%1 email addresses inserted common zh 已插入%1个电子邮件地址 %1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common zh Web 服务器无法执行%1! %1 manual common zh %1用户指南 %1 start common zh %1开始 %1choose an other directory%2
or make %3 writeable by webserver common zh %1选择另一个目录%2
或使得 Web 服务器可以写入%3 %1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common zh %1eGroupWare%2 是一个多用户、基于 Web 的以 %3PHP%4 为基础开发的工作组套件。 (shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar zh (Shift+)点击或拖放修改其值 - click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar zh - 点击任何时间部分以增加它 - hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar zh - 在任何一个按钮上保持按住鼠标键以加快选取。 - or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar zh - 或点击拖放快速选择。 - or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar zh - 或 Shift+点击减少 - use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar zh - 使用 %1 、%2 按钮选择月份 - use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar zh - 使用 %1 、%2 按钮选择年份 00 (disable) admin zh 00 (禁用) 1 day common zh 1 天 1 hour common zh 1 小时 1 month common zh 1 个月 1 week common zh 1 星期 13 (ntp) admin zh 13 (NTP) 3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar zh 日期的简写 3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar zh 月份的简写 80 (http) admin zh 80 (http) about common zh 关于 about %1 common zh 关于%1 about egroupware common zh 关于 eGroupWare about the calendar jscalendar zh 关于该日历 access common zh 访问 access not permitted common zh 禁止访问 account has been created common zh 账户创建成功 account has been deleted common zh 账户已删除 account has been updated common zh 账户已更新 account is expired common zh 帐户已过有效期 acl common zh ACL action common zh 操作 active common zh 活动的 add common zh 添加 add %1 category for common zh 添加类别为 add category common zh 添加类别 add shortcut common zh 添加快捷键 add sub common zh 添加子类别 addressbook common zh 通讯簿 admin common zh 系统管理 administration common zh 系统管理 afghanistan common zh 阿富汗 albania common zh 阿尔巴尼亚 algeria common zh 阿尔及利亚 all common zh 全部 all fields common zh 所有字段 alphabet common zh a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z alternate style-sheet: common zh 替代的样式表: american samoa common zh 东萨摩亚 an error happened common zh 发生了错误 an existing and by the webserver readable directory enables the image browser and upload. common zh 现有的和 Web 服务器可读取的目录可启用图片浏览与上传。 andorra common zh 安道尔共和国 angola common zh 安哥拉 anguilla common zh 安圭拉岛 antarctica common zh 南极洲 antigua and barbuda common zh 安提瓜和巴布达· application common zh 应用程序 apply common zh 应用 april common zh 四月 are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common zh 确定要删除这些条目吗? are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common zh 确定要删除该条目吗? argentina common zh 阿根廷 armenia common zh 亚美尼亚 aruba common zh 阿鲁巴岛 august common zh 八月 australia common zh 澳大利亚 austria common zh 奥地利 author common zh 作者 autohide sidebox menu's common zh 自动隐藏侧栏菜单 autohide sidebox menus common zh 自动隐藏侧边栏菜单 automatically hide the sidebox menu's? common zh 是否自动隐藏侧栏菜单? automatically hide the sidebox menus? common zh 是否自动隐藏侧栏菜单? autosave default category common zh 自动保存为默认类别 azerbaijan common zh 阿塞拜疆 back common zh 返回 back to user login common zh 返回登陆界面 background color: common zh 背景颜色: backupdir '%1' is not writeable by the webserver common zh 备份目录'%1'对于 Web 服务器不可写 bad login or password common zh 登录名或密码错误 bahamas common zh 巴哈马群岛 bahrain common zh 巴林群岛 bangladesh common zh 孟加拉国 barbados