* @version @package-version@ */ class HTTP_WebDAV_Server_Filesystem extends HTTP_WebDAV_Server { /** * Root directory for WebDAV access * * Defaults to webserver document root (set by ServeRequest) * * @access private * @var string */ var $base = ""; /** * MySQL Host where property and locking information is stored * * @access private * @var string */ var $db_host = "localhost"; /** * MySQL database for property/locking information storage * * @access private * @var string */ var $db_name = "webdav"; /** * MySQL table name prefix * * @access private * @var string */ var $db_prefix = ""; /** * MySQL user for property/locking db access * * @access private * @var string */ var $db_user = "root"; /** * MySQL password for property/locking db access * * @access private * @var string */ var $db_passwd = ""; /** * Serve a webdav request * * @access public * @param string */ function ServeRequest($base = false) { // special treatment for litmus compliance test // reply on its identifier header // not needed for the test itself but eases debugging if (isset($this->_SERVER['HTTP_X_LITMUS'])) { error_log("Litmus test ".$this->_SERVER['HTTP_X_LITMUS']); header("X-Litmus-reply: ".$this->_SERVER['HTTP_X_LITMUS']); } // set root directory, defaults to webserver document root if not set if ($base) { $this->base = realpath($base); // TODO throw if not a directory } else if (!$this->base) { $this->base = $this->_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } // establish connection to property/locking db mysql_connect($this->db_host, $this->db_user, $this->db_passwd) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($this->db_name) or die(mysql_error()); // TODO throw on connection problems // let the base class do all the work parent::ServeRequest(); } /** * No authentication is needed here * * @access private * @param string HTTP Authentication type (Basic, Digest, ...) * @param string Username * @param string Password * @return bool true on successful authentication */ function check_auth($type, $user, $pass) { return true; } /** * PROPFIND method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @param array return array for file properties * @return bool true on success */ function PROPFIND(&$options, &$files) { // get absolute fs path to requested resource $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"]; // sanity check if (!file_exists($fspath)) { return false; } // prepare property array $files["files"] = array(); // store information for the requested path itself $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($options["path"]); // information for contained resources requested? if (!empty($options["depth"]) && is_dir($fspath) && $this->_is_readable($fspath)) { // make sure path ends with '/' $options["path"] = $this->_slashify($options["path"]); // try to open directory $handle = opendir($fspath); if ($handle) { // ok, now get all its contents while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($options["path"].$filename); } } // TODO recursion needed if "Depth: infinite" closedir($handle); } } // ok, all done return true; } /** * Get properties for a single file/resource * * @param string resource path * @return array resource properties */ function fileinfo($path) { // map URI path to filesystem path $fspath = $this->base . $path; // create result array $info = array(); // TODO remove slash append code when base clase is able to do it itself $info["path"] = is_dir($fspath) ? $this->_slashify($path) : $path; $info["props"] = array(); // no special beautified displayname here ... $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", strtoupper($path)); // creation and modification time $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", filectime($fspath)); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", filemtime($fspath)); // Microsoft extensions: last access time and 'hidden' status $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("lastaccessed", fileatime($fspath)); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("ishidden", ('.' === substr(basename($fspath), 0, 1))); // type and size (caller already made sure that path exists) if (is_dir($fspath)) { // directory (WebDAV collection) $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", "collection"); $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "httpd/unix-directory"); } else { // plain file (WebDAV resource) $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", ""); if ($this->_is_readable($fspath)) { $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", $this->_mimetype($fspath)); } else { $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "application/x-non-readable"); } $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", filesize($fspath)); } // get additional properties from database $query = "SELECT ns, name, value FROM {$this->db_prefix}properties WHERE path = '$path'"; $res = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $info["props"][] = $this->mkprop($row["ns"], $row["name"], $row["value"]); } mysql_free_result($res); return $info; } /** * detect if a given program is found in the search PATH * * helper function used by _mimetype() to detect if the * external 