/** * eGroupWare eTemplate2 - JS Link object * * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @package etemplate * @subpackage api * @link http://www.egroupware.org * @author Nathan Gray * @copyright 2011 Nathan Gray * @version $Id$ */ "use strict"; /*egw:uses jquery.jquery; jquery.jquery-ui; et2_core_inputWidget; et2_core_valueWidget; */ /** * UI widgets for Egroupware linking system */ var et2_link_to = et2_inputWidget.extend({ attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Limit to the listed application or applications (comma seperated)" }, "blur": { "name": "Placeholder", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "This text get displayed if an input-field is empty and does not have the input-focus (blur). It can be used to show a default value or a kind of help-text." }, "no_files": { "name": "No files", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Suppress attach-files" }, "search_label": { "name": "Search label", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Label to use for search" }, "link_label": { "name": "Link label", "type": "string", "default": "Link", "description": "Label for the link button" } }, search_timeout: 200, //ms after change to send query minimum_characters: 2, // Don't send query unless there's at least this many chars init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.div = null; this.link_button = null; this.status_span = null; this.comment = null; this.link_entry = null; this.file_upload = null; this.createInputWidget(); }, destroy: function() { this.link_button = null; this.status_span = null; this.comment = null; this.link_entry.destroy(); this.link_entry = null; this.file_upload.destroy(); this.file_upload = null; this.div = null; this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Override to provide proper node for sub widgets to go in */ getDOMNode: function(_sender) { if(_sender == this) { return this.div[0]; } else if (_sender._type == 'link-entry') { return this.link_div[0]; } else if (_sender._type == 'file') { return this.file_div[0]; } }, createInputWidget: function() { this.div = $j(document.createElement("div")).addClass("et2_link_to"); // One common link button this.link_button = $j(document.createElement("button")) .text(this.egw().lang(this.options.link_label)) .appendTo(this.div).hide() .click(this, this.createLink); // Span for indicating status this.status_span = $j(document.createElement("span")) .appendTo(this.div).addClass("status").hide(); // Need a div for link-to widget this.link_div = $j(document.createElement("div")).css("margin-bottom", "1ex").appendTo(this.div); // Link comment field this.comment = $j(document.createElement("input")) .css("display", "block").css("width","89%") .appendTo(this.div).hide(); et2_link_entry.prototype.set_blur(this.egw().lang("Comment..."),this.comment); // Need a div for file upload widget this.file_div = $j(document.createElement("div")).appendTo(this.div); this.setDOMNode(this.div[0]); }, doLoadingFinished: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; // Link-to var link_entry_attrs = { id: this.id + '_link_entry', blur: this.options.search_label ? this.options.search_label : this.egw().lang('Search...'), query: function() { self.link_button.hide(); self.comment.hide(); return true;}, select: function() {self.link_button.show(); self.comment.show(); return true;} } this.link_entry = et2_createWidget("link-entry", link_entry_attrs,this); // File upload var file_attrs = { multiple: true, id: this.id + '_file', onFinish: function(event, file_count) { self.filesUploaded(event); } }; this.file_upload = et2_createWidget("file", file_attrs,this); return true; }, getValue: function() { return this.options.value; }, filesUploaded: function(event) { var self = this; this.link_button.show(); // Add some comment fields this.file_upload.progress.children().each(function() { var comment = jQuery(document.createElement("input")) .appendTo(this).hide(); self.link_entry.set_blur(self.egw().lang("Comment..."),comment); var comment_icon = jQuery(document.createElement("span")) .appendTo(this) .addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-comment") .click(function() {comment_icon.hide(); comment.toggle();}) }); }, /** * Create a link using the current internal values */ createLink: function(event) { // Disable link button event.data.link_button.attr("disabled", true); var values = event.data.options.value; var self = event.data; var links = []; // Links to other entries event.data = self.link_entry; self.link_entry.createLink(event,links); // Add comment if(links.length > 0 && self.comment.val() && self.comment.val() != self.comment.attr("placeholder")) { for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].remark = self.comment.val(); } self.comment.val(self.comment.attr("placeholder")); } // Files for(var file in self.file_upload.options.value) { links.push({ app: 'file', id: file, name: self.file_upload.options.value[file].name, type: self.file_upload.options.value[file].type, remark: jQuery("li[file='"+self.file_upload.options.value[file].name+"'] > input", self.file_upload.progress) .filter(function() { return jQuery(this).attr("placeholder") != jQuery(this).val();}).val() }); } var request = new egw_json_request("etemplate_widget_link::ajax_link::etemplate", [values.to_app, values.to_id, links], this ); request.sendRequest(true, self._link_result, self); }, /** * Sent some links, server has a result */ _link_result: function(success) { if(success) { this.comment.hide(); this.link_button.hide().attr("disabled", false); this.status_span.fadeIn().delay(1000).fadeOut(); delete this.options.value.app; delete this.options.value.id; for(var file in this.file_upload.options.value) { delete this.file_upload.options.value[file]; } this.file_upload.progress.empty(); // Look for a link-list with the same ID, refresh it var self = this; this.getRoot().iterateOver( function(widget) { if(widget.id == self.id) { widget._get_links(); } }, this, et2_link_list ); } } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_to, ["link-to"]); var et2_link_apps = et2_selectbox.extend({ attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Limit to the listed application or applications (comma seperated)" } }, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); var select_options = {}; // Limit to one app if(this.options.application) { select_options[_attrs.application] = this.egw().lang(_attrs.application); } else { select_options = this.egw().link_app_list('query'); // Check whether the options entry was found, if not read it from the // content array. if (select_options == null) { select_options = this.getArrayMgr('content') .getEntry("options-" + this.id) } // Default to an empty object if (select_options == null) { select_options = {}; } } this.set_select_options(select_options); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_apps, ["link-apps"]); var et2_link_entry = et2_inputWidget.extend({ attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Limit to the listed application or applications (comma seperated)" }, "blur": { "name": "Placeholder", "type": "string", "default": et2_no_init, "description": "This text get displayed if an input-field is empty and does not have the input-focus (blur). It can be used to show a default value or a kind of help-text." }, "query": { "name": "Query callback", "type": "any", "default": false, "description": "Callback before query to server. Must return true, or false to abort query." }, "select": { "name": "Select callback", "type": "any", "default": false, "description": "Callback when user selects an option. Must return true, or false to abort normal action." }, }, legacyOptions: ["application"], search_timeout: 200, //ms after change to send query minimum_characters: 2, // Don't send query unless there's at least this many chars init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.div = null; this.search = null; this.app_select = null; if(typeof this.options.value == 'undefined') this.options.value = {}; this.cache = {}; this.createInputWidget(); }, destroy: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.div = null; this.search.autocomplete("destroy"); this.search = null; this.app_select = null; }, createInputWidget: function() { var self = this; this.div = $j(document.createElement("div")).addClass("et2_link_entry"); // Application selection this.app_select = $j(document.createElement("select")).appendTo(this.div) .change(function(e) { self.cache = {}; // Clear cache when app changes self.options.value.app = self.app_select.val(); }) .css("width","39%"); var opt_count = 0; for(var key in this.options.select_options) { opt_count++; var option = $j(document.createElement("option")) .attr("value", key) .text(this.options.select_options[key]); option.appendTo(this.app_select); } this.app_select.val(this.options.application); if(opt_count == 1) { this.app_select.hide(); } self.options.value.app = this.app_select.val(); // Search input this.search = $j(document.createElement("input")) // .attr("type", "search") // Fake it for all browsers below .focus(function(){if(!self.options.application) { // Adjust width, leave room for app select & link button self.search.css("width", "50%");self.app_select.show(); }}) .css("width", opt_count == 1 ? "100%" : "50%") .appendTo(this.div); this.set_blur(this.options.blur ? this.options.blur : this.egw().lang("search"), this.search); // Autocomplete this.search.autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { return self.query(request, response);}, select: function(event, item) { event.data = self; self.select(event,item); return false;}, focus: function(event, item) { event.stopPropagation(); self.search.val(item.item.label); return false; }, minLength: self.minimum_characters, disabled: self.options.disabled }); // Bind to enter key to start search early this.search.keydown(function(e) { var keycode = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(keycode == '13') { self.search.autocomplete("option","minLength", 