common zh 巴巴多斯岛 bcc common zh 暗送 belarus common zh 白俄罗斯 belgium common zh 比利时 belize common zh 伯利兹城 benin common zh 贝宁湾 bermuda common zh 百慕大群岛 bhutan common zh 不丹 blocked, too many attempts common zh 尝试次数过多,已封禁 bold common zh 粗体 bolivia common zh 玻利维亚 border common zh 边框 bosnia and herzegovina common zh 波黑 botswana common zh 博茨瓦纳 bottom common zh 底部 bouvet island common zh 布维岛 brazil common zh 巴西 british indian ocean territory common zh 英属印度洋地区 brunei darussalam common zh 文莱 bulgaria common zh 保加利亚 burkina faso common zh 布基纳法索 burundi common zh 布隆迪 calendar common zh 日历 cambodia common zh 柬埔寨 cameroon common zh 喀麦隆 canada common zh 加拿大 cancel common zh 取消 cannot replace %1 because it is a directory common zh 不能替换%1,因为它是目录 cant open '%1' for %2 common zh 无法在%2打开'%1' cape verde common zh 佛得角 caption common zh 标题 categories common zh 类别 categories for common zh 编辑类别. 当前用户 category common zh 类别 category %1 has been added ! common zh 类别%1已添加! category %1 has been updated ! common zh 类别%1已更新! cayman islands common zh 开曼群岛 cc common zh 抄送 centered common zh 居中 central african republic common zh 中非共和国 chad common zh 乍得湖 change common zh 更改 charset common zh utf-8 check installation common zh 检查安装 check now common zh 立即检查 chile common zh 智利 china common zh 中国 choose a background color common zh 选择背景颜色 choose a background color for the icons common zh 选择图标背景颜色 choose a background image. common zh 选择背景图片。 choose a background style. common zh 选择背景风格。 choose a text color for the icons common zh 选择图标文字颜色 choose the category common zh 选择类别 choose the parent category common zh 选择父类别 christmas island common zh 圣诞岛 clear common zh 清除 clear form common zh 清除表单 click common zh 点击 click here to resume your egroupware session. common zh 点击这里恢复您的 eGroupWare 会话。 click or mouse over to show menus common zh 点击或鼠标经过时显示菜单栏 click or mouse over to show menus? common zh 点击或鼠标经过时显示菜单栏? click this image on the navbar: %1 common zh 在导航条:%1上点击该图片 close common zh 关闭 close sidebox common zh 关闭侧边栏 cocos (keeling) islands common zh 科科斯(基灵)群岛 colombia common zh 哥伦比亚 common preferences common zh 通用参数选择 comoros common zh 科摩罗 company common zh 公司 congo common zh 刚果 congo, the democratic republic of the common zh 刚果民主共和国 contacting server... common zh 正在联系服务器... cook islands common zh 库克群岛 copy common zh 复制 costa rica common zh 哥斯达黎加 cote d ivoire common zh 科特迪瓦 could not contact server. operation timed out! common zh 无法连接服务器,操作超时! create common zh 创建 created by common zh 创建者 croatia common zh 克罗地亚 cuba common zh 古巴 currency common zh 货币 current common zh 当前 current users common zh 当前用户 cyprus common zh 塞浦路斯 czech republic common zh 捷克斯洛伐克共和国 database error common zh 数据库错误 database error! common zh 数据库错误! date common zh 日期 date due common zh 到期日 date selection: jscalendar zh 日期选择: datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: admin zh 日期时间端口。
(端口:13/主机: december common zh 十二月 default category common zh 默认显示类别 default height for the windows common zh 默认窗口高度 default width for the windows common zh 默认窗口宽度 delete common zh 删除 delete row common zh 删除行 denmark common zh 丹麦 description common zh 描述 detail common zh 详细信息 details common zh 详细信息 dhtml date/time selector jscalendar zh DHTML 日期/时间选择器 direction left to right common zh 由左到右 directory does not exist, is not readable by the webserver or is not relative to the document root! common zh 目录不存在、对于Web服务器不可读或不是相对的文档根目录! disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common zh 禁用 Internet Explorer 浏览器的 PNG 图片修正脚本 disable slider effects common zh 禁用滑动效果 disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common zh 是否禁用显示或隐藏菜单的滑动效果?