/*egw:uses jquery.jquery; /phpgwapi/js/jquery/blueimp/js/jquery.blueimp-gallery.min.js; */ /** * Interface all exposed widget must support in order to getMedia for the blueimp Gallery. */ var et2_IExposable = new Interface({ /** * get media an array of media objects to pass to blueimp Gallery * @param {array} _attrs */ getMedia: function(_attrs) {}, }); /** * This function extends the given widget with blueimp gallery plugin * * @param {type} widget * @returns {widget} */ function expose (widget) { return widget.extend([et2_IExposable],{ /** * Initialize the expose media gallery */ init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.expose_options = { // The Id, element or querySelector of the gallery widget: container: '#blueimp-gallery', // The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the slides container: slidesContainer: 'div', // The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the title element: titleElement: 'h3', // The class to add when the gallery is visible: displayClass: 'blueimp-gallery-display', // The class to add when the gallery controls are visible: controlsClass: 'blueimp-gallery-controls', // The class to add when the gallery only displays one element: singleClass: 'blueimp-gallery-single', // The class to add when the left edge has been reached: leftEdgeClass: 'blueimp-gallery-left', // The class to add when the right edge has been reached: rightEdgeClass: 'blueimp-gallery-right', // The class to add when the automatic slideshow is active: playingClass: 'blueimp-gallery-playing', // The class for all slides: slideClass: 'slide', // The slide class for loading elements: slideLoadingClass: 'slide-loading', // The slide class for elements that failed to load: slideErrorClass: 'slide-error', // The class for the content element loaded into each slide: slideContentClass: 'slide-content', // The class for the "toggle" control: toggleClass: 'toggle', // The class for the "prev" control: prevClass: 'prev', // The class for the "next" control: nextClass: 'next', // The class for the "close" control: closeClass: 'close', // The class for the "play-pause" toggle control: playPauseClass: 'play-pause', // The list object property (or data attribute) with the object type: typeProperty: 'type', // The list object property (or data attribute) with the object title: titleProperty: 'title', // The list object property (or data attribute) with the object URL: urlProperty: 'href', // The gallery listens for transitionend events before triggering the // opened and closed events, unless the following option is set to false: displayTransition: true, // Defines if the gallery slides are cleared from the gallery modal, // or reused for the next gallery initialization: clearSlides: true, // Defines if images should be stretched to fill the available space, // while maintaining their aspect ratio (will only be enabled for browsers // supporting background-size="contain", which excludes IE < 9). // Set to "cover", to make images cover all available space (requires // support for background-size="cover", which excludes IE < 9): stretchImages: true, // Toggle the controls on pressing the Return key: toggleControlsOnReturn: true, // Toggle the automatic slideshow interval on pressing the Space key: toggleSlideshowOnSpace: true, // Navigate the gallery by pressing left and right on the keyboard: enableKeyboardNavigation: true, // Close the gallery on pressing the ESC key: closeOnEscape: true, // Close the gallery when clicking on an empty slide area: closeOnSlideClick: true, // Close the gallery by swiping up or down: closeOnSwipeUpOrDown: true, // Emulate touch events on mouse-pointer devices such as desktop browsers: emulateTouchEvents: true, // Stop touch events from bubbling up to ancestor elements of the Gallery: stopTouchEventsPropagation: false, // Hide the page scrollbars: hidePageScrollbars: true, // Stops any touches on the container from scrolling the page: disableScroll: true, // Carousel mode (shortcut for carousel specific options): carousel: true, // Allow continuous navigation, moving from last to first // and from first to last slide: continuous: false, // Remove elements outside of the preload range from the DOM: unloadElements: true, // Start with the automatic slideshow: startSlideshow: false, // Delay in milliseconds between slides for the automatic slideshow: slideshowInterval: 3000, // The starting index as integer. // Can also be an object of the given list, // or an equal object with the same url property: index: 0, // The number of elements to load around the current index: preloadRange: 2, // The transition speed between slide changes in milliseconds: transitionSpeed: 400, // The transition speed for automatic slide changes, set to an integer // greater 0 to override the default transition speed: slideshowTransitionSpeed: undefined, // The tag name, Id, element or querySelector of the indicator container: indicatorContainer: 'ol', // The class for the active indicator: activeIndicatorClass: 'active', // The list object property (or data attribute) with the thumbnail URL, // used as alternative to a thumbnail child element: thumbnailProperty: 'thumbnail', // Defines if the gallery indicators should display a thumbnail: thumbnailIndicators: true, // The event object for which the default action will be canceled // on Gallery initialization (e.g. the click event to open the Gallery): event: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_event,this), // Callback function executed when the Gallery is initialized. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object: onopen: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onopen,this), // Callback function executed when the Gallery has been initialized // and the initialization transition has been completed. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object: onopened: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onopened,this), // Callback function executed on slide change. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the // current index and slide as arguments: onslide: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onslide,this), // Callback function executed after the slide change transition. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the // current index and slide as arguments: onslideend: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onslideend,this), // Callback function executed on slide content load. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object and the // slide index and slide element as arguments: onslidecomplete: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onslidecomplete,this), // Callback function executed when the Gallery is about to be closed. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object: onclose:jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onclose,this), // Callback function executed when the Gallery has been closed // and the closing transition has been completed. // Is called with the gallery instance as "this" object: onclosed: jQuery.proxy(this.expose_onclosed,this) }; var $body = jQuery('body'); if ($body.find('#blueimp-gallery').length == 0) { // Gallery Main DIV container var $expose_node = jQuery(document.createElement('div')).attr({id:"blueimp-gallery", class:"blueimp-gallery"}); // Create Gallery DOM NODE $expose_node.append('

    '); // Append the gallery Node to DOM $body.append($expose_node); } }, set_value:function (_value) { this._super.apply(this,arguments) var self=this; // If the media type is not supported do not bind the click handler if (_value && typeof _value.mime != 'undefined' && !_value.mime.match(/^(video|image|audio|media)\//,'ig')) { return; } if (typeof this.options.expose_view != 'undefined' && this.options.expose_view ) { jQuery(this.node).on('click', function(){ self._init_blueimp_gallery(_value); }); } }, _init_blueimp_gallery: function (_value) { var mediaContent = this.getMedia(_value); blueimp.Gallery(mediaContent, this.expose_options); }, expose_event:function (event){ console.log(event); }, expose_onopen: function (event){}, expose_onopened: function (event){}, /** * Trigger on slide left/right * @param {type} event * @param {type} _callback */ expose_onslide: function (event){}, expose_onslideend: function (event){}, expose_onslidecomplete:function (event){}, expose_onclose: function(event){}, expose_onclosed: function (event){} }); }