0); self.search.autocomplete("search"); self.search.autocomplete("option","minLength", self.minimum_characters); e.stopPropagation(); } }); // Clear / last button var clear = $j(document.createElement("span")) .addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-close ui-state-default") .click(function(e){ // No way to tell if the results is open, so if they click the button while open, it clears if(self.last_search && self.last_search != self.search.val()) { // Repeat last search (should be cached) self.search.val(self.last_search); self.last_search = ""; self.search.autocomplete("search"); } else { // Clear self.search.autocomplete("close"); self.search.val(""); } self.search.focus(); }) .hover(function() {$j(this).addClass("ui-state-hover");}, function() {$j(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover");}) .appendTo(this.div); this.setDOMNode(this.div[0]); }, getDOMNode: function() { return this.div[0]; }, transformAttributes: function(_attrs) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); _attrs["select_options"] = {}; if(_attrs["application"]) { var apps = et2_csvSplit(_attrs["application"], null, ","); for(var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { _attrs["select_options"][apps[i]] = this.egw().lang(apps[i]); } } else { _attrs["select_options"] = this.egw().link_app_list('query'); } // Check whether the options entry was found, if not read it from the // content array. if (_attrs["select_options"] == null) { _attrs["select_options"] = this.getArrayMgr('content') .getEntry("options-" + this.id) } // Default to an empty object if (_attrs["select_options"] == null) { _attrs["select_options"] = {}; } }, getValue: function() { return this.options.value; }, set_value: function(_value) { if(!_value || _value.length == 0) { this.search.text(""); this.value = {}; return; } if(typeof _value == 'string') { if(_value.indexOf(":") >= 0) { var split = et2_csvSplit(_value, 2,":"); _value = { app: split[0], id: split[1] }; } else if(_value && this.options.application) { _value = { app: this.options.application, id: _value }; } } if(!_value.app) _value.app = this.options.application; if(typeof _value != 'object' || !(_value.app && _value.id)) { console.warn("Bad value for link widget. Need an object with keys 'app', 'id', and optionally 'title'", _value); return; } if(!_value.title) { var title = this.egw().link_title(_value.app, _value.id); if(title != null) { _value.title = title; } else { // Title will be fetched from server and then set var title = this.egw().link_title(_value.app, _value.id, function(title) { this.removeClass("loading").val(title+""); }, this.search); this.search.addClass("loading"); } } else { this.search.val(_value.title+""); } this.value = _value; jQuery("option[value='"+_value.app+"']",this.app_select).attr("selected",true); this.app_select.hide(); this.search.css("width", "100%"); }, set_blur: function(_value, input) { if(typeof input == 'undefined') input = this.search; if(_value) { input.attr("placeholder", _value); // HTML5 if(!input[0].placeholder) { // Not HTML5 if(input.val() == "") input.val(_value); input.focus(input,function(e) { var placeholder = _value; if(e.data.val() == placeholder) e.data.val(""); }).blur(input, function(e) { var placeholder = _value; if(e.data.val() == "") e.data.val(placeholder); }); if(input.val() == "") input.val(_value); } } else { this.search.removeAttr("placeholder"); } }, /** * Ask server for entries matching selected app/type and filtered by search string */ query: function(request, response) { // Remember last search this.last_search = this.search.val(); if(request.term in this.cache) { return response(this.cache[request.term]); } // Allow hook / tie in if(this.options.query && typeof this.options.query == 'function') { if(!this.options.query(request, response)) return false; } this.search.addClass("loading"); var request = new egw_json_request("etemplate_widget_link::ajax_link_search::etemplate", [this.app_select.val(), '', request.term], this ); this.response = response; request.sendRequest(true, this._results, this); }, /** * User selected a value */ select: function(event, selected) { if(this.options.select && typeof this.options.select == 'function') { if(!this.options.select(event, selected)) return false; } if(event.data.options.application && typeof event.data.options.value !