建议 Opera 和 Konqueror 的用户选择禁用。 disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common zh 在页面显示或隐藏菜单时禁用动画效果?Opera 和 Konqueror 用户也许必须这样做。 disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common zh 禁用为使 Internet Explorer 5.5 或更高版本能够显示透明的 PNG 图片的修复脚本? disabled common zh 已禁用 display %s first jscalendar zh 首先显示%s distributed under gnu lgpl. see http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html for details. jscalendar zh 在 GNU LGPL. 条款下分发,详见 http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html。 djibouti common zh 吉布提 do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common zh 确定也要删除所有的子类别吗? doctype: common zh 文件类型: document properties common zh 文件属性 document title: common zh 文件标题: domain common zh 域 domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件地址的域名,例如:"%1" domestic common zh 国内 dominica common zh 多米尼加 dominican republic common zh 多米尼加共和国 done common zh 完成 drag to move jscalendar zh 拖动 e-mail common zh 电子邮件 east timor common zh 东帝汶 ecuador common zh 厄瓜多尔 edit common zh 编辑 edit %1 category for common zh 编辑类别%1为 edit categories common zh 类别编辑 edit category common zh 类别编辑 egroupware api version common zh eGroupWare API 版本 egroupware api version %1 common zh eGroupWare API 版本 %1 egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common zh eGroupWare:用户'%1',IP地址%2已被禁止登录 egypt common zh 埃及 el salvador common zh 萨尔瓦多 email common zh 电子邮件 email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的电子邮件地址,例如:"%1" emailadmin common zh 邮箱管理 enabled common zh 已启用 end date common zh 终止日期 end time common zh 终止时间 enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware   or   /egroupware
no trailing slash admin zh 输入eGroupWare 网址。
例如:http://www.domain.com/egroupware 或 /egroupware
结尾无斜线 entry has been deleted sucessfully common zh 条目已删除 entry not found! common zh 条目没找到! entry updated sucessfully common zh 条目已更新 equatorial guinea common zh 赤道几内亚 eritrea common zh 厄立特里亚 error common zh 错误 error creating %1 %2 directory common zh 创建目录%1 %2时出错 error deleting %1 %2 directory common zh 删除目录%1 %2时出错 error renaming %1 %2 directory common zh 重命名目录%1 %2时出错 estonia common zh 爱沙尼亚 ethiopia common zh 埃塞俄比亚 everything common zh 全部 exact common zh 准确的 failed to contact server or invalid response from server. try to relogin. contact admin in case of faliure. common zh 未能连接服务器或由于服务器的错误回应。请重试或联系管理员。 falkland islands (malvinas) common zh 福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯) faroe islands common zh 法罗群岛 fax number common zh 传真号码 features of the editor? common zh 编辑器界面特征? february common zh 二月 fields common zh 字段 fiji common zh 斐济 files common zh 文件 filter common zh 筛选 finland common zh 芬兰 first name common zh 名 first name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的‘名’,例如:"%1" first page common zh 第一页 firstname common zh 名 fixme! common zh FIXME! folder already exists. common zh 文件夹已存在。 