'file' utility is available * * @param string program name * @param string optional search path, defaults to $PATH * @return bool true if executable program found in path */ function _can_execute($name, $path = false) { // path defaults to PATH from environment if not set if ($path === false) { $path = getenv("PATH"); } // check method depends on operating system if (!strncmp(PHP_OS, "WIN", 3)) { // on Windows an appropriate COM or EXE file needs to exist $exts = array(".exe", ".com"); $check_fn = "file_exists"; } else { // anywhere else we look for an executable file of that name $exts = array(""); $check_fn = "is_executable"; } // now check the directories in the path for the program foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $path) as $dir) { // skip invalid path entries if (!file_exists($dir)) continue; if (!is_dir($dir)) continue; // and now look for the file foreach ($exts as $ext) { if ($check_fn("$dir/$name".$ext)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if path is readable by current user * * Allow extending classes to overwrite it * * @param string $fspath * @return boolean */ function _is_readable($fspath) { return is_readable($fspath); } /** * Check if path is writable by current user * * Allow extending classes to overwrite it * * @param string $fspath * @return boolean */ function _is_writable($fspath) { return is_writable($fspath); } /** * try to detect the mime type of a file * * @param string file path * @return string guessed mime type */ function _mimetype($fspath) { if (is_dir($fspath)) { // directories are easy return "httpd/unix-directory"; } else if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { // use mime magic extension if available $mime_type = mime_content_type($fspath); } else if ($this->_can_execute("file")) { // it looks like we have a 'file' command, // lets see it it does have mime support $fp = popen("file -i '$fspath' 2>/dev/null", "r"); $reply = fgets($fp); pclose($fp); // popen will not return an error if the binary was not found // and find may not have mime support using "-i" // so we test the format of the returned string // the reply begins with the requested filename if (!strncmp($reply, "$fspath: ", strlen($fspath)+2)) { $reply = substr($reply, strlen($fspath)+2); // followed by the mime type (maybe including options) if (preg_match('|^[[:alnum:]_-]+/[[:alnum:]_-]+;?.*|', $reply, $matches)) { $mime_type = $matches[0]; } } } if (empty($mime_type)) { // Fallback solution: try to guess the type by the file extension // TODO: add more ... // TODO: it has been suggested to delegate mimetype detection // to apache but this has at least three issues: // - works only with apache // - needs file to be within the document tree // - requires apache mod_magic // TODO: can we use the registry for this on Windows? // OTOH if the server is Windos the clients are likely to // be Windows, too, and tend do ignore the Content-Type // anyway (overriding it with information taken from // the registry) // TODO: have a seperate PEAR class for mimetype detection? switch (strtolower(strrchr(basename($fspath), "."))) { case ".html": $mime_type = "text/html"; break; case ".gif": $mime_type = "image/gif"; break; case ".jpg": $mime_type = "image/jpeg"; break; default: $mime_type = "application/octet-stream"; break; } } return $mime_type; } /** * HEAD method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function HEAD(&$options) { // get absolute fs path to requested resource $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"]; // sanity check if (!file_exists($fspath)) return false; // detect resource type $options['mimetype'] = $this->_mimetype($fspath); // detect modification time // see rfc2518, section 13.7 // some clients seem to treat this as a reverse rule // requiering a Last-Modified header if the getlastmodified header was set $options['mtime'] = filemtime($fspath); // detect resource size $options['size'] = filesize($fspath); return true; } /** * GET method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function GET(&$options) { // get absolute fs path to requested resource $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"]; // is this a collection? if (is_dir($fspath)) { return $this->GetDir($fspath, $options); } // the header output is the same as for HEAD if (!$this->HEAD($options)) { return false; } // no need to check result here, it is handled by the base class $options['stream'] = fopen($fspath, "r"); return true; } /** * GET method handler for directories * * This is a very simple mod_index lookalike. * See RFC 2518, Section 8.4 on GET/HEAD for collections * * @param string directory path * @return void function has to handle HTTP response itself */ function GetDir($fspath, &$options) { $path = $this->_slashify($options["path"]); if ($path != $options["path"]) { header("Location: ".$this->base_uri.$path); exit; } // fixed width directory column format $format = "%15s %-19s %-s\n"; if (!$this->_is_readable($fspath)) { return false; } $handle = opendir($fspath); if (!$handle) { return false; } echo "Index of ".htmlspecialchars(urldecode($options['path']))."\n"; echo "

Index of ".htmlspecialchars($options['path'])."

