* @author Nathan Gray * @package calendar * @copyright (c) 2007-9 by Ralf Becker * @copyright 2011 Nathan Gray * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id$ */ /** * Calendar - document merge object */ class calendar_merge extends bo_merge { /** * Functions that can be called via menuaction * * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'show_replacements' => true, ); // Object for getting calendar info protected $bo; // Object used for getting resource info protected static $resources; /** * Recognised relative days - used as a day table, like day_ */ protected static $relative = array( 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday', ); /** * If you use a range, these extra tags are available */ protected static $range_tags = array( 'start' => 'Y-m-d', 'end' => 'Y-m-d', 'month' => 'm', 'year' => 'Y' ); /** * Base query for all event searches */ protected $query = array(); /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->bo = new calendar_boupdate(); self::$range_tags['start'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']; self::$range_tags['end'] = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat']; // Register table plugins $this->table_plugins['participant'] = 'participant'; for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $this->table_plugins[date('l', strtotime("+$i days"))] = 'day_plugin'; } for($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $this->table_plugins['day_'.$i] = 'day'; // Numerically by day number (1-31) } foreach(self::$relative as $day) { $this->table_plugins[$day] = 'day'; // Current day } $this->query = $GLOBALS['egw']->session->appsession('session_data','calendar'); $this->query['users'] = explode(',', $this->query['owner']); } /** * Get replacements * * @param int|array $id event-id array with id,recur_date, or array with search parameters * @param string &$content=null content to create some replacements only if they are used * @return array|boolean */ protected function get_replacements($id,&$content=null) { $prefix = ''; // List events ? if(is_array($id) && !$id['id']) { $events = $this->bo->search($this->query + $id + array( 'offset' => 0, 'order' => 'cal_start', )); if(strpos($content,'$$calendar/') !== false || strpos($content, '$$table/day') !== false) { array_unshift($events,false); unset($events[0]); // renumber the array to start with key 1, instead of 0 $prefix = 'calendar/%d'; } } else { $events = array($id); } $replacements = array(); $n = 0; foreach($events as $event) { $values = $this->calendar_replacements($event,sprintf($prefix,++$n)); if(is_array($id) && $id['start']) { foreach(self::$range_tags as $key => $format) { $values["$\$range/$key$$"] = date($format, $key == 'end' ? $id['end'] : $id['start']); } } $replacements += $values; } return $replacements; } /** * Return replacements for the calendar * * @param int|array $id event-id or array with id/recur_date, or array with event info * @param boolean $last_event_too=false also include information about the last event * @return array */ public function calendar_replacements($id,$prefix = '') { $replacements = array(); if(!is_array($id) || !$id['start']) { $event = $this->bo->read(is_array($id) ? $id['id'] : $id, is_array($id) ? $id['recur_date'] : null); } else { $event = $id; } foreach($this->bo->event2array($event) as $name => $data) { if (substr($name,-4) == 'date') $name = substr($name,0,-4); $replacements['$$' . ($prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '') . 'calendar_'.$name . '$$'] = is_array($data['data']) ? implode(', ',$data['data']) : $data['data']; } foreach(array('start','end') as $what) { foreach(array( 'date' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'], 'day' => 'l', 'time' => $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i', ) as $name => $format) { $value = date($format,$event[$what]); if ($format == 'l') $value = lang($value); $replacements['$$' .($prefix ? $prefix.'/':'').'calendar_'.$what.$name.'$$'] = $value; } } $duration = ($event['end'] - $event['start'])/60; $replacements['$$'.($prefix?$prefix.'/':'').'calendar_duration$$'] = floor($duration/60).lang('h').($duration%60 ? $duration%60 : ''); $custom = config::get_customfields('calendar'); foreach($custom as $name => $field) { $replacements['$$'.($prefix?$prefix.'/':'').'#'.$name.'$$'] = $event['#'.$name]; } return $replacements; } /** * Table plugin for event * Lists events for a certain day of the week. Only works for one week at a time, so for multiple weeks, * use multiple date ranges. * * Use: * $$table/Monday$$ $$starttime$$ $$title$$ $$endtable$$ * The day of the week may be language specific (date('l')). * * @param string $plugin (Monday-Sunday) * @param int/array date or date range * @param int $n Row number * @param string $repeat Text being repeated for each entry * @return array */ public function day_plugin($plugin,$date,$n,$repeat) { static $days; if(is_array($date) && !