* * originaly based on todo written by Joseph Engo * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ $phpgw_info['flags'] = array( 'currentapp' => 'infolog', 'enable_nextmatchs_class' => True, 'enable_categories_class' => True ); include('../header.inc.php'); $phpgw->infolog = CreateObject('infolog.infolog'); $html = $phpgw->infolog->html; $db = $phpgw->db; $db2 = $phpgw->db; $t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_APP_TPL); $t->set_file(array( 'info_list_t' => 'list.tpl' )); $t->set_block('info_list_t','info_list','list'); if ($cat_filter) $cat_id = $cat_filter; $hidden_vars = array( 'sort' => $sort,'order' => $order,'query' => $query,'start' => $start, 'filter' => $filter,'cat_id' => $cat_id ); $common_hidden_vars = $html->input_hidden($hidden_vars); if ($action) $common_hidden_vars .= $html->input_hidden('action',$action); switch ($action) { case 'sp': // Sub-List $common_hidden_vars .= $html->input_hidden('info_id',$info_id); $t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log - Subprojects from')); break; case 'proj': $common_hidden_vars .= $html->input_hidden('proj_id',$proj_id); $proj = $phpgw->infolog->readProj($proj_id); $t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.$proj['title']); break; case 'addr': $common_hidden_vars .= $html->input_hidden('addr_id',$addr_id); $addr = $phpgw->infolog->readAddr($addr_id); $t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log').' - '.$phpgw->infolog->addr2name($addr)); break; default: $t->set_var(lang_info_action,lang('Info Log')); break; } $t->set_var($phpgw->infolog->setStyleSheet( )); $t->set_var(actionurl,$phpgw->link('/infolog/edit.php','action=new')); $t->set_var('cat_form',$phpgw->link('/infolog/index.php')); $t->set_var('lang_category',lang('Category')); $t->set_var('lang_all',lang('All')); $t->set_var('lang_select',lang('Select')); $t->set_var('categories',$phpgw->categories->formated_list('select','all',$cat_id,'True')); $t->set_var(common_hidden_vars,$common_hidden_vars); // =========================================== // list header variable template-declarations // =========================================== $t->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->infoHeaders( 1,$sort,$order )); $t->set_var(h_lang_sub,lang('Sub')); $t->set_var(h_lang_action,lang('Action')); // -------------- end header declaration ----------------- if (! $start) { $start = 0; } if ($order) { $ordermethod = 'order by ' . $order . ' ' . $sort; } else { $ordermethod = 'order by info_datecreated desc'; // newest first } if (!$filter) { $filter = 'none'; } $filtermethod = $phpgw->infolog->aclFilter($filter); if ($cat_id) { $filtermethod .= " AND info_cat='$cat_id' "; } if ($action == 'addr') $filtermethod .= " AND info_addr_id=$addr_id "; if ($action == 'proj') $filtermethod .= " AND info_proj_id=$proj_id "; // we search in _from, _subject and _des for $query if ($query) $sql_query = "AND (info_from like '%$query%' OR info_subject like '%$query%' OR info_des like '%$query%') "; $pid = 'AND info_id_parent='.($action == 'sp' ? $info_id : 0); if ($phpgw->infolog->listChilds && $action != 'sp') $pid = ''; $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query",__LINE__,__FILE__); $db->next_record(); $total = $db->f(0); if ($total <= $start) $start = 0; if ($total > ($maxmatchs = $phpgw_info['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs'])) { $to = $start + $maxmatchs; if ($to > $total) $to = $total; $total_matchs = lang('showing x - x of x',($start + 1),$to,$total); } else { $total_matchs = lang('showing x',$total); } $t->set_var('total_matchs',$total_matchs); // ========================================== // project description if subprojectlist // ========================================== $t->set_block('info_list_t','projdetails','projdetailshandle'); switch ($action) { case 'sp': // details of parent $t->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->infoHeaders( )); $t->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->formatInfo( $info_id )); $t->parse('projdetailshandle','projdetails',True); break; case 'addr': break; case 'proj': break; } // =========================================== // nextmatch variable template-declarations // =========================================== $next_matchs = $phpgw->nextmatchs->show_tpl('/infolog/index.php',$start,$total, "&order=$order&filter=$filter&sort=$sort&query=$query&action=$action&info_id=$info_id&cat_id=$cat_id", '95%',$phpgw_info['theme']['th_bg']); $t->set_var('next_matchs',$next_matchs); if ($total > $maxmatchs) $t->set_var('next_matchs_end',$next_matchs); // ---------- end nextmatch template -------------------- $db->limit_query($q="SELECT * FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE $filtermethod $pid $sql_query $ordermethod",$start,__LINE__,__FILE__); while ($db->next_record()) { // ======================================== // check if actual project has subprojects // ======================================== $db2->query("select count(*) as cnt FROM phpgw_infolog where info_id_parent=" .$db->f('info_id'),__LINE__,__FILE__); $db2->next_record(); if ($db2->f('cnt') > 0) { $subproact = 1; } else { $subproact = 0; } // ----------------------------------------- $phpgw->nextmatchs->template_alternate_row_color(&$t); $t->set_var( $phpgw->infolog->formatInfo( $db->Record,$proj_id,$addr_id )); if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_EDIT)) { $t->set_var('edit','' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','edit') . ''); } else { $t->set_var('edit',''); } if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_DELETE)) { $t->set_var('delete','' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','delete') . ''); } else { $t->set_var('delete',''); } $t->set_var('subadd', ''); // defaults no icons $t->set_var('viewsub', ''); $t->set_var('viewparent', ''); if ($subproact > 0) { // if subprojects exist, display VIEW SUB icon $t->set_var('viewsub', '' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','view') . ''); } else { // else display ADD SUB-Icon if ($phpgw->infolog->check_access($db->f('info_id'),PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) { $t->set_var('subadd', '' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','new') . ''); } } // if parent --> display VIEW SUBS of Parent if ($db->f('info_id_parent') && $action != 'sp') { $t->set_var('viewparent', '' . $phpgw->infolog->icon('action','parent') . ''); } $t->parse('list','info_list',True); // -------------- end record declaration ------------------------ } // ========================================================= // back2project list href declaration for subproject list // ========================================================= if ($action) { $t->set_var('lang_back2projects', '
'.lang('Back to Projectlist').''); } // get actual date and year for matrixview arguments /* $year = date('Y'); $month = date('m'); $t->set_var('lang_matrixviewhref', '
'.lang('View Matrix of actual Month').''); */ // ============================================ // template declaration for Add Form // ============================================ $t->set_var(lang_add,lang('Add')); $t->pfp('out','info_list_t',true); // -------------- end Add form declaration ------------------------ $phpgw->common->phpgw_footer(); ?>