== "object") { // Application given in options, just use ID as the value event.data.options.value = selected.item.value; } else { event.data.options.value.id = selected.item.value; } event.data.search.val(selected.item.label); }, /** * Server found some results */ _results: function(data) { this.search.removeClass("loading"); var result = []; for(var id in data) { result.push({"value": id, "label":data[id]}); } this.cache[this.search.val()] = result; this.response(result); }, /** * Create a link using the current internal values */ createLink: function(event, _links) { var values = event.data.options.value; var self = event.data; var links = []; if(typeof _links == 'undefined') { links = []; } else { links = _links; } // Links to other entries if(values.id) { links.push({ app: values.app, id: values.id, }); self.search.val(""); } // If a link array was passed in, don't make the ajax call if(typeof _links == 'undefined') { var request = new egw_json_request("etemplate_widget_link::ajax_link::etemplate", [values.to_app, values.to_id, links], this ); request.sendRequest(true, self._link_result, self); } }, /** * Sent some links, server has a result */ _link_result: function(success) { if(success) { this.link_button.hide().attr("disabled", false); this.status_span.fadeIn().delay(1000).fadeOut(); delete this.options.value.app; delete this.options.value.id; } } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_entry, ["link-entry"]); /** * UI widget for a single (read-only) link */ var et2_link = et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM], { attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Use the given application, so you can pass just the ID for value" }, "value": { description: "Array with keys app, id, and optionally title", type: "any" } }, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.link = $j(document.createElement("span")) .addClass("et2_link"); if(this.options['class']) this.link.addClass(this.options['class']); this.setDOMNode(this.link[0]); }, destroy: function() { this.link.unbind(); this.link = null; }, set_value: function(_value) { if(typeof _value != 'object' && _value && !this.options.application) { console.warn("Bad value for link widget. Need an object with keys 'app', 'id', and optionally 'title'", _value); return; } // Application set, just passed ID else if (typeof _value != "object") { _value = { app: this.options.application, id: _value }; } if(!_value || jQuery.isEmptyObject(_value)) { this.link.text("").unbind(); return; } if(!_value.title) { var self = this; var node = this.link[0]; var title = this.egw().link_title(_value.app, _value.id, function(title) {self.set_title(node, title);}, this); if(title != null) { _value.title = title; } else { // Title will be fetched from server and then set return; } } this.set_title(this.link, _value.title); var self = this; this.link.unbind() .click( function(){self.egw().open(_value, "", "edit");}); }, /** * Sets the text to be displayed. * Used as a callback, so node is provided to make sure we get the right one */ set_title: function(node, _value) { if(_value === false || _value === null) _value = ""; jQuery(node).text(_value+""); }, /** * Creates a list of attributes which can be set when working in the * "detached" mode. The result is stored in the _attrs array which is provided * by the calling code. */ getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) { _attrs.push("value"); }, /** * Returns an array of DOM nodes. The (relatively) same DOM-Nodes have to be * passed to the "setDetachedAttributes" function in the same order. */ getDetachedNodes: function() { return [this.node]; }, /** * Sets the given associative attribute->value array and applies the * attributes to the given DOM-Node. * * @param _nodes is an array of nodes which have to be in the same order as * the nodes returned by "getDetachedNodes" * @param _values is an associative array which contains a subset of attributes * returned by the "getDetachedAttributes" function and sets them to the * given values. */ setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { this.link = jQuery(_nodes[0]); if(typeof _values["id"] !== "undefined") this.set_id(_values['id']); if(typeof _values["value"] !== "undefined" && typeof _values["value"].title !== "undefined") { // Direct route this.set_title(_nodes[0], _values["value"].title); } else { this.set_value(_values["value"]); } } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link, ["link", "link-entry_ro"]); /** * UI widget for one or more links, comma separated */ var et2_link_string = et2_valueWidget.extend([et2_IDetachedDOM], { attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Use the given application, so you can pass just the ID for value" }, "value": { "description": "Either an array of link information (see egw_link::link()) or array with keys to_app and to_id", "type": "any" }, "only_app": { "name": "Application filter", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Appname, eg. 'projectmananager' to list only linked projects" }, "link_type": { "name": "Type filter", "type": "string", "default":"", "description": "Sub-type key to list only entries of that type" } }, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.list = $j(document.createElement("ul")) .addClass("et2_link_string"); if(this.options['class']) this.node.addClass(this.options['class']); this.setDOMNode(this.list[0]); }, destroy: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); if (this.node != null) { this.node.children().unbind(); } }, set_value: function(_value) { // Get data if(!_value || _value == null) return; if(!