$date['start']) { $event = $this->bo->read(is_array($date) ? $date['id'] : $date, is_array($date) ? $date['recur_date'] : null); if(date('l',$event['start']) != $plugin) return array(); $date = $event['start']; } $_date = $date['start'] ? $date['start'] : $date; if($days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin]) return $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][$n]; $events = $this->bo->search($this->query + array( 'start' => $date['end'] ? $date['start'] : mktime(0,0,0,date('m',$_date),date('d',$_date),date('Y',$_date)), 'end' => $date['end'] ? $date['end'] : mktime(23,59,59,date('m',$_date),date('d',$_date),date('Y',$_date)), 'offset' => 0, 'num_rows' => 20, 'order' => 'cal_start', 'daywise' => true )); $days = array(); $replacements = array(); foreach($events as $day => $list) { foreach($list as $key => $event) { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][date('l',$event['start'])][] = $this->calendar_replacements($event); } if(strpos($repeat, '$$day/date$$') !== false) { $date_marker = array('$$day/date$$' => date($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'], strtotime($day))); if(!is_array($days[date('Ymd',$_date)][date('l',strtotime($day))])) { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][date('l',strtotime($day))] = array($date_marker); } else { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][date('l',strtotime($day))][0] += $date_marker; } } } return $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][0]; } /** * Table plugin for a certain date * * Can be either a particular date (2011-02-15) or a day of the month (15) * * @param string $plugin * @param int $id ID for this record * @param int $n Repeated row number * @param string $repeat Text being repeated for each entry * @return array */ public function day($plugin,$id,$n,$repeat) { static $days; // Figure out which day list($type, $which) = explode('_',$plugin); if($type == 'day' && $which) { $date = $this->bo->date2array($id['start']); $date['day'] = $which; $date = $this->bo->date2ts($date); if(is_array($id) && $id['start'] && ($date < $id['start'] || $date > $id['end'])) return array(); } else { $date = strtotime($plugin); } if($type == 'day' && is_array($id) && !$id['start']) { $event = $this->bo->read(is_array($id) ? $id['id'] : $id, is_array($id) ? $id['recur_date'] : null); if($which && date('d',$event['start']) != $which) return array(); if(date('Ymd',$date) != date('Ymd', $event['start'])) return array(); return $n == 0 ? $this->calendar_replacements($event) : array(); } // Use start for cache, in case of multiple months $_date = $id['start'] ? $id['start'] : $date; if($days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin]) return $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][$n]; $events = $this->bo->search($this->query + array( 'start' => $date, 'end' => mktime(23,59,59,date('m',$date),date('d',$date),date('Y',$date)), 'offset' => 0, 'num_rows' => 20, 'order' => 'cal_start', 'daywise' => true )); $replacements = array(); $days = array(); foreach($events as $day => $list) { foreach($list as $key => $event) { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][] = $this->calendar_replacements($event); } if(strpos($repeat, '$$day/date$$') !== false) { $date_marker = array('$$day/date$$' => date($GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'], strtotime($day))); if(!is_array($days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin])) { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin] = array($date_marker); } else { $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][0] += $date_marker; } } } return $days[date('Ymd',$_date)][$plugin][0]; } /** * Table plugin for participants * * Copied from eventmgr resources * * @param string $plugin * @param int $id * @param int $n * @return array */ public function participant($plugin,$id,$n) { if(!is_array($id) || !$id['start']) { $event = $this->bo->read(is_array($id) ? $id['id'] : $id, is_array($id) ? $id['recur_date'] : null); } else { $event = $id; } if(!is_array($event['participants']) || $n >= count($event['participants'])) return array(); $participant = null; $status = null; $i = -1; foreach($event['participants'] as $participant => $status) { if(++$i == $n) break; } if(!