* @copyright (c) 2012 by Ralf Becker * @version $Id$ */ /** * iSchedule client: clientside of iSchedule * * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-desruisseaux-ischedule-01 iSchedule draft from 2010 */ class ischedule_client { /** * Own iSchedule version */ const VERSION = '1.0'; /** * Required headers in DKIM signature (DKIM-Signature is always a required header!) */ const REQUIRED_DKIM_HEADERS = 'Host:iSchedule-Version:iSchedule-Message-ID:Content-Type:Originator:Recipient'; /** * URL to use to contact iSchedule receiver * * @var string */ private $url; /** * Recipient email addresses * * @param array */ private $recipients; /** * Originator email address * * @var string */ private $originator; /** * Private key of originators domain * * @var string */ private $dkim_private_key; /** * Constructor * * @param string|array $recipients=null recipient email-address(es) * @param string $url=null ischedule url, if it should NOT be discovered * @throws Exception in case of an error or discovery failure */ public function __construct($recipients, $url=null) { $this->recipients = (array)$recipients; $this->originator = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_email']; if (is_null($url)) { list(,$domain) = explode('@', $recipient); $this->url = self::discover($domain); } else { $this->url = $url; } $this->dkim_private_key = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['dkim_private_key']; } /** * Generate private/public key pair * * Private and public key are stored in api config as dkim_private_key / dkim_public_key and loaded automatic by constructor. * * @return string public key */ public static function generateKeyPair() { // Create the keypair $res = openssl_pkey_new(); // Get private key openssl_pkey_export($res, $dkim_private_key); // Get public key $details = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); $dkim_public_key = $details['key']; // store both in config config::save_value('dkim_private_key', $dkim_private_key, 'phpgwapi'); config::save_value('dkim_public_key', $dkim_public_key, 'phpgwapi'); return $dkim_public_key; } const EMAIL_PREG = '/^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9._-]*)?[a-z0-9]@([a-z0-9](|[a-z0-9_-]*[a-z0-9])\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/i'; /** * Set originator and (optional) DKIM private key * * @param string $originator * @param string $dkim_private_key=null * @throws Exception for invalid / not an email originator */ public function setOriginator($originator, $dkim_private_key=null) { if (!preg_match(self::EMAIL_PREG, $originator)) { throw new Exception("Invalid orginator '$originator'!"); } $this->originator = $originator; if (!is_null($dkim_private_key)) { $this->dkim_private_key = $dkim_private_key; } } /** * Discover iSchedule url of a given domain * * @param string $domain * @return string discovered ischedule url * @throws Exception in case of an error or discovery failure */ public static function discover($domain) { static $scheme2port = array( 'https' => 443, 'http' => 80, ); $d = $domain; for($n = 0; $n < 3; ++$n) { if (!($records = dns_get_record($host='_ischedules._tcp.'.$d, DNS_SRV)) && !($records = dns_get_record($host='_ischedule._tcp.'.$d, DNS_SRV))) { // try without subdomain(s) $parts = explode('.', $d); if (count($parts) < 3) break; array_shift($parts); $d = implode('.', $parts); } } if (!$records) throw new Exception("Could not discover iSchedule service for domain '$domain'!"); // ToDo: do we need to use priority and weight $record = $records[0]; $url = strpos($host, '_ischedules') === 0 ? 'https' : 'http'; if ($scheme2port[$url] == $record['port']) { $url .= '://'.$record['target']; } else { $url .= '://'.$record['target'].':'.$record['port']; } $url .= '/.well-known/ischedule'; return $url; } /** * Post dkim signed message to recipients iSchedule server * * @param string $content * @param string $content_type * @param boolean $debug=false true echo request before posting * @param int $max_redirect=3 maximum number of redirect before failing * @return string * @throws Exception with http status code and message, if server responds other then 2xx */ public function post_msg($content, $content_type, $debug=false, $max_redirect=3) { if (empty($this->dkim_private_key)) { throw new Exception('You need to generate a key pair first!'); } $url_parts = parse_url($this->url); $headers = array( 'Host' => $url_parts['host'].($url_parts['port'] ? ':'.$url_parts['port'] : ''), 'iSchedule-Version' => self::VERSION, 'iSchedule-Message-ID' => uniqid(), 'Content-Type' => $content_type, 'Originator' => $this->originator, 'Recipient' => $this->recipients, 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, no-transform', // required by iSchedule spec 'Content-Length' => bytes($content), ); $header_string = ''; foreach($headers as $name => $value) { foreach((array)$value as $val) { $header_string .= $name.': '.$val."\r\n"; } } $header_string .= $this->dkim_sign($headers, $content)."\r\n"; $opts = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => $header_string, 'user_agent' => 'EGroupware iSchedule client '.