for latest version visit: http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl jscalendar zh 了解最新版本请访问:http://dynarch.com/mishoo/calendar.epl force selectbox common zh 必选框 forever common zh 始终 france common zh 法国 french guiana common zh 法属圭亚那地区 french polynesia common zh 法属玻利尼西亚 french southern territories common zh 法国南部地区 friday common zh 星期五 ftp common zh FTP fullname common zh 全称 fullscreen mode common zh 全屏模式 gabon common zh 加蓬 gambia common zh 冈比亚 general menu common zh 常规菜单 georgia common zh 乔治亚州 german common zh 德国 germany common zh 德国 ghana common zh 加纳 gibraltar common zh 直布罗陀 global common zh 全局 global public common zh 全局公有的 go today jscalendar zh 转到今天 grant access common zh 授权访问 greece common zh 希腊 greenland common zh 格陵兰 grenada common zh 格林纳达 group common zh 组 group access common zh 组访问 group has been added common zh 组已添加 group has been deleted common zh 组已删除 group has been updated common zh 组已更新 group name common zh 组名 group public common zh 组公有的 groups common zh 组 groups with permission for %1 common zh 具有%1权限的组 groups without permission for %1 common zh 不具有%1权限的组 guadeloupe common zh 瓜德罗普岛 guam common zh 关岛 guatemala common zh 危地马拉 guinea common zh 几内亚 guinea-bissau common zh 几内亚比绍首都 guyana common zh 圭亚那 haiti common zh 海地 heard island and mcdonald islands common zh 赫德与麦克唐纳群岛 height common zh 高度 help common zh 显示提示信息 high common zh 高 highest common zh 最高 holy see (vatican city state) common zh 罗马教廷(梵蒂冈) home common zh 首页 home email common zh 家庭 EMail honduras common zh 洪都拉斯 hong kong common zh 香港 how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common zh 将在导航栏(页面顶部)显示多少个图标。其它图标会放入一个下拉菜单中,通过点击导航栏最右侧的下拉图标可显示下拉菜单及其中的这些图标。 how to show the general egroupware menu ? common zh 如何显示通用 eGroupWare 菜单 hungary common zh 匈牙利 iceland common zh 冰岛 iespell not detected. click ok to go to download page. common zh ieSpell 未找到,点击确认前往下载页面。 if the clock is enabled would you like it to update it every second or every minute? common zh 如果使用时钟,每秒还是每分钟更新? if there are some images in the background folder you can choose the one you would like to see. common zh 如果背景文件夹中有一些图片的话,您可以选择其中的一个您希望的。 image directory relative to document root (use / !), example: common zh 相对文档根目录的图片目录(使用:/),例如: image url common zh 图片网址 india common zh 印度 indonesia common zh 印度尼西亚 insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common zh 将%2个联系人的全部%1个地址插入%3 insert column after common zh 在之后插入栏 insert column before common zh 在之前插入栏 insert row after common zh 在之后插入行 insert row before common zh 在之前插入行 international common zh 国际 invalid filename common zh 文件名不正确 invalid ip address common zh IP地址无效 invalid password common zh 密码无效 iran, islamic republic of common zh 伊朗 iraq common zh 伊拉克 ireland common zh 爱尔兰 israel common zh 以色列 it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common zh 您的密码已经%1天没有更改了 it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common zh 建议您运行安装程序来升级您的数据表至当前版本。 italic common zh 斜体 italy common zh 意大利 jamaica common zh 牙买加 january common zh 一月 japan common zh 日本 jordan common zh 约旦 july common zh 七月 jun common zh 六月 june common zh 六月 justify center common zh 居中 justify full common zh 两端对齐 justify left common zh 左对齐 justify right common zh 右对齐 kazakstan common zh 哈萨克斯坦 kenya common zh 肯尼亚 keywords common zh 关键词 kiribati common zh 基里巴斯 korea democratic peoples republic of common zh 朝鲜 korea republic of common zh 韩国 kuwait common zh 科威特 kyrgyzstan common zh 吉尔吉斯坦 language common zh 语言 language_direction_rtl common zh language_direction_rtl lao peoples democratic republic common zh 老挝 last name common zh 姓 last name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户的‘姓’,例如:"%1" last page common zh 最后一页 lastname common zh 姓 latvia common zh 拉脱维亚 ldap-mgr common zh LDAP-管理 lebanon common zh 黎巴嫩 left common zh 左 lesotho common zh 莱索托 liberia common zh 利比里亚 libyan arab jamahiriya common zh 利比亚 license common zh 许可证 liechtenstein common zh 列支敦士登 line %1: '%2'
