italic </UL> The default value is regular. </BLOCKQUOTE> <TT><U>file</U></TT> <BLOCKQUOTE> The font definition file. <BR> By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no space. </BLOCKQUOTE> <H4 CLASS='st'>Example</H4> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#E0E0E0"><TR><TD> <TT> $pdf->AddFont('Comic','I'); </TT> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR> is equivalent to: <BR> <BR> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#E0E0E0"><TR><TD> <TT> $pdf->AddFont('Comic','I','comici.php'); </TT> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR> <H4 CLASS='st'>See also</H4> <A HREF="setfont.htm">SetFont()</A>. <H6></H6> <HR> <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="index.htm">Index</A></DIV> </BODY> </HTML>