/** * jqPlot * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery * * Version: 1.0.0b2_r947 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Chris Leonello * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly. * * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php . * * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php . * * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle: * * version 2007.04.27 * author Ash Searle * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/ * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain: * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like." * */ (function($) { // Class: $.jqplot.BarRenderer // A plugin renderer for jqPlot to draw a bar plot. // Draws series as a line. $.jqplot.BarRenderer = function(){ $.jqplot.LineRenderer.call(this); }; $.jqplot.BarRenderer.prototype = new $.jqplot.LineRenderer(); $.jqplot.BarRenderer.prototype.constructor = $.jqplot.BarRenderer; // called with scope of series. $.jqplot.BarRenderer.prototype.init = function(options, plot) { // Group: Properties // // prop: barPadding // Number of pixels between adjacent bars at the same axis value. this.barPadding = 8; // prop: barMargin // Number of pixels between groups of bars at adjacent axis values. this.barMargin = 10; // prop: barDirection // 'vertical' = up and down bars, 'horizontal' = side to side bars this.barDirection = 'vertical'; // prop: barWidth // Width of the bar in pixels (auto by devaul). null = calculated automatically. this.barWidth = null; // prop: shadowOffset // offset of the shadow from the slice and offset of // each succesive stroke of the shadow from the last. this.shadowOffset = 2; // prop: shadowDepth // number of strokes to apply to the shadow, // each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last. this.shadowDepth = 5; // prop: shadowAlpha // transparency of the shadow (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque) this.shadowAlpha = 0.08; // prop: waterfall // true to enable waterfall plot. this.waterfall = false; // prop: groups // group bars into this many groups this.groups = 1; // prop: varyBarColor // true to color each bar of a series separately rather than // have every bar of a given series the same color. // If used for non-stacked multiple series bar plots, user should // specify a separate 'seriesColors' array for each series. // Otherwise, each series will set their bars to the same color array. // This option has no Effect for stacked bar charts and is disabled. this.varyBarColor = false; // prop: highlightMouseOver // True to highlight slice when moused over. // This must be false to enable highlightMouseDown to highlight when clicking on a slice. this.highlightMouseOver = true; // prop: highlightMouseDown // True to highlight when a mouse button is pressed over a slice. // This will be disabled if highlightMouseOver is true. this.highlightMouseDown = false; // prop: highlightColors // an array of colors to use when highlighting a bar. this.highlightColors = []; // prop: transposedData // NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. True if this is a horizontal bar plot and // x and y values are "transposed". Tranposed, or "swapped", data is // required prior to rev. 894 builds of jqPlot with horizontal bars. // Allows backward compatability of bar renderer horizontal bars with // old style data sets. this.transposedData = true; this._type = 'bar'; // if user has passed in highlightMouseDown option and not set highlightMouseOver, disable highlightMouseOver if (options.highlightMouseDown && options.highlightMouseOver == null) { options.highlightMouseOver = false; } $.extend(true, this, options); // fill is still needed to properly draw the legend. // bars have to be filled. this.fill = true; if (this.waterfall) { this.fillToZero = false; this.disableStack = true; } if (this.barDirection == 'vertical' ) { this._primaryAxis = '_xaxis'; this._stackAxis = 'y'; this.fillAxis = 'y'; } else { this._primaryAxis = '_yaxis'; this._stackAxis = 'x'; this.fillAxis = 