csv data does not match column-count of table %3 ==> ignored common zh 第%1行:'%2'
csv 数据与数据表%3栏数不匹配 ==> 忽略 list common zh 列表 list members common zh 会员列表 lithuania common zh 立陶宛 local common zh 本地 login common zh 登录 loginid common zh 登录名 logout common zh 注销 lost login id common zh 忘记登录帐户 lost password common zh 忘记密码 low common zh 低 lowest common zh 最低 luxembourg common zh 卢森堡 macau common zh 澳门 macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common zh 马其顿王国 madagascar common zh 马达加斯加岛 mail domain, eg. "%1" common zh 邮件域,例如:"%1" main category common zh 主分类 maintainer common zh 维护人员 malawi common zh 马拉维 malaysia common zh 马来西亚 maldives common zh 马尔代夫 mali common zh 马里 malta common zh 马耳他 march common zh 三月 marshall islands common zh 马歇尔群岛 martinique common zh 马提尼克岛 mauritania common zh 毛里塔尼亚 mauritius common zh 毛里求斯 max number of icons in navbar common zh 导航栏中图标的最大数目 may common zh 五月 mayotte common zh 马约特岛 medium common zh 中间 menu common zh 菜单 message common zh 消息 mexico common zh 墨西哥 micronesia, federated states of common zh 密克罗尼西亚联邦 minute common zh 分 moldova, republic of common zh 摩尔多瓦共和国 monaco common zh 摩纳哥 monday common zh 星期一 mongolia common zh 蒙古 montenegro common zh 蒙地纳哥 montserrat common zh 蒙特塞拉特岛 morocco common zh 摩洛哥 mozambique common zh 莫桑比克· multiple common zh 多重 myanmar common zh 缅甸 name common zh 名称 name of the user, eg. "%1" common zh 用户名,例如:"%1" namibia common zh 纳米比亚 nauru common zh 瑙鲁岛 nepal common zh 尼泊尔 netherlands common zh 荷兰 netherlands antilles common zh 荷兰属安的列斯群岛 never common zh 从不 new caledonia common zh 新克里多尼亚 new entry added sucessfully common zh 新条目添加成功 new main category common zh 新建主类别 new value common zh 新值 new zealand common zh 新西兰 next common zh 下一个 next month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 下个月(保持按住菜单) next page common zh 下一页 next year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 明年(保持按住菜单) nicaragua common zh 尼加拉瓜 niger common zh 尼日尔 nigeria common zh 尼日利亚 niue common zh 纽埃岛 no common zh 否 no entries found, try again ... common zh 条目找不到,请重试... no history for this record common zh 该记录无历史记录 no savant2 template directories were found in: common zh 没没有找到 Savant2 模版目录: no subject common zh 无主题 none common zh 无 norfolk island common zh 诺福克岛 normal common zh 普通 northern mariana islands common zh 北马里亚纳群岛 norway common zh 挪威 not common zh 不 not a user yet? register now common zh 还不是用户?现在注册 not assigned common zh 未指定 note common zh 备注 notes common zh 附注 notifications common zh 通知 notify window common zh 通知窗口 notify your administrator to correct this situation common zh 请通知管理员修复此情况 november common zh 十一月 october common zh 十月 ok common zh 确定 old value common zh 旧值 oman common zh 阿曼 on *nix systems please type: %1 common zh 在 *UNIX类系统上,请输入: %1 on mouse over common zh 鼠标移至上面时 only private common zh 仅私有 only yours common zh 只有您 oops! you caught us in the middle of system maintainance. common zh Oops! 您在系统维护中间捉住了我们。 