/** * jqPlot * Pure JavaScript plotting plugin using jQuery * * Version: 1.0.0b2_r947 * * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Chris Leonello * jqPlot is currently available for use in all personal or commercial projects * under both the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) and GPL * version 2.0 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) licenses. This means that you can * choose the license that best suits your project and use it accordingly. * * Although not required, the author would appreciate an email letting him * know of any substantial use of jqPlot. You can reach the author at: * chris at jqplot dot com or see http://www.jqplot.com/info.php . * * If you are feeling kind and generous, consider supporting the project by * making a donation at: http://www.jqplot.com/donate.php . * * sprintf functions contained in jqplot.sprintf.js by Ash Searle: * * version 2007.04.27 * author Ash Searle * http://hexmen.com/blog/2007/03/printf-sprintf/ * http://hexmen.com/js/sprintf.js * The author (Ash Searle) has placed this code in the public domain: * "This code is unrestricted: you are free to use it however you like." * */ (function($) { /** * Class: $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer * Draws a Mekko style chart which shows 3 dimensional data on a 2 dimensional graph. * the <$.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer> should be used with mekko charts. The mekko renderer * overrides the default legend renderer with it's own $.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer * which allows more flexibility to specify number of rows and columns in the legend. * * Data is specified per bar in the chart. You can specify data as an array of y values, or as * an array of [label, value] pairs. Note that labels are used only on the first series. * Labels on subsequent series are ignored: * * > bar1 = [['shirts', 8],['hats', 14],['shoes', 6],['gloves', 16],['dolls', 12]]; * > bar2 = [15,6,9,13,6]; * > bar3 = [['grumpy',4],['sneezy',2],['happy',7],['sleepy',9],['doc',7]]; * * If you want to place labels for each bar under the axis, you use the barLabels option on * the axes. The bar labels can be styled with the ".jqplot-mekko-barLabel" css class. * * > barLabels = ['Mickey Mouse', 'Donald Duck', 'Goofy']; * > axes:{xaxis:{barLabels:barLabels}} * */ $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer = function(){ this.shapeRenderer = new $.jqplot.ShapeRenderer(); // prop: borderColor // color of the borders between areas on the chart this.borderColor = null; // prop: showBorders // True to draw borders lines between areas on the chart. // False will draw borders lines with the same color as the area. this.showBorders = true; }; // called with scope of series. $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.init = function(options, plot) { this.fill = false; this.fillRect = true; this.strokeRect = true; this.shadow = false; // width of bar on x axis. this._xwidth = 0; this._xstart = 0; $.extend(true, this.renderer, options); // set the shape renderer options var opts = {lineJoin:'miter', lineCap:'butt', isarc:false, fillRect:this.fillRect, strokeRect:this.strokeRect}; this.renderer.shapeRenderer.init(opts); plot.axes.x2axis._series.push(this); this._type = 'mekko'; }; // Method: setGridData // converts the user data values to grid coordinates and stores them // in the gridData array. Will convert user data into appropriate // rectangles. // Called with scope of a series. $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer.prototype.setGridData = function(plot) { // recalculate the grid data var xp = this._xaxis.series_u2p; var yp = this._yaxis.series_u2p; var data = this._plotData; this.gridData = []; // figure out width on x axis. // this._xwidth = this._sumy / plot._sumy * this.canvas.getWidth(); this._xwidth = xp(this._sumy) - xp(0); if (this.index>0) { this._xstart = plot.series[this.index-1]._xstart + plot.series[this.index-1]._xwidth; } var totheight = this.canvas.getHeight(); var sumy = 0; var cury; var curheight; for (var i=0; i'); // Mekko charts legends don't go by number of series, but by number of data points // in the series. Refactor things here for that. var pad = false, reverse = true, // mekko charts are always stacked, so reverse nr, nc; var s = series[0]; var colorGenerator = new $.jqplot.ColorGenerator(s.seriesColors); if (s.show) { var pd = s.data; if (this.numberRows) { nr = this.numberRows; if (!this.numberColumns){ nc = Math.ceil(pd.length/nr); } else{ nc = this.numberColumns; } } else if (this.numberColumns) { nc = this.numberColumns; nr = Math.ceil(pd.length/this.numberColumns); } else { nr = pd.length; nc = 1; } var i, j, tr, td1, td2, lt, rs, color; var idx = 0; for (i=0; i').prependTo(this._elem); } else{ tr = $('').appendTo(this._elem); } for (j=0; j0){ pad = true; } else{ pad = false; } } else{ if (i == nr -1){ pad = false; } else{ pad = true; } } rs = (pad) ? this.rowSpacing : '0'; td1 = $(''+ '
'+ '
'); td2 = $(''); if (this.escapeHtml){ td2.text(lt); } else { td2.html(lt); } if (reverse) { td2.prependTo(tr); td1.prependTo(tr); } else { td1.appendTo(tr); td2.appendTo(tr); } pad = true; } idx++; } } tr = null; td1 = null; td2 = null; } } return this._elem; }; $.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer.prototype.pack = function(offsets) { if (this.show) { // fake a grid for positioning var grid = {_top:offsets.top, _left:offsets.left, _right:offsets.right, _bottom:this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom}; if (this.placement == 'insideGrid') { switch (this.location) { case 'nw': var a = grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css('left', a); this._elem.css('top', b); break; case 'n': var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2; var b = grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css('left', a); this._elem.css('top', b); break; case 'ne': var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({right:a, top:b}); break; case 'e': var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2; this._elem.css({right:a, top:b}); break; case 'se': var a = offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b}); break; case 's': var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2; var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b}); break; case 'sw': var a = grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b}); break; case 'w': var a = grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2; this._elem.css({left:a, top:b}); break; default: // same as 'se' var a = grid._right - this.xoffset; var b = grid._bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b}); break; } } else { switch (this.location) { case 'nw': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css('right', a); this._elem.css('top', b); break; case 'n': var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2; var b = this._plotDimensions.height - grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css('left', a); this._elem.css('bottom', b); break; case 'ne': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = grid._top + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({left:a, top:b}); break; case 'e': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2; this._elem.css({left:a, top:b}); break; case 'se': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right + this.xoffset; var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({left:a, bottom:b}); break; case 's': var a = (offsets.left + (this._plotDimensions.width - offsets.right))/2 - this.getWidth()/2; var b = this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({left:a, top:b}); break; case 'sw': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = offsets.bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b}); break; case 'w': var a = this._plotDimensions.width - grid._left + this.xoffset; var b = (offsets.top + (this._plotDimensions.height - offsets.bottom))/2 - this.getHeight()/2; this._elem.css({right:a, top:b}); break; default: // same as 'se' var a = grid._right - this.xoffset; var b = grid._bottom + this.yoffset; this._elem.css({right:a, bottom:b}); break; } } } }; // setup default renderers for axes and legend so user doesn't have to // called with scope of plot function preInit(target, data, options) { options = options || {}; options.axesDefaults = options.axesDefaults || {}; options.legend = options.legend || {}; options.seriesDefaults = options.seriesDefaults || {}; var setopts = false; if (options.seriesDefaults.renderer == $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer) { setopts = true; } else if (options.series) { for (var i=0; i < options.series.length; i++) { if (options.series[i].renderer == $.jqplot.MekkoRenderer) { setopts = true; } } } if (setopts) { options.axesDefaults.renderer = $.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer; options.legend.renderer = $.jqplot.MekkoLegendRenderer; options.legend.preDraw = true; } } $.jqplot.preInitHooks.push(preInit); })(jQuery);