$participant) return array(); // Add some common information calendar_so::split_status($status,$quantity,$role); if ($role != 'REQ-PARTICIPANT') { if (isset($this->bo->roles[$role])) { $role = lang($this->bo->roles[$role]); } // allow to use cats as roles (beside regular iCal ones) elseif (substr($role,0,6) == 'X-CAT-' && ($cat_id = (int)substr($role,6)) > 0) { $role = $GLOBALS['egw']->categories->id2name($cat_id); } else { $role = lang(str_replace('X-','',$role)); } } $info = array( 'name' => $this->bo->participant_name($participant), 'status' => $this->bo->verbose_status[$status], 'quantity' => $quantity, 'role' => $role ); switch ($participant[0]) { case 'c': $replacements = $this->contact_replacements(substr($participant,1),''); break; case 'r': if (is_null(self::$resources)) self::$resources = CreateObject('resources.bo_resources'); if (($resource = self::$resources->read(substr($participant,1)))) { foreach($resource as $name => $value) { $replacements['$$'.$name.'$$'] = $value; } } break; default: if (is_numeric($participant) && ($contact = $GLOBALS['egw']->accounts->id2name($participant,'person_id'))) { $replacements = $this->contact_replacements($contact,''); } break; } foreach($info as $name => $value) { $replacements['$$'.$name.'$$'] = $value; } return $replacements; } /** * Generate table with replacements for the preferences * */ public function show_replacements() { $GLOBALS['egw']->translation->add_app('calendar'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('calendar').' - '.lang('Replacements for inserting events into documents'); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['nonavbar'] = false; common::egw_header(); echo "\n"; echo '"; foreach(array( 'calendar_title' => lang('Title'), 'calendar_description' => lang('Description'), 'calendar_participants' => lang('Participants'), 'calendar_location' => lang('Location'), 'calendar_start' => lang('Start').': '.lang('Date').'+'.lang('Time'), 'calendar_startday' => lang('Start').': '.lang('Weekday'), 'calendar_startdate'=> lang('Start').': '.lang('Date'), 'calendar_starttime'=> lang('Start').': '.lang('Time'), 'calendar_end' => lang('End').': '.lang('Date').'+'.lang('Time'), 'calendar_endday' => lang('End').': '.lang('Weekday'), 'calendar_enddate' => lang('End').': '.lang('Date'), 'calendar_endtime' => lang('End').': '.lang('Time'), 'calendar_duration' => lang('Duration'), 'calendar_category' => lang('Category'), 'calendar_priority' => lang('Priority'), 'calendar_updated' => lang('Updated'), 'calendar_recur_type' => lang('Repetition'), 'calendar_access' => lang('Access').': '.lang('public').', '.lang('private'), 'calendar_owner' => lang('Owner'), ) as $name => $label) { if (in_array($name,array('start','end')) && $n&1) // main values, which should be in the first column { echo "\n"; $n++; } if (!($n&1)) echo ''; echo ''; if ($n&1) echo "\n"; $n++; } echo '"; echo ''; foreach(self::$range_tags as $name => $format) { echo '\n"; } echo '"; $custom = config::get_customfields('calendar'); foreach($custom as $name => $field) { echo '\n"; } echo '"; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '"; foreach(array( 'date' => lang('Date'), 'user/n_fn' => lang('Name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too'), 'user/account_lid' => lang('Username'), 'pagerepeat' => lang('For serial letter use this tag. Put the content, you want to repeat between two Tags.'), 'label' => lang('Use this tag for addresslabels. Put the content, you want to repeat, between two tags.'), 'labelplacement' => lang('Tag to mark positions for address labels'), 'IF fieldname' => lang('Example $$IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.$$ - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.'), 'NELF' => lang('Example $$NELF role$$ - if field role is not empty, you will get a new line with the value of field role'), 'NENVLF' => lang('Example $$NELFNV role$$ - if field role is not empty, set a LF without any value of the field'), 'LETTERPREFIX' => lang('Example $$LETTERPREFIX$$ - Gives a letter prefix without double spaces, if the title is emty for example'), 'LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM' => lang('Example $$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family$$ - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller'), ) as $name => $label) { echo '\n"; } echo "

'.lang('Calendar fields:')."


'.lang('Range fields').":

'.lang('If you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available').'

'.lang('Custom fields').":


'.lang('Participant table').":

$$table/participant$$ ...
'; echo '"; $days = array(); for($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $days[date('N',strtotime("+$i days"))] = date('l',strtotime("+$i days")); } ksort($days); foreach($days as $day) { echo ''; } echo '

'.lang('Day of week tables').":

$$table/'.$day. '$$ ... $$endtable$$
'; echo '"; foreach(self::$relative as $key => $value) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '

'.lang('Daily tables').":

$$table/'.$value. '$$ ... $$endtable$$
$$table/day_n$$ ... $$endtable$$1 <= n <= 31
$$day/date$$'.lang('Date for the day of the week, available for the first entry inside each day of week or daily table inside the selected range.').'

'.lang('General fields:')."

\n"; common::egw_footer(); } }