open notify window common zh 打开提示窗口 open popup window common zh 打开弹出式窗口· open sidebox common zh 打开侧边栏 ordered list common zh 排序列表 original common zh 原来的 other common zh 其它 overview common zh 概览 owner common zh 所有者 page common zh 页 page was generated in %1 seconds common zh 本页面生成耗时:%1秒 pakistan common zh 巴基斯坦 palau common zh 帕劳 palestinian territory, occupied common zh 巴勒斯坦 panama common zh 巴拿马 papua new guinea common zh 巴布亚新几内亚 paraguay common zh 巴拉圭 parcel common zh 打包 parent category common zh 父类别 password common zh 密码 password could not be changed common zh 无法更改密码 password has been updated common zh 密码已更新 password must contain at least %1 lowercase letters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个小写英文字母 password must contain at least %1 numbers common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个数字 password must contain at least %1 special characters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个特殊字符 password must contain at least %1 uppercase letters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个大写英文字母 password must have at least %1 characters common zh 密码必须包含至少 %1 个字符 path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common zh 用户和群组的文件路径必须在服务器根目录以外! permission denied! common zh 没有权限! permissions to the files/users directory common zh 文件/用户目录 permisson denied! common zh 没有权限! personal common zh 个人 peru common zh 秘鲁 philippines common zh 菲律宾 phone number common zh 电话号码 phpgwapi common zh [eGW-API]系统核心 pitcairn common zh 皮特凯恩 please %1 by hand common zh 请手动%1 please enter a name common zh 请输入名称! please run setup to become current common zh 请运行安装程序以成为当前 please select common zh 请选择 please set your global preferences common zh 请设置您的全局参数! please set your preferences for this application common zh 请为该应用程序设置用户参数! please wait... common zh 请稍候... please, check back with us shortly. common zh 对不起,稍后回来与我们检查。 poland common zh 波兰 portugal common zh 葡萄牙 postal common zh 邮政 powered by common zh Powered by preferences common zh 参数选择 preferences for the idots template set common zh Idots 模板的参数选择 prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 上个月(hold for menu) prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar zh 去年(hold for menu) previous page common zh 前一页 primary style-sheet: common zh 主要样式表: print common zh 打印 priority common zh 优先级 private common zh 私有条目 programs common zh 程序 project common zh 项目 public common zh 所有已授权者皆可访问 puerto rico common zh 波多黎各 qatar common zh 卡塔尔 read common zh 读取 read this list of methods. common zh 读取方法列表。 reading common zh 读取中 register common zh 注册 regular common zh 常规 reject common zh 拒绝 remember me common zh 记住我 remove selected accounts common zh 删除选取的账号 remove shortcut common zh 移除快捷键 rename common zh 重命名 replace common zh 替换 replace with common zh 替换与 returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common zh 返回系统所有帐户的列表,注意:该列表可能很长 returns an array of todo items common zh 返回一排待处理列表 returns struct of users application access common zh 返回用户访问应用程序的结构 reunion common zh 留尼旺 right common zh 右 romania common zh 罗马尼亚 russian federation common zh 俄罗斯联邦 rwanda common zh 卢旺达 saint helena common zh 圣赫勒拿岛 saint kitts and nevis common zh 圣基茨和尼维斯 saint lucia common zh 圣卢西亚岛 saint pierre and miquelon common zh 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 saint vincent and the grenadines common zh 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 samoa common zh 西萨摩亚 san marino common zh 圣马力诺 sao tome and principe common zh 圣多美和普林西比 saturday common zh 星期六 saudi arabia common zh 沙特阿拉伯 savant2 version differs from savant2 wrapper.
