This is using the MSSQL class
"; */ // ^^ really ?! :) class db { var $VEOF = -1; var $Transaction = false; function connect($Database = '', $Host = '', $Port = '', $User = '', $Password = '') { /* Handle defaults */ if ($Database == '') { $Database = $this->Database; } if ($Host == '') { $Host = $this->Host; } if ($Port == '') { $Port = $this->Port; } if ($User == '') { $User = $this->User; } if ($Password == '') { $Password = $this->Password; } $Host = $Host.':'.$Port; if (! $this->Link_ID ) { if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_persistent']) { $this->Link_ID=mssql_pconnect($Host, $User, $Password); } else { $this->Link_ID=mssql_connect($Host, $User, $Password); } if (!$this->Link_ID) { $this->halt('Link-ID == false, mssql_'.($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_persistent']?'p':'').'connect failed'); } else { mssql_select_db($Database, $this->Link_ID); } } } function db_addslashes($str) { if (!IsSet($str) || $str == '') { return ''; } return str_replace("'", "''", $str); } function free_result() { if ($this->Query_ID) { mssql_free_result($this->Query_ID); } $this->Query_ID = 0; $this->VEOF = -1; } function query($Query_String, $line = '', $file = '') { $this->VEOF = -1; if (!$this->Link_ID) { $this->connect(); } $this->Query_ID = mssql_query($Query_String, $this->Link_ID); $this->Row = 0; if (!$this->Query_ID) { $this->halt("Invalid SQL: " . $Query_String, $line, $file); } return $this->Query_ID; } // I don't have access to M$-SQL, can someone finish these 2 functions ? (jengo) function to_timestamp($epoch) { return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $epoch); } function from_timestamp($timestamp) { return strtotime($timestamp); } // public: perform a query with limited result set function limit_query($Query_String, $offset, $line = '', $file = '', $num_rows = '') { if (! $num_rows) { $num_rows = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['maxmatchs']; } if ($this->Debug) { printf("Debug: limit_query = %s
offset=%d, num_rows=%d
\n", $Query_String, $offset, $num_rows); } $this->query($Query_String, $line, $file); if ($this->Query_ID) { $this->Row = $offset; // Push cursor to appropriate row in case next_record() is used if ($offset > 0) { @mssql_data_seek($this->Query_ID, $offset); } $this->VEOF = $offset + $num_rows - 1; } return $this->Query_ID; } function next_record() { if (!$this->Query_ID) { $this->halt("next_record called with no query pending."); return 0; } if ($this->VEOF == -1 || ($this->Row++ <= $this->VEOF)) { // Work around for buggy mssql_fetch_array $rec = @mssql_fetch_row($this->Query_ID); if ($rec) { $this->Record = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($rec); $i++) { $this->Record[$i] = $rec[$i]; $o = mssql_fetch_field($this->Query_ID, $i); $this->Record[$o->name] = $rec[$i]; } } else { $this->Record = NULL; } } else { $this->Record = NULL; } $stat = is_array($this->Record); if (!$stat && $this->Auto_Free) { $this->free(); } return $stat; } function transaction_begin() { $this->Transaction = !!mssql_query('BEGIN TRAN', $this->Link_ID); return $this->Transaction; } function transaction_commit() { if (!$this->Errno && $this->Transaction) { $this->Transaction = false; return !!mssql_query('COMMIT TRAN', $this->Link_ID); } return False; } function transaction_abort() { if ($this->Transaction) { $this->Transaction = false; return !!mssql_query('ROLLBACK TRAN', $this->Link_ID); } return false; } function seek($pos) { mssql_data_seek($this->Query_ID,$pos); $this->Row = $pos; } function metadata($table) { $count = 0; $id = 0; $res = array(); $this->connect(); $id = mssql_query("select * from $table", $this->Link_ID); if (!$id) { $this->halt('Metadata query failed.'); } $count = mssql_num_fields($id); for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $info = mssql_fetch_field($id, $i); $res[$i]['table'] = $table; $res[$i]['name'] = $info['name']; $res[$i]['len'] = $info['max_length']; $res[$i]['flags'] = $info['numeric']; } $this->free_result(); return $res; } function affected_rows() { return mssql_affected_rows($this->Query_ID); } function num_rows() { if($this->Query_ID) { return mssql_num_rows($this->Query_ID); } else { return 0; } } function num_fields() { return mssql_num_fields($this->Query_ID); } function f($Field_Name) { if ($strip_slashes || ($this->auto_stripslashes && ! $strip_slashes)) { return str_replace("''", "'", $this->Record[$Name]); } else { return $this->Record[$Name]; } } function get_last_insert_id($table, $field) { if (!isset($table) || $table == '' || !isset($field) || $field == '') { return -1; } $result = @mssql_query("select @@identity", $this->Link_ID); if (!$result) { return -1; } return mssql_result($result, 0, 0); } function lock($table, $mode="write") { // /me really, really, really hates locks - transactions serve just fine return $this->transaction_begin(); } function unlock() { return $this->transaction_commit(); } function halt($msg, $line = '', $file = '') { $this->unlock(); $this->Errno = 1; $this->Error = mssql_get_last_message(); if ($this->Error == '') { $this->Error = "General Error (The MS-SQL interface did not return a detailed error message)."; } if ($this->Halt_On_Error == "no") { return; } $this->haltmsg($msg); if ($file) { printf("
File: %s",$file); } if ($line) { printf("
Line: %s",$line); } printf("
Function: %s\n",function_backtrace()); if ($this->Halt_On_Error != "report") { echo "

Session halted."; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(True); } } function haltmsg($msg) { printf("Database error: %s
\n", $msg); if ($this->Errno != "0" && $this->Error != "()") { printf("MS-SQL Error: %s (%s)
\n", $this->Errno, $this->Error); } } function table_names() { $this->query("select name from sysobjects where type='u' and name != 'dtproperties'"); $i = 0; while ($info = @mssql_fetch_row($this->Query_ID)) { $return[$i]['table_name'] = $info[0]; $return[$i]['tablespace_name'] = $this->Database; $return[$i]['database'] = $this->Database; $i++; } return $return; } } ?>