'x'; } // index of the currenty highlighted point, if any this._highlightedPoint = null; // total number of values for all bar series, total number of bar series, and position of this series this._plotSeriesInfo = null; // Array of actual data colors used for each data point. this._dataColors = []; this._barPoints = []; // set the shape renderer options var opts = {lineJoin:'miter', lineCap:'round', fill:true, isarc:false, strokeStyle:this.color, fillStyle:this.color, closePath:this.fill}; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.init(opts); // set the shadow renderer options var sopts = {lineJoin:'miter', lineCap:'round', fill:true, isarc:false, angle:this.shadowAngle, offset:this.shadowOffset, alpha:this.shadowAlpha, depth:this.shadowDepth, closePath:this.fill}; this.renderer.shadowRenderer.init(sopts); plot.postInitHooks.addOnce(postInit); plot.postDrawHooks.addOnce(postPlotDraw); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseMove', handleMove); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseDown', handleMouseDown); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotMouseUp', handleMouseUp); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotClick', handleClick); plot.eventListenerHooks.addOnce('jqplotRightClick', handleRightClick); }; // called with scope of series function barPreInit(target, data, seriesDefaults, options) { if (this.rendererOptions.barDirection == 'horizontal') { this._stackAxis = 'x'; this._primaryAxis = '_yaxis'; } if (this.rendererOptions.waterfall == true) { this._data = $.extend(true, [], this.data); var sum = 0; var pos = (!this.rendererOptions.barDirection || this.rendererOptions.barDirection === 'vertical' || this.transposedData === false) ? 1 : 0; for(var i=0; i0) { this.data[i][pos] += this.data[i-1][pos]; } } this.data[this.data.length] = (pos == 1) ? [this.data.length+1, sum] : [sum, this.data.length+1]; this._data[this._data.length] = (pos == 1) ? [this._data.length+1, sum] : [sum, this._data.length+1]; } if (this.rendererOptions.groups > 1) { this.breakOnNull = true; var l = this.data.length; var skip = parseInt(l/this.rendererOptions.groups, 10); var count = 0; for (var i=skip; i 570) ? newrgb[j] * 0.8 : newrgb[j] + 0.3 * (255 - newrgb[j]); newrgb[j] = parseInt(newrgb[j], 10); } ret.push('rgb('+newrgb[0]+','+newrgb[1]+','+newrgb[2]+')'); } return ret; } $.jqplot.BarRenderer.prototype.draw = function(ctx, gridData, options) { var i; // Ughhh, have to make a copy of options b/c it may be modified later. var opts = $.extend({}, options); var shadow = (opts.shadow != undefined) ? opts.shadow : this.shadow; var showLine = (opts.showLine != undefined) ? opts.showLine : this.showLine; var fill = (opts.fill != undefined) ? opts.fill : this.fill; var xaxis = this.xaxis; var yaxis = this.yaxis; var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p; var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p; var pointx, pointy; // clear out data colors. this._dataColors = []; this._barPoints = []; if (this.barWidth == null) { this.renderer.setBarWidth.call(this); } var temp = this._plotSeriesInfo = this.renderer.calcSeriesNumbers.call(this); var nvals = temp[0]; var nseries = temp[1]; var pos = temp[2]; var points = []; if (this._stack) { this._barNudge = 0; } else { this._barNudge = (-Math.abs(nseries/2 - 0.5) + pos) * (this.barWidth + this.barPadding); } if (showLine) { var negativeColors = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(this.negativeSeriesColors); var positiveColors = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(this.seriesColors); var negativeColor = negativeColors.get(this.index); if (! this.useNegativeColors) { negativeColor = opts.fillStyle; } var positiveColor = opts.fillStyle; var base; var xstart; var ystart; if (this.barDirection == 'vertical') { for (var i=0; i 0 && i < this.gridData.length-1) { ystart = this.gridData[i-1][1]; } else if (this.waterfall && i == 0 && i < this.gridData.length-1) { if (this._yaxis.min <= 0 && this._yaxis.max >= 0) { ystart = this._yaxis.series_u2p(0); } else if (this._yaxis.min > 0) { ystart = ctx.canvas.height; } else { ystart = 0; } } else if (this.waterfall && i == this.gridData.length - 1) { if (this._yaxis.min <= 0 && this._yaxis.max >= 0) { ystart = this._yaxis.series_u2p(0); } else if (this._yaxis.min > 0) { ystart = ctx.canvas.height; } else { ystart = 0; } } else { ystart = ctx.canvas.height; } } if ((this.fillToZero && this._plotData[i][1] < 0) || (this.waterfall && this._data[i][1] < 0)) { if (this.varyBarColor && !this._stack) { if (this.useNegativeColors) { opts.fillStyle = negativeColors.next(); } else { opts.fillStyle = positiveColors.next(); } } else { opts.fillStyle = negativeColor; } } else { if (this.varyBarColor && !this._stack) { opts.fillStyle = positiveColors.next(); } else { opts.fillStyle = positiveColor; } } if (!this.fillToZero || this._plotData[i][1] >= 0) { points.push([base-this.barWidth/2, ystart]); points.push([base-this.barWidth/2, gridData[i][1]]); points.push([base+this.barWidth/2, gridData[i][1]]); points.push([base+this.barWidth/2, ystart]); } // for negative bars make sure points are always ordered clockwise else { points.push([base-this.barWidth/2, gridData[i][1]]); points.push([base-this.barWidth/2, ystart]); points.push([base+this.barWidth/2, ystart]); points.push([base+this.barWidth/2, gridData[i][1]]); } this._barPoints.push(points); // now draw the shadows if not stacked. // for stacked plots, they are predrawn by drawShadow if (shadow && !this._stack) { var sopts = $.extend(true, {}, opts); // need to get rid of fillStyle on shadow. delete sopts.fillStyle; this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points, sopts); } var clr = opts.fillStyle || this.color; this._dataColors.push(clr); this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, opts); } } else if (this.barDirection == 'horizontal'){ for (var i=0; i 0 && i < this.gridData.length-1) { xstart = this.gridData[i-1][1]; } else if (this.waterfall && i == 0 && i < this.gridData.length-1) { if (this._xaxis.min <= 0 && this._xaxis.max >= 0) { xstart = this._xaxis.series_u2p(0); } else if (this._xaxis.min > 0) { xstart = 0; } else { xstart = ctx.canvas.width; } } else if (this.waterfall && i == this.gridData.length - 1) { if (this._xaxis.min <= 0 && this._xaxis.max >= 0) { xstart = this._xaxis.series_u2p(0); } else if (this._xaxis.min > 0) { xstart = 0; } else { xstart = ctx.canvas.width; } } else { xstart = 0; } } if ((this.fillToZero && this._plotData[i][1] < 0) || (this.waterfall && this._data[i][1] < 0)) { if (this.varyBarColor && !this._stack) { if (this.useNegativeColors) { opts.fillStyle = negativeColors.next(); } else { opts.fillStyle = positiveColors.next(); } } } else { if (this.varyBarColor && !this._stack) { opts.fillStyle = positiveColors.next(); } else { opts.fillStyle = positiveColor; } } if (!this.fillToZero || this._plotData[i][0] >= 0) { points.push([xstart, base + this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([xstart, base - this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([gridData[i][0], base - this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([gridData[i][0], base + this.barWidth / 2]); } else { points.push([gridData[i][0], base + this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([gridData[i][0], base - this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([xstart, base - this.barWidth / 2]); points.push([xstart, base + this.barWidth / 2]); } this._barPoints.push(points); // now draw the shadows if not stacked. // for stacked plots, they are predrawn by drawShadow if (shadow && !this._stack) { var sopts = $.extend(true, {}, opts); delete sopts.fillStyle; this.renderer.shadowRenderer.draw(ctx, points, sopts); } var clr = opts.fillStyle || this.color; this._dataColors.push(clr); this.renderer.shapeRenderer.draw(ctx, points, opts); } } } if (this.highlightColors.length == 0) { this.highlightColors = $.jqplot.computeHighlightColors(this._dataColors); } else if (typeof(this.highlightColors) == 'string') { var temp = this.highlightColors; this.highlightColors = []; for (var i=0; i