this version: %1
savants version: %2 common zh Savant2 版本不同于 Savant2 wrapper。
Savants 版本:%2 save common zh 保存 search common zh 搜索 search %1 '%2' common zh 搜索%1 '%2' search accounts common zh 搜索账户 search or select accounts common zh 搜索或选择帐户 second common zh 秒 section common zh 部分 select common zh 选择 select all %1 %2 for %3 common zh 为%3选择全部l%1%2 select category common zh 选择分类 select date common zh 选择日期 select group common zh 选择组 select home email address common zh 选择家庭邮件地址 select multiple accounts common zh 选择多个账户 select one common zh 选择一个 select the default height for the application windows common zh 选择默认应用程序窗口高度 select the default width for the application windows common zh 选择默认应用程序窗口宽度 select user common zh 选择用户 select work email address common zh 选择工作邮件地址 selection common zh 选择 send common zh 发送 senegal common zh 塞内加尔 september common zh 九月 serbia common zh 瑟比雅 server %1 has been added common zh 服务器%1已添加 server answered. processing response... common zh 服务器已回应,正在处理中... server contacted. waiting for response... common zh 服务器已连接,等待回应... server name common zh 服务器名 session has been killed common zh 会话已中止 setup common zh 安装程序 setup main menu common zh 安装主菜单 seychelles common zh 塞舌尔 show all common zh 全部显示 show all categorys common zh 显示所有类别 show as topmenu common zh 显示顶部菜单 show clock? common zh 显示时钟? show home and logout button in main application bar? common zh 是否在应用程序导航栏显示主页和注销按钮? show in sidebox common zh 显示侧边栏 show logo's on the desktop. common zh 在桌面显示标示。 show menu common zh 显示菜单 show page generation time common zh 显示页面的生成耗时 show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common zh 是否在页面底部显示该页面生成所耗时间? show page generation time? common zh 显示页面的生成耗时? show the logo's of egroupware and x-desktop on the desktop. common zh 在桌面显示 eGroupware 和 x-desktop 的 logo。 show_more_apps common zh show_more_apps showing %1 common zh 共有%1项 showing %1 - %2 of %3 common zh 显示%3的%1 - %2 sierra leone common zh 塞拉利昂 simple common zh 精简 singapore common zh 新加坡 slovakia common zh 斯洛伐克 slovenia common zh 斯洛文尼亚 solomon islands common zh 所罗门群岛 somalia common zh 索马里 sorry, your login has expired login zh 抱歉,您本次登录已终止 south africa common zh 南非 south georgia and the south sandwich islands common zh 南乔治亚和南桑德韦奇群岛 spain common zh 西班牙 sri lanka common zh 斯里兰卡 start date common zh 起始日期 start time common zh 起始时间 start with common zh 起始于 starting up... common zh 正在启动... status common zh 状态 stretched common zh 拉伸 subject common zh 主题 submit common zh 提交 substitutions and their meanings: common zh 替代及其含义: sudan common zh 苏丹 sunday common zh 星期日 suriname common zh 苏里南 svalbard and jan mayen common zh 斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延 swaziland common zh 斯威士兰 sweden common zh 瑞典 switzerland common zh 瑞士 syrian arab republic common zh 叙利亚阿拉伯共和国 table properties common zh 表属性 taiwan common zh 台湾省/中国台北 tajikistan common zh 塔吉克斯坦 tanzania, united republic of common zh 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 text color: common zh 文字颜色: thailand common zh 泰国 the api is current common zh 当前的应用编程接口(API) the api requires an upgrade common zh 应用编程接口(API)需要升级 the following applications require upgrades common zh 以下应用程序需要升级 the mail server returned common zh 退回邮件 this application is current common zh 该应用程序当前在用 this application requires an upgrade common zh 该应用程序需要升级 this name has been used already common zh 该名称已被使用! thursday common zh 星期四 tiled common zh 平铺 time common zh 时间 time selection: jscalendar zh 时间选择: time zone common zh 时区 time zone offset common zh 时差 title common zh 标题 to common zh 到 to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common zh 为今后更正该错误,您需要适当地设置 to go back to the msg list, click here common zh 点击此处返回邮件列表 today common zh 今天 todays date, eg. "%1" common zh 当前日期,例如:"%1" toggle first day of week jscalendar zh 更改一周起始日 togo common zh 多哥 tokelau common zh 托克劳群岛 tonga common