_value.to_app && this.options.application) _value.to_app = this.options.application; if(typeof _value == 'object' && _value.to_app && _value.to_id) { this.value = _value; this._get_links(); return; } if(_value.length > 0) { // Have full info // Don't store new value, just update display this.list.empty(); // Make new links for(var i = 0; i < _value.length; i++) { if(!this.options.only_app || this.options.only_app && _value[i].app == this.options.only_app) { this._add_link(_value[i]); } } } }, _get_links: function() { var _value = this.value; // Just IDs - get from server if(this.options.only_app) { _value.only_app = this.options.only_app; } this.egw().jsonq('etemplate.etemplate_widget_link.ajax_link_list', [_value], this.set_value, this); return; }, _add_link: function(_link_data) { var self = this; var link = $j(document.createElement("li")) .appendTo(this.list) .addClass("et2_link") .click( function(){self.egw().open(_link_data, "", "edit");}); if(_link_data.title) link.text(_link_data.title); // Now that link is created, get title from server & update if(!_link_data.title) { this.egw().link_title(_link_data.app, _link_data.id, function(title) {this.text(title);}, link); } }, /** * Creates a list of attributes which can be set when working in the * "detached" mode. The result is stored in the _attrs array which is provided * by the calling code. */ getDetachedAttributes: function(_attrs) { _attrs.push("value"); }, /** * Returns an array of DOM nodes. The (relatively) same DOM-Nodes have to be * passed to the "setDetachedAttributes" function in the same order. */ getDetachedNodes: function() { return [this.list[0]]; }, /** * Sets the given associative attribute->value array and applies the * attributes to the given DOM-Node. * * @param _nodes is an array of nodes which have to be in the same order as * the nodes returned by "getDetachedNodes" * @param _values is an associative array which contains a subset of attributes * returned by the "getDetachedAttributes" function and sets them to the * given values. */ setDetachedAttributes: function(_nodes, _values) { this.list = $j(_nodes[0]); this.set_value(_values["value"]); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_string, ["link-string"]); /** * UI widget for one or more links in a list (table) */ var et2_link_list = et2_link_string.extend({ attributes: { "show_deleted": { "name": "Show deleted", "type": "boolean", "default": false, "description": "Show links that are marked as deleted, being held for purge" } }, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.list = $j(document.createElement("table")) .addClass("et2_link_list"); if(this.options['class']) this.node.addClass(this.options['class']); this.setDOMNode(this.list[0]); }, _add_link: function(_link_data) { var row = $j(document.createElement("tr")) .appendTo(this.list) // Icon var icon = $j(document.createElement("td")) .appendTo(row) .addClass("icon"); if(_link_data.icon) { var icon_widget = et2_createWidget("image"); var src = ''; if(_link_data.type) { // VFS - file src = this.egw().mime_icon(_link_data.type, _link_data.icon); } else { src = this.egw().image(_link_data.icon); } if(src) icon_widget.set_src(src); icon.append(icon_widget.getDOMNode()); } var columns = ['title','remark']; var self = this; for(var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { $j(document.createElement("td")) .appendTo(row) .addClass(columns[i]) .click( function(){self.egw().open(_link_data, "", "edit");}) .text(_link_data[columns[i]]); } // Date /* var date_row = $j(document.createElement("td")) .appendTo(row); if(_link_data.lastmod) { var date_widget = et2_createWidget("date-since"); date_widget.set_value(_link_data.lastmod); date_row.append(date_widget.getDOMNode()); } */ // Delete var delete_button = $j(document.createElement("td")) .appendTo(row) .addClass("delete icon") .bind( 'click', function(){ delete_button.addClass("loading").removeClass("delete"); new egw_json_request("etemplate.etemplate_widget_link.ajax_delete", [_link_data.link_id]) .sendRequest(true, function(data) { if(data) {row.slideUp(row.remove);}}); }); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_list, ["link-list"]); /** * UI widget for one or more links in a list (table) */ var et2_link_add = et2_inputWidget.extend({ attributes: { "application": { "name": "Application", "type": "string", "default": "", "description": "Limit to the listed application or applications (comma seperated)" } }, init: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.div = jQuery(document.createElement("div")).text(this.egw().lang("Add new")); this.setDOMNode(this.div[0]); }, doLoadingFinished: function() { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.app_select = et2_createWidget("link-apps", this.options ,this); this.div.append(this.app_select.getDOMNode()); this.button = et2_createWidget("button", {label: this.egw().lang("add")}, this); this.button.set_label(this.egw().lang("add")); var self = this; this.button.click = function() { self.egw().open(self.options.value.to_app + ":" + self.options.value.to_id, self.app_select.get_value(), 'add'); }; this.div.append(this.button.getDOMNode()); } }); et2_register_widget(et2_link_add, ["link-add"]);