\n"; echo "
        printf($format, "Size", "Last modified", "Filename");
        echo "
"; while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { $fullpath = $fspath.$filename; $name = htmlspecialchars($filename); printf($format, number_format(filesize($fullpath)), strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", filemtime($fullpath)), ''.urldecode($name).''); } } echo "
"; closedir($handle); echo "\n"; exit; } /** * PUT method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PUT(&$options) { $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"]; $dir = dirname($fspath); if (!file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) { return "409 Conflict"; // TODO right status code for both? } $options["new"] = ! file_exists($fspath); if ($options["new"] && !$this->_is_writable($dir)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if (!$options["new"] && !$this->_is_writable($fspath)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if (!$options["new"] && is_dir($fspath)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } $fp = fopen($fspath, "w"); return $fp; } /** * MKCOL method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MKCOL($options) { $path = $this->base .$options["path"]; $parent = dirname($path); $name = basename($path); if (!file_exists($parent)) { return "409 Conflict"; } if (!is_dir($parent)) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if ( file_exists($parent."/".$name) ) { return "405 Method not allowed"; } if (!empty($this->_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])) { // no body parsing yet return "415 Unsupported media type"; } $stat = mkdir($parent."/".$name, 0777); if (!$stat) { return "403 Forbidden"; } return ("201 Created"); } /** * DELETE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function DELETE($options) { $path = $this->base . "/" .$options["path"]; if (!file_exists($path)) { return "404 Not found"; } if (is_dir($path)) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$this->db_prefix}properties WHERE path LIKE '".$this->_slashify($options["path"])."%'"; mysql_query($query); System::rm(array("-rf", $path)); } else { unlink($path); } $query = "DELETE FROM {$this->db_prefix}properties WHERE path = '$options[path]'"; mysql_query($query); return "204 No Content"; } /** * MOVE method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function MOVE($options) { return $this->COPY($options, true); } /** * COPY method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function COPY($options, $del=false) { // TODO Property updates still broken (Litmus should detect this?) if (!empty($this->_SERVER["CONTENT_LENGTH"])) { // no body parsing yet return "415 Unsupported media type"; } // no copying to different WebDAV Servers yet if (isset($options["dest_url"])) { return "502 bad gateway"; } $source = $this->base . $options["path"]; if (!file_exists($source)) { return "404 Not found"; } if (is_dir($source)) { // resource is a collection switch ($options["depth"]) { case "infinity": // valid break; case "0": // valid for COPY only if ($del) { // MOVE? return "400 Bad request"; } break; case "1": // invalid for both COPY and MOVE default: return "400 Bad request"; } } $dest = $this->base . $options["dest"]; $destdir = dirname($dest); if (!file_exists($destdir) || !is_dir($destdir)) { return "409 Conflict"; } $new = !file_exists($dest); $existing_col = false; if (!$new) { if ($del && is_dir($dest)) { if (!$options["overwrite"]) { return "412 precondition failed"; } $dest .= basename($source); if (file_exists($dest)) { $options["dest"] .= basename($source); } else { $new = true; $existing_col = true; } } } if (!$new) { if ($options["overwrite"]) { $stat = $this->DELETE(array("path" => $options["dest"])); if (($stat{0} != "2") && (substr($stat, 0, 3) != "404")) { return $stat; } } else { return "412 precondition failed"; } } if ($del) { if (!rename($source, $dest)) { return "500 Internal server error"; } $destpath = $this->_unslashify($options["dest"]); if (is_dir($source)) { $query = "UPDATE {$this->db_prefix}properties SET path = REPLACE(path, '".$options["path"]."', '".$destpath."') WHERE path LIKE '".$this->_slashify($options["path"])."%'"; mysql_query($query); } $query = "UPDATE {$this->db_prefix}properties SET path = '".$destpath."' WHERE path = '".