zh 汤加 too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common zh 登录失败次数过多:用户"%2" %1次,IP地址"%4" %3次 top common zh 顶部 total common zh 总计 transparant bg for the icons? common zh 图标背景透明 trinidad and tobago common zh 特立尼达和多巴哥 tuesday common zh 星期二 tunisia common zh 突尼斯 turkey common zh 土耳其 turkmenistan common zh 土库曼斯坦 turks and caicos islands common zh 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 tuvalu common zh 图瓦卢 type common zh 类型 uganda common zh 乌干达 ukraine common zh 乌克兰 underline common zh 下划线 united arab emirates common zh 阿拉伯联合酋长国 united kingdom common zh 英国 united states common zh 美国 united states minor outlying islands common zh 美属群岛 unknown common zh 未知 update common zh 更新 update the clock per minute or per second common zh 按每秒或每分钟更新时钟 upload common zh 上传 upload directory does not exist, or is not writeable by webserver common zh 上传目录不存在,或不可写 upload requires the directory to be writable by the webserver! common zh 上传目录必须为可写! url common zh 网址 uruguay common zh 乌拉圭 use button to search for common zh 使用按钮查找 use button to search for address common zh 使用按钮查找地址 use button to search for calendarevent common zh 使用按钮查找日记 use button to search for project common zh 使用按钮查找项目 user common zh 用户 user accounts common zh 用户帐户 user groups common zh 用户组 user openinstance common zh 用户开放实例 username common zh 用户名 users common zh 用户 users choice common zh 用户的选择 uzbekistan common zh 乌兹别克斯坦 vanuatu common zh 瓦努阿图 venezuela common zh 委内瑞拉 version common zh 版本 viet nam common zh 越南 view common zh 查看 virgin islands, british common zh 英属维京群岛 virgin islands, u.s. common zh 美属维京群岛 wallis and futuna common zh 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛 wednesday common zh 星期三 welcome common zh 欢迎 western sahara common zh 西撒哈拉 what color should all the blank space on the desktop have common zh 桌面空白区域的颜色 what style would you like the image to have? common zh 您喜欢什么样的图片风格? when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. common zh 如果选择“是”,“首页”和“注销”图标将显示在应用程序工具条中。 where and how will the egroupware links like preferences, about and logout be displayed. common zh 将在什么位置和如何以喜欢偏好显示 eGroupWare、关于及注销的链接。 which groups common zh 哪一个组 width common zh 宽度 wk jscalendar zh 星期 work email common zh 工作 EMail 地址 would you like to display the page generation time at the bottom of every window? common zh 您是否要在每个窗口下边显示生成时间? writing common zh 写入 written by: common zh 作者: year common zh 年 yemen common zh 也门 yes common zh 是 you are required to change your password during your first login common zh 首次登录,您必须更改密码 you can customize how many icons and toolbars the editor shows. common zh 您可以通过选项来定制编辑器显示多少个图标与工具栏。 you have been successfully logged out login zh 注销成功 you have not entered a title common zh 必须输入标题 you have not entered a valid date common zh 输入的日期无效 you have not entered a valid time of day common zh 输入的时间无效 you have not entered participants common zh 必须输入参与者 you have selected an invalid date common zh 选定的日期无效! you have selected an invalid main category common zh 选定的主类别无效! you have successfully logged out common zh 注销成功 you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common zh 您必须将Web服务器的用户'%1'添加到用户组'%2'。 you need to be an egroupware administrator to access this functionality! common zh 您必须具备eGroupWare管理员身份才能访问此功能! you've tried to open the egroupware application: %1, but you have no permission to access this application. common zh 你试图打开eGroupWare应用程序:%1,但您没有访问该应用程序的权限。 your message could not be sent!
common zh 您的邮件无法发送!
your message has been sent common zh 您的邮件已发送 your search returned %1 matchs common zh 您的搜索返回%1个匹配结果 your search returned 1 match common zh 您的搜索返回1个匹配结果 your session could not be verified. login zh 本次会话无法校验。 your settings have been updated common zh 您的设置已更新 yugoslavia common zh 南斯拉夫 zambia common zh 赞比亚 zimbabwe common zh 津巴布韦 zoom common zh 缩放 site configuration common zh 站点配置