$GLOBALS['egw_info']['server']['versions']['phpgwapi'].' $Id$', //'follow_location' => 1, // default 1=follow, but only for GET, not POST! //'timeout' => $timeout, // max timeout in seconds (float) 'content' => $content, ) ); if ($debug) echo "POST $this->url HTTP/1.1\n$header_string\n$content\n"; // need to suppress warning, if http-status not 2xx if (($response = @file_get_contents($this->url, false, stream_context_create($opts))) === false) { list(, $code, $message) = explode(' ', $http_response_header[0], 3); if ($max_redirect && $code[0] === '3') { foreach($http_response_header as $header) { if (stripos($header, 'location:') === 0) { list(,$location) = preg_split('/: ?/', $header, 2); if ($location[0] == '/') { $parts = parse_url($this->url); $location = $parts['scheme'].'://'.$parts['host'].($parts['port'] ? ':'.$parts['port'] : '').$location; } $this->url = $location; // follow redirect return $this->post_msg($content, $content_type, $debug, $max_redirect-1); } } } throw new Exception($message, $code); } return $response; } /** * Calculate DKIM signature for headers and body using originators domains private key * * @param array $headers name => value pairs, names as in $sign_headers * @param string $body * @param string $selector='calendar' * @param string $sign_headers='iSchedule-Version:Content-Type:Originator:Recipient' * @return string DKIM-Signature: ... */ public function dkim_sign(array $headers, $body, $selector='calendar',$sign_headers=self::REQUIRED_DKIM_HEADERS) { $header_values = $header_names = array(); foreach(explode(':', $sign_headers) as $header) { foreach((array)$headers[$header] as $value) { $header_values[] = $header.': '.$value; $header_names[] = $header; } // oversign multiple value header Recipient if ($header == 'Recipient') { $header_names[] = $header; } } include_once EGW_API_INC.'/php-mail-domain-signer/lib/class.mailDomainSigner.php'; list(,$domain) = explode('@', $this->originator); $mds = new mailDomainSigner($this->dkim_private_key, $domain, $selector); // generate DKIM signature according to iSchedule spec $dkim = $mds->getDKIM(implode(':', $header_names), $header_values, $body, 'relaxed/simple', 'rsa-sha256', "DKIM-Signature: ". "v=1; ". // DKIM Version "a=\$a; ". // The algorithm used to generate the signature "rsa-sha1" "q=dns/txt:http/well-known; ". // how to fetch public key: dns/txt, http/well-known or private-exchange "x=300; ". // how long request will be valid in sec // end iSchedule specific "s=\$s; ". // The selector subdividing the namespace for the "d=" (domain) tag "d=\$d; ". // The domain of the signing entity "l=\$l; ". // Canonicalizated Body length count "t=\$t; ". // Signature Timestamp "c=\$c; ". // Message (Headers/Body) Canonicalization "relaxed/relaxed" "h=\$h; ". // Signed header fields "bh=\$bh;\r\n\t". // The hash of the canonicalized body part of the message "b="); // The signature data (Empty because we will calculate it later)); // as we do http, no need to fold dkim, in fact recommendation is not to $dkim = str_replace(array(";\r\n\t", "\r\n\t"), array('; ', ''), $dkim); return $dkim; } /** * Capabilities * * @var array */ private $capabilities; /** * Query capabilities of iSchedule server * * @param string $name=null name of capability to return, default null to return internal array with all capabilities * @return mixed * @throws Exception in case of an error or discovery failure */ public function capabilities($name=null) { if (!isset($this->capabilities)) { $reader = new XMLReader(); if (!$reader->open($this->url.'?action=capabilities')) { throw new Exception("Could not read iSchedule server capabilities $this->url!"); } $this->capabilities = self::xml2assoc($reader); $reader->close(); if (!isset($this->capabilities['query-result']) || !isset($this->capabilities['query-result']['capability-set'])) { throw new Exception("Server returned invalid capabilities!"); } $this->capabilities = $this->capabilities['query-result']['capability-set']; print_r($this->capabilities); } return $name ? $this->capabilities[$name] : $this->capabilities; } /** * Parse capabilities xml into an associativ array * * @param XMLReader $xml * @param &$target=array() * @return mixed */ private static function xml2assoc(XMLReader $xml, &$target = array()) { while ($xml->read()) { switch ($xml->nodeType) { case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT: return $target; case XMLReader::ELEMENT: $name = $xml->name; $empty = $xml->isEmptyElement; $attr_name = $xml->getAttribute('name'); if (($name_attr = $xml->getAttribute('name'))) { $name = $attr_name; } if (isset($target[$name])) { if (!is_array($target[$name])) { $target[$name] = array($target[$name]); } $t = &$target[$name][count($target[$name])]; } else { $t = &$target[$name]; } if ($xml->isEmptyElement) { $t = ''; } else { self::xml2assoc($xml, $t); } if ($xml->hasAttributes) { while($xml->moveToNextAttribute()) { if ($xml->name != 'name') { $t['@'.$xml->name] = $xml->value; } } } break; case XMLReader::TEXT: case XMLReader::CDATA: $target = $xml->value; } } return $target; } /** * Make private vars readable * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { return $this->$name; } }