xDesktop.prototype.formatNumber = function(number,fnum,format,decp,curr) { var separator = ","; var decpoint = "."; var percent = "%"; var currency = "€"; (curr) ? currency = curr: currency; (format) ? format : format = ",0.00"; if (fnum) format = format.replace(/^\,/,""); var test = number.toString(); if (test.indexOf(',') != -1 && test.indexOf(',') > test.indexOf('.') ) { // european format test = test.replace(/\./g,""); // remove all 1000 separators test = test.replace(/\,/,"."); number = parseFloat(test); } else if (test.indexOf('.') != -1 && test.indexOf('.') > test.indexOf(',') ) { test = test.replace(/\,/g,""); // remove all 1000 separators number = parseFloat(test); } if (number - 0 != number) return null; // if number is NaN return null var useSeparator = format.indexOf(separator) != -1; // use separators in number var usePercent = format.indexOf(percent) != -1; // convert output to percentage var useCurrency = format.indexOf(currency) != -1; // use currency format var isNegative = (number < 0); number = Math.abs (number); if (usePercent) number *= 100; format = strip(format, separator + percent + currency); // remove key characters number = "" + number; // convert number input to string var dec = number.indexOf(decpoint) != -1; var nleftEnd = (dec) ? number.substring(0, number.indexOf(".")) : number; var nrightEnd = (dec) ? number.substring(number.indexOf(".") + 1) : ""; dec = format.indexOf(decpoint) != -1; var sleftEnd = (dec) ? format.substring(0, format.indexOf(".")) : format; var srightEnd = (dec) ? format.substring(format.indexOf(".") + 1) : ""; if (srightEnd.length < nrightEnd.length) { var nextChar = nrightEnd.charAt(srightEnd.length) - 0; nrightEnd = nrightEnd.substring(0, srightEnd.length); if (nextChar >= 5) nrightEnd = "" + ((nrightEnd - 0) + 1); // round up while (srightEnd.length > nrightEnd.length) { nrightEnd = "0" + nrightEnd; } if (srightEnd.length < nrightEnd.length) { nrightEnd = nrightEnd.substring(1); nleftEnd = (nleftEnd - 0) + 1; } } else { for (var i=nrightEnd.length; srightEnd.length > nrightEnd.length; i++) { if (srightEnd.charAt(i) == "0") nrightEnd += "0"; // append zero to RHS of number else break; } } sleftEnd = strip(sleftEnd, "#"); // remove hashes from LHS of format while (sleftEnd.length > nleftEnd.length) { nleftEnd = "0" + nleftEnd; // prepend zero to LHS of number } if (useSeparator) nleftEnd = separate(nleftEnd, separator); // add separator var output = nleftEnd + ((nrightEnd != "") ? "." + nrightEnd : ""); // combine parts output = ((useCurrency) ? currency : "") + output + ((usePercent) ? percent : ""); if (isNegative) { output = (useCurrency) ? "(" + output + ")" : "-" + output; } if (! fnum) { output = output.replace(/\,/g,":"); output = output.replace(/\./,","); output = output.replace(/:/g,"."); } return output; function strip(input, chars) { // strip all characters in 'chars' from input var output = ""; // initialise output string for (var i=0; i < input.length; i++) if (chars.indexOf(input.charAt(i)) == -1) output += input.charAt(i); return output; } function separate(input, separator) { // format input using 'separator' to mark 000's input = "" + input; var output = ""; // initialise output string for (var i=0; i < input.length; i++) { if (i != 0 && (input.length - i) % 3 == 0) output += separator; output += input.charAt(i); } return output; } }