$options["path"]."'"; mysql_query($query); } else { if (is_dir($source) && $options["depth"] == "infinity") { // no find for depth="0" $files = System::find($source); $files = array_reverse($files); } else { $files = array($source); } if (!is_array($files) || empty($files)) { return "500 Internal server error"; } foreach ($files as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { $file = $this->_slashify($file); } $destfile = str_replace($source, $dest, $file); if (is_dir($file)) { if (!file_exists($destfile)) { if (!$this->_is_writable(dirname($destfile))) { return "403 Forbidden"; } if (!mkdir($destfile)) { return "409 Conflict"; } } else if (!is_dir($destfile)) { return "409 Conflict"; } } else { if (!copy($file, $destfile)) { return "409 Conflict"; } } } $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->db_prefix}properties SELECT * FROM {$this->db_prefix}properties WHERE path = '".$options['path']."'"; } return ($new && !$existing_col) ? "201 Created" : "204 No Content"; } /** * PROPPATCH method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function PROPPATCH(&$options) { global $prefs, $tab; $msg = ""; $path = $options["path"]; $dir = dirname($path)."/"; $base = basename($path); foreach ($options["props"] as $key => $prop) { if ($prop["ns"] == "DAV:") { $options["props"][$key]['status'] = "403 Forbidden"; } else { if (isset($prop["val"])) { $query = "REPLACE INTO {$this->db_prefix}properties SET path = '$options[path]' , name = '$prop[name]' , ns= '$prop[ns]' , value = '$prop[val]'"; } else { $query = "DELETE FROM {$this->db_prefix}properties WHERE path = '$options[path]' AND name = '$prop[name]' AND ns = '$prop[ns]'"; } mysql_query($query); } } return ""; } /** * LOCK method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function LOCK(&$options) { // get absolute fs path to requested resource $fspath = $this->base . $options["path"]; // TODO recursive locks on directories not supported yet // makes litmus test "32. lock_collection" fail if (is_dir($fspath) && !empty($options["depth"])) { return "409 Conflict"; } $options["timeout"] = time()+300; // 5min. hardcoded if (isset($options["update"])) { // Lock Update $where = "WHERE path = '$options[path]' AND token = '$options[update]'"; $query = "SELECT owner, exclusivelock FROM {$this->db_prefix}locks $where"; $res = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); mysql_free_result($res); if (is_array($row)) { $query = "UPDATE {$this->db_prefix}locks SET expires = '$options[timeout]' , modified = ".time()." $where"; mysql_query($query); $options['owner'] = $row['owner']; $options['scope'] = $row["exclusivelock"] ? "exclusive" : "shared"; $options['type'] = $row["exclusivelock"] ? "write" : "read"; return true; } else { return false; } } $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->db_prefix}locks SET token = '$options[locktoken]' , path = '$options[path]' , created = ".time()." , modified = ".time()." , owner = '$options[owner]' , expires = '$options[timeout]' , exclusivelock = " .($options['scope'] === "exclusive" ? "1" : "0") ; mysql_query($query); return mysql_affected_rows() ? "200 OK" : "409 Conflict"; } /** * UNLOCK method handler * * @param array general parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ function UNLOCK(&$options) { $query = "DELETE FROM {$this->db_prefix}locks WHERE path = '$options[path]' AND token = '$options[token]'"; mysql_query($query); return mysql_affected_rows() ? "204 No Content" : "409 Conflict"; } /** * checkLock() helper * * @param string resource path to check for locks * @return bool true on success */ function checkLock($path) { $result = false; $query = "SELECT owner, token, created, modified, expires, exclusivelock FROM {$this->db_prefix}locks WHERE path = '$path' "; $res = mysql_query($query); if ($res) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); mysql_free_result($res); if ($row) { $result = array( "type" => "write", "scope" => $row["exclusivelock"] ? "exclusive" : "shared", "depth" => 0, "owner" => $row['owner'], "token" => $row['token'], "created" => $row['created'], "modified" => $row['modified'], "expires" => $row['expires'] ); } } return $result; } /** * create database tables for property and lock storage * * @param void * @return bool true on success */ function create_database() { // TODO return false; } } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode:nil * End: */